Replacing Column Names without typing the actual column names - r

Simple but frustrating problem here:
I've imported xls data into R, which unfortunately is the only current way to get the data - no csv option or direct DB query.
Anyways - I'm looking to do quite a bit of manipulation on this data set, however the variable names are extraordinarily messy: ie. col2 = "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\r XXXXXX YYYYY ZZZZZZ" - you get my gist. Each column head has an equally messy name as this example and there are typically >15 columns per spreadsheet.
Ideally I'd like to program a name manipulation solution via R to avoid manually changing the names in xls prior to importing. But I can't seem to find the right solution, since every R function I try/check requires the column name be spelled out and set to a new variable. Spelling out the entire column name is tedious and impractical and plus the special characters seem to break R's functions anyways.
Does anyone know how to do a global replace all names or a global rename by column number rather than name?
I've tried
for loops

Remove non-printing characters in the first gsub. Then trim whitespace off the ends using trimws and replace consecutive strings of the same character with just one of them in the second gsub. No packages are used.
# test input
d <- data.frame("\r\r\r\r\r\n\n\n\n\n\n XXXX YYYY ZZZZ" = 0, check.names = FALSE)
names(d) <- trimws(gsub("[^[:print:]]", "", names(d)))
names(d) <- gsub("(.)\\1+", "\\1", names(d))
## X Y Z
## 1 0
With R 3.6 or later you could consider replacing the first gsub line with this trimws line:
names(d) <- trimws(names(d), "both", "\\s")
If you want syntactic names add this after the above code:
names(d) <- make.names(names(d))
## X.Y.Z
## 1 0


Error: unexpected input in "reg1 <- lm(_"

I am pretty new to R, about 3 months in, and when I was trying to run a regression R shot me this error, Error: unexpected input in "reg1 <- lm(_" the variable I use has an underscore, and some other variables too, I didn't know if R support underscore in a regression or not as thats the first time I had a variable with an underscore in it's name. If it doesn't, how can I change to name?
As good practice, always begin variable/column names with letters (although not explicitly the rule, and you can technically start with the period symbol, this will save hassle). When dealing with data imported into R with predefined column names (or just when dealing with dataframes in general) you can rename columns in the dataframe df as follows
names(df)[names(df) == 'OldName'] <- 'NewName'
If you really need to, you can protect 'illegal' names with back-quotes (although I agree with other answers/comments that this is not good practice ...)
dd <- data.frame(`_y`=rnorm(10), x = 1:10, check.names=FALSE)
## [1] "_y" "x"
lm(`_y` ~ x, data = dd)

How to separate a text file into columns

This is what my text file looks like:
All these values are continuous and each character indicates something. I am unable to figure out how to separate each value into columns and specify a heading for all these new columns which will be created.
I used this code, however it does not seem to work.
birthweight <- read.table("birthweighthw1.txt", sep="", col.names=c("ethnic","age","smoke","preweight","delweight","breastfed","brthwght","brthlngthā€¯))
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming that you have a clear definition for every column, you can use regular expressions to solve this in no time.
From your column names and example data, I guess that the regular expression that matches each field is:
ethnic: \d{1}
age: \d{1,2}
smoke: \d{1}
preweight: \d{3}\.\d{2}
delweight: \d{3}\.\d{2}
breastfed: Y|N
brthwght: \d{3}
brthlngth: \d{3}\.\d{1,2}
We can put all this together in a regular expression that captures each of these fields
reg.expression <- "(\\d{1})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{1})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(Y|N)(\\d{3})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{1,2})"
Note: In R, we need to scape "\" that's why we write \d instead of \d.
That said, here comes the code to solve the problem.
First, you need to read your strings
lines <- readLines("birthweighthw1.txt")
Now, we define our regular expression and use the function str_match from the package stringr to get your data into character matrix.
reg.expression <- "(\\d{1})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{1})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(Y|N)(\\d{3})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{1,2})"
captured <- str_match(string= lines, pattern= reg.expression)
You can check that the first column in the matrix contains the text matched, and the following columns the data captured. So, we can get rid of the first column
captured <- captured[,-1]
and transform it into a data.frame with appropriate column names
result <-,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(result) <- c("ethnic","age","smoke","preweight","delweight","breastfed","brthwght","brthlngth")
Now, every column in result is of type character, you can transform each of them into other types. For example:
result <- result %>% mutate(ethnic=as.factor(ethnic),

In R, how to read file with custom end of line (eol)

I have a text file to read in R (and store in a data.frame). The file is organized in several rows and columns. Both "sep" and "eol" are customized.
Problem: the custom eol, i.e. "\t&nd" (without quotations), can't be set in read.table(...) (or read.csv(...), read.csv2(...),...) nor in fread(...), and I can't able to find a solution.
I'have search here ("[r] read eol" and other I don't remember) and I don't find a solution: the only one was to preprocess the file changing the eol (not possible in my case because into some fields I can find something like \n, \r, \n\r, ", ... and this is the reason for the customization).
You could approach this two different ways:
A. If the file is not too wide, you can read your desired rows using scan and split it into your desired columns with strsplit, then combine into a data.frame. Example:
# Provide reproducible example of the file ("raw.txt" here) you are starting with
your_text <- "a~b~c!1~2~meh!4~5~wow"
write(your_text,"raw.txt"); rm(your_text)
eol_str = "!" # whatever character(s) the rows divide on
sep_str = "~" # whatever character(s) the columns divide on
# read and parse the text file
# scan gives you an array of row strings (one string per row)
# sapply strsplit gives you a list of row arrays (as many elements per row as columns)
f <- file("raw.txt")
row_list <- sapply(scan("raw.txt", what=character(), sep=eol_str),
strsplit, split=sep_str)
df <- data.frame(,row_list[2:length(row_list)]))
row.names(df) <- NULL
names(df) <- row_list[[1]]
# a b c
# 1 1 2 meh
# 2 4 5 wow
B. If A doesn't work, I agree with #BondedDust that you probably need an external utility -- but you can invoke it in R with system() and do a find/replace to reformat your file for read.table. Your invocation will be specific to your OS. Example: . Since you note that you have \n, and \r\n in your text already, I recommend that you first find and replace them with temporary placeholders -- perhaps quoted versions of themselves -- and then you can convert them back after you have built your data.frame.

Changing column names or exceptions to strsplit

I have a dataframe Genotypes and it has columns of loci labeled D2S1338, D2S1338.1, CSF1PO, CSF1PO.1, Penta.D, Penta.D.1. These names were automatically generated when I imported the Excel spreadsheet into R such that the for the two columns labeled CSF1PO, the column with the first set of alleles was labeled CSF1PO and the second column was labeled CSF1PO.1. This works fine until I get to Penta D which was listed with a space in Excel and imported as Penta.D. When I apply the following code, Penta.D gets combined with Penta.C and Penta.E to give me nonsensical results:
locuses = unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(Freqs), ".", fixed=TRUE), function(x) x[1])))
Expected <- sapply(locuses, function(x) 1 - sum(unlist(Freqs[grepl(x, names(Freqs))])^2))
This code works great for all loci except the Pentas because of how they were automatically names. How do I either write an exception for the strsplit at Penta.C, Penta.D, and Penta.E or change these names to PentaC, PentaD, and PentaE so that the above code works as expected? I run the following line:
Genotypes <- transform(Genotypes, rename.vars(Genotypes, from="Penta.C", to="PentaC", info=TRUE))
and it tells me:
Changing in Genotypes
From: Penta.C
To: PentaC
but when I view Genotypes, it still has my Penta loci written as Penta.C. I thought this function would write it back to the original data frame, not just a copy. What am I missing here? Thanks for your help.
The first line of your code is splitting the variable names by . and extracting the first piece. It sounds like you instead want to split by . and extract all the pieces except for the last one:
locuses = unique(unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(Freqs), ".", fixed=TRUE),
function(x) paste(x[1:(length(x)-1)], collapse=""))))
Looks like you want to remove ".n" where n is a single digit if and only if it appears at the end of a line.
loci.columns <- read.table(header=F,
loci <- gsub("\\.\\d$",replace="",unlist(loci.columns))
# [1] "D2S1338" "D2S1338" "CSF1PO" "CSF1PO" "Penta.D" "Penta.D"
loci <- unique(loci)
# [1] "D2S1338" "CSF1PO" "Penta.D"
In gsub(...), \\. matches ".", \\d matches any digit, and $ forces the match to be at the end of the line.
The basic problem seems like the names are being made "valid" on import by the make.names function
> make.names("Penta C")
[1] "Penta.C"
Avoid R's column re-naming with use of the check.names=FALSE argument to read.table. If you refer explicitly to columns you'll need to provide a back-quoted strings
df$`Penta C`

Processing files in a particular order in R

I have several datafiles, which I need to process in a particular order. The pattern of the names of the files is, e.g. "Ad_10170_75_79.txt".
Currently they are sorted according to the first numbers (which differ in length), see below:
f <- as.matrix (list.files())
[1] "Ad_10170_75_79.txt" "Ad_10345_76_79.txt" "Ad_1049_25_79.txt" "Ad_10531_77_79.txt"
But I need them to be sorted by the middle number, like this:
> f
[1] "Ad_1049_25_79.txt" "Ad_10170_75_79.txt" "Ad_10345_76_79.txt" "Ad_10531_77_79.txt"
As I just need the middle number of the filename, I thought the easiest way is, to get rid of the rest of the name and renaming all files. For this I tried using strsplit (plyr).
f2 <- strsplit (f,"_79.txt")
But I'm sure there is a way to sort the files directly, without renaming all files. I tried using sort and to describe the name with regex but without success. This has been a problem for many days, and I spent several hours searching and trying, to solve this presumably easy task. Any help is very much appreciated.
old example dataset:
f <- c("Ad_10170_75_79.txt", "Ad_10345_76_79.txt",
"Ad_1049_25_79.txt", "Ad_10531_77_79.txt")
Thank your for your answers. I think I have to modify my example, because the solution should work for all possible middle numbers, independent of their digits.
new example dataset:
f <- c("Ad_10170_75_79.txt", "Ad_10345_76_79.txt",
"Ad_1049_9_79.txt", "Ad_10531_77_79.txt")
Here's a regex approach.
f[order(as.numeric(gsub('Ad_\\d+_(\\d+)_\\d+\\.txt', '\\1', f)))]
# [1] "Ad_1049_9_79.txt" "Ad_10170_75_79.txt" "Ad_10345_76_79.txt" "Ad_10531_77_79.txt"
Try this:
f[order(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(f, "_"), "[[", 3))))]
[1] "Ad_1049_25_79.txt" "Ad_10170_75_79.txt" "Ad_10345_76_79.txt" "Ad_10531_77_79.txt"
First we split by _, then select the third element of every list element, find the order and subset f based on that order.
I would create a small dataframe containing filenames and their respective extracted indices:
f<- c("Ad_10170_75_79.txt","Ad_10345_76_79.txt","Ad_1049_25_79.txt","Ad_10531_77_79.txt")
f2 <- strsplit (f,"_79.txt")
mydb <-,substr(f2,start=nchar(f2)-1,nchar(f2))))
names(mydb) <- c("filename","index")
Take the first column of this as your filename vector.
If a numeric index is required, simply convert character to numeric:
mydb$index <- as.numeric(mydb$index)
