Howto setup multiple TLDs for multisite in Wordpress - wordpress

I tried nearly everything for now 2 days but i can´t figure out what is the problem.
we have three websites, which all now get a small shop. so we decided to use wordpress and woocommerce. We also decided to use multisite for easier management.
The sites shall run on 3 different TLD as subsite.
No matter what i do, no matter which link i follow and which tutorials i follow, i can´t get it to run. The domains are all assigned as subdomains,, and and also point correctly to the directory.
But i can´t login to a subsite, execpting the main site. Everytime i want to switch to a subsite which is not the main site, i will get redirected back. This also happens in the frontend.
It also doesn't matter if the installation is clean or not. I also tried it out with no plugins activated. Like already said, i followed every guide.
The domains are btw. "just" domain alias defined in plesk. Maybe that is a problem for wordpress? Is that possible? If yes, i need to tell my boss "buy new domains".
I wonder if there is someone out there who has the same problem like me right now.
The next step would be to use 3 instances again, but that´s not really what i want. So i hope anyone can help me, thanks!


Show as in browser (2 domains/WordPress installations on 1 domain)

the company I work for currently owns two domains, e.g.:
I manage the WordPress installations, which run on those domains (two distinct installations with separate themes, plugins, webspaces, databases, ftp, etc.), in my free time as they always come up with challenging requirements which helps me improve my skills (and because the company is really nice to me in general).
They've asked me if it was possible to redirect to and display everything from the second WordPress installation under that URL.
For example the main page of should be displayed under, the subpage should be displayed under and so on.
All the WordPress pages of should continue to work as they are now ("another" would in reality a word which would never be used as subpage of the main domain, so that won't ever be an issue). Basically they just want the browser to display instead of for "tracking, SEO and usability" (I didn't question that... 😅).
I just wanted to know whether this is possible or not.
One idea that came to my mind was to setup as WordPress multisite installation and run as subsite of that multisite on /another. Though I'm not very familiar with multisite, I blieve this is how it could work and it surely isn't to hard to migrate a normal WordPress installation to become a subsite of a multisite. I'm familiar with databases so worst case is I have to do some manual labor if it isn't already possible out of the box by using some backup plugin or so.
But I was thinking that maybe it is possible by changing some settings in the webservers. It's just that Apache HTTP servers aren't really my world at all and even though I tried to understand the configs multiple times over the last decade, I never did and I have no clue how that would work (if it is possible at all).
So my question is: Is it possible to achieve this by configuring the webserver and if so, can you also provide a working config we could use?
I'm also open to better suggestions than the two I thought about. Maybe theres something easier and better to achieve this goal.
Thanks in advance

Some links broken after Update of Wordpress Multidomain Site

I have build a Wordpress site which is running on multiple (sub-)domains using the Plugin: WordPress MU Domain Mapping.
I have been out of WP-Development but had to update those sites. On the main site everything went great. After a few seconds, the site was updated.
The 3 mapped sites however are having a few problems.
After digging into the code i figured that no CSS or JS is being loaded anymore (404 Not Found)?
I can't seem to find the problem that causes this. What has changed so drastic that all those links are being thrown off?
Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
I'm happy to provide functions.php, header.php or anything else that could help to locate the problem.
In the end it was WordPress MU Domain Mapping.
Although at some points it was deactivated it still set the primary domains and caused funny redirects.
Got all pages running in directories now and just need to solve the mapping to sub-domains without the plugin (which should be a core-feature) since 4.5

Unable to create a Wordpress multisite network for an existing installation, A Last Hope

I have a website with some large number of posts like (75k posts).
Till now, i am using a plugin called Main Category As Sub-domain to convert categories into sub-domains.
ISSUE - 1 → In recent wordpress 4.7 update, few functions of that plugins are depreciated. I don't think that plugin's author is going update it.
ISSUE - 2 → I tried to use its alternative plugins, but they are having some permalink restrictions which are causing 404 errors for my existing posts. So, i cant use them.
My current permalink structure is /%post_id%/%postname%/
After all, I decided to convert my single WP into Multisite.
I followed all steps in
But after changing .htaccess and wp-config.php, I logged out.
ISSUE - 3 →When i login again, i am not seeing anything new in WP Dashboard. (i.e) Network is not setup. I tried it many times but no use.
I am not able to understand what is causing this issue.
ISSUE - 4 → Also, i tried to create an alternative WP multisite to export all category posts to specific sub-sites. I know this will work but taking long time to process exporting and importing as i can only export 2000-2500 posts at once.
Using .htaccess rules to redirect 404 errors when using alternative
Importing and Exporting posts with help of MySQL.
I don't know whether these are possible or not. But
Please help me, setup a network for my site.
Or provide any alternative idea.
Any kind of response would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
In wp-config.php make define('WP_DEBUG', true);. It will show you what and where the problem is.

Move wordpress installation from subdomain to root and keep links

ok this is bit weird question:
here is my domain:
and wordpress installation at:
I have lots of visitors and they have shared my blog and article links all over.
I want to organize my site for separate section for tutorials, for blog, for portfolio and for other things.
Right now everything is going to i want to move blog to root but want to keep links so that users dont see 404 page and i get a chance to manage my site from the root.
I know: changing url in settings of wordpress will do the job but is redirecting is good practice? what is the better solution to achieve this confusing state.
You can create an .htaccess rules so your visitors will be redirected to new location, even if they type the URL
See detailed information here.
Note that many of these examples won't work unchanged in your particular server configuration, so it's important that you understand them, rather than merely cutting and pasting the examples into your configuration.

Two domains on same WP site, but different header

I'm using Wordpress for a client's website and this client asked me if he could have two domains with the same content, but a different logo on top of the page. So for example: with logo1 with logo2
Both with same theme & contents.
I was thinking of a double WP install, but then you have to do every change two times. I read something about multisites in Wordpress, but could not find out how to do this.
I hope someone can help me out, thanks!
On the SEO front this is a bad idea, you will duplicate all content Google won't know what to value more. But if you really want it.
you could do this with two wp install's but there are problems.
First set your site url's in the wp-config
Second let both installs connect to the same database. The change in
header can be detected with $_REQUEST (google it)
Now there are 2 problems left which I don't know how to fix.
The uploads folder need to be synchronized so each site can access the uploads
the solution will be with simlinks stuff. (which I'm not familiar with)
And your hosting provider has to allow it.
If you add an internal link in your post/pages it will prepend the complete site url, and save this hard coded in the database.
The solution of this could be in the editor, of to filter the content before it is printed.
If you want to go this way I'm willing to look further into these problems
Here is a relatively recent article on how to set a multisite wordpress network up.
