Are request JSESSIONID and response JSESSIONID supposed to be different? - servlets

I see that JSESSIONID in the request header and the response header of an HTTP request is different. Is it a common scenario or an exception?

This is normal, but I wouldn't say common. It depends on what you are doing during that request / response exchange.
Invalidating any existing Session on login / logout is a common technique.
Using Session invalidate to invalidate an existing session is common.
Using HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId() during a change in login is also common, and a recommended technique by the security experts out there too.
But none of those happen on all requests, and shouldn't be the norm for the majority of your request.
In short, it's normal / common for certain types of requests (credential change, login, authentication, authorization, etc), but rare to unheard of for other types of requests.


Nginx: allow only certain cookies in http response

I'm using playframework and nginx. playframework may add following cookies to http response: PLAY_SESSION, PLAY_FLASH, PLAY_LANG.
I want to make sure that only above cookies (PLAY_*) are allowed in nginx level. If there are other cookies (let's say they're added accidentally) they should be removed by nginx.
How can I allow only predefined cookies in http response in nginx?
PS: If it's not possible to solve this issue in nginx, I need to fix by using playframework.
How cookies work?
First, let's establish what's cookies — they're little pieces of "sticky" hidden information that lets you keep state on your web-site for a given User-Agent. These cookies are often used for tracking users, keeping session and storing minor preference information for the site.
Set-Cookie HTTP response header (from server to client)
Cookies can be set by the server through the Set-Cookie response header (with a separate header for each cookie), or, after the page has already been transferred from the server to the client, through JavaScript.
Note that setting cookies is a pretty complex job — they have expiration dates, http/https settings, path etc — hence the apparent necessity to use a separate Set-Cookie header for each cookie.
This requirement to have a separate header is usually not an issue, since cookies aren't supposed to be modified all that often, as they usually store very minimal information, like a session identifier, with the heavy-duty information being stored in an associated database on the server.
Cookie HTTP request header (from client to server)
Regardless how they were first set, cookies would then included in eligible subsequent requests to the server by the client, using the Cookie request header, with a whole list of eligible cookies in one header.
Note that, as such, these cookies that are sent by the client back to the server is a simple list of name and attribute pairs, without any extra information about the underlying cookies that store these attributes on the client side (e.g., the expiration dates, http/https setting and paths are saved by the client internally, but without being revealed in subsequent requests to the server).
This conciseness of the Cookie request header field is important, because, once set, eligible cookies will be subsequently included in all forthcoming requests for all resources with the eligible scheme / domain / path combination.
Caching issues with cookies.
The normal issue of using cookies, especially in the context of acceleration and nginx, is that:
cookies invalidate the cache by default (e.g., unless you use proxy_ignore_headers Set-Cookie;),
or, if you do sloppy configuration, cookies could possibly spoil your cache
e.g., through the client being able to pass cookies to the upstream in the absence of proxy_set_header Cookie "";,
or, through the server insisting on setting a cookie through the absence of proxy_hide_header Set-Cookie;.
How nginx handles cookies?
Cookie from the client
Note that nginx does support looking through the cookies that the client sends to it (in the Cookie request header) through the $cookie_name scheme.
If you want to limit the client to only be sending certain cookies, you could easily re-construct the Cookie header based on these variables, and send only whichever ones you want to the upstream (using proxy_set_header as above).
Or, you could even make decisions based on the cookie to decide which upstream to send the request to, or to have a per-user/per-session proxy_cache_key, or make access control decisions based on the cookies.
Set-Cookie from the backend
As for the upstream sending back the cookies, you can, of course, decide to block it all to considerably improve the caching characteristics (if applicable to your application, or parts thereof), or fix up the domain and/or path with proxy_cookie_domain and/or proxy_cookie_path, respectively.
Otherwise, it's generally too late to make any other routing decision — the request has already been processed by the selected upstream server, and the response is ready to be served — so, naturally, there doesn't seem to be a way to look into these individual Set-Cookie cookies through normal means in nginx (unless you want to go third-party modules, or lua, or perl), since it'd already be too late to make any important routing decisions for a completed request.
Basically, these Set-Cookie cookies have more to do with the content than with the way it is served or routed, so, it doesn't seem appropriate to have integrated functionality to look into them through nginx.
(If you do need to make routing decisions after the completion of the request, then nginx does support X-Accel-Redirect, as well as some other special headers.)
If your issue is security, then, as I've pointed out above, the upstream developer can already use JavaScript to set ANY extra cookies however they want, so, effectively, trying to use nginx to limit some, but not all, Set-Cookie responses from the server is kind of a pointless endeavour in the real world (as there is hardly any difference between the cookies set through JavaScript compared to Set-Cookie).
In summary:
you can easily examine and reconstruct the Cookie header sent by the client to the server before passing it over to the backend, and only include the sanctioned cookies in the request to upstream backend,
but, unless you want to use lua/perl, or have your own nginx module (as well as possibly quarantine the JavaScript from the pages you serve), then you cannot pass only certain Set-Cookie headers back from the upstream backend to the client with a stock nginx.conf — with the Set-Cookie headers, it's an all-or-nothing situation, and there doesn't seem to be a good-enough use-case for a distinct approach.
For an Nginx solution it might be worth asking over at serverfault. Here is a potential solution via Play Framework.
package filters
import javax.inject._
import play.api.mvc._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
class ExampleFilter #Inject()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends EssentialFilter {
override def apply(next: EssentialAction) = EssentialAction { request =>
next(request).map { result =>
val cookieWhitelist = List("PLAY_SESSION", "PLAY_FLASH", "PLAY_LANG")
val allCookies = => DiscardingCookie(
val onlyWhitelistedCookies = result.newCookies.filter(c => cookieWhitelist.contains(
result.discardingCookies(allCookies: _*).withCookies(onlyWhitelistedCookies: _*)
This solution utilizes Filters and Result manipulation. Do test for adverse effects on performance.

Routes using cookie authentication from previous version of Paw no longer work on new version

I have a route that uses an authentication cookie set by another route. I've created it like this:
This method no longer works in the new version. Paw complains that there is no set-cookie header in the response from the Authenticate request.
It seems this is because Paw now takes the cookies and handles them differently from other headers. I like this approach because it should make this sort of authentication easier, but, unfortunately, it's not working like I would expect.
Here's how I have configured a newer request:
So, I've set the cookie header to the Response Cookies dynamic value which, I believe, should pass along the cookies set previously. I would think I should select the Authenticate request from the dropdown (since it's the response from this request that actually sets the cookie, but the cookie value disappears if I do that. Instead, I have left the request value as Current Request since that seems to contain the correct value.
I've also noticed the Automatically send cookies setting which I thought might be an easy solution. I removed the manual cookie header from my request leaving this checked in hopes it might automatically send over any cookies from the cookie jar along with the request, but that doesn't seem to work either. No matter what I try, my request fails to produce the desired results because of authentication.
Can you help me understand how to configure these requests so that I can continue using Paw to test session-authenticated routes?
Here are a couple of things that will make you understand how cookies work in Paw (starting from version 2.1):
1. Cookies are stored in Jars
To allow users to keep multiple synchronous sessions, cookies are stored in jars, so you can switch between sessions (jars) easily.
Cookies stored in jars will be sent only if they match the request (hostname, path, is secure, etc.).
2. Cookies from jars are sent by default, unless Cookie header is overridden
If you set a Cookie header manually, cookies stored in jars wont' be sent.
And obviously unless Automatically Send Cookies is disabled.
3. The previous use of "Response Headers" was hacky. Use Response Cookies.
In fact, Set-Cookie (for responses) and Cookie (for requests) have different syntaxes. So you can't send back the original value of Set-Cookie (even though it seemed to be working in most cases).
The new Response Cookies dynamic value you mentioned has this purpose: send back the cookies set by a specific request.
Now, in your case, I would use a Response Cookies dynamic value all the time. As you have only 1 request doing auth / cookie setting, it might be the easiest to handle. Also, maybe check Ignore Domain, Path, Is Secure and Date to make sure your cookie is always sent even if you switch the host (or something else).
Deleting the cookies in the cookie jar and hitting the authentication endpoint again seems to have fixed the problem. Not sure why, but it seems to be working now either manually sending a cookie or using the Automatically send cookies setting. and Cross Site Request Forgery

We recently ran an Appscan aganist an application and on a few pages the report shows:
The following changes were applied to the original request:
Set HTTP header to ''
The same request was sent twice in different sessions and the same response was received.
This shows that none of the parameters are dynamic (session identifiers are sent only in
cookies) and therefore that the application is vulnerable to this issue.
I'm a bit confused on how to handle this, should i just look at the Request.UrlReferrer and make sure it's the same host as what's in the URL or is there a better way to handle this?
The Referrer header can be spoofed quite easily. You need to use CSRF tokens (I recommend the Synchronizer Token Pattern) that will prove the origination of the request. There is an awesome resource at OWASP that you should definitely read. Good luck!

CSRF Protection for non form post requests

Implementing CSRF tokens in hidden form fields is the standard protection for CSRF for form post requests.
However, how would you implement this for GET requests? Or ajax requests that POST json data instead of x-www-form-urlencoded for the request body? Are these types of things all handled on a case by case ad hoc basis?
OWASP says this about CSRF and GET requests:
The ideal solution is to only include the CSRF token in POST requests
and modify server-side actions that have state changing affect to only
respond to POST requests. This is in fact what the RFC 2616 requires
for GET requests. If sensitive server-side actions are guaranteed to
only ever respond to POST requests, then there is no need to include
the token in GET requests.
Also, OWASP notes:
Many implementations of this control include the challenge token in
GET (URL) requests [...] while this control does help mitigate the risk
of CSRF attacks, the unique per-session token is being exposed for GET
requests. CSRF tokens in GET requests are potentially leaked at
several locations: browser history, HTTP log files, network appliances
that make a point to log the first line of an HTTP request, and
Referrer headers if the protected site links to an external site.
The trouble here is that if a user's token is leaked, you're still vulnerable - and it's all too easy to leak the token. I'm not sure that there's a good answer to your question that doesn't involve converting all of those GET requests to POST requests.
It's worth noting that the Viewstate feature in ASP.NET WebForms does offer some protection against CSRF, though it's very limited - in fact, it also only protects POSTback requests.
To state this more simply, you shouldn't use a GET request as an entry point to any function that does something beyond return a read only resource for a browser to render. So don't have an AJAX script make a GET based call to a URL like transferMoney.aspx?fromAcct=xyz&toAcct=abc&amount=20.
The HTTP specification states explicitly that HTTP GET requests should not have side effects. It's considered best practice to keep your GET requests idempotent whenever possible.
I've written an article about protecting ASP.NET MVC against CSRF, it spells out a practical approach to applying the AntiForgeryToken to POST controller methods on your site.
It depends on the CSRF-protection pattern you're applying. First off, CSRF applies to endpoints that change state. If you're GET requests change state, then I advise that you modify them to POSTs. Having said that, it is a valid point.
The ideal place to persist Tokens is in the AUTH Header. This is the lowest common denominator across FORM-POSTs, AJAX and GET requests. You could of course store the Token in a Cookie, but there is a vulnerability in this design when applied to a multi-domain site.
You can parse the Token from a hidden field during FORM-POST without issue. Not much point in changing that. Assuming that your GET requests are invoked with AJAX, you can leverage JQuery's ajaxSetup method to automatically insert the Token on every AJAX request:
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "TOKEN " + myToken);
There is a relatively new pattern gaining traction called the Encrypted Token Pattern. It's described in detail here, and also on the official OWASP CSRF Cheat Sheet. There is also a working implementation called ARMOR, which may offer you the flexbility you're looking for across various types of requests.

Are JSON web services vulnerable to CSRF attacks?

I am building a web service that exclusively uses JSON for its request and response content (i.e., no form encoded payloads).
Is a web service vulnerable to CSRF attack if the following are true?
Any POST request without a top-level JSON object, e.g., {"foo":"bar"}, will be rejected with a 400. For example, a POST request with the content 42 would be thus rejected.
Any POST request with a content-type other than application/json will be rejected with a 400. For example, a POST request with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded would be thus rejected.
All GET requests will be Safe, and thus not modify any server-side data.
Clients are authenticated via a session cookie, which the web service gives them after they provide a correct username/password pair via a POST with JSON data, e.g. {"username":"", "password":"my password"}.
Ancillary question: Are PUT and DELETE requests ever vulnerable to CSRF? I ask because it seems that most (all?) browsers disallow these methods in HTML forms.
EDIT: Added item #4.
EDIT: Lots of good comments and answers so far, but no one has offered a specific CSRF attack to which this web service is vulnerable.
Forging arbitrary CSRF requests with arbitrary media types is effectively only possible with XHR, because a form’s method is limited to GET and POST and a form’s POST message body is also limited to the three formats application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, and text/plain. However, with the form data encoding text/plain it is still possible to forge requests containing valid JSON data.
So the only threat comes from XHR-based CSRF attacks. And those will only be successful if they are from the same origin, so basically from your own site somehow (e. g. XSS). Be careful not to mistake disabling CORS (i.e. not setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) as a protection. CORS simply prevents clients from reading the response. The whole request is still sent and processed by the server.
Yes, it is possible. You can setup an attacker server which will send back a 307 redirect to the target server to the victim machine. You need to use flash to send the POST instead of using Form.
It also works on Chrome.
It is possible to do CSRF on JSON based Restful services using Ajax. I tested this on an application (using both Chrome and Firefox).
You have to change the contentType to text/plain and the dataType to JSON in order to avaoid a preflight request. Then you can send the request, but in order to send sessiondata, you need to set the withCredentials flag in your ajax request.
I discuss this in more detail here (references are included):
I have some doubts concerning point 3. Although it can be considered safe as it does not alter the data on the server side, the data can still be read, and the risk is that they can be stolen.
Is a web service vulnerable to CSRF attack if the following are true?
Yes. It's still HTTP.
Are PUT and DELETE requests ever vulnerable to CSRF?
it seems that most (all?) browsers disallow these methods in HTML forms
Do you think that a browser is the only way to make an HTTP request?
