Get Dates of a Certain Weekday from a Year in dart - datetime

How might I generate a list of date objects for each Monday of a year?
i want like
7 1 2019
14 1 2019
21 1 2019
4 3 2019
11 3 2019
Is there a function to do this in the DateTime library? i think i missed something,the same question asked for R but I really did not understand anything

As far as I know the function doesn't exist but you can try this code:
void main() {
var givenYear = 1999;
var listOfMondays = [];
var dateIter = DateTime(givenYear);
while (dateIter.year < givenYear + 1) {
dateIter.add(new Duration(days: 1));
if (dateIter.weekday == 1) {
//1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday and so on.


What does NNN mean in date format <YYMMDDhhmmssNNN><C|D|G|H>?

hi I has date format and I want converted to correct GMT date :
Sample value on that date:
I get this explanation for part NNN :
NNN If flag is C or D then NNN is the number of hours relativeto GMT,
if flag is G or H, NNN is the number of quarter hours relative to GMT
C|D|G|H C and G = Ahead of GMT, D and H = Behind GMT
but I did not get how number of hours relative to GMT can present on 3 digits ? it should be in 2 digit as i knew the offset for hours related to GMT is from 0 to 23 , and also what quarter hours relative to GMT mean ?
I want to use Scala or Java.
I don’t know why they set 3 digits aside for the offset. I agree with you that 2 digits suffice for all cases. Maybe they just wanted to be very sure they would never run of out space, and maybe they even overdid this a bit. 3 digits is not a problem as long as the actual values are within the range that java.time.ZoneOffset can handle, +/-18 hours. In your example NNN is 000, so 0 hours from GMT, which certainly is OK and trivial to handle.
A quarter hour is a quarter of an hour. As Salman A mentioned in a comment, 22 quarter hours ahead of Greenwich means an offset of +05:30, currently used in Sri Lanka and India. If the producer of the string wants to use this option, they can give numbers up to 72 (still comfortably within 2 digits). 18 * 4 = 72, so 18 hours equals 72 quarter hours. To imagine a situation where 2 digits would be too little, think an offset of 25 hours. I wouldn’t think it realistic, on the other hand no one can guarantee that it will never happen.
Java solution: how to parse and convert to GMT time
I am using these constants:
private static final Pattern DATE_PATTERN
= Pattern.compile("(\\d{12})(\\d{3})(\\w)");
private static final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER
= DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuMMddHHmmss");
private static final int SECONDS_IN_A_QUARTER_HOUR
= Math.toIntExact(Duration.ofHours(1).dividedBy(4).getSeconds());
Parse and convert like this:
String sampleValue = "210204215026000C";
Matcher matcher = DATE_PATTERN.matcher(sampleValue);
if (matcher.matches()) {
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.parse(, FORMATTER);
int offsetAmount = Integer.parseInt(;
char flag =;
// offset amount denotes either hours or quarter hours
boolean quarterHours = flag == 'G' || flag == 'H';
boolean negative = flag == 'D' || flag == 'H';
if (negative) {
offsetAmount = -offsetAmount;
ZoneOffset offset = quarterHours
? ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(offsetAmount * SECONDS_IN_A_QUARTER_HOUR)
: ZoneOffset.ofHours(offsetAmount);
OffsetDateTime dateTime = ldt.atOffset(offset);
OffsetDateTime gmtDateTime = dateTime.withOffsetSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC);
System.out.println("GMT time: " + gmtDateTime);
else {
System.out.println("Invalid value: " + sampleValue);
Output is:
GMT time: 2021-02-04T21:50:26Z
I think my code covers all valid cases. You will probably want to validate that the flag is indeed C, D, G or H, and also handle the potential DateTimeException and NumberFormatException from the parsing and creating the ZoneOffset (NumberFormatException should not happen).

Moment JS diff() returns 0 days between Oct 31 and 1 Nov

As is shown below moment.diff() incorrectly calculates 0 days between yesterday (31 October) and today (1 November). Is this a problem with momentJS or with NodeJS (v14.15.4)?
> a = moment(new Date('2021-10-31'))
> b = moment(new Date('2021-11-01'))
> a.diff(b, 'days')
> a.diff(b, 'hours')
One possible cause could be the summer => winter change that officially happened from Sun 31 Oct to Mon 1 Nov*. This is evident from the parsing of '2021-10-31' to a summer time Moment<2021-10-31T02:00:00+02:00> (2h).
Nevertheless, I would argue 24 hours diff should not come out as 0 days and thus it's a bug in Moment.
* Though everyone actually sets their clocks back on Sunday 31 Oct... go figure.
I think it's because there was the change of hour and that in .diff() for get the hour it's return a number lower than 1 and moment rounded it at 0.
You can change your code in that without use Date in the moment declaration:
const a = moment('2021-10-31');
const b = moment('2021-11-01');
console.log(a.diff(b, 'days')); // -1
console.log(a.diff(b, 'hours')); // -25 <- but this is wrong
<script src=""></script>
Or in alternative you can force that .diff() function returns a floating instead of integer putting the third parameter, and after round it like that:
const a = moment(new Date('2021-10-31'));
const b = moment(new Date('2021-11-01'));
console.log(Math.round(a.diff(b, 'days', true)));
console.log(Math.round(a.diff(b, 'hours', true)));
<script src=""></script>
Else is to force moment to use the utc date:
const a = moment.utc(new Date('2021-10-31'));
const b = moment.utc(new Date('2021-11-01'));
console.log(a.diff(b, 'days'));
console.log(a.diff(b, 'hours'));
<script src=""></script>

How to get friday to friday weeks from two date range using moment

I am trying to get week start as friday & end date as friday and I tried to use startOf/endOf week(week/isoweek) but failed. Is there any way that I can get friday as start of week and Friday as end of week using moment.
Moment(date).startOf('week'); // or isoweek
Output should be,
Date of friday
Request data:
First date= 05-09-2019
End date= 05-15-2019(current date)
Expected output:
Weekstart: 05-03-2019,
Weekend: 05-10-2019
Weekstart: 05-10-2019,
Weekend: 05-17-2019
There is no option for setting start day of week . But you can fetch last Friday date using
You can update the week start for a locale using something like:
moment.updateLocale(moment.locale(), { week: { dow: 5 } })
moment().startOf('week').toString(); // Fri May 10 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0100
You can do a short custom function to always give you start and end of the week based on a passed isoWeekDay:
let getCustomWeek = (dayOfWeek=7, date=new Date()) => {
let firstDay, lastDay, passedDay = moment(date).isoWeekday(dayOfWeek)
firstDay = moment(passedDay).subtract(1, 'week')
lastDay = moment(firstDay).add(1, 'week')
return { start: firstDay.format(), end: lastDay.format() }
let dateRange = ['05-09-2019', '05-15-2019']
console.log('Friday: ', => getCustomWeek(5, new Date(d))))
console.log('Wednesday: ', => getCustomWeek(3, new Date(d))))
<script src=""></script>

Laravel 5: Time Difference Between 2 Dates

Is there a way I could get a result like this:
Date1 is 1 minute 2 hours 3 days 4 years away from Date2
in Laravel 5 + Carbon between two dates?
It turned out Carbon::diffForHumans() method exists.
Some code for the curious:
$date1 = new Carbon();
$diff = $date1->diffForHumans($date2);
print 'Date1 is ' + $diff . ' away from Date2';
// output
// "Date1 is 3 weeks away from Date2"

Find date for same day of the week last year?

OK so for example, today is Tuesday, Feb 02. Well the equivalent "Tuesday" from last year was on Feb 03.
How can I find this out programmatically?
According to Google, there are 604,800,000 milliseconds in a week. That times 52 should give you the same day of the week a year later (right?).
For example:
var date:Date = new Date(2010, 1, 2);
date.setMilliseconds(date.milliseconds - 604800000 * 52);
Tue Feb 2 00:00:00 GMT-0800 2010
Tue Feb 3 00:00:00 GMT-0800 2009
Just my two cents. I don't like the idea, that the second answer assumes 52 weeks in a year, it will work for a single year, but is a solution to only this exact problem - eg. if you want to check the same thing moving back 10 years it won't work. I'd do it like this:
var today:Date = new Date();
// Here we store the day of the week
var currentDay:int =;
trace (today);
const milisecondsInADay:uint = 1000*60*60*24;
// Here we move back a year, but we can just as well move back 10 years
// or 2 months
today.fullYear -= 1;
// Find the closest date that is the same day of the week as current day
today.time -= milisecondsInADay*(;
trace (today);
Tue Feb 2 21:13:18 GMT+0100 2010
Tue Feb 3 21:13:18 GMT+0100 2009
