Show NMAImage as UIImage - here-api

I want to show a maneuver icon provided in the HereMaps SDK that is of NMAImage type and show that in a UIImage placeholder, swapping out the image each time the maneuver icon changes. The instruction is a little vague in their documentation:
Under UIImageRepresentation ("Provides a UIImage representation of the NMAImage" - which is exactly what I'm looking for) it says only:
func uiImage() -> UIImage?
Any idea?

The UI Image representation of an NMAImage can be retrieved by calling the uiImage() method of an NMAImage object.
let maneuverIcon = NMAImage(<Image source>)
// Now you can get the UI image representation of maneuverIcon as:
let uiIcon = maneuverIcon?.uiImage()
Note that, uiIcon will be nil if maneuverIcon could not be converted.


Move a KinematicBody2D to a known location (godot)

Im making a platformer in godot and in the physics process im getting the players location so I can move the enemy to it(its in the enemy's script but I can not figure out how to move it there im using get_node("/root/World/Player").get_position() to get the location
but when I move and slide towards the player it gives me an error.(btw it is a platformer so it would be nice if the method added gravity)
Invalid type function 'move_and_slide' in base 'KinematicBody2D ('. Cannot convert argument 2 from float to Vector2.
(It would be nice if the way it
Let us start by looking at the documentation of move_and_slide. This is the signature of the function:
Vector2 move_and_slide ( Vector2 linear_velocity, Vector2 up_direction=Vector2( 0, 0 ), bool stop_on_slope=false, int max_slides=4, float floor_max_angle=0.785398, bool infinite_inertia=true )
The first parameter is a velocity vector.
The second parameter is an up vector.
Thus, this function does not work with a position.
And the error you are getting is because you are passing a float on the up parameter.
Why does move_and_slide take an up vector? It is because move_and_slide updates the values you get from is_on_ceiling, is_on_floor and is_on_wall. And how does it know what is a ceiling, a floor or a wall? That's right, it needs to know what way it up. If you let the up vector at ZERO (or just not pass it, since that's the default value), they are all considered walls (and this is OK for a top down game).
Now, you want to do a platformer game, presumably a side scroller. Most likely you want to pass Vector2.UP as second parameter. And that should fix the error.
However, you are sneaking another question in there. One more suited for You can ask question there (and it does not have to be that you are getting an error).
So, you want to implement a kinematic body with gravity that chases the player. Let us start with the gravity…
The run of the mill code for a kinematic body with gravity looks like this:
extends KinematicBody2D
export(Vector2) var velocity:Vector2
export(float) var gravity:float = 100
func _physics_process(delta:float) -> void:
velocity.y += gravity * delta
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
Ok, gravity is probably not 100. But that is the basic structure of the code. Note the distance units - being a 2D game - are in pixels, and delta is in seconds. Thus, gravity is in pixels per second squared.
And you want to chase the player avatar. In order to implement that I'll do the following changes:
Have a reference to the player avatar.
Split velocity into vertical and horizontal components.
Have an horizontal speed.
extends KinematicBody2D
export(NodePath) var player_path:NodePath = #"/root/World/Player"
export(float) var horizontal_speed:float = 100
export(float) var gravity:float = 100
onready var player:Node2D = get_node(player_path)
var _velocity:float = 0
func _physics_process(delta:float) -> void:
_velocity.y += gravity * delta
_velocity = move_and_slide(_velocity, Vector2.UP)
var direction_to_player = transform.origin.direction_to(player.transform.origin)
_velocity.x = direction_to_player.x * horizontal_speed
This code uses a NodePath to find the player avatar. Which it queries on ready, and uses that reference from there on. Assuming the player is always there, that is no problem.
The horizontal_speed specifies how fast it moves horizontally towards the player. In pixels per second.
If you don't want it to change velocity while it is in the air, we can do that too:
extends KinematicBody2D
export(NodePath) var player_path:NodePath = #"/root/World/Player"
export(float) var horizontal_speed:float = 100
export(float) var gravity:float = 100
onready var player:Node2D = get_node(player_path)
var _velocity:Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
func _physics_process(delta:float) -> void:
_velocity.y += gravity * delta
_velocity = move_and_slide(_velocity, Vector2.UP)
if is_on_floor():
var direction_to_player = global_transform.origin.direction_to(player.global_transform.origin)
_velocity.x = direction_to_player.x * horizontal_speed
Notice I'm using global_transform.origin. You could also use global_position. Don't use transform.origin nor position, because they are relative to the parent node. And if the parent is not the same, you are going to get a wrong direction. *I bias towards using transform because
Notice also I'm using is_on_floor after move_and_slide, so I get the updated value. I strongly encourage this pattern: gravity, move_and_slide, decisions.
This is not going to jump or climb ladders or anything like that. It will also get stuck on walls. It has nothing resembling path finding or obstacle avoidance. So, as you can imagine, it can get quite complex depending on what you want to do. However, it grows from there. I know little of the behavior you want to give these kinematic bodies, beyond that you want them to go to the player, using mode_and_slide and with gravity, I have no idea. Thus, I cannot help you further.

In Godot the path returned by get_simple_path() seems offset by something

Just learning Godot, so maybe missing something obvious
I am trying to have the player navigate towards a point clicked on the map.
The path is calculated with some sort of offset I can't figure out.
Any pointers appreciated!
There is a very minimal replication of the problem here
On the image the white dot is the mouse click and the red is the path generated
The likely offending code is:
extends Node2D
var path : = PoolVector2Array()
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, event.position)
$Player.path = path
$Line2D.points = path
print(path.size(), ' Path:',path, ' Player:', $Player.position, ' Target:', event.position)
update() # so line and circles get drawn
func _draw():
for p in path:
draw_circle(p, 5, Color(200, 200, 200))
event.position is the local position regards the current respondent, you should convert the event position to the local one of Navigation2D instead, like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(event.position))
or use get_global_mouse_position() method like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(get_global_mouse_position()))

Multiple complications in watchos

I'm building complications for a nutrition tracking app. I'd like to use offer multiple smaller complications, so the user can track their nutrition.
'MyApp - Carbohydrates'
'MyApp - Protein'
'MyApp - Fat'
this way on the Modular watch face, they could track all three by using the three bottom 'modular small' complications.
I'm aware this can be achieved by only offering larger sizes that can display everything at once (eg the 'modular large' complication), but I'd like to offer the user choice about how they set up their watch face.
I can't see a way to offer multiple of the same complication, is there any way around this?
The previous answer is outdated. WatchOS 7 onwards, we can now add multiple complications to the same complication family for our app.
Step 1:
In our ComplicationController.swift file, we can make use of the getComplicationDescriptors function, which allows us to describe what complications we are making available in our app.
In the descriptors array, we can append one CLKComplicationDescriptor() for each kind of complication per family that we want to build.
func getComplicationDescriptors(
handler: #escaping ([CLKComplicationDescriptor]) -> Void) {
var descriptors: [CLKComplicationDescriptor] = []
for progressType in dataController.getProgressTypes() {
var dataDict = Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any>()
dataDict = ["id":]
// userInfo helps us know which type of complication was interacted with by the user
let userActivity = NSUserActivity(
activityType: "")
userActivity.userInfo = dataDict
identifier: "\(",
displayName: "\(progressType.title)",
supportedFamilies: CLKComplicationFamily.allCases, // you can replace CLKComplicationFamily.allCases with an array of complication families you wish to support
userActivity: userActivity)
The app will now have multiple complications (equal to the length of the dataController.getProgressTypes() array) for each complication family that you support.
But how do you now display different data and views for different complications?
Step 2:
In the getCurrentTimelineEntries and getTimelineEntries functions, we can then make use of the complication.identifier value to identify the data that was passed along when this complication entry was called for.
Example, in the getTimelineEntries function:
func getTimelineEntries(for complication: CLKComplication, after date: Date, limit: Int, withHandler handler: #escaping ([CLKComplicationTimelineEntry]?) -> Void) {
// Call the handler with the timeline entries after the given date
var entries: [CLKComplicationTimelineEntry] = []
var next: ProgressDetails
// Find the progressType to show using the complication identifier
if let progressType = dataController.getProgressAt(date: current).first(where: {$ == complication.identifier}) {
next = progressType
} else {
next = dataController.getProgressAt(date: current)[0] // Default to the first progressType
let template = makeTemplate(for: next, complication: complication)
let entry = CLKComplicationTimelineEntry(
date: current,
complicationTemplate: template)
You can similarly find the data that is passed in the getCurrentTimelineEntry and the getLocalizableSampleTemplate functions.
Step 3:
There is currently no way to create multiple complications in the same family (e.g. Modular Small, Modular Large, Utilitarian Small etc.).
You could offer a way for the user to customize each complication to display Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. You could even display different data for each complication family, but as far as having, for example, 2 modular small complications displaying different data, it is not possible yet.
You can see this if you put 2 of the same built in Apple complications in different places on your watchface they display the same thing. If Apple isn't even doing it with their own complications then it is more than likely impossible. Hope that explanation helps.

Height required for UILabel dependent on string length (Swift, iOS 8)

I am struggling to get the height that is required for a UILabel based on variable sized text that it could accept. From hours of research, I have not yet discovered a viable way of achieving this. Currently my code is as follows:
func getHeightForTitle(postTitle: NSString) -> CGFloat {
// Get the height of the font
let constraintSize = CGSizeMake(self.cellTextWidth, CGFloat.max)
let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16.0)]]
let labelSize = postTitle.boundingRectWithSize(constraintSize,
options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
attributes: attributes,
context: nil)
return labelSize.height
This however throws the following error:
2014-08-02 12:09:37.370 Testing App[8365:351906] - [_TtCSs23_ContiguousArrayStorage00007FD26C15F708 pointSize]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x11e640050
This is always thrown at the let labelSize = postTitle... method and I believe it is down to the attributes variable. I however maybe wrong. Any help is appreciated, and much thanked!
Please note: This is for an iOS 8, Swift development project.
Two observations. First, what's wrong with your code is that this line is not Swift:
let attributes = [NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16.0)]]
The stuff after the equals sign is Objective-C, and Swift is having trouble interpreting it. Remove the square brackets from around the UIFont call; you have turned this into an array, which is the source of the error you're seeing.
Second, and more important, there are many much simpler ways to do this, by letting the label tell you its size for the desired text:
Put the text into the label and call sizeToFit() on the label.
Put the text into the label and call sizeThatFits() on the label with the desired width and large height.
Under auto layout, set the label's preferredMaxLayoutWidth to the desired width and put the text into the label; it will size itself.
However, I would urge you not to do this if you don't have to. A label is already self-sizing under auto layout, and in iOS 8 there's a new feature where a table cell will self-adjust its height to its contents, so there is now very rarely a need to pre-measure a label's dimensions.
Put the text into the label and call sizeThatFits() on the label with the desired width and large height.
sub_label=UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.width, 50))
let subfont = UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 20.0)
sub_label.text="his is just a load of texthis is just a load of texthis is just a load of texthis is just a load of texthis is just a load of texthis is just a load of text"
var textViewSizesub=sub_label.sizeThatFits(CGSizeMake(self.view.bounds.width, CGFloat.max))
sub_label.frame=CGRectMake(0, textViewSize.height, self.view.bounds.width-5, textViewSizesub.height)

OpenCV 2.3.1 Qt cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK returns same points

I 'm using OpenCV 2.3.1 and Qt and i am facing a problem with cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK. I am using oodFeaturesToTrack and calcOpticalFlowPyrLK to track a face that I have previously detected.
std::vector<cv::Point2f> Feat;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> NewFeat;
std::vector<uchar> status;
std::vector<float> err;
GrayFrame takes an image from a buffer where i store the images captured from a webcam both GrayFrame and GrayFramePrev contain the right image (GrayFrame -> FrameBuffer[i], GrayFramePrev -> FrameBuffer[i-1]) when they are at cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK and the Feat parameter contains points from goodFeaturesToTrack. But when calcOpticalFlowPyrLK is executed it returns via NewFeat the exact same points.
Please tell me what i am doing wrong with the `calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
Solution (For me)
I used the following parameters and it worked (i probably mixed up Feat and NewFeat also so that was the problem).
Parameter values
WinSize= new cv::Size(31,31);
TermCrit= new cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03);
