some codes don't work. i dont know why. how can i make the codes work? - firebase

I wanna make Login screen in unity. I'm gonna use firebase, and followed the manual in firebase page and some youtube channel to learn how to use firebase.
and.. some codes don't work. I used the codes that firebase give, and the codes that are below login success don't work. um.. sorry for my weak English. please see the codes. thanks.
this codes don't work
authUI.ShowLoggedInPanel();// 로그인 성공 시 메인메뉴로 전환!
authUI.LoggedInUserEmail.text = newUser.Email;
I don't know what i can try..
private void TryLoginWithFirebaseAuth(string email, string password) // 기존 사용자 로그인
auth.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsCanceled)
Debug.LogError("SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted)
Debug.LogError("SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync encountered an error: " + task.Exception);
// 로그인 성공 (Maybe Login success?)
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser newUser = task.Result;
Debug.LogFormat("User signed in successfully: {0} ({1})",
newUser.DisplayName, newUser.UserId);
authUI.ShowLoggedInPanel();// 로그인 성공 시 메인메뉴로 전환!
authUI.LoggedInUserEmail.text = newUser.Email;
It doesn't show the error to me. but just.. it doesn't work.
Could someone help me out here.

I don't know Firebase well but the issue might be the threading.
All (the most) Unity API calls have to be done in the main thread. Since Firebase executes its stuff async in a background thread some calls might simply fail.
You should rather use an Action parameter in order to pass a callback to the method like e.g.
private void TryLoginWithFirebaseAuth(string email, string password, Action<Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser> successCallback) // 기존 사용자 로그인
auth.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsCanceled)
Debug.LogError("SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted)
Debug.LogError("SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync encountered an error: " + task.Exception);
// 로그인 성공 (Maybe Login success?)
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser newUser = task.Result;
and use it like
TryLoginWithFirebaseAuth(someName, somePassword, onSuccess =>
Debug.LogFormat("User signed in successfully: {0} ({1})",
onSuccess.DisplayName, onSuccess.UserId);
authUI.ShowLoggedInPanel();// 로그인 성공 시 메인메뉴로 전환!
authUI.LoggedInUserEmail.text = onSuccess.Email;
this makes sure it is definitely executed in the Unity main thread.

It's hard to definitely answer your question without more context around it (ex: are there any useful logs in the Unity console?).
Some things to note:
You have to make sure you've setup Authentication in the Firebase Console. This means clicking Authentication in your side bar and explicitly enabling the methods you want:
Similarly, you need to make sure that your applications are properly setup. Your package id/bundle id (Android/iOS) need to match what's in your console. Similarly, you need to upload the SHA1 of your signing certificate to get it to work in Android.
I'm assuming that you're just debugging for now, so you can get your debug certificate here:
You'll want to open up project settings:
And add your fingerprint there:
Following up on #derHugo's suggest, threading may be an issue in addition to the basic setup instructions above. I wrote a post recently on how to work with threading and Firebase in Unity here:
The easiest way to make your code thread safe would be to replace ContinueWith with ContinueWithOnMainThread. This is an extension method on Task provided by the Firebase plugin to make it easier to work with.
I hope that all helps!

This is a classic Task continuation problem in Unity using Firebase. When you use, ContinueWith it is not ensured to be called on the main Unity thread. What you're trying to do authUI.ShowLoggedInPanel();authUI.LoggedInUserEmail.text = newUser.Email; requires to be executed on the Unity main thread. If you try to access GameObjects inside ContinueWith, that will fail. The code just ghosts out without any error in the console.
The solution:
Instead of ContinueWith, use ContinueWithOnMainThread from Firebase extensions which was made exactly for this reason.


Calling showNotification does not show anything special

I would like to implement Google's Push Notification in a website and followed this tutorial by Google:
I managed to display a Push Notification and the permission status in the Console but got stuck with the stage where the showNotification method is used to bring up a message.
My code goes as follows:
Notification.requestPermission(status => {
console.log('Notification permission status:', status);
function displayNotification() {
if (Notification.permission == 'granted') {
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(function(reg) {
reg.showNotification('Hello world!');
I browsed the videos and labs to no avail. They simply use the code stated above or similar with with the optional array incorporated.
Please help me work out how calling the showNotification method can modify the Push Notification.

Firebase service account to generate authentication token for client-side use with Google Apps Script

I am having difficulty using the FirebaseApp (a 3rd party API) to generate an authentication token that can be passed to a sidebar and used by the client to login and access my Firebase Database client-side.
I'm trying to use this tutorial but cannot get it working without using a database secret (which is being depreciated) in makeToken(). I'd prefer to use a service account as reflected in this tutorial. When I look at the difference between the tokens generated, the first 2 pieces separated by a '.' are identical, the last piece after the final '.' is different. The lengths are the same as well. eg:
//Example Generated by Database Secret: TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBv.ZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRoZSBzaG9ydCB2ZWhlbWVuY2Ugb2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=.dGhlIG1pbmQsIHRoYXQgYnkgYSBwZXJzZXZlcmFuY2U=
//Example Generated by Service Account: TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBv.ZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRoZSBzaG9ydCB2ZWhlbWVuY2Ugb2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=.IHNpbmd1bGFyIHBhc3Npb24gZnJvbSBvdGhlciBhbml=
I can generate the OAuth access token, pass it to FirebaseApp and generate an authentication token, but when it is passed client-side and I attempt to authenticate I get an error: Login Failed! Error: INVALID_TOKEN: Failed to validate MAC.
It seems like there is a lot of misinformation and conflicting information on how this should be done.
I have a getFirebaseService() function server-side that uses Apps Script OAuth2 Library to get an access token.
function getFirebaseService() {
return OAuth2.createService('Firebase')
// Set the endpoint URL.
// Set the private key and issuer.
.setPrivateKey(fb_PRIVATE_KEY) //Service account private key
.setIssuer(fb_SERVICE_EMAIL) //Service account email
// Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.
// Set the scopes.
I have a makeToken() function server-side that gets an authentication token from Firebase using the OAuth access token. I am able to use the service.getAccessToken() OAuth token server-side to access and store data. So that works, I guess my issue is creating a client auth token that's more restrictive.
function makeToken(){
var service = getFirebaseService();
if (service.hasAccess()) {
return FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(fb_URL, service.getAccessToken()) //Database Secret Works: "AAslhfi3MYACCESSTOKEN2930hf03ah4th8" but is being depreciated.
} else {
Logger.log("makeToken: " + service.getLastError());
Then client-side, from the sidebar, I try to authenticate with a custom auth token retrieved server-side from makeToken().
var userAuthToken; (requestAuthToken) {
userAuthToken = authenticateClient(requestAuthToken)
function authenticateClient(userRequestToken) {
var ref = new Firebase(fb_URL);
ref.authWithCustomToken(userRequestToken, function (error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("FB Login Failed!", error); //Error below come from here.
else {
console.log("FB Login Succeeded!", authData);
return ref.authData.auth;
This results in Login Failed! Error: INVALID_TOKEN: Failed to validate MAC..
Edit: Is it possible FirebaseApp is incorrectly generating the JWT Authentication Token?
Edit2: I think the above edit is unlikely as I attempted to use the GSApp library and had the same issue. It only seems to want the depreciated database secret, not a service account OAuth.
Alright, so after a very long day I figured it out. I'm going to lay out what I ended up using for libraries and what the issue was (see the third library). The main problem was essentially that the tutorial was outdated and no a lot of people use Firebase in apps script.
OAuth2 (Server-side)
I didn't have to change anything here! It was working fine and never an issue.
FirebaseApp (Server-side)
This is a nice library and I stuck with it because it worked well (once I got it there). I had to make a change to my original code that came from the tutorial I mentioned. My code ended up like this and worked:
if (service.hasAccess()) {
return FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl(fb_URL, service.getAccessToken()) //get OAuth Token
.createAuthToken(Session.getEffectiveUser().getEmail(), null, serviceAccount.client_email, serviceAccount.private_key);
//... Added the null, private key, and service email parameters.
Firebase (Client-side)
Alright, so this is where my main issue was -- The tutorial I followed for client-side setup was old. I had to upgrade the code on my own to use the new 3.x version:
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
apiKey: "<Web API Key>",
authDomain: "<Project ID>",
databaseURL: "https://<DB URL>"
With this firebase instance I was able to update my original authenticateClient() method:
function authenticateClient(userRequestToken) {
firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(userRequestToken).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
console.error("authClient: ", error.code, error.message);
return {
uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid,
metadata: {
lastSignInTime: firebase.auth().currentUser.lastSignInTime
That's it! I now have a firebase instance with a signed in user via JWT Custom Token! I came across a few people with similar issues an I hope this helps.

Issue with jwt-bearer on-behalf-of grant in Azure AD

So I have an Angular app that uses the adal-angular library to authenticate with an ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API. The API then uses on-behalf-of flow to authenticate with another API using the users token like this MS article
The issue I have is this is working fine in the DEV environment but I have now deployed a TST environment with separate App Registrations and I am receiving the following exception when I try and request the token using on-behalf-of
AADSTS240002: Input id_token cannot be used as 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' grant.
The code I am using to request the token
public async Task<string> AcquireTokenAsync(string resource)
string accessToken = await _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync(AuthenticationConstants.AccessToken);
var credentials = new ClientCredential(_azureOptions.ClientId, _azureOptions.ClientSecret);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext($"{_azureOptions.Instance}{_azureOptions.TenantId}")
ExtendedLifeTimeEnabled = true
// On-behalf-of auth token request call
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
new UserAssertion(accessToken));
return authResult.AccessToken;
catch (AdalServiceException asex)
_logger.LogError(asex, $"Instance: {_azureOptions.Instance} Tenant: {_azureOptions.TenantId} ClientId: {_azureOptions.ClientId}");
catch (System.Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message);
And I have used Fiddler and it looks like all the correct parameters are being passed.
Any help would be very much appreciated. I have set knownClientApplications on the second API and I have granted permissions on the Angular backend API to the second API.
For me, I got it to work by changing BOTH of the following to true:
See here for more information.
According to your question and the error, it should be caused by that you angular app is not a Native(public) app.
For using this OBO flow with this Grant type, your client must be a public client not credential client.
If you want to register your client as a WebApp/API, you can refer to this Implementation:
Hope this helps!
According to OP's comment, he/she got it working by changing oauth2AllowImplicitFlow from false to true.
We had this problem last week with one Azure Service Registration and not another. A review found that the token didn't return an AIO being returned. It turns out that the registration had redirects with wildcards (e.g., https://* and this is incompatible with the AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf function. I'm posting this here so a future person, probably me, will find it.
I was having problems even when oauth2AllowImplicitFlow and oauth2AllowIdTokenImplicitFlow were set to true. One of my Reply URLs had a wildcard in it. When the wildcard was removed, the issue was resolved.

Trouble returning a valid result while integrating Stripe API into my Meteor app

Here's the rundown:
I'm trying to run Stripe API on my Meteor app asynchronously
Long story short, everything works (i.e. subscription and charge is/are created normally and shows up in my Stripe dashboard)
When errors occur, the errors throw normally and show on client via user friendly alerts
I have a problem when there is a success and customer subscription is created, the result is not present in client and instead always returns as an error, despite it being a successful process
Here's what my method looks like on the server:
createCustomer: function(token, email, plan){
let createCustomer = Meteor.wrapAsync(stripe.customers.create);
let result = createCustomer({
source: token,
email: email,
plan: plan
let subscription = {
Meteor.users.update({_id: Meteor.userId()}, {$set: subscription});
} catch(error){
if(error.code === "incorrect_cvc"){
throw new Meteor.Error("incorrect_cvc", error.message);
// More of such errors follows
Here's what it looks like on the client:
number: number,
cvc: cvc,
exp_month: exp,
exp_year: exp_year,
address_zip: zip,
address_country: country
}, function(status, response){
console.log("Make sure all fields are filled before submitting order.");
} else{
let token =;"createCustomer", token, email, plan, function(error, result){
console.log("Congratulations, everything worked!");
} else{
if(error.error === "incorrect_cvc"){
console.log("oops, the CSV is incorrect");
// More of such errors follow..
So, everything works in terms of when there is a real error, it throws fine on server + client. When user uses card, the charges are created and subscription is always created. HOWEVER, when there is a success and everything clicking fine, I still receive an error on client via callback and the result is never true or triggered. No idea why.
Not 100% up on Meteor, but it looks to me like your createCustomer method doesn't actually return anything, so the result from your (err, result) might never have anything in it?
As was mentioned in the comments, you might want to separate out the steps and wrap each in its own try-catch set so you can better isolate the issue.
Also, I feel like you could probably generalize your server-side error code to something like:
throw new Meteor.Error(error.error, error.message);
And I might even be tempted to do something like this, at least during testing/development - that way you can actually console.log() the original error in the browser:
throw new Meteor.Error(error.error, error.message, JSON.stringify(error));

Firebase Authentication : Lookup a user by Email

I am using Firebase Authentication with Email and Password
I would like to know if i can 'lookup' a user by email only while also not being signed in as a user
The reason I'd like to do this is, is to simply identify if I am already a user of the system, using an email address only
I looked at this older thread but it appears to be the previous version of Firebase
Is it possible to do this in the current Firebase, or my alternative would be to keep this information available (and open to all?) to find out if a given email is part of my system?
I use fetchProvidersForEmail(email)
and if the result return as empty array then, this email hasn't been use to sign up.
.then(providers => {
if (providers.length === 0) {
// this email hasn't signed up yet
} else {
// has signed up
You can look up user information by email:
.then(function(userRecord) {
// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.
console.log('Successfully fetched user data:', userRecord.toJSON());
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error fetching user data:', error);
I'd like to make things more clear that this method does not exist — one could be looking for it in the firebase client library, in which it has never been available in the first place and it wouldn't be a good idea to have anyway. This method is part of the admin SDK, so in order to call the method, you need to run it on the server, and invoke it from the client. OP didn't scope the question to firebase client library, so my answer is still correct.
Retrieve user data
The new method of creating users with email password returns a value whether the given email address is already in use. See here
import { fetchSignInMethodsForEmail } from 'firebase/auth'
fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(auth, registerEamil).then((result) =>{
console.log("result", result);
if (result.length === 0) {
Navigate("/authentication/select_role/" +
} else {
Server side option:
{ "email": ["rodneydangerfield#stackoverflow.kom"] }
As for today 2021 Nov. 18th, there is no way provided by the Firebase SDK to fetch a user by email.
