Flutter Firebase Config Variables - firebase

I've set some config variables using the command firebase functions:config:set algolia.appid="app_id" algolia.apikey="api_key", but how do I utilize them in my Flutter app? I have firebase_core installed.
In TypeScript you would write the following:
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
const env = functions.config();
But what about in Dart and Flutter?

The configuration variables you set through firebase functions:config:set are (as the command implies) available only in Cloud Functions. They're not in any way propagated to client-side application by this command. In general that'd be an anti-pattern, as such configuration variables are often used for keeping trusted credentials.
If you have a use-case where the value needs to be available in the client-side application too, you have a few ways to do that:
Create an additional Cloud Functions endpoint where you expose the value of the configuration variable. Typically this would be a HTTPS or Callable function, which you then call from your client-side code.
Push the value into another place where your application code can read it from at the same time that you call firebase functions:config:set. This could be a configuration file of your app, or even a .dart file that you generate.

I also ran into this problem and found myself on this S.O. thread. I tried following Frank van Puffelen's suggestion above.
In functions/.runtimeconfig.json:
"algolia": {
"appid": "ID",
"apikey": "KEY"
"webmerge": {
"key": "KEY",
"secret": "SECRET",
"stashkey": "STASH_KEY"
In functions/index.ts:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
. . .
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true})
const envObj = functions.config()
. . .
export const getEnv = functions.https.onRequest((req, resp) => {
cors(req, resp, () => resp.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(envObj)));
. . .
NOTE: I used the cors package to get around CORS errors when working locally. I would get these errors when localhost:5000 (Emulator hosting) called localhost:5001 (Emulator functions).
In web_flutter/main.dart:
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> fetchEnv(String functionsURL) async {
var response = await http.get('${functionsURL}/getEnv');
return json.decode(response.body);
Future<void> main() async {
try {
var functionsURL = 'FUNCTIONS_URL';
var app = fb.initializeApp(firebase app details);
if (window.location.hostname == 'localhost') {
host: 'localhost:8080',
ssl: false,
functionsURL = 'http://localhost:5001';
var env = await fetchEnv(functionsURL);
var searchClient = Algolia.init(
applicationId: env['algolia']['appid'],
apiKey: env['algolia']['apikey']);
repository: Repository(app.firestore(), searchClient),
authentication: Authentication(app.auth())));
} on fb.FirebaseJsNotLoadedException catch (e) {
Once I confirmed that this was working locally, I was able to use firebase functions:config:set to set this data in the live Functions environment and deploy my updated hosting and functions with firebase deploy.


Google storage permissions error while generating signed url from cloud function

I'm attempting to use a Firebase Cloud Function to create signed download URLs for files stored in a Storage Bucket. Using the snippet below on my local machine, I'm able to access cloud storage and generate these URLs.
/* eslint-disable indent */
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const serviceAccount = require("./test-serviceAccount.json");
const storage = admin.storage();
const bucket = storage.bucket();
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
}, "firestore");
export const getFile = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
const [files] = await bucket.getFiles();
const fileNames: string[] = [];
files.forEach(async (file) => {
const url = await file.getSignedUrl(
version: "v2",
action: "read",
expires: Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
if (files.indexOf(file) === files.length - 1) {
However after deploying to Cloud Functions I get an error when I call the function saying:
Error: could not handle the request
and the following message is logged in the functions console:
Error: The caller does not have permission
at Gaxios._request (/workspace/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:129:23)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async Compute.requestAsync (/workspace/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/oauth2client.js:368:18)
at async GoogleAuth.signBlob (/workspace/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/googleauth.js:655:21)
at async sign (/workspace/node_modules/#google-cloud/storage/build/src/signer.js:97:35)
I've tried using and not using a .json service account key and made sure that the service account has permissions (it has Service Account Token Creator, Storage Admin, and Editor roles at the moment).
I also read this issue relating to the python SDK for storage, but it seems to have been resolved. The workaround mentioned in that issue (using a .json service account token) also didn't resolve the permissions errors.
After working with Firebase support - here's what worked for me:
import { initializeApp, applicationDefault } from 'firebase-admin/app';
credential: applicationDefault(),
Specifying the projectId in the init call seems to have resolved the issue.
Signed url means it is signed for (or, accessible to) any particular user for particular span of time, maximum 7 days. If you trying to get it for unauthenticated users, it may show such error(s).
It's better to use getDownloadURL() for unauthenticated users. getSignedUrl() should to used for authenticated users only.

Firebase functions run in one firebase project but giving internal error in the other

I have two firebase accounts one used for development(D) and the other for production(P). My development(D) firestore and functions run on us-central1. On production(P) firestore location is asia-south1 and functions run on us-central1
My firebase functions run properly in development (D) but are giving me the following error in production. Further, when I check the logs on the firebase functions console, there does not seem to be any activity. It appears as if the function has not been called.
Error returned by firebase function is :
Function call error Fri Apr 09 2021 09:25:32 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)with{"code":"internal"}
Further the client is also displaying this message :
Access to fetch at 'https://us-central1-xxx.cloudfunctions.net/gpublish' from origin 'https://setmytest.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. zone-evergreen.js:1052 POST https://us-central1-xxx.cloudfunctions.net/gpublish net::ERR_FAILED
Here is the code from my angular app calling the function -
const process = this.fns.httpsCallable("gpublish");
(result) => {
console.log("function responded with result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
(err) => {
const date1 = new Date();
console.log("Function call error " + date1.toString() + "with" + JSON.stringify(err));
Here are the functions -
import { gpublish } from "./gpublish/gpublish";
import { sendEmail } from "./sendEmail";
export {gpublish,sendEmail };
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
const fs = require("fs");
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const script = google.script("v1");
const scriptId = "SCRIPT_ID";
const googleAuth = require("google-auth-library");
import { admin } from "../admin";
const db = admin.firestore();
export const gpublish = functions.https.onCall(async (data: any, res: any) => {
try {
const googleTest = data.test;
console.log("Publishing to google test of name " + googleTest.testName);
// read the credentials and construct the oauth client
const content = await fs.readFileSync("gapi_credentials.json");
const credentials = JSON.parse(content); // load the credentials
const { client_secret, client_id, redirect_uris } = credentials.web;
const functionsOauth2Client = new googleAuth.OAuth2Client(client_id,client_secret, redirect_uris); // Constuct an auth client
functionsOauth2Client.setCredentials({refresh_token: credentials.refresh_token}); // Authorize a client with credentials
// run the script
return runScript(functionsOauth2Client,scriptId,JSON.stringify(googleTest)
).then((scriptData: any) => {
console.log("Script data is" + JSON.stringify(scriptData));
sendEmail(googleTest, scriptData);
return JSON.stringify(scriptData);
} catch (err) {
return JSON.stringify(err);
function runScript(auth: any, scriptid: string, test: any) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.run({auth: auth,scriptId: scriptid, resource: {function: "doGet", devMode: true,parameters: test }
.then((respons: any) => { resolve(respons.data);})
.catch((error: any) => {reject(error);});
I have changed the service account key and google credentials correctly when deploying the functions in development and in production.
I have tried many things including the following:
Enabling CORS in Cloud Functions for Firebase
Google Cloud Functions enable CORS?
The function is running perfectly in Development firebase project but not in Production firebase project. Please help!
You need to check that your function has been deployed correctly.
A function that doesn't exist (404 Not Found) or a function that can't be accessed (403 Forbidden) will both give that error as the Firebase Function is never executed, which means the correct CORS headers are never sent back to the client.

Using Firebase Admin Auth within Cloud Run Container

I am using Firebase admin auth as authentication and authorization mechanism (client send token, server will validate and check users' roles contained in the custom claims) in my Cloud Run running graphql server. The admin auth module will throw error whenever it tries to call verifyIdToken. Calling admin auth methods from cloud functions work flawlessly though.
FirebaseAuthError: Must initialize app with a cert credential or set your Firebase project ID as the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable to call verifyIdToken().
I have tried using app engine service account (the same as the one used by cloud functions) and creating new one with firebase admin role as my cloud run's service account but resulted in no avail. I am able to make it run by providing the credentials file (generated from firebase console) in my Dockerfile and set the env variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, but I want to use that as the last resort beside it's very unsightly.
Below is my Apollo server's context function
import { Context, ContextFunction } from 'apollo-server-core';
import { ExpressContext } from 'apollo-server-express/dist/ApolloServer';
import { firebase } from '../config';
import { batchLoaders } from './batchLoaders';
export const context: ContextFunction<ExpressContext, Context> = async ({
}) => {
const token = req.headers.authorization || '';
const defaultContext = { batchLoaders };
if (token.length === 0) return defaultContext;
try {
const { uid } = await firebase.auth.verifyIdToken(token);
const user = await firebase.auth.getUser(uid);
return { uid, claims: user.customClaims, ...defaultContext };
} catch (err) {
return defaultContext;
And the file in which it imports the firebase module from.
const firebaseApp = initializeApp();
const auth = firebaseApp.auth();
const firestore = firebaseApp.firestore();
export const firebase = {
refs: {
events: firestore.collection('_events'),
versions: firestore.collection('_versions')
Isn't the same service account supposed to be able to access the admin auth resources?
Dang my bad, The error message says it all, I need to provide GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT in the cloud run env vars.
adding GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT as an environment variable on cloud run also solved my problem

How to write to firestore emulator?

I am developing a firebase cloud function that writes to a firestore database.
During development I want the function to write to a local database. So I've started a firestore emulator. But the data is still written to the actual database.
How can I configure the cloud functions to use the local database?
This is my setup:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as cors from "cors";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
const REGION = "europe-west1";
const COLLECTION_CONTACT_FORM = "contact_form";
const serviceAccount = require("../keys/auth-key.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
const corsMiddleware = cors({origin: true});
export const sendContactForm = functions.region(REGION).https.onRequest((request, response) => corsMiddleware(request, response, async () => {
let {text} = request.body;
let result = await admin.firestore().collection(COLLECTION_CONTACT_FORM).add({text});
This is the console output when starting the emulator:
[1] i firestore: Serving WebChannel traffic on at http://localhost:8081
[1] i firestore: Emulator logging to firestore-debug.log
[1] ✔ functions: Emulator started at http://localhost:5000
[1] ✔ firestore: Emulator started at http://localhost:8080
[1] i functions: Watching "path/functions" for Cloud Functions...
[1] ⚠ functions: Your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable points to path/keys/auth-key.json. Non-emulated services will access production using these credentials. Be careful!
[1] ✔ functions[sendContactForm]: http function initialized (http://localhost:5000/project/europe-west1/sendContactForm).
When triggering the local endpoint, the production database is written to.
The firestore admin initializeApp() will correctly handle switching between local emulator and production database depending on where it is running. So if you simply remove the service account credentials it should work properly:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as cors from "cors";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
const REGION = "europe-west1";
const COLLECTION_CONTACT_FORM = "contact_form";
const corsMiddleware = cors({origin: true});
export const sendContactForm = functions.region(REGION).https.onRequest((request, response) => corsMiddleware(request, response, async () => {
let {text} = request.body;
let result = await admin.firestore().collection(COLLECTION_CONTACT_FORM).add({text});
But if for some reason you're trying to write to a firestore database outside of the one that the project is created in, you can use firestore/grpc separately from the firebase classes and then use the environment to either include your service account credentials or location emulator credentials. A local emulator example:
const {Firestore} = require('#google-cloud/firestore');
const {credentials} = require('#grpc/grpc-js');
const db = new Firestore({
projectId: 'my-project-id',
servicePath: 'localhost',
port: 5100,
sslCreds: credentials.createInsecure(),
customHeaders: {
"Authorization": "Bearer owner"
await db.collection("mycollection").doc("someid").set({ test: "value" });
Same answer, but with the docId set dynamically.
exports.makeUppercase = functions.firestore.document('Messages/{docId}').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const original = snap.data().original;
functions.logger.log('Uppercasing', context.params.docId, original);
const uppercase = original.toUpperCase();
// return snap.ref.set({ uppercase }, { merge: true });
return admin.firestore().collection('AnotherCollection').doc(context.params.docId).set({ uppercase }, { merge: true });
This grabs the docId that was set dynamically and uses it to write to a document with the same name but in a different collection.
Also I left in commented code for writing to the same document in the same collection. Beware that using onUpdate or onWrite instead of onCreate makes an infinite loop as each write triggers the function again!

Firebase: How to run 'HTTPS callable functions' locally using Cloud Functions shell?

I couldn't find a solution for this use case in Firebase official guides.
They are HTTPS callable functions
Want to run Functions locally using Cloud Functions shell to test
Functions save received data to Firestore
The 'auth' context information is also needed
My code as below. Thanks in advance.
Function :
exports.myFunction = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const id = context.auth.uid;
const message = data.message;
// Do something with Firestore //
Client call :
const message = { message: 'Hello.' };
.then(result => {
// Do something //
.catch(error => {
// Error handler //
There is an api exactly for this use case, see here.
I used it in javascript(Client side) as follows -
//use locally deployed function
//get function reference
const sayHello = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('sayHello');
where sayHello() is the callable firebase function.
When the client is an android emulator/device. Use in place of localhost.
Also the code for flutter would be like so -
CloudFunctions.instance.useFunctionsEmulator(origin: '')
.getHttpsCallable(functionName: 'sayHello')
Cloud functions have emulators for that. Check this link it can suite your case. Its not functions shell, but for testing purposes i think it can still works for you
In newer versions of firebase, this is the way:
import firebaseApp from './firebaseConfig';
import { getFunctions, httpsCallable, connectFunctionsEmulator } from 'firebase/functions';
const functions = getFunctions(firebaseApp);
export async function post(funcName, params) {
connectFunctionsEmulator(functions, 'localhost', '5001'); // DEBUG
let func = httpsCallable(functions, funcName);
let result = await func(params);
return result.data;
