I am working with e-mail templates, and the client tests on outlook 2019, gmail and yahoo.
Is there any way to inspect the element in outlook-2019 ? I know this can't be done on the actual app, but maybe some kind of emulator or something similar ?
Yes, you can use any of these popular tools:
1 - Litmus https://litmusapp.com/
2 - MailChimp https://www.mailchimp.com/
3 - CampaignMonitor https://www.campaignmonitor.com/
4 - testi https://testi.at/
5 - Email on Acid # https://www.emailonacid.com/
I was using desired capabilities for different browser and devices using below code in resource file. From last week onwards I could not able to run in Android device when I can contact BS they are telling use W3C protocal instead of leagcy protocal. Could you please guide how to fix this?
Set Environment
${remoteUrl} Set Variable https://${BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME}:${BROWSERSTACK_KEY}#hub-cloud.browserstack.com/wd/hub
&{desiredCapabilities} Create Dictionary device=Samsung Galaxy S20 os_version=10.0 browserName=Samsung browserstack.debug=true browserstack.realMobile=true browserstack.consoleLogs=info browserstack.local=false browserstack.networkLogs=true browserstack.selenium_version=4.1.0 browserstack.use_w3c=true browserstack.appium_version=1.17.1
Open Browser remote_url=${remoteUrl} desired_capabilities=${desiredCapabilities}
Has anyone tried the new Google Analytics Data Api (still in beta) for a GA4-Property?
We did this, the way it is recommended in the docs here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/quickstart-client-libraries
Connection and authorization is working fine, but the values that are responded are way to small. For example it reported activeUsers for last 7 days as 50...but Analyitcs GUI has about 20.000...same as our old UA-Property that runs parallel. And the old reporting Api has the correct numbers...
We did it exactly like the reference example...
client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient()
request = RunReportRequest(
date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="today")],
response = client.run_report(request)
print("Report result:")
for row in response.rows:
print(row.dimension_values[0].value, row.metric_values[0].value)
This gives me:
Organic Search 34
Paid Search 19
Direct 6
Referral 3
Email 1
So "organic" for example should be around 20.000!
Funny thing is even the Query Explorer App (https://ga-dev-tools.web.app/query-explorer/) is showing these low numbers for the GA4-Property...
Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks!
i'm following that blog entrance, https://agileapp.co/Stripe-and-ApplePay-with-Xamarin-Forms/, that tells us how to integrate Stripe with Apple Pay using Xamarin Forms.
I follow all code, and the only thing I changed is in PaymentButtonRenderer, CountryCode and CurrencyCode properties of PKPaymentRequest, set for use in Spain (ES and EUR), and of course, MerchantIdentifier as I set in apple developer portal.
All things I have to do in Stripe are already done.
As you can see in the images below, payment is not finished, and I don't know why. I don't know where I have to set the pay using Stripe (var myCharge = new ChargeCreateOptions()....), maybe in PCL ViewModel, in PaymentWillAuthorize or PaymentDidAuthorize... but I have two breakpoints and PaymentDidAuthorize never breaks, only PaymentWillAuthorize , but I don't know how I have to code in these methods.
Another extrange thing, is that if I use MerchantCapabilities as PKMerchantCapability.ThreeDS, I have an error message that tells that "Apple Pay is not available in my App", but if I change it to PKMerchantCapability.Debit, then the payment not finish.
Could you tell me what is wrong??
Everything works fine, I just only create apple merchant certificate again, and code does what it have to do.
Problem solved, thanks #karllekko
Rest Api has the option to set a "weight" (RouteFeatureWeightType) for every RouteFeatureType, while mobile SDKs have only on/off feature(es: you can ask a route with or without dirt road). Is there a similar function or workaround for mobile SDKs?
RouteRestrictions options to specify restrictions for route calculations. These include avoidSeasonalClosures, avoidAreas.
More features for routing are as follows :
I'm trying to create an app to read company updates, but I have a few queries. Please help...
I'm using LinkedIn api via Oauth authentication in R
Is there anyway to fetch more updates than the restriction (only allow fetch up to 250 updates or updates in the last 20 days whichever comes first) ?
Example code
https://api.linkedin.com/v1/companies/270126/updates?event-type=status-update&count=100&start=0 &oauth2_access_token={access_token}
Once I got the updateKey, I'm trying to fetch the comments and likes but it's returning NO return
Example code
From the company status-update, it's returning FALSE for is-commentable and is-likable? Is that why there are no result from Query 2. If so, is there anyway to change that setting?
'is-commentable' false '/is-commentable'
'is-likable' false '/is-likable'
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Linkedin developer - Reading Company Shares link
Try using the Share and Social Stream end point instead of the Companies end point like this:
The documentation is here:
Also you can test different Linkedin API calls here: