Is it possible to use stackdriver monitoring in an on-premise machine? [duplicate] - stackdriver

This question already has answers here:
StackDriver: Collecting metrics from outside GCP and AWS
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want to collect cpu and memory metrics with Stackdriver monitoring on my machine, which is neither on GCP or AWS, is it doable?

As of today, for on-prem monitoring with Stackdriver you can define and collect your own Custom Metrics (e.g.: using Open Census ).
You'll need to collect them with your own agent, though.

At this time, there is currently no support for Stackdriver monitoring on premises. Today, only compute hosted on GCP or AWS can push metrics to Stackdriver.

You can use a Google Cloud Platform third party partner application BindPlane.
From Google blog:
Looks like it supports Windows and a couple flavors of linux - currently in Alpha.

Stackdriver leverages BindPlane for on-prem metric and log monitoring. It's a separate SaaS service but doesn't cost anything additional.


Analysis Services access configuration challenge

Looking for access related solution that involves:
a) Azure Analysis Services
b) Reports in Power BI Services
c) and restricting connection access to Azure Analysis Services from Excel, Power BI Desktop, other tools
The picture below illustrates the problem what I'm trying to solve (marked red).
So we want that certain Azure AD Group(s) (e.g. Salespersons) have access to Azure Analysis Services only through published Power BI Reports. So they use reports but can’t connect to Azure Analysis model with Excel, Power BI Desktop and other tools.
And at the same time other Azure AD Group(s) (e.g. Controllers) can use Excel and other tools to explore whole Azure Analysis Services model. They also can use reports.
I see that current Azure Analysis Services Firewall setup operates with IP Addresses.
So looks it can't be used in my case as I can identify users by AD Group(s) not IP(s).
Does anybody know is it somehow possible to solve this.
Might be in combination with some other Azure services
[link to picture]
you can create an Azure VM, provide the user group access(allowed to use AAS from excel) on that VM and whitelist the IP of that VM in firewall of AAS server.
So anyone accessing the AAS needs to access it via the Azure VM only and not via any local IP.
As to others users, even if they have read access on AAS cube, they wont be able to access due to firewall restrictions.
Note : All the above is assuming that the POwerBi reports are in connectlive mode and not import mode.
In case if the reports are in import mode, the users need not have read access in the AAS cube but just have access on the reports

warning google cloud compute instance over utilized

i recently installed a Bitnami Wordpress Network stack on google cloud compute.
I keep getting a warning saying that it is over utilised however, when i view cpu and disk usage statistics, i cannot see how this is possible? Both statistics are usually very low only spiking when I am administering websites (ie importing large files, backups, etc).
For exmaple as i post this message right now usage for the
Is this just a marketing ploy to get me to upgrade my instance?
What happens when we overutilise anyway? (what are the my wordpress network appears to me to be functioning flawlessly)
Please see images of my disk and cpu usage over the last 7 days
[CPU utilisation statistcs 7 days][1]
[disk operations 7 days][2]
[Network Packets statistics 7 days][3]
You need to install the Monitoring Agent in order to get accurate recommendations.
If the monitoring agent is installed and running on a VM instance, the
CPU and memory metrics collected by the agent are automatically used
to compute sizing recommendations. The agent metrics provided by the
monitoring agent give better insights into resource utilization of the
instance than the default Compute Engine metrics. This allows the
recommendation engine to estimate resource requirements better and
make more precise recommendations.
How to install the Monitoring Agent to get accurate sizing recommendations:

Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision to count the number of pipes

Could I customize Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision to count the number of the following pipes?
Microsoft Computer Vision does not currently return the count of an item. However we appreciate seeing these type of requests and questions to help us improve the service.

Using Firebase within the physical network of an organization - not on the cloud

If for security and regulatory reasons an organization can not run its core internal business processes on the cloud, is there a solution by which Firebase could still be used, for example run only within the physical network of that organization ?
Firebase is a pure cloud-hosted solution. There is no on-premise version available.

Machine's uptime in OpenStack

I would like to know (and retrieve via REST API) the uptime of individual VMs running in OpenStack.
I was quite surprised that OpenStack web UI has a colon called "Uptime" but it actually show time since the VM was created. If i stop the VM, the UI shows Status=Shutoff, Power State=Shutdown, but the Uptime is still being incremented...
Is there a "real" uptime (I mean for a machine that is UP)?
Can I retrieve it somehow via the OpenStack's REST API?
I saw the comment at How can I get VM instance running time in openstack via python API? but the page with the extension mentioned there does not exists and it looks to me that this extension will not be available in all OpenStack environment. I would like to have some standard way to retrieve the uptime.
(Version Havana)
I haven't seen any documentation saying this is the reason, but the nova-scheduler doesn't differentiate between a running and powered off instance. So your cloud can't be over-allocated or leave an instance in a position that would be unable to be powered on. I would like to see a metric of actual system runtime as well, but at the moment the only way to gather that would be through ceilometer or via Rackspaces StackTach
