How to connect my central device to a peripheral running custom service? - bluetooth-lowenergy

Hi i have used this tutorial : to make a custom service on one of the peripheral.
I have the EVK kit NRF52832 with PCA 10040.
I'm using the standard sdk example of central/ble_app_gatts in which i am configuring the UUID to 0X1400 and type to vendor macro. And i'm enabling respective filter but i'm unable to connect my central to peripheral . Please help.
Dhananjay Sutariya


Advertising and connection establishment using nRF52 DK with nrf52832 chip on Segger Embedded studio

I want to know how to send out an advertisement with some specific user number and data such that a connection can be established using the the sdk 15.3.0.
could anyone suggest me what changes i need to make in the ble app beacon code given in the sdk examples.
One idea would be to start with the ble_peripheral example of the Nordic SDK.
You can find the following two guides on their forum : and
This explains how to build a custom service with a custom characteristic to handle read / write and notification of values from the embedded device to a BLE central device (e.g: smartphone).

Movesense direct access to GATT endpoints

I am trying to read ECG real-time data from a movesense sensor by using another generic BT-LE module.
GATT characteristics can be used for Heart Rate (read or notify) or other predefined services : we simply send a raw command to an endpoint, for example a 0x0100 (START_NOTIFY) on the corresponding UUID for a heart rate notification streaming.
The problem is that with a micro controller and a BT LE module we can not use any of the C, Java, React... libraries since all of the underlying code is not open source ( the movesense device-lib and community-lib do define how to use and program the services, but we can not discover what to send on one of the 2 other services that are defined, the UART service or the Unknown Service, which are probably used by the movesense library to send all of the URL requests).
As a footnote, we access our generic BT-LE module with AT UART commands to communicate to the movesense platform.
Thanks for any help or guidance,
Have you looked
void CustomBleController::OnUartData(uint8_t * p_data, uint16_t length)
for receiving and
send_ble_nus_data(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
to send using NUS (Nordic UART service).
It is possible to do your own GATT service on Movesense sensor (since v. 1.6.0) using the CustomGATTService module. Please look into latest movesense-device-lib and the sample "custom_gattsvc_app" (and with 2.0, the "gatt_sensordata_app")
Full Disclaimer: I work for the Movesense team

Sample code for Xamarin Cross Platform bluetooth connection

I have traied meny examples to connect Zebra IMZ320 Blutooth using Iphone on Xamarin Cross-Platform
I followed CoreBluetooth Namespace
enter link description here
and also using Plugin.BLE
but I couldnt connect my device eny one has success experience in connect Bluetooth printer using Xamarin cross platform ios
CoreBluetooth.framework is for Bluetooth Low-Energy:
Communicate with Bluetooth 4.0 low-energy devices.
The Core Bluetooth framework provides the classes needed for your apps
to communicate with devices that are equipped with Bluetooth low
energy wireless technology.
According to the specifications of the Zebra IMZ320, the communication mode are:
Secure Bluetooth 2.0, 802.11a/b/g/n (optional) or USB (client)
connectivity; Wi-FiĀ®-certified connectivity
That is not Bluetooth Low-Energy (which has been introduced in Bluetooth 4.0). You won't be able to find the printer with a Bluetooth Low-Energy scan, because the behavior, logic and implementation (protocols, norms, GATT, Peripheral/Service/Characteristic) are totally different.
Also, the description page of the Zebra IMZ320 gives a link (FAQ - Creating & Registering An IOS App) to how develop apps for it.
You need to use ExternalAccessory.framework for it.
If your app communicates with a Zebra product via Bluetooth using the
External Accessory Framework, and you plan to distribute the app via
the App Store or Volume Purchase Program Store, then you must register
the app with Zebra.
This page is general (and not specific to that printer). But according to the specs, it's not Bluetooth Low-Energy compliant (while others products might be, that's why there is a paragraph talking about CoreBluetooth in it).
That's normal behavior (using ExternalAccessory vs CoreBluetooth framework), because each one of them has a specific meaning and use.
Use ExternalAccessory.framework, it is also available on Xamarin.

zigbee module talks to humidity / temperature sensor

I just bought a gateway equipped with the zigbee module (zigbee pro stack ). Also, I bought a zigbee humidity / temperature sensor as well.
It's HA profile and humidity / temperature cluster Id.
There is an operating system (WindRiver) running on this gateway.
To write an application to read the value sent from zigbee sensor, where should I get to start?
Is there any document available? like defining the data structure for the temperature / humidity ?
Start with the Gateway documentation. The company selling it should provide enough information to you that you can discover devices (like the sensor) that have joined the network, and then discover the endpoints, clusters and attributes on those devices.
The ZigBee Alliance has documentation for various layers of their network stack that you'll want to understand if you're going to work with the ZigBee Home Automation profile.
The ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL) defines attributes and general functions for discovery, reading, writing and reporting on them. You should have a basic understanding of ZCL as a foundation for working with ZigBee.
For the Home Automation Profile, you may need to join the ZigBee Alliance to gain access to the specification. I wasn't able to find it with some quick Google Searches. It will list all of the attributes, their data types, and what values they represent. From that, you can create ZCL Read Attribute Requests to read the values and process the responses.
Sorry, but without knowing the gateway that you are using it is impossible to know the API and what the functions are for joining, discovering and controlling devices. There is no "Standard ZigBee Gateway API", each gateway will implement its own. Some may offer a high level interface with API's for controlling devices, others will send "raw" messages where you will need to form the ZCL command your self. The ZigBee Gateway here:
HW Reference Design:
Has a well documented API with features like:
- Open Network
- Close network
- Device discovery
- Turn Light On/Off
- Read Temperature
- Read Humidity
It has an open source node.js example application which offer a local web interface and connects to a cloud service (this also includes connecting to and configuring reports for humidity and temperature sensors, as well as connecting to and controlling Philips Hue Lights):
An example JAVA application is also available:

Control development boards from web interface

I have multiple Raspberry Pi/ Beagle Board/ Panda boards connects to my web server (clouding). Then I want to my clients control the board's GPIO from web interface. I have read many examples on the Internet but in those example the web server is inside every boards.
So, Could anyone help me to use just 1 web server(clouding) outside all of boards to control board's GPIO? Thanks!
You could use NexusDataLink to get your boards connected. This data communication framework allows one to link several devices or systems - the server process may run anywhere. Optionally a REST interface is generated per linked device based on an XML file.
