Searching wikipedia through R - r

I have a list of names in my dataframe and I want to find a way to query them in Wikipedia, although it's not as simple as just appending the name to "", I want to actually query Wikipedia so that there will be a suggestion even if its not spelt correctly. So for example if I were to put in Dick Dawkins, it'd come up with Richard Dawkins. I checked and that is actually the first hit on Wikipedia.
Ideally I'd want to use RVest but I don't want to manually get every url. Is this possible?

You are right. I, too, had a hard time getting Dick Dawkins out of the wikipedia. So much so that even searching for Dick Dawkins on the wikipedia search brought me straight to Richard Dawkins.
However, if you want to search for a term (say "Richard Dawkins") then Wikipedia has a proper API for you ( You can play around and find the right parameters that work for you.
Just to get you started, I wrote a function (which is somewhat similar to rg255's post). You can change the parameter for MySearch function. Please make sure that spaces in search string are replaced by '%20' for every query from your dataframe. Simple gsub function should do the job. You will also have to install 'jsonlite' package for this to work.
MySearch <- function(srsearch){
FullSearchString <- paste("",srsearch,"&format=json",sep="")
Response <- fromJSON(FullSearchString)
Response <- MySearch("Richard%20Dawkins")
You can now use the parsed JSON to use the properties that you want. As I said, you will have to play with the parameters to get it right.
Please let me know if this is not what you wanted.


Using variable input for str_extract_all in R

I am pretty green when it comes to R and coding in general. I've been working on a CS project recently for a linguistics course through which I'm finding the words that surround various natural landscape words in The Lord of the Rings. For instance, I'm interested in finding the descriptive words used around words like "stream", "mountain", etc.
Anyhow, to extract all of these words from the text, I've been working off of this post. When running this command by itself, it works:
stringr::str_extract_all(text, "([^\\s]+\\s){4}stream(\\s[^\\s]+){6}")
where "stream" is the specific word I'm going after. The numbers before and after specify how many words before and after I want to extract along with it.
However, I'm interested in combining this (and some other things) into a single function, where all you need to plug in the text you want to search, and the word you want to get context for. However, as far as I've tinkered, I can't get anything other than a specific word to work in the above code. Would there be a way to, in the context of writing a function in R, include the above code, but with a variable input, for instance
stringr::str_extract_all(text, "([^\\s]+\\s){4}WORD(\\s[^\\s]+){6}")
where WORD is whatever you specify in the overall function:
I apologize for the generally apparent newb-ness of this post. I am very new to all of this but would greatly appreciate any help you could offer.
This is what you are looking for, if I understood you correctly,
my_fun <- function(input_text, word) {
string = input_text,
pattern = paste("([^\\s]+\\s){4}", word, "(\\s[^\\s]+){6}", sep = "")
May the light of EƤrendil ever shine upon you!

Assigning observation name to a value when retrieving a variable

I want to create a dataframe that contains > 100 observations on ~20 variables. Now, this will be based on a list of html files which are saved to my local folder. I would like to make sure that are matches the correct values per variable to each observation. Assuming that R would use the same order of going through the files for constructing each variable AND not skipping variables in case of errors or there like, this should happen automatically.
But, is there a "save way" to this, meaning assigning observation names to each variable value when retrieving the info?
Take my sample code for extracting a variable to make it more clear:
#Specifying the url for desired website to be scrapped
url <- '
#Reading the HTML code from the website
webpage <- read_html(url)
title_data_html <- html_text(html_nodes(webpage,'.lister-item-header a'))
rank_data_html <- html_text(html_nodes(webpage,'.text-primary'))
description_data_html <- html_text(html_nodes(webpage,'.ratings-bar+ .text-
df <- data.frame(title_data_html, rank_data_html,description_data_html)
This would come up with a list of rank and description data, but no reference to the observation name for rank or description (before binding it in the df). Now, in my actual code one variable suddenly comes up with 1 value too much, so 201 descriptions but there are only 200 movies. Without having a reference to which movie the description belongs, it is very though to see why that happens.
A colleague suggested to extract all variables for 1 observation at a time and extend the dataframe row-wise (1 observation at a time), instead of extending column-wise (1 variable at a time), but spotting errors and clean up needs per variable seems way more time consuming this way.
Does anyone have a suggestion of what is the "best practice" in such a case?
Thank you!
I know it's not a satisfying answer, but there is not a single strategy for solving this type of problem. This is the work of web scraping. There is no guarantee that the html is going to be structured in the way you'd expect it to be structured.
You haven't shown us a reproducible example (something we can run on our own machine that reproduces the problem you're having), so we can't help you troubleshoot why you ended up extracting 201 nodes during one call to html_nodes when you expected 200. Best practice here is the boring old advice to LOOK at the website you're scraping, LOOK at your data, and see where the extra or duplicate description is (or where the missing movie is). Perhaps there's an odd element that has an attribute that is also matching your xpath selector text. Look at both the website as it appears in a browser, as well as the source. Right click, CTL + U (PC), or OPT + CTL + U (Mac) are some ways to pull up the source code. Use the search function to see what matches the selector text.
If the html document you're working with is like the example you used, you won't be able to use the strategy you're looking for help with (extract the name of the movie together with the description). You're already extracting the names. The names are not in the same elements as the descriptions.

Is there any way to replicate Rstudio's integrated search function as a code?

For context, I asked a question earlier today about matching company names with various variations against a big list with a lot of different company names by using the "stringdist" function from the stringdist package, in order to identify the companies in that big list. This is the question I asked.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to make any improvements to my code, which is why I'm starting to look away from stringdist and try something completely different.
I use Rstudio, and I've noticed that the internal search function in that program is much more effective:
As you can see by the picture, simply searching for the company name in the top right corner gives me the output that I'm looking for, such as the longer name "AMMINEX EMISSIONS..." and "AMMINEX AS".
However, in my previous attempt with the stringdist function (see the link to my previous question) I would get results like "LAMINEX" which are not at all relevant, but would appear before the more useful matches:
So it seems like using the algorithm that Rstudio uses is much more efficient in my case, however I'm not quite sure if it's possible to replicate this algorithm in code form, instead of having to manually search for each company.
Assuming I have a data frame that looks like this:
Company_list <- data.frame(Companies=c('AMMINEX', 'Microsoft', 'Apple'))
What would be a way for me to search for all 3 companies at the same time and get the same type of results in a data frame, like Rstudio does in the first image?
From your description of which results are good or bad, it sounds like you like exact matches of a substring rather than things that are close on those distance measures. In that case you can imitate Rstudio's search function with grepl
demo.df <- data.frame(name = paste(rep(c("abc","jkl","xyz"), each=4), sample(1:100,4*3)), limbs=1:4*3)
where the pipe in the grepl pattern string means 'or', letting you search for multiple companies at the same time. So, to search for the names from the example data frame this string would be paste0(Company_list$Companies,collapse="|") Is this what you're after?

In R, looking for a more detailed str() showing full names or a tree

I want to change parts of a ggplot2 object made by a function and returned as a result, to remove the Y-axis label. No, the function does not allow that to be specified in the first place so I want to change it after the fact.
str(theObject) ## shows the nested structure with parts shortened to ".." and I want to be able to type something like:
theObject$A$B$C$myLabel <- ""
So how can I either make an str -like listing with full paths like that or perhaps draw a tree structure showing the inner working of the object?
Yes, I can figure things out using names(theObject) and finding which branch leads to what I am looking for, then switching to that branch and repeating but it looks like there could be a better automated way to find a leaf node such as:
leaf_str(obj=theObject, leaf="myLabel")
might return zero or more lines like:
Or, the entire structure could be put out as a series of such lines.
I have searched and found nothing quite like this. I can see lots of uses especially in teaching what an object is. Yes, S4 objects might also use # as well as $.
function in the xfun package may be useful.
See here for more details

Genbank query (package seqinr): searching in sequence description

I am using the function query() of package seqinr to download myoglobin DNA sequences from Genbank. E.g.:
query("myoglobins","K=myoglobin AND SP=Turdus merula")
Unfortunately, for a lot of the species I'm looking for I don't get any sequence at all (or for this species, only a very short one), even though I find sequences when I search manually on the website. This is because of searching for "myoglobin" in the keywords only, while often there isn't any entry in there. Often the protein type is only specified in the name ("definition" on Genbank) -- but I have no idea how to search for this.
The help page on query() doesn't seem to offer any option for this in the details, a "generic search" without any "K=" doesn't work, and I haven't found anything via googling.
I'd be happy about any links, explanations and help. Thank you! :)
There is a complete manual for the seqinr package which describes the query language more in depth in chapter 5 (available at I was trying to do a similar query and the description for many of the genes/cds is blank so they don't come up when searching using the k= option. One alternative would be to search for the organism alone, then match gene names in the individual annotations and pull out the accession numbers, which you could then use to re-query the database for your sequences.
This would pull out the annotation for the first gene:
query("ACexample", "sp=Turdus merula")
annotations <- getAnnot(ACexample$req[[1]])
cat(annotations, sep = "\n")
I think that this would be a pretty time consuming way to tackle the problem but there doesn't seem to be an efficient way of searching the annotations directly. I'd be interested in any solutions you might come up with.
