How to populate lead source values dynamically in Suit CRM? - crm

I want to populate the lead source values in suite CRM dynamically based on logged in user. In the background when a user logs in, Suite CRM has to make a call to an external service and fetch the values to populate the lead source drop down. If it isn't possible with Suite CRM, is there any other CRM(free/paid) which supports such features?


How to save data to REST API using a calculated model

I'm building a UI in Google Appmaker to manage the Domain Shared Contacts API. I can read and display data from the API in appmaker using a calculated model, but I cannot save data back into the API.
I tried adding a form widget with the calculated model as a datasource, but this is a read / view only form. This is when i found out calculated data sources are always read-only in app maker.
I then created an SQL datasource and made an event that queries the Domain Shared Contact API which then creates records and saves them to the SQL Model. I was thinking about using the standard form widget and then in the events beforeSave, beforeDelete, etc to write the record to the API.
However this feels dirty to me, since now I have to keep the SQL model synchronized with the API, need to have an SQL server running, etc.
Does anyone have any tips on the best way to write data from a form in appmaker to a REST API? I can't be only one with this use case.
You have to write app script function for this.

How to determine whether a user has permissions to update a table using business connector

We are developing an intranet application using the Business Connector with our Dynamics AX 2009 installation.
We want to allow users to update the data from certain tables if the user already as permission to do so in AX. That is, if the user's effective permissions would allow them to update data using the AX Windows client, then they should be able to update the data using the intranet application.
We are using the LogonAs method and passing in the current user's logon name. That all works. But, for users that ARE ALLOWED to save data, I want to show an update button. For those that are NOT ALLOWED, I don't want any button to show.
Is there a way to query a user's permissions for a given update without trying to perform the update?
Have a look at the static method Global::hasTableAccess(tableId, AccessType)
So a call like
hasTableAccess(tablenum(SalesLine), AccessType::Edit)
would check whether the user has sufficient rights to edit that table - in this case SalesLine
Via CallStaticClassMethod you can call it directly passing both arguments or write a simple thin wrapper in X++ with a new class which just accepts the table name and calls this method with proper values on your behalf - the latter having the benefit of not exposing the raw numeric table ID and enumeration value which may change in a future version.

Using Firebase for generic app distribution

I'm developing a mobile application which I would like to distribute globally. The app is targeted for managers who want their employees to update data as they are on-the-go, while the manager has a web dashboard that collects and dices the data.
The architecture I would like to implement, is that the manager logs in to the product's website, creates an account, and gets a code. Employees are then asked to download the app, and enter that code upon initial setup.
My question is about the back-end implementation of the setup - I would like for each new customer to have their own firebase instance, which is automatically set up and registered when the account is created.
It seems like the API does not support creating new accounts or new repositories/instances.
Is there a way to create an account/instance using a script? If not, would one instance be able to hold potentially a very large number of tables, each table being a root for a specific customer and their data?

Monitor update and deletion in database using

Am using grids in to display database records stored in Microsoft Access, the tables allow editing and deleting using the grid fields.
Is there a way I can monitor whenever a user deletes or edits a record? I want to be able to view details of every update or deletion to certain records, such as the date and users who did it.
What you're speaking of is known as "auditing" and certain databases - such as MS SQL Server - have built-in support for this. MS Access does not include this feature. With the abscence of auditing, a common way to implement this in a custom manner is using update triggers. Unfortunately MS Access also does not have triggers. The only way you'll be able to do this is via an API you write yourself to interact with your tables and discipline to stick to that API.
What you want to do is hook into the save commands on your inserts and deletes. You could also hook into the events to capture the data. Either way, create an insert statement that dumps the log data into your log database.

How and Where to store search parameters in MVC application

I am working on a railway web application and I have following layers:
ASP.NET MVC 2 (Presentation Layer)
Services Layer
Repository Layer
Database & External Web Services as data sources (Using Entity Framework for Database)
I pass Domain Entity Objects from Repository to Service layer and thinking of passing View Models from Service to Presentation layer.
Website would require a login and after successful login I have to present a search screen with basic search (as default option) and option for advance search. Once user fills the search criteria I have to gather data from DB & Web Services and present the results to user. User would select a particular Rail option and would move on to other additional options page BUT they should be allowed to change their previously selected Rail option by going back to Rail search results. I have to always hold and present user’s initial search criteria (basic and advance search options selected by user on the search wizard) on every screen and need these criteria in Service and Repository layers.
What is the best way to hold these search criteria and pass them from page to page within presentation layer and across layers? Should I create a View Model class for Search Options? Or a Domain Entity Object (I don’t think so)? Or a DTO? and best way to pass it across layers and from page to page with in presentation layer.
