I am trying to plot similar density plot in highcharter R. I am pretty new to highcharter, any guidance will be really appreciated.
dt <- data.frame(x=rnorm(1000),y=sample(c(0,1),size = 1000,replace = T))
ggplot(data = dt) +
aes(x = x,fill=factor(y)) +
geom_density(adjust = 1,alpha=0.5)
My Attempts:
hcdensity(density(dt$x), area = TRUE) %>%
hc_add_series(density(dt$y), area = TRUE)
It looks like you want two curves (y = 0 and y = 1). Would just call hcdensity of dt$x, first for y=0. Then for y=1 use 'density' for hc_add_series. Use type='area' to fill.
hcdensity(dt$x[dt$y==0]) %>%
hc_add_series(density(dt$x[dt$y==1]), type='area')
If you want to include multiple curves or more generalizable solution, try this:
tapply(dt$x, dt$y, density) %>%
reduce(.f = hc_add_series, type='area', .init=highchart())
This was helpful:
Create highchart density with more than 2 groups
I am trying to plot two series at different scales on same plot with dygraph lib in r.
dygraph(data.frame(x = 1:10, y = runif(10),y2=runif(10)*100)) %>%
dyAxis("y", valueRange = c(0, 1.5)) %>%
dyAxis(runif(10)*100,name="y2", valueRange = c(0, 100)) %>%
dyEvent(2, label = "test") %>%
dyAnnotation(5, text = "A")
however, The plot does not fit the data with larger scale, I cannot figure out how to align the two axises. I suspect the option independentTicks in dyAxis() function does the trick but I cannot find how to use it in the documentation. Please help out with this. Best
One way could be:
We pass the named vector of the column with higher values to dySeries function:
See here https://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/gallery-axis-options.html
df = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = runif(10),y2=runif(10)*100)
y2 <- df %>%
names(y2) <- df$x
dygraph(df) %>%
dySeries("y2", axis = 'y2')
I've currently got a barplot that has a few basic parameters. However, I'm looking to try and convert this into ggplot. The extra parameters don't matter too much; the main problem that I'm having is that I'm trying to plot the sum of various columns, but I'm unable to transpose it correctly as t(data) doesn't seem to work. Here's what I've got so far:
## Subset of indicators
indicators <- clean_data[c(8, 12, 14:23)]
## Get sum of columns
indicator_sums <- colSums(indicators, na.rm = TRUE)
### Transpose for ggplot
## Make bar plot
barplot(indicator_sums, ylim=range(pretty(c(0, indicator_sums))), cex.axis=0.75,cex.lab=0.8, cex.names=0.7, col='magenta', las=2, ylab = 'Offences Recorded Using Indicator')
You may try
dummy <- data.frame(
A = c(1:20),
B = rnorm(20, 10, 4),
C = runif(20, 19,30),
D = sample(c(10:40),20, replace = T)
dummy %>%
colSums %>%
melt %>%
rownames_to_column %>%
ggplot(aes(x = rowname, y = value)) +
I'm using the svars package to generate some IRF plots. The plots are rendered using ggplot2, however I need some help with changing some of the aesthetics.
Is there any way I can change the fill and alpha of the shaded confidence bands, as well as the color of the solid line? I know in ggplot2 you can pass fill and alpha arguments to geom_ribbon (and col to geom_line), just unsure of how to do the same within the plot function of this package's source code.
# Load Dataset and packages
# Create SVAR Model
var.model <- vars::VAR(USA, lag.max = 10, ic = "AIC" )
svar.model <- id.chol(var.model)
# Wild Bootstrap
cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
boot.svar <- wild.boot(svar.model, n.ahead = 30, nboot = 500, nc = cores)
# Plot the IRFs
I'm also looking at the command for a historical decomposition plot (see below). Is there any way I could omit the first two facets and plot only the bottom three lines on the same facet?
hist.decomp <- hd(svar.model, series = 1)
Your first desired result is easily achieved by resetting the aes_params after calling plot. For your second goal. There is probably an approach to manipulate the ggplot object. Instead my approach below constructs the plot from scratch. Basically I copy and pasted the data wrangling code from vars:::plot.hd and filtered the prepared dataset for the desired series:
# Plot the IRFs
p <- plot(boot.svar)
p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$fill <- "pink"
p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$alpha <- .5
p$layers[[2]]$aes_params$colour <- "green"
# Helper to convert to long dataframe. Source: svars:::plot.hd
hd2PlotData <- function(x) {
PlotData <- as.data.frame(x$hidec)
if (inherits(x$hidec, "ts")) {
tsStructure = attr(x$hidec, which = "tsp")
PlotData$Index <- seq(from = tsStructure[1], to = tsStructure[2],
by = 1/tsStructure[3])
PlotData$Index <- as.Date(yearmon(PlotData$Index))
else {
PlotData$Index <- 1:nrow(PlotData)
PlotData$V1 <- NULL
dat <- reshape2::melt(PlotData, id = "Index")
hist.decomp <- hd(svar.model, series = 1)
dat <- hd2PlotData(hist.decomp)
dat %>%
filter(grepl("^Cum", variable)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Index, y = value, color = variable)) +
geom_line() +
xlab("Time") +
EDIT One approach to change the facet labels is via a custom labeller function. For a different approach which changes the facet labels via the data see here:
myvec <- LETTERS[1:9]
mylabel <- function(labels, multi_line = TRUE) {
data.frame(variable = labels)
p + facet_wrap(~variable, labeller = my_labeller(my_labels))
I am trying to add the trendline from an SMA (standardized major axis) fit to my ggplot. However, when I extract the coefficients from the SMA and give them to geom_abline() the line extends over the entire plot instead of clipping to the data. The natural solution to this would be use a geom_segment() instead, manually calculating the endpoints of the line. However, when I do this the lines don't match each other and neither match the SMA fit. What's going on here?
I am aware that you can use the plot function directly on an sma object but I would prefer to use ggplot
Note: this is my first time asking a question so my apologies if I'm missing something!
Edit: I am using a log-log axis, which I suspect may be part of the issue.
Reproducible version below:
library(smatr) #for the SMA
# sample data set
x <- rlnorm(100, meanlog = 10)
var <- rlnorm(100, meanlog = 10)
df <- data.frame(x=x, y=x+var)
# fit using an SMA
sm <- sma(x~y, data = df, log = "xy")
# get sma coefficients into a data.frame
bb <- data.frame(coef(sm))
bb <- bb %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "Coef") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "Coef", values_from = "coef.sm.")
## calculate end coordinates for segment
bb$min_x <- min(df$x, na.rm = TRUE)
bb$max_x <- max(df$x, na.rm = TRUE)
bb <- bb %>%
mutate(min_y = (slope*min_x) + elevation) %>%
mutate(max_y = (slope*max_x) + elevation)
# plot into ggplot
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
geom_point(shape=21) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = 'log10')+
scale_x_continuous(trans = 'log10') +
geom_abline(data=bb,aes(intercept=elevation,slope=slope), color = "blue")
p1 + geom_segment(data=bb, aes(x=min_x, xend=max_x, y=min_y, yend=max_y), color = "orange")
#this is the plot from the smatr package for comparison
I have measurements from several groups which I would like to plot as violin plots:
df <- data.frame(val = c(runif(100,1,5),runif(100,1,5),rep(0,100)),
group = c(rep("A",100),rep("B",100),rep("C",100)))
Using R's ggplot2:
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = group, y = val, color = group)) + geom_violin()
I get:
But when I try to get the equivalent with R's plotly using:
plot_ly(x = df$group, y = df$val, split = df$group, type = 'violin', box = list(visible = F), points = F, showlegend = T, color = df$group)
I get:
Where group "C" gets an inflated/artificial violin.
Any idea how to deal with this and not by using ggplotly?
I did not find a way to fix the behaviour of plotly (probably worth making a bug report for this). A workaround would be to filter your data to only draw violin plots on groups whose range is greater than zero. If you also need to show where the other groups are, you can use a boxplot for these.
To demonstrate, I use library(data.table) for the filtering stage. You could use dplyr or base versions of the same procedure if you prefer:
setDT(df)[, toplot := diff(range(val)) > 0, group]
Now we can plot the groups using different trace styles depending on whether they should have violins or not
plot_ly() %>%
add_trace(data = df[(toplot)], x = ~group, y = ~val, split = ~group,
type = 'violin', box = list(visible = F), points = F) %>%
add_boxplot(data = df[(!toplot)], x = ~group, y = ~val, split = ~group)