I'm having a problem with a ListView and a simple ListModel;
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
id: app
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
property int bheight: 48
id: jmodel
function dosomething1()
function dosomething2()
id: alist
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - bheight
model: jmodel
delegate: Item
width: app.width
height: 48
spacing: 8
text: model.atext || ""
text: model.btext || ""
height: bheight
anchors.top: alist.bottom
// press "plan A" first and it will say "hello"
// press "plan B" after and it will remain "hello"
// pressing A & B will NOT toggle
text: "Plan A"
onClicked: dosomething1();
// press "plan B" first and it will say "hello world"
// press "plan A" after and it will say "hello"
// pressing A & B will toggle
text: "Plan B"
onClicked: dosomething2();
I can't get it to work consistently. Maybe there's something simple missing or i do not understand.
Pressing "Plan A" will say "hello" and after pressing "Plan B" will not change it.
Pressing "Plan B" first will say "hello world", and thereafter pressing "plan A" and "plan B" will toggle between "hello world" and "hello".
It should not depend on what button is pressed first, i am clearing the model each time.
I have tried this on Qt5.12.3 and 5.9 and there is no change.
Following #eyllanesc answer, i've updated my code to instead create a new model for each update. This works but i don't know if i now have a memory leak.
this is my code:
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
id: app
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
property int bheight: 48
id: jmodel
ListModel {}
function dosomething1()
var m = jmodel.createObject()
alist.model = m;
function dosomething2()
var m = jmodel.createObject()
alist.model = m;
id: alist
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - bheight
delegate: Item
width: app.width
height: 48
spacing: 8
text: model.atext || ""
text: model.btext || ""
height: bheight
anchors.top: alist.bottom
text: "Plan A"
onClicked: dosomething1();
text: "Plan B"
onClicked: dosomething2();
As the docs point out:
Modifying List Models
Modifying List Models The content of a ListModel may be created and
modified using the clear(), append(), set(), insert() and
setProperty() methods. For example:
Component {
id: fruitDelegate
Item {
width: 200; height: 50
Text { text: name }
Text { text: '$' + cost; anchors.right: parent.right }
// Double the price when clicked.
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: fruitModel.setProperty(index, "cost", cost * 2)
Note that when creating content dynamically the set of available properties cannot be changed once set. Whatever properties are first added to the model are the only permitted properties in the model.
(emphasis added)
You can not add or remove the properties after initially establishing them:
In case 1 your model only has the atext property initially, and then you want to add the btext property but Qt does not allow it.
In case 2 your model has the properties atext and btext, then you just rewrite the atext property so btext still exists and will have a value of null.
The solution in this case is to set btext with a default value in case 1:
function dosomething1()
jmodel.append({"atext":"hello", "btext":""}) // <----
I'm new to Qt with QML. I'm trying to set a property at the top element called buttonIndex so that the child elements could change the property by incrementing the value in the Button element to make the name go from "Device 1" -> "Device 15". This is my QML code below:
Page {
id: page_device
width: 1024
height: 600
property int buttonWidth: 170;
property int buttonHeight: 100;
property int buttonIndex: 1;
header: Label {
id: label_header_devices
text: qsTr("Devices")
font.pixelSize: Qt.application.font.pixelSize * 2
padding: 20
Item {
id: item_devices
width: 300
height: 200
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Column {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
spacing: 10
Repeater {
id: item_devices_rows
model: 3
Row {
spacing: 10
Repeater {
id: item_devices_columns
model: 5
Button {
id: button_device_
width: buttonWidth
height: buttonHeight
text: qsTr("Device ") + page_device.buttonIndex++
Material.foreground: Material.Pink
enabled: false
hoverEnabled: false
// onClicked: Material.background = Material.Teal
The output I'm getting is unwanted. I get "Device 107", "Device 108", "Device 109" etc.. I need to have it go from 1-15. I tried using the signal itemAdded in the code and re-assigning the value of the buttonIndex to increment by 1 each time but that didn't work either. And also I need to store that buttonIndex for the Button type such like "item_device_button_1". Any ideas how this can be solved?
As #folibis mentioned, you don't need to create your own property for this. Repeaters (and ListViews, etc.) give delegates access a property called index that already does exactly what you want. The index is 0-based, so if you want it to start at '1', then just add +1.
Repeater {
Button {
text: qsTr("Device ") + (index + 1)
I would like to be able to bind to a property of an item generated by Repeater to do something with it, e.g. to show its coordinates. For that purpose I am using itemAt() like this:
ListModel {
id: modelNodes
ListElement { name: "Banana"; x: 100; y: 200 }
ListElement { name: "Orange"; x: 150; y: 100 }
Repeater {
id: foo
model: modelNodes
Rectangle {
x: model.x; y: model.y
width: textBox.implicitWidth + 20
height: textBox.implicitHeight + 20
color: "red"
Drag.active: true
Text {
id: textBox
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
text: model.name + ": " + foo.itemAt(index).x
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: parent
Text {
id: moo
Binding {
target: moo
property: "text"
value: foo.itemAt(0).x + " -> " + foo.itemAt(1).x
Inside the delegate this works fine, but when I attempt to use it outside of the Repeater (i.e. to bind moo's text to it), I get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null
How to fix this?
The reason the Binding object doesn't work outside of the Repeater is because the Repeater has not constructed its items yet when the binding is being evaluated. To fix this, you can move the binding into the Component.onCompleted handler. Then just use the Qt.binding() function to do binding from javascript (docs).
Text {
Component.onCompleted: {
text = Qt.binding(function() { return foo.itemAt(0).x + ", " + foo.itemAt(1).x })
You don't.
(or more precisely, you shouldn't)
Delegates shouldn't store state or data, just display it or be able to interact with it.
In your case what you are after is the data stored in the model.
Your solution should be to modify your model in your delegates and get the data from your model if you want.
I've created a small example of what I mean:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
Window {
visible: true
width: 800
height: 640
ListModel {
id: modelNodes
ListElement { name: "Banana"; x: 50; y: 50 }
ListElement { name: "Orange"; x: 50; y: 100 }
Row {
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 1
Repeater {
model: 2 // display 2 copy of the delegates for demonstration purposes
Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
width: 300
height: 300
border.width: 1
Repeater {
id: foo
model: modelNodes
Rectangle {
x: model.x; y: model.y
width: textBox.implicitWidth + 20
height: textBox.implicitHeight + 20
color: "red"
DragHandler {
dragThreshold: 0
onXChanged: model.x = x // modify model data when dragging
onYChanged: model.y = y
Text {
id: textBox
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
text: model.name + ": " + foo.itemAt(index).x
Instantiator {
model: modelNodes
delegate: Binding { // the hacky solution to the initial problem.
target: myText
property: model.name.toLowerCase() + "Point"
value: Qt.point(model.x, model.y)
Text {
id: myText
property point bananaPoint
property point orangePoint
anchors.right: parent.right
text: JSON.stringify(bananaPoint)
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: modelNodes
delegate: Text {
text: `${model.name} - (${model.x} - ${model.y})`
I've used a hacky solution to your initial problem with an Instantiator of Bindings, I don't really understand the usecase so that might not be the ideal solution. Here it creates a binding for every element of your model but that's weird. If you only want data from your first row, you may want to do when: index === 0 in the Binding. I've created a third party library to get a cleaner code : https://github.com/okcerg/qmlmodelhelper
This will result in the following code for your outside Text (and allowing you to get rid of the weird Instantiator + Binding part):
Text {
readonly property var firstRowData: modelNodes.ModelHelper.map(0)
text: firstRowData.x + ", " + firstRowData.y
Note that my point about not storing data in delegates (or accessing them from outside) still stands for whatever solution you chose.
Let's say I have a QML Text or TextArea that contains a very long HTML page. I want to make it easier to read by splitting it into pages.
More specifically, every time I press the down key, I want it to scroll down until none of the current text on the screen is still there.
I already know how to make the entire TextArea scrollable; that's not what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is more like the kind of behavior you'd expect in an ebook reader.
Is there any way to do something like that, preferably in pure QML (though C++ is also fine).
You can measure the TextArea height after loading, divide it to the container height and so get the count of pages. Then you just move the TextArea relative to its container according to the current page.
The simple illustration of my idea:
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
Window {
id: main
visible: true
width: 640
height: 800
property int currentPage: 1
property int pageCount: 1
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 5
RowLayout {
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Button {
text: "<"
onClicked: {
if(main.currentPage > 1)
main.currentPage --;
Text {
text: main.currentPage + " / " + main.pageCount
Button {
text: ">"
onClicked: {
if(main.currentPage < main.pageCount)
main.currentPage ++;
Rectangle {
id: container
clip: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
TextArea {
id: msg
text: "Loading ..."
width: container.width
height: container.height
y: -(main.currentPage - 1) * container.height
textFormat: TextEdit.RichText
wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
Component.onCompleted: {
onContentHeightChanged: {
msg.height = msg.contentHeight;
if(msg.contentHeight >= container.height && container.height > 0)
main.pageCount = msg.contentHeight / container.height;
loader.running = false;
function makeRequest()
var doc = new XMLHttpRequest();
msg.text = "";
doc.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (doc.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
msg.text = doc.responseText;
doc.open("GET", "http://www.gutenberg.org/files/730/730-h/730-h.htm");
BusyIndicator {
id: loader
running: true
anchors.centerIn: parent
Of course you have to process margins, the last line on a page, recalculate the values on resizing etc.
My main.qml:
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
color: "grey"
anchors.fill: parent
columns : 2
rows : 2
id: rectRepeater
model: 3
text: "hi"
id: r1
width: 100
height: 100
x: 200
y: 200
border.color: "red"
id: t1
t1.text= rectRepeater.itemAt(0).text
The Text in the rectangle r1 displays the text at the start, but if I enter new text to the TextField, the rectangle will not be updated. How can I solve this?
A more elegant and maintainable solution is to implement a model that reflects the changes, and then make a binding of the first element with the text that shows Text:
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
color: "grey"
id: mymodel
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
mymodel.append({"text" : "hi"})
anchors.fill: parent
columns : 2
rows : 2
model: mymodel
id: tf
onTextChanged: model.text = tf.text
Component.onCompleted: tf.text= model.text
id: r1
width: 100
height: 100
x: 200
y: 200
border.color: "red"
Text {
id: t1
text: mymodel.count > 1 ? mymodel.get(0).text : ""
What you want, is to create a binding between the two.
t1.text = Qt.binding(function() { return rectRepeater.itemAt(0).text })
That being said, we would need to know exactly what you are trying to do, because creating bindings manually is an anti-pattern when not required. It is much better to bind directly, or to use signals.
Do you need the first elements, and the repeater, or is this just an test for you? What is your UI and what are you trying to achieve? This is some context worth giving for a proper answer.
One possible simpler solution
id: rectRepeater
model: 3
text: "hi"
// See also `onEditingFinished` and `onValidated`
onTextChanged: {
if (index == 0)
t1.text = text
For more details about the property thing, look at my answers from your other question: Qml Repeater with ids
Below is a function from TimelinePresenter.qml which is a custom component I created.
function createMenu() {
var menuComp = Qt.createComponent("Menu.qml");
if( menuComp.status != Component.Ready )
if( menuComp.status == Component.Error )
console.debug("Error: " + menuComp.errorString());
It gives the error:
Error: qrc:/qml/timeline/Menu.qml:-1 No such file or directory
TimelinePresenter.qml is a resource file specified in the .qrc file and its path is qml/timeline as shown in error message so qml engine is trying to find the Menu.qml there expectedly. How can I specify the path to create qt's Menu component?
my resources.qrc file
<qresource prefix="/">
You are confusing the creation of a component with the creation of an object that belongs to a component.
The Menu component already exists and is provided by Qt, what you must do is create the object using the Qt.createQmlObject() method.
var menuObj = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 ; Menu {
MenuItem { text: "Cut" }
MenuItem { text: "Copy" }
MenuItem { text: "Paste" } }', parentItem, "dynamicSnippet1");
Complete Example:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
id: parentItem
Component.onCompleted: {
var menu = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 ; Menu {
MenuItem { text: "Cut" }
MenuItem { text: "Copy" }
MenuItem { text: "Paste" }
}', parentItem,"dynamicSnippet1");
// test: open menu
In the case you have described in your comments, I would suggest to only create one Menu and only popup() it at the place where you have clicked, setting it in a specific context.
I prepared a small example to illustrate how the Menu could be used:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 // Necessary for the "Action" I used. Create the Menu otherwise if you are bound to older versions.
import QtQml 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
visible: true
width: 600
height: 600
Repeater {
model: ListModel {
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 400; y: 50 }
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 100; y: 190 }
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 70; y: 80 }
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 30; y: 0 }
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 340; y: 500 }
ListElement { color: 'black'; x: 210; y: 10 }
delegate: MouseArea {
x: model.x
y: model.y
width: 50
height: 50
property QtObject modelItem: model
onClicked: menu.openMenu(x + mouse.x, y + mouse.y, modelItem)
Rectangle {
color: model.color
anchors.fill: parent
Menu {
id: menu
Action { text: "green" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "blue" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "pink" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "yellow" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "orchid" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "orange" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "teal" ; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
Action { text: "steelblue"; onTriggered: { menu.currentContext.color = text } }
property QtObject currentContext
function openMenu(x, y, context) {
currentContext = context
popup(x, y)
Though I think this answer might solve your problem, I know that it is not really the answer to the question you stated initially.
For the Component-part: I think you misunderstood what a Component is - it is not an Item. It is a prestage in the creation of QtObjects and more something like a prototype or configured factory.
So your function - if it would work - would end at the creation of a invisible thing, from which you could create objects, by calling createObject().
Creating Components is the right thing to do, if you want to create an object at a later time and you might want to create similar objects multiple times, either by JavaScript or by other QML-types that expect Components as some input (e.g. delegates).
To create Components you have multiple possibilities, e.g.:
Component { SomeItem {} }
The first expects you to know the url, which in your case, you do not. To circumvent that, the easiest solution is, to create a new File, like MyMenu.qml
that only contains the Menu {} - then you can create a Component from this.
The second does not expects you to know the url, but it is not dynamically created.
Component {
id: myCmp
Menu {
onSomeSignal: myCmp.createObject({ prop1: val1 }, this)
Here the Component is automatically created when the object in the file is instantiated. This makes that (one time) initially a bit slower, since more code has to be processed, but you don't have to do it later.
Creating objects like eyllanesc shows with Qt.createQmlObject("Write a new QML-File here") might be also used to create a Component if the top-level element is a Component. If you don't have a Component as top-level, it will also first create a component that is once used to create a QtObject and then is discarded. It is the slowest but most flexible way to dynamically create objects.