Pass user auth to Firestore from Cloud functions - firebase

So I'm trying to build an http endpoint using a Cloud function. This cloud function is only invoked after the user signs in. So I can pass the user token and verify it on the server side. I understand how to do this.
I also have security rules on my Firestore collections with authorization rules set up using request.auth.uid. This also just works if I use the firebase web sdk.
But my question is - how do I use the same authorization rules via cloud functions? I don't want to rewrite my auth logic separately for the http endpoint.

Security rules only apply to access from web and mobile SDKs. It does not apply to code using any of the server SDKs, including the Firebase Admin SDK and anything you would use with Cloud Functions. You will have to apply your own logic to check the validity of data before it's added to Firestore. The same is true for Realtime Database and Cloud Storage security rules.

As you use the admin sdk in your functions, the check for the auth looks a bit different. Just watch this video from The Net Ninja. He is explaining how to do this. Just use the generated token instead what’s been used in the video.


Protect Firebase Http Cloud Functions Using JWT Tokens or any other mechanism without using firebase user authentication

I am building a spa app to make some administrative tasks on the app/firebase easier. I don't have a separate backend for this app so I use firebase cloud functions directly from the spa client. I am also not using Admin Sdk , just Http triggers. I am using functions.https.onCall on functions invoked by regular app users. Since i didn't want to mix up regular users with the admin login , I implemented a separate login for the spa app. Since the admin is already logged in , I am looking for some kind of JWT key / API key based authentication to secure firebase functions implemented for these tasks.
One possible solution , as Frank van Puffelen mentioned in his answer , is to add firebase auth , store the UIDs of the admin users and check if the request came from them using getIdToken() in the cloud function. Is this the best practice or is there an alternate to approach this.
Any input is appreciated.
The common approaches here are to:
Either keep a list of the UIDs of the admin users in a place that your Cloud Function can access, for example in the code itself or (more likely) in a cloud-hosted database.
Or add a custom claim to the ID token of admin users.
In either case, your Cloud Functions code can then ensure the user is authorized to call the end point.

How do I authenticate Firebase functions/admin requests to Firestore

I was able to complete the process of generating a Firebase auth token on the front end, sending it to a Firebase Cloud Function, and using auth.verifyIdToken to decode it and pull out the user ID.
I want to use Cloud Firestore, but I have no idea how to use the user token/ID when making requests to Cloud Firestore from Firebase Functions. My goal is to then have those variables available when creating Cloud Firestore security rules.
a) Do I need to pass those variables in the Firestore request?
postsRef.where({uid //somehow?}, 'published', '==', true).get();
b) Should I use auth.setCustomUserClaims? Is that the only option when working from the Admin SDK?
c) What is different in usage between the ID and the decoded token? Should I pass both to Cloud Firestore? Is that even possible?
Let me know what you think, any info is helpful.
What you're trying to do is actually not possible. When you query Firestore from backend code using one of the server SDKs (including the Firebase Admin SDK), the query will always bypass all security rules. There is no way to change this behavior. Rules only apply to direct access from web and mobile clients.
What you'll have to do instead is duplicate the work of the rule in your backend code to make sure all the conditions are correct before making your query.

How do I account for Google Cloud Firestore security rules in Firebase Functions?

If I create a Firebase Function, I am able to freely read and write to my Firestore database using:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
admin.firestore().collection("collection").add({"foo": "bar"});
While I see that the firebase-functions library provides a reference to firestore, I can't see in the documentation how this is used in a similar manner to add/update data with the constraints of security rules.
Is this the the class I should be using, or are there other means to adopt this security from within a Function?
Code that uses backend SDKs, such as Firebase Admin, or any of the Google Cloud SDKs, always bypass security rules. This includes code running in Cloud Functions, which is considered "backend". You can't use security security rule to limit their access. Security rules only apply to access from the client SDKs, used along with Firebase Authentication.

Can cloud functions bypass firestore security rules

I recently developed with the implementation of firestore and firestore security rules.
Certain authenticated users can grab data if they are created by them, was one of the feature of the app.
A creates X
B creates Y
A can't access Y and B can't access X.
This is ensured using security rules.
I deployed the app with cloud functions, and this acts as an api.
Simulating the security rules passes without failure, but when called the api for accessing via tool like postman,
A can access Y and X
and B can access X and Y.
I read this stack overflow question that talks about overwriting the security rule if used by firebase-admin sdk, which is what I am using.
But i am just curious, is there any other ways to restrict outside api tools to fetch data like this?
Here is the link
All access to Firebase and Cloud products (Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions) coming from any backend SDK will bypass security rules entirely. This includes the Firebase Admin SDK and any other Cloud SDKs. Security rules only apply to web and mobile client access.
YES, It Will
I enabled the following rule!
still, I was able to fetch data with
help of cloud function via Created API
/* The following code blocks whole database access*/
match /databases/{database}/documents{
match /{document=**}{
allow read, write:if false;

Why are Cloud Functions not stopped from writing when using Security rules in Firestore?

I'm using Cloud Firestore as my back-end. I'm using rules so only authenticated users can read some data (private data) and none of them can write. I have also created a function that is triggered when some new content is added to the database. However, when the function is triggered, I'm able to write data even if the rules as set to false.
How to stop that from happening?
Actually when you access to Firestore via a Cloud Function (using the Firebase Admin SDK) none of the security rules apply.
The following documentation explicitly indicates that for the Relatime Database:
The Admin SDK lets you interact with Firebase from privileged
environments to perform actions like Read and write Realtime Database
data with full admin privileges.
but it is the same with Firestore.
There is also a note in this Firestore "Get Started" documentation
Note: The server client libraries bypass all Cloud Firestore Security
As said above, this not only applies to the Admin SDK but also applies to the other server SDKs, because you use these server SDKs from what Firebase calls "a privileged environment", like your own server (under your control) or Cloud Functions (under your control too, since you are the only one able to deploy Cloud Functions code). See also What is a "trusted server environment" in Firebase?
If you want to restrict the write access for your Cloud Function, you will need to develop a specific business logic, in your Cloud Function, to mimic your security rules.
