Horizontal scrollbar showing white space on right of webpage? - css

This is the page in question: https://globalstudyuk.com/home-page-test/
You will see that on both desktop and mobile, there is some blank space on the right of the page.
I haven't found any solution in my code based on similar StackOverflow questions.
There should be no horizontal scrollbar, with everything filling the full width of the page.

Place the final .row inside the .container in the footer.
The negative margin on the .row is countered by the padding on the .container class.
Always useful to revisit the Bootstrap docs when things go awry:

I had the same or very similar problem. Making the window more narrow everything seemed to resize correctly, except a horizontal scrollbar appeared at the bottom. When I scrolled with it, white-space appeared on the right side of the page.
Turns out the reason was that on the top of the page I had an element with width 100%. But under that I had another piece of text inside a PRE -section, with lines that were quite wide, wider than the resized window-width.
When I made the window more narrow the top element resized correctly but the PRE -element no longer fit into the horizontal space available, thus creating the horizontal scrollbar.
When I used that scrollbar the browser (of course) did not resize the content on the top of the page, because I was not resizing the window, only scrolling it horizontally.
Therefore the browser did not readjust the top element after the scroll to take 100% of the new visible width and therefore it could only show whitespace to the right of it as I scrolled.
So if you have this type of problem, check out if there are any DOM-elements below the currently visible ones, and whether they might be the cause of the horizontal scrollbar.
My particular problem was solved by making the PRE-section defined like this:
<pre style="width:100%; overflow-x: auto; "
> ...
Now when I make the page too narrow for the PRE-content to fit in horizontally, a horizontal scrollbar appears, but now only under the PRE-section. Scrolling it only scrolls (horizontally) the PRE-section, not the whole page. When I scroll vertically to the top of the page I don't see the PRE-section nor the horizontal scrollbar under it.


gwt ScrollPanel in TabPanel: no vertical scrollbar

I have fixed the whitespace behaviour by resizing components within the VerticalPanel, that seem to have had an effect on the panel's dimension somehow missed by the console. I don't quite understand how.
However, I am still stuck with none of my panels showing vertical scroll bars.
In a GWT project, I have the following structure:
North (header)
Center (body)
South (footer)
-Several widgets-
My problems are with the ScrollPanel in the TabPanel, which in itself contains a VerticalPanel containing several widgets. This is true for each Tab in the TabPanel.
My problem is that, while the width's for all containers in SplitLayoutPanel$2's center have 100% width, the ScrollPanel contains a horizontal scrollbar with a considerable white area next to it's VerticalPanel, while they are in absolute metrics the same size.
Illustrating the situation
This is the TabPanel, with ScrollPanel, and VerticalPanel. Notice how the horizontal scrollbar exists, while the TabPanel, ScrollPanel and VerticalPanel have the same width. Scrolling to the right yields a white area.
The ScrollPanel and VerticalPanel all sport an absolute width of 598px. The West component of the DockLayoutPanel has a size of 600, so that matches. Also notice how bringing up the developer console has made the scrollbar disappear. In fact, the entire panel has disappeared behind it, and no vertical scrollbar pops up.
When scrolling the bar to the right, the VerticalPanel gets partially placed off screen, and the ScrollPanel shows this whitespace. Obviously, I don't want the whitespace to be there, so there won't be need for a scrollbar at all. All panels in this situation still have the same width: 598px. Resizing the SplitLayoutPanel, using the border to the right, increases these values (obviously), but the panels do still share equal width and the whitespace remains the same size, while I'd expect it to get wider too.
The second tab contains a load of text, which continues off the screen, but no scrollbars appear.
Problem conclusion
No vertical scrollbars
A horizontal scrollbar with some magically summoned whitespace
Compontents claim to have equal width
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Have tried resizing the VerticalPanel to 90 or 80% width. The whitespace seems unaffected and it shows that 100% really covers the visible width and not more.
TabPanel (at least the one from GWT proper) resizes from the inside-out: its size varies depending on the size of the selected tab. So your ScrollPanel will never have a vertical scrollbar unless you explicitly give it a size, and your content is actually overflowing the layer of the SplitLayoutPanel you put the TabPanel in.
Layout panels, such as TabLayoutPanel, on the other hand resize from the outside-in: the SplitLayoutPanel would set the size of the TabLayoutPanel in its center region, and the TabLayoutPanel would in turn set the size of the ScrollPanel, so if the content of the ScrollPanel overflows, a vertical scrollbar appears.
First Point : Don't mix and match layout panels and non - layout panels.
Second Point : If you want proper resizing and scrollbars, always try to mention width and height in percentages.
I see that you have mentioned width to be 100%. But what about the height?
What I suggest for you is,
Change TabPanel to TabLayoutPanel
Set all the panels height throughout the heirarchy as 100%

Attach div element to the bottom of page

I have a page where the main content has a variable height. I want to have a fixed height (about 50px) footer to the very bottom of the page.
I need it to scroll along with the page (so not a fixed position).
A couple scenarios:
If the body content is 300px tall, the window has no scrollbar, the footer would be all the way to the bottom and visible.
If the body content is 900px tall and the window has a scrollbar, the footer would be all the way at the bottom with no space between the footer and the bottom of the window, and not visible unless you scroll to the very bottom.
Is there a way to accomplish this in pure CSS? Trying to stay clear of using JS to handle this.
see the fiddle for code and demo
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gLpFJ/
demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gLpFJ/embedded/result/
Note: Please note this http://jsfiddle.net/yp4EH/ is not for the answer it is just for demonstration purpose.
I am giving this for help and for concept purpose This fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/yp4EH/ is not related with this question but based on same situation - sidebar, content, footer at bottom always.

Missing Scroll Bar

I seem to be missing a horizontal scroll bar on this page, http://www.animefushigi.com/
If you make your browser window skinner, half the page will be cut off but there will be no scroll bar.
I believe the main content width should be 1024 px before the need of a scrollbar
because the wrapper div does not have a stable min-width(and for browser which not support min-width, such as ie6, there is a child div .wrapper has a stable width in this case, so it will be ok,too ),which should be setted.
//add css
It looks like overflow:hidden is used to clear floats in a couple of places. If you get rid of it on #master_wrapper then the horizontal scrollbar will return. However this will cause that element to collapse to a height of 0 and making this image disappear from your page. You can however rearrange your background images using the html for one of them to sort that issue out.

CSS: Full-size divs show browser scrollbars

I have a site which needs to be fully self-contained in the browser window, ie, the user must not have to scroll up and down to view different parts of the site. Content that is too long to fit into the content pane is handled with overflow:auto, which is working fine.
the problem is, no matter what I try I still have the following problem:
two sets of scrollbars http://www.wikiforall.net/bad_scrollbars.png
So beneaht the content which successfully fills the browser window, there seems to be a gap. This gap causes the vertical scrollbar to show itself (and there appears to be a similar gap on the right side which isn't as easy to see). I've inspected the elements using Chrome's element inspector and the <html> tag covers only up to that gap. So I have no idea where the gap is coming from.
The main page divs are setup with position: absolute, with left, right, top, and bottom all set to zero. These divs also have display: inline set, and do not have margins or padding. The html and body tags are styled the same way.
I've been looking around for a day or two but nothing I've found has worked. Does anyone know how to remove these scrollbars?
You can always use:
overflow: hidden;
To hide the scrollbars.

How to create an HTML CSS Page with Header, Footer and Content

There are 3 parts to the page.
Header, which has unknown content at design time as it is populated with text at runtime. All the text must be displayed, no scroll bars.( I think height: 100% does this)
Content, the content should fill the page below the bottom of the header to the top of the footer. if there is more text in the content that can be shown, then scroll bars should be available.
Footer. Footer should be 25px high and always sit at the bottom of the viewport.
The window is a popup and it should never have window scroll bars, it can be resized but no scrollbars. The contents scroll bars should be the only one available.
The content area should resize when resizing the window, but the footer stay the same, ie fixed to the bottom.
The widths would all be 100%
Header: don't specify a height. Divs will automatically size to their content's height
Content: specify a margin-bottom: 25px to avoid being overlapped by the footer
Footer: position: fixed; height:25px
You'll have to look into ways to simulate position:fixed for IE < 7. see, for example,
How do I get a floating footer to stick to the bottom of the viewport in IE 6?
This can be a pain in the butt if you want the footer at the bottom of the window. The only way I've found to do this and make it work cross-browser is by using a dreaded table layout - and before I get my head bitten off, table layouts are frowned upon - big time.
It's easy to position the header and the content...but as far as I'm aware, not the footer so far, I've only found 2 ways of positioning the footer at the bottom of the window (as opposed to the bottom of the document which may be half way up the window for short documents), 1 uses Javascript to reference the Window.Height and the other uses tables (the frowned upon, but simple way of doing this).
Up to this point, I've yet to see a CSS that reliably does this in all browsers. I would be very interested to see a CSS that does this...
