Allow the user to modify some parameters from .env Symfony - symfony

I have some config variables on the .env file. I want to create a page on my web application to allow the administrators to modify the value of some .env variables (for example the mail configured to send mails). For this purpose, I have:
MAILER_SENDER_NAME="Application Name"
I am able to read the current values on my controller but I don't know how to save back the values filled by the user on my form.
Please, any help would be really apreciated.

Environment variables are there to help you specify variables for the particular environment your application runs on, for example you could have your app sitting locally on your computer which you develop on, and you could have it in the cloud running the production version of your app, version which will actually send emails correctly using real data.
What you need to do is have somewhere to store the settings you let your users customise, for example in a database. When it comes to sending the emails, you will then have to do the following:
$message = (new Swift_Message())
->setFrom(['' => 'John Doe'])


How to change encrypted password in context file without using the studio

I am using a group context to configure the db connection. The password of the db has a password type. When deploying the job, the password is automatically encrypted in the under the contexts folder.
What if i want to change the password without using the studio (on a client environment)? what can i use to encrypt the new password?
I was able to do it by creating a separate encryption job with a tjava component and the following code:
where context.Password is an input context variable of type String. When running the job, the user is prompted to enter a password and then the encrypted Talend password will be printed. It will have the following format: enc:routine.encryption.key.v1:[encryptedPassword] The routine encryption key can be modified if needed by following this link:
There's actually a few ways for this: --context_param myPassword=pass123
this unfortunately can be seen by anyone via ps / task manager.
You can also edit the contexts/ file and change the context parameters there. This way the context can only be seen if you have access to the file.
Theoretically both should be able to accept the cleartext/encrypted password.
Implicit context load feature can also be used to load contexts:

Store and alter single variable on vercel serverless functions

For a client I am building a static website rendered with nextjs and deployed on vercel. Everything on this website is static, so I don't need any database. However, this client wants to use the instagram API to show a gallery of their photos on two of their pages. This is with a custom design, so I can't use any embed code, but to the best of my knowledge I have to use the Instagram basic display API
To the problem at hand: I was wondering if there is some way to store a single variable without creating a whole database for it in vercel. I know I can use Environment Variables, but the problem is that the instagram api needs to change the access token every 2 months. To renew the access token for instagram, I was planning to write a CRON job that runs about every month to update this value.
I was wondering if it is possible to somehow store this single value on the deployed site without creating a database just for this single value. For example, is it somehow possible to change an environment variable from within a serverless function?
Any help in the right direction is appreciated!
You go to Vercel: settings-> environment variables -> add your variable. In this variable you can store your Instagram API variable and in the code you use process.env.{variable}
you defined name of variable as instagramAPI in your local files (next.config.js or .env.local)
module.exports = {
instagramAPI : ''
you define instagramAPI (exactly the same name of the variable as in the code) on your vercel settings
In your code (local files) you call process.env.instagramAPI variable to have the value of the string.
Your code works as expected.
!IMPORTANT! if you have some secrets or passwords in your process.env.variables you newer saves it in next.config.js. For this purpose you saves your instagramAPI to .env.local (described in point 1). More info here

Phpunit test where store user and password

I'm using Symfony with functional test.
I have a login controller where the user sends user&password. The controller checks if the user and password are exist (and if the password is right by password hash).
I wish to test it by php unit
The problem I don't know where to store the real user and password for the tests. I don't wish to write every time them and I don't wish to store on the code (and after on the public repository).
The test are done in local (localhost) and on the real server.
Have you some idea what it is the better solution?
Using mod-sec before the prod-server and to remove it during the test session.
You can use different database for test environment in env.test file database env. Before tests use fixture for init data like user ...

How can I login to googlesheets using R and an existing JSON key?

I am trying to upload my csv files to my google drive/sheets.
Working code: a window pop-up, I login into my google account, then code works perfectly, file is uploaded.
dff <- drive_upload('dff.csv', type = "spreadsheet")
I want to avoid this step. So I went to my googlesheets API and created from that window a service account with owner permission.
sheets_auth(scope = "",
path = 'myjson.json')
drive_auth(token = sheets_token())
dff <- drive_upload('dff.csv', type = "spreadsheet")
And this does not work. Moreover, the drive_browse(dff) opens a browser window with a message that I have no access to the file.
How can I solve this? Maybe there are other options? Ideally I need this script to run without any logins to google at all.
Service accounts behave like any other normal account - they can own files and have permissions to them. i.e. if you create a file with your personal account and attempt to access it using the service account, without giving the appropriate permissions prior to that, it will result in an error.
I suggest you use the service account for both of your communications to the Sheets and Drive APIs. In order to do that, you should replace drive_auth(token = sheets_token()) to drive_auth(service_token='myjson.json') (in case you are using googledrive library v0.1.3) or drive_auth(path = 'myjson.json') for v1.0.0 of the library.
Bear in mind that after creating the files using the service account, if you plan on accessing them from any other account you will have to share them to your account beforehand. You can use the drive_share() function in your R code for that.
Further to that, you can consider the use of delegation in case you are using G Suite in your domain. This feature will allow the service account to act as (or "impersonate") another user of the domain. Every action that it performs will be as if the subject of the "impersonation" were executing it, anything permissions related included.
Solution provided by carlesgg97
Once the file is uploaded, it has to be shared to all users.

Symfony 3 - How to change configuration values at runtime

What is the best practice way to handle changes to configuration parameters (kept in yml) that have to happen at runtime?
I am working on a site where the owner wants to change various settings in his admin back end.
For example, enabling/disabling the confirmation email and link sent by FOS User bundle when a new user registers for an account.
Thanks for your time
For those operations you need the use Compiler Pass.
Here sample Custom Compiler pass;
Here is a good example for compiler passes; ( Usually using with service tags )
