Airflow: Is airflow initdb command destructive - airflow

I have a running Airflow server and I am making a config change in airflow.cfg which requires to run airflow initdb .
Will running airflow initdb command for the second time be destructive to existing tables or it will only execute changes according to the new config?

Only destructive command related to airflow database is airflow resetdb.
initdb and upgradedb share the same behavior (except for the first-run).

I think you can run both:
From Airflow source code:
def initdb():
from airflow import models
from airflow.models import Connection


BashOperator in Airflow for Spark submit Jinja Template Issue

I have a bash script that I want to use for scheduling my airflow job with a the BashOperator. The uses ivy to pull in the dependencies and then starts job. looks like:
spark-submit --conf "spark.jars.ivySettings=.ivy2/ivysettings.xml" --repositories https://artifactory,https://artifactory/artifactory/maven-daco-releases --packages --master yarn --name spark-job
When I run on server without Airflow the works fine but when use BashOperator in DAG the error I get is complete jibberish. Other BashOperator actions I have tried work fine so I am suspecting that the Jinja Templating is doing something to my which causes it to fail. Anybody encountered this before?
I know there is a SparkSubmitOperator but it is not installed on server yet.

How do you create a triggerer process in an Airflow installation?

In an Airflow DAG, I am trying to use a TimeDeltaTrigger:
from airflow.triggers.temporal import TimeDeltaTrigger
self.defer(trigger=TimeDeltaTrigger(timedelta(seconds=15)), method_name="execute")
But when my DAG runs, I get a warning in the GUI:
In the GUI, if I go to Browse -> Triggers I see one trigger, but it is not for TimeDeltaTrigger:
The documentation for Deferrable Operators ( says:
Ensure your Airflow installation is running at least one triggerer process, as well as the normal scheduler
But it is not clear how to do this.
How can I configure my Airflow installation so that I can use a TimeDeltaTrigger?
triggerer is a process like scheduler, webserver, and worker. You need to start a process or container dedicated to running the triggerer to use deferrable operators.
To start a triggerer process, run airflow triggerer in your Airflow environment. You should see an output similar to the below image.
Triggerer Logs

Can't delete dag from airflow UI after deleting from dag_bag

I deleted dag from airflow dag_bag and corresponding .pyc file as well. When I try to delete the same dag from airflow UI it is showing this error:
Dag id MY_DAG_ID is still in DagBag. Remove the DAG file first.
The airflow version I am using is 1.10.4
Even after restarting airflow I'm not able to delete from UI. I was using 1.10.3 previously, but I never faced this issue. I was able to delete from UI after deleting from dags folder.
When I click on that dag in UI it is showing :
DAG "MY_DAG_ID" seems to be missing.( this is expected as I deleted dag from folder)
Try stopping the scheduler and the webserver and then deleting the DAG from the command line:
airflow delete_dag 'MY_DAG_ID'
I had the same issues after I upgraded to 1.10.6. Here's what I did:
Before removing the DAG, make sure no instance is on running, retry status. Then Pause it
Delete on UI or using the command airflow delete_dag dag_id
Restart the scheduler and webserver
Try to execute airflow list_dags to see if it really got deleted.
If it doesn't work, try to upgrade to the latest version.

Airflow not loading dags in /usr/local/airflow/dags

Airflow seems to be skipping the dags I added to /usr/local/airflow/dags.
When I run
airflow list_dags
The output shows
[2017-08-06 17:03:47,220] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
But this doesn't include the dags in /usr/local/airflow/dags
ls -la /usr/local/airflow/dags/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 3 airflow airflow 4096 Aug 6 17:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 airflow airflow 4096 Aug 6 16:57 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 airflow airflow 1645 Aug 6 17:03
drwxr-xr-x 2 airflow airflow 4096 Aug 6 17:08 __pycache__
Is there some other condition that neededs to be satisfied for airflow to identify a DAG and load it?
My dag is being loaded but I had the name of the DAG wrong. I was expecting the dag to be named by the file but the name is determined by the first argument to the DAG constructor
dag = DAG(
'tutorial', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=timedelta(1))
Try airflow db init before listing the dags. This is because airflow list_dags lists down all the dags present in the database (And not in the folder you mentioned). Airflow initdb will create entry for these dags in the database.
Make sure you have environment variable AIRFLOW_HOME set to /usr/local/airflow. If this variable is not set, airflow looks for dags in the home airflow folder, which might not be existing in your case.
The example files are not in /usr/local/airflow/dags. You can simply mute them by edit airflow.cfg (usually in ~/airflow). set load_examples = False in 'core' section.
There are couple of errors may make your DAG not been listed in list_dags.
Your DAG file has syntax issue. To check this, just run python and see if any issue.
See if the folder is the default dag loading path. For a new bird, I suggest that just create a new .py file and copy the sample from here then see if the testing dag shows up.
Make sure there is dag = DAG('dag_name', default_args=default_args) in the dag file.
dag = DAG(
schedule_interval='0 0 * * *',
When a DAG is instantiated it pops up by the name you specify in the dag_id attribute. dag_id serves as a unique identifier for your DAG
It will be the case if airflow.cfg config is pointed to an incorrect path.
STEP 1: Go to {basepath}/src/config/
STEP 2: Open airflow.cfg file
STEP 3: Check the path it should point to the dags folder you have created
dags_folder = /usr/local/airflow/dags
I find that I have to restart the scheduler for the UI to pick up the new dags, When I make changes to a dag in my dags folder. I find that when I update the dags they appear in the list when I run airflow list_dags just not in the UI until I restart the scheduler.
First try running:
airflow scheduler
There can be two issues:
1. Check the Dag name given at the time of DAG object creation in the DAG python program
dag = DAG(
Note that many of the times the name given may be the same as the already present name in the list of DAGs (since if you copied the DAG code). If this is not the case then
2. Check the path set to the DAG folder in Airflow's config file.
You can create DAG file anywhere on your system but you need to set the path to that DAG folder/directory in Airflow's config file.
For example, I have created my DAG folder in the Home directory then I have to edit airflow.cfg file using the following commands in the terminal:
creating a DAG folder at home or root directory
$mkdir ~/DAG
Editing airflow.cfg present in the airflow directory where I have installed the airflow
~/$cd airflow
~/airflow$nano airflow.cfg
In this file change dags_folder path to DAG folder that we have created.
If you still facing the problem then reinstall the Airflow and refer this link for the installation of Apache Airflow.
Are your
has a DAG name different from the others?
If yes, try restart the scheduler or even resetdb. I usually mistook the filename to be the dag name as well, so better to name them the same.
Can you share what is in Airflow scans for certain magic inside a file to determine whether is a DAG or not. It scans for airflow and for DAG.
In addition if you are using a duplicate dag_id for a DAG it will be overwritten. As you seem to be deriving from the example bash operator did you keep the name of the DAG example_bash_operator maybe? Try renaming that.
You need to set airflow first and initialise the db
export AIRFLOW_HOME=/myfolder
mkdir /myfolder/dags
airflow db init
You need to create a user too
airflow users create \
--username admin \
--firstname FIRST_NAME \
--lastname LAST_NAME \
--role Admin \
If you have done it correctly you should see airflow.cfg in your folder. There you will find dags_folder which shows the dags folder.
If you have saved your dag inside this folder you should see it in the dag lists
airflow dags list
, or using the UI with
airflow webserver --port 8080
Otherwise, run again airflow db init.
In my case, print(something) in dag file prevented printing dag list on command line.
Check if there is print line in your dag if above solutions are not working.
Try Restarting the scheduler. Scheduler needs to be restarted when new DAGS need to be added to the DAG Bag

How to run one airflow task and all its dependencies?

I suspected that
airflow run dag_id task_id execution_date
would run all upstream tasks, but it does not. It will simply fail when it sees that not all dependent tasks are run. How can I run a specific task and all its dependencies? I am guessing this is not possible because of an airflow design decision, but is there a way to get around this?
You can run a task independently by using -i/-I/-A flags along with the run command.
But yes the design of airflow does not permit running a specific task and all its dependencies.
You can backfill the dag by removing non-related tasks from the DAG for testing purpose
A bit of a workaround but in case you have given your tasks task_id-s consistently you can try the backfilling from Airflow CLI (Command Line Interface):
airflow backfill -t TASK_REGEX ... dag_id
where TASK_REGEX corresponds to the naming pattern of the task you want to rerun and its dependencies.
(remember to add the rest of the command line options, like --start_date).
