What are all Racket procedures that mutate state?
I'm trying to create a program with as little side-effects as possible
So, I'd do something like:
#lang racket/base
(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket/base) set! …more here…))
What else should I exclude besides set! ?
Is there a complete list somewhere of all impure functions?
Oh, and the program also uses #lang racket/gui (which is mostly impure, by what I could gather). So that may be tricky...
Thank you.
There is no pre-built list of non-pure functions in Racket.
If you just refrain from using anything which has a ! in the name, you will get close.
Note that you can use mutable data structures and still be programming in a purely functional way - as long as you don't mutate them.
I've been writing (unsophisticated) code for a decent while, and I feel like I have a somewhat firm grasp on while and for loops and if/else statements. I should also say that I feel like I understand (at my level, at least) the concept of recursion. That is, I understand how a method keeps calling itself until the parameters of an iteration match a base case in the method, at which point the methods begin to terminate and pass control (along with values) to previous instances and eventually an overall value of the first call is determined. I may not have explained it very well, but I think I understand it, and I can follow/make traces of the structured examples I've seen. But my question is on creating recursive methods in the wild, ie, in unstructured circumstances.
Our professor wants us to write recursively at every opportunity, and has made the (technically inaccurate?) statement that all loops can be replaced with recursion. But, since many times recursive operations are contained within while or for loops, this means, to state the obvious, not every loop can be replaced with recursion. So...
For unstructured/non-classroom situations,
1) how can I recognize that a loop situation can/cannot be turned into a recursion, and
2) what is the overall idea/strategy to use when applying recursion to a situation? I mean, how should I approach the problem? What aspects of the problem will be used as recursive criteria, etc?
Edit 6/29:
While I appreciate the 2 answers, I think maybe the preamble to my question was too long because it seems to be getting all of the attention. What I'm really asking is for someone to share with me, a person who "thinks" in loops, an approach for implementing recursive solutions. (For purposes of the question, please assume I have a sufficient understanding of the solution, but just need to create recursive code.) In other words, to apply a recursive solution, what am I looking for in the problem/solution that I will then use for the recursion? Maybe some very general statements about applying recursion would be helpful too. (note: please, not definitions of recursion, since I think I pretty much understand the definition. It's just the process of applying them I am asking about.) Thanks!
Every loop CAN be turned into recursion fairly easily. (It's also true that every recursion can be turned into loops, but not always easily.)
But, I realize that saying "fairly easily" isn't actually very helpful if you don't see how, so here's the idea:
For this explanation, I'm going to assume a plain vanilla while loop--no nested loops or for loops, no breaking out of the middle of the loop, no returning from the middle of the loop, etc. Those other things can also be handled but would muddy up the explanation.
The plain vanilla while loop might look like this:
1. x = initial value;
2. while (some condition on x) {
3. do something with x;
4. x = next value;
5. }
6. final action;
Then the recursive version would be
A. def Recursive(x) {
B. if (some condition on x) {
C. do something with x;
D. Recursive(next value);
E. }
F. else { # base case = where the recursion stops
G. final action;
H. }
J. Recursive(initial value);
the initial value of x in line 1 became the orginial argument to Recursive on line J
the condition of the loop on line 2 became the condition of the if on line B
the first action inside the loop on line 3 became the first action inside the if on line C
the next value of x on line 4 became the next argument to Recursive on line D
the final action on line 6 became the action in the base case on line G
If more than one variable was being updated in the loop, then you would often have a corresponding number of arguments in the recursive function.
Again, this basic recipe can be modified to handle fancier situations than plain vanilla while loops.
Minor comment: In the recursive function, it would be more common to put the base case on the "then" side of the if instead of the "else" side. In that case, you would flip the condition of the if to its opposite. That is, the condition in the while loop tests when to keep going, whereas the condition in the recursive function tests when to stop.
I may not have explained it very well, but I think I understand it, and I can follow/make traces of the structured examples I've seen
That's cool, if I understood your explanation well, then how you think recursion works is correct at first glance.
Our professor wants us to write recursively at every opportunity, and has made the (technically inaccurate?) statement that all loops can be replaced with recursion
That's not inaccurate. That's the truth. And the inverse is also possible: every time a recursive function is used, that can be rewritten using iteration. It may be hard and unintuitive (like traversing a tree), but it's possible.
how can I recognize that a loop can/cannot be turned into a recursion
what is the overall idea/strategy to use when doing the conversion?
There's no such thing, unfortunately. And by that I mean that there's no universal or general "work-it-all-out" method, you have to think specifically for considering each case when solving a particular problem. One thing may be helpful, however. When converting from an iterative algorithm to a recursive one, think about patterns. How long and where exactly is the part that keeps repeating itself with a small difference only?
Also, if you ever want to convert a recursive algorithm to an iterative one, think about that the overwhelmingly popular approach for implementing recursion at hardware level is by using a (call) stack. Except when solving trivially convertible algorithms, such as the beloved factorial or Fibonacci functions, you can always think about how it might look in assembler, and create an explicit stack. Dirty, but works.
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 60; j++)
Is equal to:
rec1(int i)
if(i < 50)
rec2(int j)
if(j < 60)
rec2(j + 1);
Every loop can be recursive. Trust your professor, he is right!
Original question:
I know Mathematica has a built in map(f, x), but what does this function look like? I know you need to look at every element in the list.
Any help or suggestions?
Edit (by Jefromi, pieced together from Mike's comments):
I am working on a program what needs to move through a list like the Map, but I am not allowed to use it. I'm not allowed to use Table either; I need to move through the list without help of another function. I'm working on a recursive version, I have an empty list one down, but moving through a list with items in it is not working out. Here is my first case: newMap[#, {}] = {} (the map of an empty list is just an empty list)
I posted a recursive solution but then decided to delete it, since from the comments this sounds like a homework problem, and I'm normally a teach-to-fish person.
You're on the way to a recursive solution with your definition newMap[f_, {}] := {}.
Mathematica's pattern-matching is your friend. Consider how you might implement the definition for newMap[f_, {e_}], and from there, newMap[f_, {e_, rest___}].
One last hint: once you can define that last function, you don't actually need the case for {e_}.
Based on your comments, maybe this example will help you see how to apply an arbitrary function:
func[a_, b_] := a[b]
In[4]:= func[Abs, x]
Out[4]= Abs[x]
Since the OP caught a fish, so to speak, (congrats!) here are two recursive solutions, to satisfy the curiosity of any onlookers. This first one is probably what I would consider "idiomatic" Mathematica:
map1[f_, {}] := {}
map1[f_, {e_, rest___}] := {f[e], Sequence##map1[f,{rest}]}
Here is the approach that does not leverage pattern matching quite as much, which is basically what the OP ended up with:
map2[f_, {}] := {}
map2[f_, lis_] := {f[First[lis]], Sequence##map2[f, Rest[lis]]}
The {f[e], Sequence##map[f,{rest}]} part can be expressed in a variety of equivalent ways, for example:
Prepend[map[f, {rest}], f[e]]
Join[{f[e]}, map[f, {rest}] (#Mike used this method)
Flatten[{{f[e]}, map[f, {rest}]}, 1]
I'll leave it to the reader to think of any more, and to ponder the performance implications of most of those =)
Finally, for fun, here's a procedural version, even though writing it made me a little nauseous: ;-)
map3[f_, lis_] :=
(* copy lis since it is read-only *)
Module[{ret = lis, i},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[lis], i++,
ret[[i]] = f[lis[[i]]]
To answer the question you posed in the comments, the first argument in Map is a function that accepts a single argument. This can be a pure function, or the name of a function that already only accepts a single argument like
In[1]:=f[x_]:= x + 2
Map[f, {1,2,3}]
As to how to replace Map with a recursive function of your own devising ... Following Jefromi's example, I'm not going to give to much away, as this is homework. But, you'll obviously need some way of operating on a piece of the list while keeping the rest of the list intact for the recursive part of you map function. As he said, Part is a good starting place, but I'd look at some of the other functions it references and see if they are more useful, like First and Rest. Also, I can see where Flatten would be useful. Finally, you'll need a way to end the recursion, so learning how to constrain patterns may be useful. Incidentally, this can be done in one or two lines depending on if you create a second definition for your map (the easier way), or not.
Hint: Now that you have your end condition, you need to answer three questions:
how do I extract a single element from my list,
how do I reference the remaining elements of the list, and
how do I put it back together?
It helps to think of a single step in the process, and what do you need to accomplish in that step.
I would like to know how could functional languages implement "under the hood" creation of new state of for example Vector. When I have a Vector and I add another element to that particular Vector the old one is still there unchanged and new Vector containing the old one is created containing one more element.
How is this handled internally? Could someone try to explain it? Thank you.
Conceptually, a new Vector is created each time the Vector is extended or modified. However, since the original Vector is unmodified, clever techniques may be used to share structure. See ropes for example.
Also see Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures.
If you prepend an element to a linked list, a new linked list is created with the new element as its head and a pointer to the old list as its tail.
If you add an item to an array, the whole array is usually copied (making it quite inefficient to build up an immutable array incrementally).
However if you only add to the end of each array once, like so:
arr1 = emptyArray()
arr2 = add(arr1, 1)
arr3 = add(arr2, 2)
arr4 = add(arr3, 3)
The whole thing could be optimized, so that arr1, arr2, arr3 and arr4, all have pointers to the same memory, but different lengths. Of course this optimization can only be performed the first time you add to any given array. If you have arr5 = add(arr4, 4) and arr5prime = add(arr4, 42) at least one of them needs to be a copy.
Note that this isn't a common optimization, so you shouldn't expect it to be there unless explicitly stated in the documentation.
This question already has answers here:
Can every recursion be converted into iteration?
(18 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
As far as I know, most recursive functions can be rewritten using loops. Some may be harder than others, but most of them can be rewritten.
Under which conditions does it become impossible to rewrite a recursive function using a loop (if such conditions exist)?
When you use a function recursively, the compiler takes care of stack management for you, which is what makes recursion possible. Anything you can do recursively, you can do by managing a stack yourself (for indirect recursion, you just have to make sure your different functions share that stack).
So, no, there is nothing that can be done with recursion and that cannot be done with a loop and a stack.
Any recursive function can be made to iterate (into a loop) but you need to use a stack yourself to keep the state.
Normally, tail recursion is easy to convert into a loop:
A(x) {
if x<0 return 0;
return something(x) + A(x-1)
Can be translated into:
A(x) {
temp = 0;
for i in 0..x {
temp = temp + something(i);
return temp;
Other kinds of recursion that can be translated into tail recursion are also easy to change. The other require more work.
The following:
treeSum(tree) {
if tree=nil then 0
else tree.value + treeSum(tree.left) + treeSum(tree.right);
Is not that easy to translate. You can remove one piece of the recursion, but the other one is not possible without a structure to hold the state.
treeSum(tree) {
walk = tree;
temp = 0;
while walk != nil {
temp = temp + walk.value + treeSum(walk.right);
walk = walk.left;
Every recursive function can be implemented with a single loop.
Just think what a processor does, it executes instructions in a single loop.
I don't know about examples where recursive functions cannot be converted to an iterative version, but impractical or extremely inefficient examples are:
tree traversal
fast Fourier
quicksorts (and some others iirc)
Basically, anything where you have to start keeping track of boundless potential states.
It's not so much a matter of that they can't be implemented using loops, it's the fact that the way the recursive algorithm works, it's much clearer and more concise (and in many cases mathematically provable) that a function is correct.
Many recursive functions can be written to be tail loop recursive, which can be optimised to a loop, but this is dependent on both the algorithm and the language used.
They all can be written as an iterative loop (but some might still need a stack to keep previous state for later iterations).
One example which would be extremely difficult to convert from recursive to iterative would be the Ackermann function.
Indirect recursion is still possible to convert to a non-recursive loop; just start with one of the functions, and inline the calls to the others until you have a directly recursive function, which can then be translated to a loop that uses a stack structure.
In SICP, the authors challenge the reader to come up with a purely iterative method of implementing the 'counting change' problem (here's an example one from Project Euler).
But the strict answer to your question was already given - loops and stacks can implement any recursion.
You can always use a loop, but you may have to create more data structure (e.g. simulate a stack).