Why varnish returns content-length: 0? - nginx

I have the following setup:
url -> load balancer -> nginx[1-2] -> varnish[1-2] -> nginx[1-2] (+app)
where first nginx uses the second nginx as backup if varnish fails.
When I perform curl -I http... I get content-length: 0 response. However, if I stop both Varnishes (6.0.2) I get some real number instead of 0. My vcl does not manipulate content-length and I see no other setup that would suggest it.
Moreover, if Varnish is ON and I perform multiple curls (10678 to be exact) I would get 14 responses with content-lentgh different than 0.
The two questions are:
Is content-length: 0 expected from varnish?
Is it possible that varnish fails to setup a connection once in a while and traffic gets routed to nginx directly? No errors in logs, though.


Wordpress Perfect Varnish VCL Random 503 Error

I am using wordpress. I deploy Varnish Using Docker. This Is My default.vcl. What's Wrong With This Config?? Sometimes, Get Random 503 Error. I Exclude Wordpress Search Page Using RegEx. Also Get Random 503 Error On wordpress Search Page Too!!
I am Using NGINX Backened..
Help Appreciated
Your log output contains the following lines:
- Error out of workspace (bo)
- LostHeader Date:
- BerespHeader Server: Varnish
- LostHeader Content-Type:
- LostHeader Retry-After:
Apparently you ran out of workspace memory because the size of the response.
The following parameters in your Docker config might cause that:
-p http_resp_hdr_len=65536 \
-p http_resp_size=98304 \
While increasing the size of individual headers and the total response size, the total memory consumption exceeds the workspace_backend value, which defaults to 64k.
Here's the documentation for http_resp_size:
$ varnishadm param.show http_resp_size
Value is: 32k [bytes] (default)
Minimum is: 0.25k
Maximum number of bytes of HTTP backend response we will deal
with. This is a limit on all bytes up to the double blank line
which ends the HTTP response.
The memory for the response is allocated from the backend
workspace (param: workspace_backend) and this parameter limits
how much of that the response is allowed to take up.
As you can see, it affects workspace_backend. So here's the documentation for that:
$ varnishadm param.show workspace_backend
Value is: 64k [bytes] (default)
Minimum is: 1k
Bytes of HTTP protocol workspace for backend HTTP req/resp. If
larger than 4k, use a multiple of 4k for VM efficiency.
NB: This parameter may take quite some time to take (full)
The solution is to increase the workspace_backend through a -p runtime parameter.

How to control vhost_shared_traffic memory K8s nginx ingress?

We run a kubernetes cluster that handles several php/lumen microservices. We started seeing the app php-fpm/nginx reporting 499 status code in it's logs, and it seems to correspond with the client getting a blank response (curl returns curl: (52) Empty reply from server) while the applications log 499.
10.10.x.x - - [09/Mar/2020:18:26:46 +0000] "POST /some/path/ HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "curl/7.65.3"
My understanding is nginx will return the 499 code when the client socket is no longer open/available to return the content to. In this situation that appears to mean something before the nginx/application layer is terminating this connection. Our configuration currently is:
ELB -> k8s nginx ingress -> application
So my thoughts are either ELB or ingress since the application is the one who has no socket left to return to. So i started hitting ingress logs...
Potential core problem?
While looking the the ingress logs i'm seeing quite a few of these:
2020/03/06 17:40:01 [crit] 11006#11006: ngx_slab_alloc() failed: no memory in vhost_traffic_status_zone "vhost_traffic_status"
Potential Solution
I imagine if i gave vhost_traffic_status_zone some more memory at least that error would go away and on to finding the next error.. but I can't seem to find any configmap value or annotation that would allow me to control this. I've checked the docs:
Thanks in advance for any insight / suggestions / documentation I might be missing!
here is the standard way to look up how to modify the nginx.conf in the ingress controller. After that, I'll link in some info on suggestions on how much memory you should give the zone.
First start by getting the ingress controller version by checking the image version on the deploy
kubectl -n <namespace> get deployment <deployment-name> | grep 'image:'
From there, you can retrieve the code for your version from the following URL. In the following, I will be using version 0.10.2.
The nginx.conf template can be found at rootfs/etc/nginx/template/nginx.tmpl in the code or /etc/nginx/template/nginx.tmpl on a pod. This can be grepped for the line of interest. I the example case, we find the following line in the nginx.tmpl
vhost_traffic_status_zone shared:vhost_traffic_status:{{ $cfg.VtsStatusZoneSize }};
This gives us the config variable to look up in the code. Our next grep for VtsStatusZoneSize leads us to the lines in internal/ingress/controller/config/config.go
// Description: Sets parameters for a shared memory zone that will keep states for various keys. The cache is shared between all worker processe
// https://github.com/vozlt/nginx-module-vts#vhost_traffic_status_zone
// Default value is 10m
VtsStatusZoneSize string `json:"vts-status-zone-size,omitempty"
This gives us the key "vts-status-zone-size" to be added to the configmap "ingress-nginx-ingress-controller". The current value can be found in the rendered nginx.conf template on a pod at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
When it comes to what size you may want to set the zone, there are the docs here that suggest setting it to 2*usedSize:
If the message("ngx_slab_alloc() failed: no memory in vhost_traffic_status_zone") printed in error_log, increase to more than (usedSize * 2).
"usedSize" can be found by hitting the stats page for nginx or through the JSON endpoint. Here is the request to get the JSON version of the stats and if you have jq the path to the value: curl http://localhost:18080/nginx_status/format/json 2> /dev/null | jq .sharedZones.usedSize
Hope this helps.

How to add HTTP header in uwsgi logs

I have a nginx as proxy, and uWSGI as app server. And I want to add any http headers to uwsgi logs. I can add some var.VAR_NAME to logs.
By docs (http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/LogFormat.html):
%(var.XXX) -> the content of request variable XXX (like var.PATH_INFO, available from
But this worked only for uwsgi_param from nginx, not for proxy_set_header or smt. like this.
I found answer in uwsgi github issues - https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/issues/1407#issuecomment-326605267 and updated the docs (http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/LogFormat.html):
%(var.XXX) -> the content of request variable XXX (like var.PATH_INFO
or var.HTTP_X_MY_HEADER for headers from request, available from

AT commands Quectel MC60

I've just started working with the Quectel MC60 and I am having some issues:
About HTTP GET method, I make the following commands:
When using the QCOM software, I make a script running all the above commands sequentially. When it comes to the AT+QHTTPREAD command, the response is always "+CME ERROR: 3822" (HTTP response failed). What can it be? I'm sure the HTTP server is working properly.
The answer is that it is necessary to configure the request header
GET path HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: www.my_host.com
NOTE: in AT+HTTPPOST=77, 77 is the size of the POST message (last two \r\n are required and count)
NOTE2: after GET you're supposed to write the path to the url inserted in AT+QHTTPURL. For example, if you specified your URL as https://www.my_host.com/debug/main/port, your AT+HTTPPOST request should look like this (don't forget the last two \r\n):
GET /debug/main/port HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: www.my_host.com

Make wget retry original URL after 3XX Redirect

I have a service that redirects users to temporary pre-signed AWS downloads. These are large files, often 5-10gb. To prevent download sharing, we have a relatively short (30 seconds) valid lifespan.
Everything is working except that on slow internet connections, they tend to fail or get interrupted. wget has a feature that automatically retries the download. However, instead of retrying the original URL (eg: http://service.com/download/file.zip), wget retries the redirected pre-signed URL (eg: http://service.s3.amazonaws.com/file.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=XXXX&Signature=XXXX&Expires=1468000000)
Since these are large files, and the pre-signed lifespan is so short, that temporary url is no longer valid and the user gets a 403 Forbidden result.
Originally, when we noticed the problem, we were using 302 Found temporary redirects. A little research seemed to indicate we SHOULD have been using 307 Temporary Redirect. However, that didn't resolve the problem with wget. For grins and giggles, we tried 303 See Other, but that didn't work either.
Does anyone have any idea how get wget to retry the original URL instead of the redirected URL?
below is a wget example log:
--2016-07-06 10:29:51-- https://service.com/download/file.zip
Connecting to service.com (service.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
--2016-07-06 10:29:52-- https://service.s3.amazonaws.com/file.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=XXXX&Signature=XXXX&Expires=1468000000
Resolving service.s3.amazonaws.com (service.s3.amazonaws.com)...
Connecting to service.s3.amazonaws.com
(service.s3.amazonaws.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2070666907 (1.9G) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘file.zip’
file.zip 53%[=========> ] 1.03G --.-KB/s in 18m 7s
2016-07-06 10:47:59 (995 KB/s) - Read error at byte
1107205784/2070666907 (The specified session has been invalidated for
some reason.). Retrying.
--2016-07-06 10:48:00-- (try: 2) https://service.s3.amazonaws.com/file.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=XXXX&Signature=XXXX&Expires=1468000000
Connecting to service.s3.amazonaws.com
(service.s3.amazonaws.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2016-07-06 10:48:01 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
I had a similar issue, and a similar answer as #panzerito, but broke it up into a script i called loopdone
until `$1`; do sleep 1; echo restarting; done
then I can just do loopdone "wget -c http://my.url/" (incl quotes) to force it to run again and again (and resume, unless server does not support it) until exit code is 0. (meaning no error)
initial_error_EXIT_STATUS; until [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; do wget https://example.com/download/file.zip -c; done
