Symfony 4 - Can't load my css on some pages - css

I'm creating a website with Symfony 4.
But I've a page where my css and js don't load.
In the console, I've :
GET http://localhost/symbnb/public/ads/css/bootstrap.min.css
maiores-nemo-excepturi-consectetur-saepe:40 GET
maiores-nemo-excepturi-consectetur-saepe:38 GET
maiores-nemo-excepturi-consectetur-saepe:39 GET
This error is at :
The files don't load.
But at
All is good.
This is my files :
And if i put a / like :
I've the error on all pages

Change your source by using Symfony twig asset function.
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/popper.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/bootstrap.min.js') }}"></script>
Use it the same way for CSS asset.
<link rel="stylesheet" src="{{ asset('css/boostrap.min.css') }}">

Currently your website is looking for files in a folder that doesn't exist. Try to add a leading / to all of your assets. This should fix your issue.


Github pages not rendering css correctly for Jekyll theme

This is the link to github for the theme which I'm working on:
On the localhost, its working properly.
I have set the baseurl but still its rendering css correctly as you can see it here -
This is the url for original theme:
Please help.
The console said that it's failed to load ressources. Are you sure you put the correct path to the files ?
CSS files aren't being loaded properly.
Move your css files that are located in /_includes/css to /css and load them from your layout file (or include) as:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/main.css' | absolute_url }}" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/css/bootstrap.min.css' | absolute_url }}" type="text/css" />

accessing public folder in laravel using blade

I have a view called homePage.blade.php which is my master page which resides in res/views/ in that file I have this.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/coreStyleSheet.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/animate.css">
<script src="js/coreScripting.js"></script>
<script src="js/moments.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="icons/fontAwesome/css/font-awesome.css"> </head>
all is fine?
Now I create a folder called AppCreate who's path is res/views/AppCreate I have a blade file there called something.blade.php now when I use #extends('homePage') I am not able to access the css,js.
my tree looks like this.
I redirect something.blade.php tp public/admin/appcreate
I redirect homePage.blade.php to public/dashBoard.
I hope I have explained it well.
when I access the public /admin/appcreate laravel is not able to find the css and the js because it says this.
GET http://localhost/laravel/public/admin/css/coreStyleSheet.css
appcreate:12 GET http://localhost/laravel/public/admin/js/moments.js
appcreate:11 GET http://localhost/laravel/public/admin/js/coreScripting.js
appcreate:13 GET http://localhost/laravel/public/admin/icons/fontAwesome/css/font-awesome.css
Try using the Helper Functions like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/animate.css') }}">
<script src="{{ asset('js/coreScripting.js') }}"></script>
assuming you have your css and js folders inside public/assets

Reference error Sfjs is not defined

I just started with symfony, on template I simply define:
{% javascripts "#MyBundle/Resources/public/js/app.js" %}
<script src="{{asset_url}}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
right before closing body tag </body>.
I get this javascript error:
ReferenceError: Sfjs is not defined
It seems like my javascript is affecting symfony debugbar script. but its happen even when my app.js contains nothing. How should I fix this ? thanks.
Although this is an old topic with an already found untold solution, I just wanted to share my experience that when I was confronted with the same error, it was due to the fact that I had forgotten to add a closing </script> tag somewhere in my base template.
I'm relatively new to Symfony myself, but I believe you need to put spaces between the brackets and the variable. In other words, the second line should look like this:
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
That should help Symfony find the script, which will allow the toolbar to show up.
Hope that helps!

SpraedPDFGeneratorBundle : Generate PDF with CSS

I'm trying to generate a PDF document from a Twig HTML Page using SpraedPDFGeneratorBundle, but the problem is that my stylesheet is not supported.
Somewhere I followed this question : Generate PDF with CSS and Images and I I tried to do like that:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ app.request.scheme ~'://'~ app.request.httpHost ~ asset('css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" />
But I'm getting an error:
The exit status code '1' says something went wrong: stderr: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.xhtmlrenderer.render.BlockBox cannot be cast to org.xhtmlrenderer.newtable.TableBox at org.xhtmlrenderer.layout.BoxCollector.collect( at org.xhtmlrenderer.layout.BoxCollector.collect( at org.xhtmlrenderer.layout.BoxCollector.collect( at org.xhtmlrenderer.layout.BoxCollector.collect( at org.xhtmlrenderer.layout.BoxCollector.collect(BoxCollector.jav:..
Can someone help me ?
It is mentioned somewhere in the SpraedPDFGeneratorBundle github page this:
To define proper print css you might want to read into the's
hints on that:
One of my problem was the fact that the SpraedPDFGeneratorBundle could not correctly parse the CSS file I passed him. This is the CSS file Twitter bootstrap (the version I used):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ app.request.scheme ~'://'~ app.request.httpHost ~ asset('css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" />
After changing the CSS file, I replaced my own stylesheet, everything worked properly because SpraedPDFGeneratorBundle was properly validate my stylesheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ app.request.scheme ~'://'~ app.request.httpHost ~ asset('css/my_custom_stylesheet.css') }}" />

how to use the css and images in a bundle?

I'm new in symfony2, and I'm confused how to use css and image by asset.
For example, I have a boundle named userbundle, and i put my css and image in UserBundle/Resources/public/css and UserBundle/Resources/public/image. But by asset, they were located in web/acmeuser/css and web/acmeuser/image. They do not exist and of-course I can not show them.
The problem is because of the svn. If you have svn in both sides, which means in src/bundles and in web/bundles. If both of them is in svn control, then the command
assets:install web
will cause this exception:
unlink(web//bundles/framework\images.svn\text-base\open_quote.gif.svn-base): Permission denied in \vendor\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Util\Filesystem.php on line 101
If you just removed your /web/bundles and set svn ignore to it. rerun the command and all goes well.
You can try this.
{% block javascript %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('bundles/UserBoundle/Resources/public/css/Filename.css') }}" ></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bundles/UserBoundle/Resources/public/js/Filename.js') }}">
{% endblock %}
