How to color a row in table depending on time? - google-app-maker

I am creating an application that will help our employees manage tasks. Tasks are submited via form. OnBeforeCreate I'm taking a date of task subbmission:
record.Data_Zlozenia = new Date();
The task falls into view for region (table widget), from where employees can pick it up.
The task that is submmited has 48 hour deadline.
Problem: How to color the row of task that exceed the deadline?
I know that I can color the row via adding a class in style editor and then on the row "Display" styles the binding. But I don't know how to make it depend on time.
`.red {
background-color: red;
#widget.descendants.Field3.text === "OczekujÄ…cy - zwrot" ? ['red','app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor'] : ['app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor']`
EDIT 1: Here I give U screenshots how it looks and what I tried.
EDIT 2: With #Markus help I found a solution. I should put a binding like this:
(#datasource.item.Data_Zlozenia)/3600000 < ((new Date())/3600000 - 48) ? ['red','app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor'] : ['app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor']

This is untested, but I would try the following in your row styles binding:
setInterval(function() {(new Date() - #widget.datasource.item.Data_Zlozenia)/3600000;}, 60000) > 48 ? ['red','app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor'] : ['app-ListTableRow','hoverAncestor']
Hypothetically speaking this will take the current Date/Time minus your field Date/Time and convert it to hours by dividing it by 3.6 million (JS date minus a date will return milliseconds so you have to convert to hours) and it will repeat this function every minute (60000 milliseconds). As stated, this is untested so you might need to refine a little


How to check if the device's time is between two times in Flutter from Firebase/Firestore?

In the Firestore project, I have documents in a collection containing data for shops, having fields like shopName, shopAddress, startTime(eg. 10 AM) and closeTime(eg. 10 PM) . (all strings for now)
When the user is browsing the app, i have retrieved the data from Firestore of the shops displayed in the app, now i wanna show that the shop is closed when the device's time is not between the startTime and closeTime of the shop. How do i achieve this?
So far I can detect the device's current time using dart package intl using this code:
It gives output as follows:
I/flutter (14877): 6 PM
This is in DateFormat, and the data types stored in Firestore are strings.. I dont know how to compare them.. Do let me know if i have to change the data types in Firestore too.
Thank You
I think if you use 24 Hour Time Format and convert startTime, closeTime and actualTime to int or double ( if the shop close at 20:30/8:30pm), then you can easily compare them with if. On your firebase server string format is perfect.
For example you make a map and iterate it, and check if the actualTime is higher than startTime and lower than closeTime.
I have never tried this code, but i think it is going to work.
Map map = {'1am': 1, '2am': 2, '3am': 3, ... , '11pm': 23};
map.entries.forEach((e) {
if(e.key == actualTime) {
if(e.value >= startTime && e.value < closeTime) {
By the way, I think you should use UTC, because if you change the time-zone on your device, your app is going to show that the shop is closed, but in fact the shop is open, just you are in a different time-zone. You can easily implement this with this code.
var now =;
Maybe you can create a hash map like this:
hashMap=['12 AM', '1 AM', '2 AM', ... , '11 PM', '12 AM'];
After that you can get the positions of startTime, closeTime and actualTime, and see if the actualTime is between start and close times positions.
Let me know if you want to give you a code example.

Function for Google Sheets' Script editor with a button for TODAY(), and NOW() in two different columns of which are the next not blank in the column

Currently, I'm looking at some simple documentation for vague ways to make a 'button' (image) over a Google sheet to trigger a function on the script editor. I'm not familiar with this type of Syntax, I typically do AutoHotKey, and a bit of python.
All I want to do is have this button populate 2 columns. The current date in one, and the current time in the other (It doesn't even have to have its year or the seconds tbh). I don't know if it matters of what the pages name is based on how the script works. So the range is ( 'Log'!G4:H ).
Like if I were to make it for AutoHotkey I would put it as :
WinGet, winid ,, A ; <-- need to identify window A = active
MsgBox, winid=%winid%
;do some stuff
WinActivate ahk_id %winid%
So it affects any page it's active on.
I would like to use the same function on the same columns across different sheets. Ideally, that is. I don't care if I have to clone each a unique function based on the page, but I just can't even grasp this first step, lol.
I'm not too familiar with this new macro. If I use this macro does it only work for my client, because of say like it recording relative aspect ratio movements?
IE if I record a macro on my PC, and play it on my android. Will the change in the platform change its execution?
If anyone can point me in any direction as to any good documentation or resources for the Google Sheet Script Editor or its syntaxes I would really appreciate it.
EDIT: Just to clarify. Im really focused in on it being a function that populates from a click/press(mobile) of an image. I currently use an onEDIT on the sheet, and it wouldnt serve the purposes that I want for this function. Its just a shortcut to quickly input a timestamp, and those fields can still be retouched without it just reapplying a new function for a newer current time/date.
EDIT:EDIT: Ended up with a image button that runs a script that can only input to the current cell.
function timeStamp() {
.setValue(new Date());
It only works on the cell targeted.
I would like to force the input in the next availible cell in the column, and split the date from the time, and put them into cells adjacent from one another.
maybe this will help... if the 1st column is edited it will auto-print date in 2nd column and time in 3rd column on Sheet1:
function onEdit(e) {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if( s.getName() == "Sheet1" ) {
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 1);
var newDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "MM/dd/yyyy");
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 2);
var newDate1 = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "hh:mm:ss");

Time subtraction in Aurelia

I would like to print the duration of an event that occurs between 'startDateTime' and 'endDateTime', expressed in minutes or seconds (if less than 1 minute).
In other words, ${startDateTime | dateFormat:"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"} is 2018-09-07 11:57 and ${startDateTime | dateFormat:"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"} is 2018-09-07 13:00.
What I would like to print is 63 minutes.
In PHP, I would do ->getTimestamp(), but in Aurelia I have no clue what to even try.
I did test with something like ${endDateTime| dateFormat:"HH:mm:ss" - startDateTime| dateFormat:"HH:mm:ss"} but this can't work as it doesn't convert the entire date time to seconds or minutes...
Therefore, is there a clean solution I can implement in my view?
I solved it using a value converter.
import moment = require("moment");
export class DurationValueConverter {
public toView(startAt, endAt) {
if (!endAt) {
// If end date is missing, use the current date and time.
endAt = moment();
const duration = moment.duration(moment(endAt).diff(moment(startAt)));
return duration.humanize();
Usage: ${startedAt | duration:endedAt}
What you want to have is relative time, It's on its way to browsers, but for now, you will have to use polyfill / library for it. One you can find is from yahoo:

Only incremental values - PowerBI Calculate between dates

this might look simple.. but dk how to do it
this is the information:
So.. i got the Cumulative Total using this function:
CumulativeTotal = CALCULATE(
SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]),
Datesonly[Date] <= MAX(Datesonly[Date])))
But what i need is to get the differences between the dates, in the first date and the second the difference will be of 210. I need to get another column with that information. know the formula to do that?
So.. i used this:
IncrmentalValueTEST =
VAR CurrDate = MAX(vnxcritical[Date])
VAR PrevDate = CALCULATE(LASTDATE(vnxcritical[Date]), vnxcritical[Date] < CurrDate)
RETURN SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]) -
CALCULATE(SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]), vnxcritical[Date] = PrevDate)
and this is the result:
Ok, so this is is my data table:
You can see all the dates that i have for now, this is a capacity report for diferents EMC Storage Arrays, for diferentes Pools. The idea would be to have the knolwdge to review the incremental space used in a determinated portion of time.
allready tried another idea to get this, but the result was the same.. i used this:
Diferencia =
Var Day = MAX(Datesonly[Month])
Var Month = MAX(Datesonly[Year])
SUM('Used Space'[used_mb])
SUM('Used Space'[used_mb])
,FILTER(ALL(Datesonly[Date]),Datesonly[Date] <= Max(Datesonly[Date])))
But the return is the same.. "47753152401"
i'm using graphical filters, and other things to get a minimal view, because there are only 5 weekly reports and the sql database got more than 150.000 rows.
and this is the relation that i made with a only a table full of "dates" in order to invoke the function in a better way, but the result is the same..
Try something along these lines:
IncrmentalValue =
VAR CurrDate = MAX(Datesonly[Date])
VAR PrevDate = CALCULATE(LASTDATE(Datesonly[Date]), Datesonly[Date] < CurrDate)
RETURN SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]) -
CALCULATE(SUM(vnxcritical[Used Space GB]), Datesonly[Date] = PrevDate)
First, calculate the current date and then find the previous date by taking the last date that occurred before it. Then take the difference between the current value and the previous value.

Get cell types when reading and parsing excel files

I am trying to read and parse and excel and some unclear things come into play as usual for me.
Here is what i have:
while (true)
comVariantCell1 = cells.item(row, 1).value().variantType();
comVariantCell2 = cells.item(row, 2).value().variantType();
//if an empty cell is found, processing will stop and user will get an error message in order to solve the inconsistency.
if (comVariantCell1 != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY && comVariantCell2 != COMVariantType::VT_EMPTY)
//both cells have values, check their types.
importedLine = conNull();
progress1.setText(strfmt("Importing row %1", row));
if (cells.item(row, 1).value().variantType() == COMVariantType::VT_BSTR)
importedLine += cells.item(row, 1).value().bStr();
importedLine += cells.item(row, 1).value().double();
importedLine += cells.item(row, 2).value().double();
importedLinesCollection += [importedLine]; //conIns(importedLinesCollection, row - 1, (importedLine));
info (strFmt("Empty cell found at line %1 - import will not continue and no records were saved.", row));
Excel format:
Item number Transfer Qty
a100 50.5
a101 10
a102 25
This worked well to check if the cell type is string: COMVariantType::VT_BSTR
but what should i use to check for a real or integer value ?
I am pretty sure in this case, the quantity will be not contain real values but anyway, it could be useful in the future to make the difference between these two types.
I have to mention that, even if i have an int value and I use cells.item(row, 1).value().int() it won't work. I can't see why.
Why do i want to make the difference? Because if it's forbidden to have real values in the quantity column ( at least in my case ), i want to check that and give the user the opportunity to put a correct value in that place and maybe further investigate why that happened to be there.
Take a look on how it is done in \Classes\SysDataExcelCOM\readRow.
It is basically using switch to test the type. This is really boring!
Also take a look on ExcelIO, a class I made some years ago. It reads Excel and returns each row as a container. This is a more high-level approach.
As a last resort you could save the Excel as a tab separated file. Then use TextIO to read the content. This will be at least 10 times faster than using Excel!
