I've isolated the issue of why the legend() wasn't working. The question regarding that:
Does `legend ( )` require implicit variables which get lost in different scope
I am trying to call a variable in the format ";displayname;" property for a legend in plot 15.2.1 2-D plots, but I can't find any documentation regarding it.
I can't get the legend() to work probably due to the way my actual code is structured. And I am unable to debug as the Octave GUI is not working on my pc & I don't know how to debug on the Octave CLI.
so, defining legend within the plot() somehow is the only resort as it seems to me.
Isolated test codes:
cur = char ( ["hi";"he";"le"] )
% Legend works in isolation, but not in my actual program
loglog ( 3*[1:10].^3 )
legend ( cur(1,:) )
% Tries:
% Prints verbatim
loglog ( 3*[1:10].^3, ";cur(1,:);" )
% Throws syntax error
loglog ( 3*[1:10].^3, ";"cur(1,:)";" )
% Throws error "__plt2vv__: vector lengths must match"
loglog ( 3*[1:10].^3, (";" + cur(1,:) + ";") )
The second & third tries were based on this post on MATLAB central
You can use sprintf() to explicitly build strings. Use %s to denote a string variable to add: sprintf(";%s;", cur(1, :)).
Using array concatenation you could do [";", cur(1, :), ";"]. Octave doesn't do string concatenation using the + operator as far as I know.
In fortran, we can simply use & to do line continuation.
But I wonder, in Julia, is there a safe way to do line continuation?
I heard that sometimes Julia cannot identify line continuation and it can cause bugs? Because after, Julia does not seem to have any symbol to do line continuation. Can Julia correctly recognize the line continuation?
Like I define the below function with long arguments,
function mean_covar_init(kmix::Int64,dim_p::Int64,weight::Array{Float64,1},sigma::Array{Float64,2},mu::Array{Float64,2})
return nothing
If I do things like
function mean_covar_init(kmix::Int64
return nothing
Is it safe? Thank you very much!
If you do the thing like you have presented it is safe because Julia sees ( in the first line of code so it will look for a closing ).
However a problematic code would be:
f() = 1
+ 2
The reason is that the f() = 1 part is a valid and complete function definition. Therefore you need to make sure to signal Julia that the line is incomplete. The three most typical ways to do it are:
Move the + to the end of first line:
f() = 1 +
Use ( and ) as a wrapper:
f() = (1
+ 2)
Use begin and end:
f() = begin 1
+ 2 end
Let me give another example with macros, which do not require parenthesis or punctuation and therefore can be often tricky. Therefore the following:
#assert isodd(4) "What even are numbers?"
if rewritten as
#assert isodd(4)
"What even are numbers?"
does not produce what you expect, and you need to do e.g.:
"What even are numbers?")
I have a script to work out how much free stack space there is in each FreeRTOS task. GDB’s language is set to auto. The script works fine when the current language is c, but fails when the current language is ada.
I have, in the class Stacks,
tcb_t = gdb.lookup_type("TCB_t")
int_t = gdb.lookup_type("int")
used to:
find {Ada task control block}.Common.Thread,
thread = atcb["common"]["thread"]
convert to a pointer to the FreeRTOS task control block,
tcb = thread.cast(Stacks.tcb_t.pointer()).dereference()
find the logical top of the stack
stk = tcb["pxStack"].cast(Stacks.int_t.pointer())
Now I need to loop logically down the stack until I find an entry not equal to the initialised value,
free = 0
while stk[free] == 0xa5a5a5a5:
free = free + 1
which works fine if the current frame’s language is c, but if it’s ada I get
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> not an array or string:
Error occurred in Python command: not an array or string
I’ve traced this to the expression stk[free], which is being interpreted using the rules of the current language (in Ada, array indexing uses parentheses, so it would be stk(free), which is of course illegal since Python treats it as a function call).
I’ve worked round this by
def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
gdb.execute("set language c")
gdb.execute("set language auto")
but it seems wrong not to set the language back to what it was originally.
is there a way of detecting the current GDB language setting from Python?
is there an alternate way of indexing that doesn’t depend on the current GDB language setting?
I saw this question:
Fortran dynamic objects
and the accepted answer made me question if I wrote the following function safely (without allowing a memory leak)
function getValues3D(this) result(vals3D)
implicit none
type(allBCs),intent(in) :: this
real(dpn),dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: vals3D
integer,dimension(3) :: s
if (this%TF3D) then
s = shape(this%vals3D)
if (associated(this%vals3D)) then
stop "possible memory leak - p was associated"
vals3D = this%vals3D
else; call propertyNotAssigned('vals3D','getValues3D')
end function
This warning shows up when I run my code, but shouldn't my this%vals3D be associated if it was previously (to this function) set? I'm currently running into memory errors, and they started showing up when I introduced a new module with this function in it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think I wasn't specific enough. I would like to make the following class, and know how to implement the class, safely in terms of memory. That is:
module vectorField_mod
use constants_mod
implicit none
type vecField1D
real(dpn),dimension(:),pointer :: x
logical :: TFx = .false.
end type
subroutine setX(this,x)
implicit none
type(vecField1D),intent(inout) :: this
real(dpn),dimension(:),target :: x
this%x = x
this%TFx = .true.
end subroutine
function getX(this) result(res)
implicit none
real(dpn),dimension(:),pointer :: res
type(vecField1D),intent(in) :: this
if (this%TFx) then
res = this%x
end function
end module
Where the following code tests this module
program testVectorField
use constants_mod
use vectorField_mod
implicit none
integer,parameter :: Nx = 150
real(dpn),parameter :: x_0 = 0.0
real(dpn),parameter :: x_N = 1.0
real(dpn),parameter :: dx = (x_N - x_0)/dble(Nx-1)
real(dpn),dimension(Nx) :: x = (/(x_0+dble(i)*dx,i=0,Nx-1)/)
real(dpn),dimension(Nx) :: f
real(dpn),dimension(:),pointer :: fp
type(vecField1D) :: f1
integer :: i
do i=1,Nx
f(i) = sin(x(i))
do i=1,10**5
call setX(f1,f) !
f = getX(f1) ! Should I use this?
fp = getX(f1) ! Or this?
fp => getX(f1) ! Or even this?
end program
Currently, I'm running on windows. When I CTR-ALT-DLT, and view performance, the "physical memory usage histery" increases with every loop iteration. This is why I assume that I have a memory leak.
So I would like to repose my question: Is this a memory leak? (The memory increases with every one of the above cases). If so, is there a way I avoid the memory leak while still using pointers? If not, then what is happening, should I be concerned and is there a way to reduce the severity of this behavior?
Sorry for the initial vague question. I hope this is more to the point.
Are you really restricted to Fortran 90? In Fortran 2003 you would use an allocatable function result for this. This is much safer. Using pointer function results, whether you have a memory leak with this code or not depends on how you reference the function, which you don't show. If you must return a pointer from a procedure, it is much safer to return it via a subroutine argument.
This function is pointless. There's no point testing the association status of this%vals3D` after you've referenced it as the argument to SHAPE in the previous line. If the pointer component is disassocated (or has undefined pointer association status), then you are not permitted to reference it.
Further, if the pointer component is associated, all you do is call stop!
Perhaps you have transcribed the code to the question incorrectly?
If you simply delete the entire if construct starting with if (associated(this%vals3D))... then your code may make sense.
if this%TF3D is true, then this%vals3D must be associated.
when you reference the function, you must use pointer assignment
array_ptr => getValues3D(foo)
! ^
! |
! + this little character is very important.
Forget that little character and you are using normal assignment. Syntactically valid, difficult to pick the difference when reading code and, in this case, potentially a source of memory corruption or leaks that might go undetected until the worst possible moment, in addition to the usual pitfalls of using pointers (e.g. you need to DEALLOCATE array_ptr before you reuse it or it goes out of scope). This is why functions returning pointer results are considered risky.
Your complete code shows several memory leaks. Every time you allocate something that is a POINTER - you need to pretty much guarantee that there will be a matching DEALLOCATE.
You have a loop in your test code. ALLOCATE gets called a lot - in both the setter and the getter. Where are the matching DEALLOCATE statements?
Every time setX is called, any previously allocated memory for the x component of your type will be leaked. Since you call the function 10^5 times, you will waste 100000-1 copies. If you know that the size of this%x will never change, simply check to see if a previous call had already allocated the memory by checking to see if ASSOCIATED(this%x) is true. If it is, skip the allocation and move directly to the assignment statement. If the size does change, then you will first have to deallocate the old copy before allocating new space.
Two other minor comments on setX: The TARGET attribute of the dummy argument x appears superfluous since you never take a pointer of that argument. Second, the TFx component of your type also seems superfluous since you can instead check if x is allocated.
For the function getX, why not skip the allocation completely, and merely set res => this%x? Admittedly, this will return a direct reference to the underlying data, which maybe you want to avoid.
In your loop,
do i=1,10**5
call setX(f1,f) !
f = getX(f1) ! Should I use this?
fp = getX(f1) ! Or this?
fp => getX(f1) ! Or even this?
fp => getX(f1) will allow you to obtain a pointer to the underlying x component of your type (if you adopt my change above). The other two use assignment operators and will copy data from the result of getX into either f, or (if it is previously allocated) fp. If fp is not allocated, the code will crash.
If you do not want to grant direct access to the underlying data, then I suggest that the return value of getX should be defined as an automatic array with the size determined by this%x. That is, you can write the function as
function getX(this) result(res)
implicit none
type(vecField1D),intent(in) :: this
real(dpn),dimension(size(this%x,1)) :: res
res = this%x
end function
I am working with R, but need to do a lot of number crunching, which I want to do in fortran. I am relatively new to R and a newbie to fortran... I already have a working R program, which I would like to optimize. I created a Fortran program solving a system of ODE's, which I keep in a subroutine. I additionally use a module called aux.f90 to store the parameters and a function which creates a signal that is fed into the equations. This works as intended and the data is saved in a .txt file.
What I would like to do now is to create an R front-end that tosses the Fortran program the parameters, such as the length of the simulation or the number of steps used in the solution. Then Fortran does the heavy lifting, saves the results in the file and I can use R to visualize the data from the file. See the Fortran code below:
! The auxiliary module contains all parameters
module aux
implicit none
integer,parameter :: n = 2**8 ! number of steps
real(kind=4) :: jout = 0.5 ! for normal metabolism
real(kind=4) :: alp = 4.0 ! factor for growth
real(kind=4) :: bet = 1.0 ! benefit value
real(kind=4) :: etay = 0.1 ! cost value y
real(kind=4) :: etaz = 0.10 ! cost value z
real(kind=4) :: h = 3.0 ! Hill coefficient
real(kind=4) :: Kx = 0.07 ! saturation coefficient
real(kind=4) :: t1 = 0.0, t2 = 30.0 ! start and end point of the simulation
contains ! function f(t) to create a step signal
real(kind=4) function f(t)
implicit none
real(kind=4), intent(in) :: t ! taking time value
real(kind=4) :: tt
!real(kind=4), intent(out) :: s ! giving out the signal
real(kind=4) :: period = 5 ! defining the period length
tt = MODULO(t,period)
! Signal function
if (tt > 0.5*period) then
f = 1
f = 0
end function
end module aux
! The program solving the ODE system and giving the output as a fileprogram ffl
program ffl
use aux ! Use module aux
implicit none
integer :: m,j ! iteration variable
real(kind=4), dimension(6) :: b =(/0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0/) ! expression
real(kind=4) :: dt ! time resolution
real(kind=4), dimension(n) :: t ! time vector
real(kind=4), dimension(4) :: x_new, x_aux, y_new, y_aux, q0 ! vectors
! computing the time vector
dt=(t2-t1)/real(n) ! calculating time resolution
t(1) = t1 ! setting first time value to t1 = 0
do m = 1,n ! filling the time vector
t(m) = t(m-1)+dt
end do
open(unit = 10,file = 'ffl.txt', status = 'unknown')
do j=1,6
k = b(j)
! initial conditions
q0(1) = 0 ! x
q0(2) = k ! y
q0(3) = 0 ! z
q0(4) = 0 ! w
!open(unit = 10,file = 'ffl.txt', status = 'unknown')
x_new = q0 ! set initial conditions
write(10,*)t(1),x_new(1),x_new(2),x_new(3),x_new(4) ! saving data
do m = 2,n
! Solving with a second order method
call derivate(t(m-1),x_new,y_new) ! call the derivate routine
x_aux = x_new + dt*y_new
call derivate(t(m),x_aux,y_aux)
x_new = x_new + 0.5*dt*(y_new+y_aux)
write(10,*)t(m),x_new(1),x_new(2),x_new(3),x_new(4) ! saving data
end do
end do
end program ffl
! The subroutine derivate gives the system of ODE's to be solved
subroutine derivate(time,y,z)
use aux ! Use module aux
implicit none
real(kind=4), intent(in) :: time ! input: time vector
real(kind=4), dimension(4), intent(in) :: y ! input: initial conditions vector
real(kind=4), dimension(4), intent(out):: z ! output: results vector
z(1) = f(time)-y(1) !dx/dt
z(2) = k+(1-k)*((1+Kx)*(y(1)**h))/((y(1)**h)+Kx)-y(2) !dy/dt
z(3) = ((1+Kx)*(y(1)**h)/((y(1)**h)+Kx)*((1+Kx)*(y(2)**h))/((y(2)**h)+Kx)-y(3)) !dz/dt
z(4) = f(time)*y(3)-etay*(k+(1-k)*((1+Kx)*(y(1)**h))/((y(1)**h)+Kx)) & !dw/dt
end subroutine derivate
I have read the "Writing R extensions" document, but did not find it very helpful...
NOW to the questions: Since R needs a Fortran subroutine, i would like to create a wrapper subroutine in fortran that makes use of my existing files, which I can then call from R. However, i can't find a way to create this wrapper subroutine in the first place. Is it even possible to call an actual program in a subroutine? I couldn't find anything helpful online.
A program is supposed to be linked as an executable, so you can't call it from a subroutine - or you call the executable (with SYSTEM in gfortran), but you could do that directly from R.
The easy way to call Fortran from R is the .Fortran R function, which calls a Fortran subroutine (not a function, nor a program).
The basic steps are :
compile a Fortran DLL, exporting the subroutines you need (of course they may be wrappers for other subroutines or functions)
put the DLL in a directory in your system path
from R, load the DLL with dyn.load
call your subroutine with .Fortran.
If you use gfortran, you may just install Rtools, which has everything you need. If you want to use another compiler, you may have some trouble, especially with names.
From your comment to user2188538's answer, I see you already know all these steps, but be very careful with symbol names. From the .Fortran help: Use .Fortran with care for compiled Fortran 9x code: it may not work if the Fortran 9x compiler used differs from the Fortran 77 compiler used when configuring R, especially if the subroutine name is not lower-case or includes an underscore. It is also possible to use .C and do any necessary symbol-name translation yourself.
Also, I suspect your wrapper subroutine should not reside inside a module, or you may have extra trouble with names. But this is only a limitation for the wrapper function, which must be visible from R.
You can check the exported names in your DLL (send objdump -x to a file and look for exported symbols). And check also in R, with is.loaded("your.symbol"), after loading the DLL. Be aware that usually, gfortran appends an extra underscore to names, whereas it's not needed when you call .Fortran from R. As described above, you may use .C instead (but then, remember Fortran arguments are passed by reference).
To check that you understand the whole process, I suggest you test it on a trivial example, such as a unique subroutine mysub(x,y,z) that does only z=x+y. When this one runs, you can elaborate on it to call more complex routines.
You should not use assumed-shape or deferred-shape arrays, when you pass arrays arguments from R to Fortran, but only assumed-size arrays, that is, the usual array passing in Fortran 77. This is because R knows only how to pass a pointer to raw data, whereas assumed-shape and deferred-shape need more information, and R does not know the data structure to do that.
For example, you can do that:
subroutine mysub(n, a)
real :: a(n, n)
end subroutine
But this will amost certainly fail:
subroutine mysub(a)
real :: a(:, :)
end subroutine
Also, you can't pass function arguments from R to Fortran, as that would need a special data structure for the callback (under the hood, R is a Scheme dialect, and it uses S-expressions). You may do that in C, through .C or .Call (see help for .Call and R Internals).
You can indeed call Fortran from R using the .Foreign function in the R base package (see ?.Foreign). For some clear examples on how to do this, see the following page on how to call Fortran (as well as C) from R: