Cancelling a LoadAsync operation after a timeout period and recalling LoadAsync afterwards throws exception - asynchronous

I am working with SerialDevice on C++/winrt and need to listen for data coming over the port. I can successfully work with SerialDevice when data is streaming over the port but if nothing is read the DataReader.LoadAsync() function hangs even though I set timeouts through SerialDevice.ReadTimeout() and SerialDevice.WriteTimeout(). So to cancel the operation I am using IAsyncOperation's wait_for() operation which times out after a provided interval and I call IAsyncOperation's Cancel() and Close(). The problem is I can no longer make another call to DataReader.LoadAsync() without getting a take_ownership_from_abi exception. How can I properly cancel a DataReader.LoadAsync() call to allow subsequent calls to LoadAsync() on the same object?
To work around this, I tried setting the timeouts of SerialDevice but it didn't affect the DataRead.LoadAsync() calls. I also tried using create_task with a cancellation token which also didn't allow for an additional call to LoadAsync(). It took a lot of searching to find this article by Kenny Kerr:
where he describes the use of the IAsyncOperation's wait_for function.
Here is the initialization of the SerialDevice and DataReader:
DeviceInformation deviceInfo = devices.GetAt(0);
m_serialDevice = SerialDevice::FromIdAsync(deviceInfo.Id()).get();
m_dataWriter = DataWriter(m_serialDevice.OutputStream());
m_dataReader = DataReader(m_serialDevice.InputStream());
Here is the LoadAsync call:
AsyncStatus iainfo;
auto async = m_dataReader.LoadAsync(STREAM_SIZE);
try {
auto iainfo = async.wait_for(m_ts);
catch (...) {};
if (iainfo != AsyncStatus::Completed)
return 0;
nBytesRead = async.get();
So in the case that the AsyncStatus is not Completed, the IAsyncOperation Cancel() and Close() are called which according to the documentation should cancel the Async call but now on subsequent LoadAsync calls I get a take_ownership_from_abi exception.
Anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? Why do the SerialDevice timeouts not work in the first place? Is there a better way to cancel the Async call that would allow for further calls without re-initializing DataReader? Generally, it feels like there is very little activity in the C++/winrt space and the documentation is severely lacking (didn't even find the wait_for method until about a day of trying other stuff and randomly searching for clues through different posts) - is there something I'm missing or is this really the case?

Cause: When the wait time is over, the async object is in the AsyncStatus::Started state. It means that the async object is still running.
Solution: When you use close() method, you could use Sleep(m_nTO) let asynchronous operation have enough time to close. Refer the following code.
if (iainfo != AsyncStatus::Completed)
return 0;


Events Out of Order While Rebuilding Read Side DB

I have an event sourced system that I am now implementing an endpoint for that will rebuild the read side Data Stores from the event store events. However, I am now running into what seems to be concurrency problems with how I am processing the events.
I decided to use my event handler code to process the events during the rebuild. In the system's normal state (not a read side db rebuild), my event handlers listen for events they are subscribed to and update the projections accordingly. However, when processing these events through their event handlers in line, I am seeing inconsistent results in the read side DB final state (if it even gets there, which it sometimes doesn't). I guess this means they are executing out of order.
Should I not be using event handlers in this way? I figured since I am processing events, that reusing the event handlers in this way would be quite appropriate.
I am using MediatR for in service messaging. All event handlers implement INotificationHandler.
Here is a sample of the code:
IEnumerable<IEvent> events = await _eventRepo.GetAllAggregateEvents(aggId);
int eventNumber = 0;
foreach (var e in events)
if (e.Version != eventNumber + 1)
throw new EventsOutOfOrderException("Events were out of order while rebuilding DB");
var ev = e as Event;
// publish different historic events to event handlers which work with read DBs
switch (e.Type)
case EventType.WarehouseCreated:
WarehouseCreated w = new WarehouseCreated(ev);
await _mediator.Publish(w);
case EventType.BoxCreated:
BoxCreated b = new BoxCreated(ev);
await _mediator.Publish(b);
case EventType.BoxLocationChanged:
BoxLocationChanged l = new BoxLocationChanged(ev);
await _mediator.Publish(l);
I have already tried replacing the await keyword with a call to Wait() instead.
Something like _mediator.Publish(bcc).Wait().
But this doesn't seem like a great idea as there is async code behind this. Also it didn't work..
I have also tried queuing the event versions and having event type cases wait until their version is at the top of the queue before publishing the event.
Something like:
case EventType.BoxContentsChanged:
BoxContentsChanged bcc = new BoxContentsChanged(ev);
while (eventQueue.Peek() != bcc.Version)
await _mediator.Publish(bcc);
This also didn't work.
Anyway - if anyone has any ideas on how to deal with this problem, I would be very appreciative. I would prefer not to duplicate all the async event handler code in a synchronous way.
I guess the best way to do this is synchronously, to ensure consistency. This required me to duplicate some of my event handler logic in a Replay service and create synchronous repository methods. No race conditions now though, which is nice.

PNaCl: Handle another message while already in 'HandleMessage' function?

I'm using PNaCl and I'm in a situation where first I receive a message that is handled in the 'HandleMessage' function as the normal way, but then in the current HandleMessage execution, I need to wait for a user input that would come from an other message in order to complete the execution.
I'm wondering if this is possible to do that (handling a message while already waiting in the 'HandleMessage' function) ? And if so, can someone give me a trick ?
Thanks !
HandleMessage is currently called on one thread, the main thread. So you cannot receive a message while you are handling another message.
We typically suggest you spawn a new thread to do your work, and leave the main thread to handle messages, and queue them for the new thread to handle. Take a look at the nacl_io_demo example in the SDK for an example of this technique (found in examples/demo/nacl_io).
Another solution is to use a state machine; i.e. keep track of your current state in a variable instead of on the stack.
For example:
enum State {
State state_;
virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& var_message) {
switch (state_) {
if (var_message.AsString() == "first_message") {
// Do some work before you need the user input ...
if (var_message.AsString() == "user_input") {
// Do more work, now that we've received input from the user...

Chain the completion of an async function to another

I am working on a Windows Store (C++) app. This is a method that reads from the database using the web service.
task<std::wstring> Ternet::GetFromDB(cancellation_token cancellationToken)
uriString = ref new String(L"http://myHost:1234/RestServiceImpl.svc/attempt");
auto uri = ref new Windows::Foundation::Uri(Helpers::Trim(uriString));
cancellationTokenSource = cancellation_token_source();
return httpRequest.GetAsync(uri, cancellationTokenSource.get_token()).then([this](task<std::wstring> response)->std::wstring
Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog wMsg(ref new String(response.get().c_str()), "success");
return response.get();
catch (const task_canceled&)
Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog wMsg("Couldn't load content. Check internet connectivity.", "Error");
std::wstring abc;
return abc;
catch (Exception^ ex)
Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog wMsg("Couldn't load content. Check internet connectivity.", "Error");
std::wstring abc;
return abc;
} , task_continuation_context::use_current());
I'm confused how to return the received data to the calling function. Now, I am calling this function in the constructor of my data class like this:
ternet.GetFromDB(cancellationTokenSource.get_token()).then([this](task<std::wstring> response)
data = ref new String(response.get().c_str());
I am getting a COM exception whenever I try to receive the returned data from GetFromDB(). But this one runs fine:
Please suggest a better way of chaining the completion of GetFromDB to other code. And how to get the returned value from inside the try{} block of GetFromDB() 's then. Please keep in mind I am a very new student of async programming.
If the continuation of the call to GetFromDB is happening on the UI thread (which I believe it will by default, assuming the call site you pasted is occurring in the UI thread), then calling get() on the returned task will throw an exception. It won't let you block the UI thread waiting for a task to finish.
Two suggestions, either of which should fix that problem. The first should work regardless, while the second is only a good option if you're not trying to get the response string to the UI thread (to be displayed, for example).
1) Write your continuations (lambdas that you pass to then) so that they take the actual result of the previous task, rather than the previous task itself. In other words, instead of writing this:
ternet.GetFromDB(...).then([this](task<std::wstring> response) { ... });
write this:
ternet.GetFromDB(...).then([this](std::wstring response) { ... });
The difference with the latter is that the continuation machinery will call get() for you (on a background thread) and then give the result to your continuation function, which is a lot easier all around. You only need to have your continuation take the actual task as an argument if you want to catch exceptions that might have been thrown by the task as it executed.
2) Tell it to run your continuation on a background/arbitrary thread:
ternet.GetFromDB(...).then([this](task<std::wstring> response) { ... }, task_continuation_context::use_arbitrary());
It won't care if you block a background thread, it only cares if you call get() on the UI thread.

Task.ContinueWith confusion

With ASP.NET 4.5 I'm trying to play with the new async/await toys. I have a IDataReader-implementing class that wraps a vendor-specific reader (like SqlDatareader). I have a simple ExecuteSql() method that operates synchronously like so:
public IDataReader ReaderForSql(string sql)
var cmd = NewCommand(sql, CommandType.Text);
return DBReader.ReaderFactory(cmd.ExecuteReader());
What I want is an Async version of this. Here's my first try:
public Task<IDataReader> ReaderForSqlAsync(string sql, CancellationToken ct)
var cmd = NewCommand(sql, CommandType.Text);
return cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(ct)
.ContinueWith(t => DBReader.ReaderFactory(t.Result));
and I use it:
using (var r = await connection.ReaderForSqlAsync("SELECT ...", cancellationToken))
This works great in my limited testing so far. But after watching this Cloud9 video a few times: I got worreid about warnings they gave regarding:
ContinueWith consuming extra threadpool resources - Readerfactory is very light!
Task.Result blocking
and since I am passing a ContinuationToken to ExecuteReaderAsync() it seems cancellation is just yet another reason ExecuteReaderAsync() could fail (it's SQL after all!)
What will be the state of the task when I try to ContinueWith it? Will t.Result block? throw? do the wrong thing?
ContinueWith will use the current task scheduler (a thread pool thread) by default, but you can change that by passing TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously and an explicit TaskScheduler.
That said, I would make this as a first effort:
public async Task<IDataReader> ReaderForSqlAsync(string sql, CancellationToken ct)
var cmd = NewCommand(sql, CommandType.Text);
var readerResult = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
return DBReader.ReaderFactory(readerResult);
async and await handle all the ContinueWith delicacies and edge conditions in a consistent manner for you. It may be possible to complicate this code to be faster if performance testing indicates it's a serious problem.
Result blocks if the task has not completed. But in the continuation handler it already has. So it does not block. You are doing the right thing.
When you invoke Result on a faulted task (and you say this might happen) the exception is rethrown. This causes your continuation to fault with the same exception which causes the final task returned from ReaderForSqlAsync to also be faulted. This is a good thing: The entire chain of tasks faulted and all exceptions have been observed (on contrast to being swallowed). So this is best-practice, too.
Using a thread for compute-bound work is always ok. So again, you are doing the right thing using ContinueWith. You have to compute the IDataReader somewhere after all. You cannot not compute it.

BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted event in WPF

There is a scenario in which a user terminates the application, while it is still processing data via BackgroundWorker.
I would like to send cancel or terminate command to this method. I tried calling CancelAsync() method, but it obviously didn't work the way I expected and the worker still continued processing.
What is a good way to signal the BackgroundWorker, and especially its RunWorkerCompleted method to stop processing?
Do I have to use state variables?
This is the code executed when you call CancelAsync() on a BackgroundWorker
public void CancelAsync()
if (!this.WorkerSupportsCancellation)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString
this.cancellationPending = true;
As you can see, they set the internal cancellationPending variable to true after checking the value of WorkerSupportsCancellation.
So you need to set WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;, when you exit from your app call backGroundWorkerInstance.CancelAsync() and inside the DoWork or RunWorkerCompleted test the CancellationPending. If it's true stop your process.
