Amazon Sage Maker: How to authenticate AWS SageMaker End-Point Request - .net-core

I have an aws sagemaker end-point which need to be called from .Net core client, I have used the AWS SDK that deals with SageMaker and provided the required credentials however, always it keeps saying :
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
var requestBody = "{'url':'"+"" + "'}";
var request = new Amazon.SageMakerRuntime.Model.InvokeEndpointRequest()
EndpointName = "CG-model-v1-endpoint",
ContentType = "application/json;utf-8",
Body = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody)))
var awsClient = new AmazonSageMakerRuntimeClient(awsAccessKeyId: "XXXX", awsSecretAccessKey: "XXX", region: RegionEndpoint.EUCentral1);
var resposnse = await awsClient.InvokeEndpointAsync(request);
catch (Exception ex)
return ApiResponse<bool>.Create(false);

I found the error , it was simply because of the request content-type,it had to be application/json instead of application/json;utf-8


How do i implement google fit api in .net web app with user sign in?

I simply want to use google fit api to retrieve data of the signed in user(testing with two accounts).
But I don't understand how to get the authorization code/access token from the user.
Another possibly related problem, the consent page that list the scopes used doesn't appear.
I tried to use google.auth library
UserCredential credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new ClientSecrets()
ClientId = " *** ",
ClientSecret = " *** "
}, new[] { FitnessService.Scope.FitnessActivityRead, FitnessService.Scope.FitnessActivityWrite, FitnessService.Scope.FitnessSleepRead, FitnessService.Scope.FitnessSleepWrite },
"user", CancellationToken.None);
FitnessService fitnessService = new FitnessService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = "Exrecise App",
HttpClientInitializer = credential
var resp = await fitnessService.Users.Sessions.List("me").ExecuteAsync();
But it takes me to this error, maybe I entered wrong inputs in
Then, I copied the token from outhplayground and pasted it into httpclient
HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
var resp = await http.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = new UriBuilder("").Uri,
Headers =
{ "Authorization","Bearer ya29.token" }
Method = HttpMethod.Get
This actually got me the results I wanted, but I want to get it from the user signing in.
Question: Can I not use the regular google authentication to achieve this? Or do I have to use the former method?
Here is me adding google authentication
builder.Services.AddAuthentication().AddGoogle(options =>
IConfigurationSection auth = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Authentication:Google");
options.ClientId = auth["ClientId"];
options.ClientSecret = auth["ClientSecret"];
options.CallbackPath = "/Home";
options.AuthorizationEndpoint += "?prompt=consent";
Is there something I'm missing?
Looks like the problem is that you did not supply a redirect uri (
in GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync.
You need to add a redirect uri in the Google App and add it to the codeReceiver field. that's where the user will be redirected after accepting the app.
You can find more about machine authorization and OAuth2.0 authentication with google here

keycloack with dotnet simple API

Using this or tutorial I have setup test user and realm. I can call localhost:8080/realms/Test/protocol/openid-connect/token with client secret and user id and password from postman and it gives me access and refresh token. Now I need to call dotnet endpoint and make sure the user is who he is. But I can not find a way to establish this part as I'm always getting 401 unauthorized. Perhaps it is not setup or my authorization bearer string is not formed correctly.
How can I simply call to an endpoint, check authorization and return a response back?
Dotnet Code:
using System.Security.Claims;
using Api;
using Keycloak.AuthServices.Authentication;
using Keycloak.AuthServices.Authorization;
using Keycloak.AuthServices.Sdk.Admin;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var services = builder.Services;
var configuration = builder.Configuration;
var host = builder.Host;
var authenticationOptions = configuration
var authorizationOptions = configuration
.AddAuthorization(o => o.AddPolicy("IsAdmin", b =>
// TokenValidationParameters.RoleClaimType is overriden
// by KeycloakRolesClaimsTransformation
var adminClientOptions = configuration
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", (ClaimsPrincipal user) =>
// TokenValidationParameters.NameClaimType is overriden based on keycloak specific claim
app.Logger.LogInformation("{#User}", user.Identity.Name);
return "Hello world. "+ user.Identity.Name;
appsettings.json keycloack config:
"Keycloak": {
"realm": "Test",
"auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/",
"ssl-required": "none",
"resource": "test-client",
"verify-token-audience": false,
"client-secret": "P4JgvFhjY0ftGSLDYmYn7diZhjoLnHon",
"confidential-port": 0
Request sending to this endpoint from postman (perhaps the issue is here with correct sending format):

How do I use the Azure AD Authorization Code Flow?

I am building an ASP.NET (v4.8) Web application that will be hosted as an Azure App Service, but for now we are on localhost.
I am configured for Azure AD successfully and I am receiving an authorization code because I configured my app service to send the access token. The app registration has ONLY User.Read (delegated) permissions.
In my Startup.cs file, I've configured OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications so that I am receiving the access code in AuthorizationCodeReceived. Here is the code:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
app.SetDefaultSignInAsAuthenticationType( CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType );
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());
authority = aadInstance + tenantId;
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions {
ClientId = clientId, Authority = authority,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUri,
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
TokenResponseReceived = (tr) => { return Task.FromResult(0); },
AuthorizationCodeReceived = (code) => {
// you are here! what's next?
access_code = code.Code;
return Task.FromResult(0);
SecurityTokenReceived = (token) =>
return Task.FromResult(0);
AuthenticationFailed = (context) => { return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult(0); }
My objective is to call this graph endpoint as the current user to get their JobTitle and > Department from Azure AD. Here is the resource:
I was following this documentation, but it was not clear what to do with the provided access_code. Please help me understand.
Is this access_code a bearer token? can I use it directly to call the graph API?
Do I have to use it to call the /token endpoint to get a bearer token?
Do I have to use it to call the /authorize endpoint to get a bearer token?
I am making direct HTTP requests now, should I use MSAL or Graph SDK?
I think I am trying to accomplish this step:
This is the code I am currently working on, and it returns HTTP CODE 400 (Bad Request):
private void GetOtherProfileData()
var cId = Startup.clientId;
var tenantId = Startup.tenantId;
var scope = Startup.scope;
// scope:
var code = Startup.access_code;
var redir = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Startup.redirectUri);
var req_url = $#"{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token?client_id={cId}&scope={scope}
var req = WebRequest.CreateHttp(req_url);
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentLength = 0;
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var resp = req.GetResponse();
var str = resp.GetResponseStream();
var json = new StreamReader(str).ReadToEnd();
/// this should return bearer token and then we go call the /me endpoint...
Any code samples or pointers to recent documentation would be helpful.
Is this access_code a bearer token? can I use it directly to call the graph API?
No, code and Access_token are different. You will need a access_token to call Graph API.
Do I have to use it to call the /token endpoint to get a bearer token?
Yes, you'll need code to call token endpoint to get the bearer token.
Do I have to use it to call the /authorize endpoint to get a bearer token?
You will get the code after calling authorize endpoint. You need to pass grant_type=code to get the code in response.
I am making direct HTTP requests now, should I use MSAL or Graph SDK?
You'll need to call Graph API after you get the access_token. Along with the token it also needs proper dedicated and application User permissions from Azure side.
I found a good sample here:
I was trying to do this without a client secret, that was a mistake.
This is how I implemented it =>
AuthorizationCodeReceived = async (context) => {
// you are here!
IConfidentialClientApplication clientApp = MsalAppBuilder.BuildConfidentialClientApplication();
AuthenticationResult result = await clientApp.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode(new[] { "User.Read" }, context.Code)
.WithSpaAuthorizationCode() //Request an authcode for the front end
access_code = result.AccessToken;
// this is the bearer token.
This is what is inside the implementation of BuildConfidentialClientApplication:
clientapp = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(Startup.clientId)
.WithAuthority(new Uri(Startup.authority))

Using Firebase REST API with custom token failed with 403 forbidden [duplicate]

I'm migrating to the new database and 3.0 client libs. I'm updating the part which generates a custom auth token (on our server) to do a PATCH to update a resource in the Firebase DB.
These PATCH requests used to be made by our server to Firebase using admin claims based on this:
For the new DB, I'm generating the JWT token (using ruby-jwt) like this:
payload = {
aud: "",
claims: custom_claims.merge({ admin: true }),
exp: now_seconds + (60 * 60), # Maximum expiration time is one hour
iat: now_seconds,
iss: service_account_email,
sub: service_account_email,
uid: uid
JWT.encode(payload, private_key, "RS256")
A PATCH request with this token to the Firebase DB fails with: Missing claim 'kid' in auth header.
In the new Firebase you need to directly use a Service Account to create administrative access credentials. Here is a Node.js snippet that shows how to make a REST call to the Database:
// key.json is a service account key downloaded from the Firebase Console
var key = require('./key.json');
var google = require('googleapis');
var request = require('request');
var DATABASE_URL = 'https://<databaseName>';
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(key.client_email, null, key.private_key, [
jwtClient.authorize(function(err, tokens) {
url: DATABASE_URL + '/.json',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokens.access_token
}, function(err, resp) {
To do the same in Ruby, you might take a look at the googleauth gem for fetching the access token using Service Account credentials.
Here is the equivalent of Michael Bleigh's answer using the ruby googleauth module:
require 'googleauth'
scopes = [ '', '']
auth = ::Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)
auth_client = auth.dup
auth_client.sub = ""
token = auth_client.fetch_access_token!
You will also need to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of your service account JSON file. the value for auth_client.sub comes from client_email in this JSON file.
Of course, as above, this is only valid in a server application you control.
Also, making the request to the firebase REST API is still an exercise for the reader.

Using Custom Tokens to make REST requests to FB DB as an admin

I'm migrating to the new database and 3.0 client libs. I'm updating the part which generates a custom auth token (on our server) to do a PATCH to update a resource in the Firebase DB.
These PATCH requests used to be made by our server to Firebase using admin claims based on this:
For the new DB, I'm generating the JWT token (using ruby-jwt) like this:
payload = {
aud: "",
claims: custom_claims.merge({ admin: true }),
exp: now_seconds + (60 * 60), # Maximum expiration time is one hour
iat: now_seconds,
iss: service_account_email,
sub: service_account_email,
uid: uid
JWT.encode(payload, private_key, "RS256")
A PATCH request with this token to the Firebase DB fails with: Missing claim 'kid' in auth header.
In the new Firebase you need to directly use a Service Account to create administrative access credentials. Here is a Node.js snippet that shows how to make a REST call to the Database:
// key.json is a service account key downloaded from the Firebase Console
var key = require('./key.json');
var google = require('googleapis');
var request = require('request');
var DATABASE_URL = 'https://<databaseName>';
var jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(key.client_email, null, key.private_key, [
jwtClient.authorize(function(err, tokens) {
url: DATABASE_URL + '/.json',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tokens.access_token
}, function(err, resp) {
To do the same in Ruby, you might take a look at the googleauth gem for fetching the access token using Service Account credentials.
Here is the equivalent of Michael Bleigh's answer using the ruby googleauth module:
require 'googleauth'
scopes = [ '', '']
auth = ::Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)
auth_client = auth.dup
auth_client.sub = ""
token = auth_client.fetch_access_token!
You will also need to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of your service account JSON file. the value for auth_client.sub comes from client_email in this JSON file.
Of course, as above, this is only valid in a server application you control.
Also, making the request to the firebase REST API is still an exercise for the reader.
