whats the difference between custom DNS and FQDN - networking

what is the difference between custom DNS and FQDN, i got this question in my mind when i was using certificate generation for our servers. what is the difference it makes if we use FQDN or custom DNS for generating CSR.

Let's say that your server has the hostname 'anne'.
And lets say that you bought a domain called 'hathaway.com'.
Then yout FQDN is 'anne.hathaway.com'.
The FQDN is the combination of the hostname of the server + the domain.
If you generate a cert for your FQDN it will not reach all the subdomains of your domain.


how to point multiple domains to the same website?

test.com DNS to cloudflare and I configured the www A record to point to google firebase. all good here.
I want to point any domain to www.test.com and render exactly the same content. what should I do to achieve this? do I need to create my own DNS in cloudflare and give it to domain admins so they can configure the domain? any pointers will help. thanks!
Providers like Firebase Hosting use the Host header name of the incoming request to determine which customer's content to serve. If other people change their DNS to point to www.test.com, the Host header will still be populated based on the domain they provided.
To make a website serve the same content regardless of domain, you need to either:
Host the content on a dedicated IP address such that the Host header doesn't matter (this is not possible with Firebase Hosting) or
Have all connecting domains proxy to www.test.com as opposed to directly setting DNS and include a Host header of www.test.com when they forward traffic.
In general services where you need to manually configure a custom domain (e.g. Firebase Hosting, Heroku, etc) are not going to support arbitrary other domains pointing to them without an additional layer in between.

How to setup AWS cloudfront with lightsail for WordPress?

How to setup AWS cloudfront with lightsail for WordPress? (on a subdomain)
I'm using Route 53 for all DNS management. I'm using a static IP from
Route 53 has an A record for service.openinfo.nl using an ALIAS to the cloudfront domain name.
Route 53 has an A record for wordpress.openinfo.nl pointing to the
lightsail static IP
Cloudfront has an origin domain name of wordpress.openinfo.nl
Cloudfront Origin Protocol Policy is HTTP Only.
Cloudfront Alternate Domain Names is service.openinfo.nl
Cloudfront SSL Certificate is the one issued by Route53 for *.openinfo.nl
Cloudfront Viewer Protocol Policy is Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
This solution does not work:
The cloudfront distribution service.openinfo.nl does resolve the lightsail server but over http, it does not use the certificate I attached... Should I use redirect http to https?
Also, if I click 'login' it redirects to wordpress.openinfo.nl/wp-login.php i.e. the DNS that I assigned for the purpose of orgin domain name to cloudfront. The WordPress "WP_SITEURL" and "WP_HOME" settings somehow automatically reflect the DNS wordpress.openinfo.nl.
And also, the DNS name wordpress.openinfo.nl resolves the lightsail server (which I don't want because I want all trafic to the wordpress server to go via service.openinfo.nl). How to avoid this?
Background and what I tried:
My lightsail (WordPress) server does not show up in the "Origin Domain Name" dropdown list when creating a new distribution. So what should I do? The only AWS description on this topic that I can find is not clear on that to me.
Using the servers fixed IP address as "Origin Domain Name" in cloudfront is not allowed. So I created a DNS record in Route 53 (wordpress.openinfo.nl) to point to the static IP of my lightsail server. And I added this DNS record as "Origin Domain Name" in cloudfront (also including a https certificate *.openinfo.nl). And I selected the cloudfront distribution as A record, type alias, in Route 53. The cloudfront Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) is service.openinfo.nl .
So I also tried creating the service.openinfo.nl as A record (DNS) in Route 53 pointing to the static IP of the WordPress lightsail server. But then I cannot create the same service.openinfo.nl as alias A record...
So I am stuck... Please advice? Many thanks in advance! Wouter
PS: openinfo.nl points to a cloudfront distribution with a certificate which points to a static site in a S3 buckets and works fine.
First of all, you need to point your domain to CloudFront. You will want to set up a CNAME record in your DNS zone, pointing to the xyz.cloudfront.net address you get when creating the CloudFront distribution. The name of that record should be "www.example.com" if that's the domain you want to enable CloudFront on. Making example.com (without www) work as well could be a bit more tricky as you can't use a CNAME for technical reasons. Route 53 offers a way around this, but the DNS management in Lightsail is a simpler version of that service essentially. But you can always add an A record for example.com, pointing to your server IP address. Then your server can redirect those requests (additional configuration needed).
Secondly, CloudFront needs to contact your server on some address. You could add a second record to your DNS zone. This time you call it "origin.example.com" (or anything really), make it an A record, and point it to the server IP address.

Hosting subdomain without a name domain nginx

I want to add a subdomain to my server. I do have have an ip address given by the hosting server but I don't have the name domain yet. Is it possible to host like:
subdomain. <-- I tried this by Is not working for me, perhaps this is not possible
Or is there a better way to have subdomain without having a name domain yet?
If you want use this site for few devices, you can add to file hosts your domain: subdomain.test.site
But just add subdomain to IP is impossible.

Applying Domain Name to EC2 Instance

I want to host a new subdomain on an Ec2 Instance(ec2-xx-xxx-xxx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com) like blog.somesite.com
I have the DNS settings on a 3rd party host(like Godaddy) that look like:
site ip addr as shown above, is the value of the ec2 server e.g. xxx.xxx.xx.xx and not
If I try to do an mxtoolbox lookup on DNS for blog.myapp.com, it seems to have properly propogated the A-Record, do I need a CNAME record instead of A-Record?
If I try to access blog.myapp.com via browser, it is just a never ending connection. If I access myapp.com , it has always been working fine.
On my ec2 box, I'm running nginx, does something need to be configured on nginx too?
Sorry about the newbieness - still learning.
Thank you!
To start with, you should assign an elastic IP to your instance. IP addresses will change if the instance is ever stopped. With an elastic IP, you can re-associate the ip address to the instance if you need to stop it.
If you are setting up a DNS record for the apex, it needs to be an A record (Apex records is your domain with no subdomain).
For the domain blog.yourdomain.com you can set up either an A or CNAME record.
You will likely need to configure your host within nginx to respond to requests with your domain name.
You will also need to make sure port 80 is open on your security group, and system firewall if your OS has one configured.

Using A records instead of nameservers

I have 3 different websites hosted on the same server, but with different domain registrars. I realize I could use the server's nameservers for all 3 domains, but I was wondering if it would be possible to use the standard registrar's nameservers, but change the DNS' A record to point at my server's IP address.
Is there any advantage/disadvantage to doing it this way?
there is two ways to point domain to server
domainname.com to A Record
Domainname.com to nameservers (ns1.domainname.com & ns2.domainname.com)
if you update A record with registrar for the domain, you can manage DNS with Registrar
but if you update nameserver for the domain you have to manage dns with your own server
this is the main differents
