customize the height and width of ESRI map callout - xamarin.forms

here is the formatted String which i am binding to callout but i am able to see only some contents of my string in callout
private async void WebMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
MapPoint mapLocation = null;
var layers = await WebMapView.IdentifyLayersAsync(e.Position, 20, false);
if (layers.Count > 0)
foreach (var idResults in layers)
FeatureLayer idLayer = idResults.LayerContent as FeatureLayer;
await idLayer.LoadAsync();
var result = layers.First();
var feature = result.GeoElements.First() as ArcGISFeature;
await feature.LoadAsync(); // Load feature to get all attributes
Feature idFeature = result.GeoElements.First() as Feature;
featureAttrs = idFeature.Attributes;
var stateExtent = idFeature.Geometry;
Graphicoverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
Graphic graphicLine = null;
graphicLine = new Graphic(stateExtent, AppConstant.HighLight1);
EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
//Geometry abd = oneGraphic.Geometry;
mapLocation = myEnvelopeBuilder.Center;
Geometry myGeometry = GeometryEngine.Project(mapLocation, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
MapPoint projectedLocation = (MapPoint)myGeometry;
string formattedString = "";
if (featureAttrs.Count > 0)
foreach (var attributes in featureAttrs)
string recordOneAttribute = $"{attributes.Key} {attributes.Value}";
formattedString = $"{formattedString}\n{ recordOneAttribute}";
CalloutDefinition calloutDef = new CalloutDefinition("Feature:",formattedString);
WebMapView.ShowCalloutAt(mapLocation, calloutDef);


how to Add list of products from cart?

i have an API working with ASP.Net Core 3.1 posting orders
i want to post order head and get all items from another api in cart items and post it in order items my code as below
public async Task<ActionResult<OrderDto>> Posting(OrderDto dto)
if (dto == null)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var mappedEntities = _mapper.Map<Order>(dto);
if (await _orderRepository.Save())
int id = mappedEntities.OrderID;
var cartItems = await _cartItemRepository.GetCartItems(mappedEntities.ApplicationUserId);
var cartDto = new CartItemDto();
foreach(var item in cartItems)
cartDto.ItemID = item.ItemID;
cartDto.ItemLookupCode = item.ItemLookupCode;
cartDto.CategoryID = item.CategoryID;
cartDto.DepartmentID = item.DepartmentID;
cartDto.itemDescription = item.itemDescription;
cartDto.SubDescription3 = item.SubDescription3;
cartDto.Quantity = item.Quantity;
cartDto.Weight = item.Weight;
cartDto.SnapShotPrice = item.SnapShotPrice;
cartDto.StoreId = item.StoreId;
cartDto.barcode = item.barcode;
cartDto.Email = item.Email;
cartDto.ItemImage = item.ItemImage;
var items = new OrderItems()
OrderId = id,
ItemID = cartDto.ItemID,
ItemLookupCode = cartDto.ItemLookupCode,
CategoryID = cartDto.CategoryID,
DepartmentID = cartDto.DepartmentID,
itemDescription = cartDto.itemDescription,
SubDescription3 = cartDto.SubDescription3,
Quantity = cartDto.Quantity,
Weight = cartDto.Weight,
SnapShotPrice = cartDto.SnapShotPrice,
StoreId = cartDto.StoreId,
barcode = cartDto.barcode,
Email = cartDto.Email,
ItemImage = cartDto.ItemImage,
await _orderItemsRepository.Save();
return Ok(id);
return BadRequest(ModelState);
catch (Exception ex)
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.InnerException.Message);
every time i run this api order header added successfully and order items add first item only
which cart items return with array of items ,
can any one help me in that ,
You need to put Add (and maybe .Save()) inside the foreach:
var cartItems = await _cartItemRepository.GetCartItems(mappedEntities.ApplicationUserId);
foreach(var item in cartItems)
var cartDto = new CartItemDto(); // inside foreach
cartDto.ItemID = item.ItemID;
var item = new OrderItems() // one item - not: items
OrderId = id,
ItemID = cartDto.ItemID,
ItemImage = cartDto.ItemImage,
_orderItemsRepository.Add(item); // add item before moving to next item.
await _orderItemsRepository.Save();
BTW. I'm not sure why you need cartDto; I think you can eliminate it:
var cartItems = await _cartItemRepository.GetCartItems(mappedEntities.ApplicationUserId);
foreach(var item in cartItems)
var item = new OrderItems() // one item - not: items
OrderId = id,
ItemID = item.ItemID,
ItemImage = item.ItemImage,
_orderItemsRepository.Add(item); // add item before moving to next item.
await _orderItemsRepository.Save();
The code is not correct.In the below line you it should be List instead of object
var cartItems = await _cartItemRepository.GetCartItems(mappedEntities.ApplicationUserId);
var cartDtoList = new List<CartItemDto>();
foreach(var item in cartItems)
carDto carDto= new CarDto();
cartDto.ItemID = item.ItemID;
cartDto.ItemLookupCode = item.ItemLookupCode;
cartDto.CategoryID = item.CategoryID;
cartDto.DepartmentID = item.DepartmentID;
cartDto.itemDescription = item.itemDescription;
cartDto.SubDescription3 = item.SubDescription3;
cartDto.Quantity = item.Quantity;
cartDto.Weight = item.Weight;
cartDto.SnapShotPrice = item.SnapShotPrice;
cartDto.StoreId = item.StoreId;
cartDto.barcode = item.barcode;
cartDto.Email = item.Email;
cartDto.ItemImage = item.ItemImage;
Similarly the orderItems will also be list.
The other simplest solution is to put all the things inside foreach loop like this
foreach(var item in cartItems)
cartDto.ItemID = item.ItemID;
cartDto.ItemLookupCode = item.ItemLookupCode;
cartDto.CategoryID = item.CategoryID;
cartDto.DepartmentID = item.DepartmentID;
cartDto.itemDescription = item.itemDescription;
cartDto.SubDescription3 = item.SubDescription3;
cartDto.Quantity = item.Quantity;
cartDto.Weight = item.Weight;
cartDto.SnapShotPrice = item.SnapShotPrice;
cartDto.StoreId = item.StoreId;
cartDto.barcode = item.barcode;
cartDto.Email = item.Email;
cartDto.ItemImage = item.ItemImage;
var items = new OrderItems()
OrderId = id,
ItemID = cartDto.ItemID,
ItemLookupCode = cartDto.ItemLookupCode,
CategoryID = cartDto.CategoryID,
DepartmentID = cartDto.DepartmentID,
itemDescription = cartDto.itemDescription,
SubDescription3 = cartDto.SubDescription3,
Quantity = cartDto.Quantity,
Weight = cartDto.Weight,
SnapShotPrice = cartDto.SnapShotPrice,
StoreId = cartDto.StoreId,
barcode = cartDto.barcode,
Email = cartDto.Email,
ItemImage = cartDto.ItemImage,
await _orderItemsRepository.Save();
return Ok(id);

Index out of bound at xmlworkerhelper in c#

PaymentService.PaymentServiceClient client = new
PaymentTransactionDto model = new PaymentTransactionDto();
OrderInvoiceDto invoiceData;
List<ProductRepoDto> products;
List<OrderTaxDto> taxes;
// Check payment status
int chkProduct = 0;
int chkCourse = 0;
int chkProductCourse = 0;
#region Get order details for invoice
var order_details = client.GetOrderDetailsForInvoice(Convert.ToInt32(Oid.Rows[0]["OrderId"]));
invoiceData = new OrderInvoiceDto();
if (order_details != null)
invoiceData = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.OrderInvoiceDto, OrderInvoiceDto>.GetMappedData(order_details);
#region Get Products list in order
var productList = client.GetOrderItemsByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(Oid.Rows[0]["OrderId"]));
products = new List<ProductRepoDto>();
if (productList != null && productList.Count() > 0)
products = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.ProductRepoDto, ProductRepoDto>.GetMappedList(productList.ToList());
#region ADD Taxes
#region check product type
decimal Amount = 0;
foreach (var item in products)
if (item.TypeId == 1)
chkCourse = 1;
if (item.TypeId == 2)
chkProduct = 1;
if (chkCourse == 1 && chkProduct == 1)
chkProductCourse = 1;
Amount = Amount + (item.Amount * item.Quantity);
Amount = Amount - item.Discount;
// Apply taxes
client.AddOrderTaxMappingDetails(Convert.ToInt64(orderid), Amount);
#region Get Applied Tax details
var taxesApplied = client.GetOrderAppliedTaxes(Convert.ToInt64(orderid));
taxes = new List<OrderTaxDto>();
if (taxesApplied != null && taxesApplied.Count() > 0)
taxes = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.OrderTaxDto, OrderTaxDto>.GetMappedList(taxesApplied.ToList());
string pdfbody = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Views/Payment/InvoiceView.cshtml"));
Document document = new Document();
string fileName = string.Format("{0}.pdf", invoiceData.OrderNumber);
var fpath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Document/Payment/Invoice/");
if (!Directory.Exists(fpath))
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$name$", string.Format("{0} {1}", invoiceData.Billing_FirstName, invoiceData.Billing_LastName));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$address$", invoiceData.Billing_Address);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingCity$", invoiceData.Billing_City);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingPinCode$", invoiceData.Billing_PinCode.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingState$", invoiceData.Billing_State);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingCountry$", invoiceData.Billing_Country);
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$netAmt$", invoiceData.NetAmt.ToString());
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$grossAmt$", invoiceData.GrossAmt.ToString());
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$discountAmt$", invoiceData.DiscountAmt.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$orderNumber$", invoiceData.OrderNumber.Remove(0, 2));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$orderDate$", CommonFunctions.EpochToIstDate(Convert.ToDouble(invoiceData.OrderDate)));
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
decimal totalAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in products)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ActivationKey))
item.ActivationKey = string.Format("Activation Key:{0}", item.ActivationKey);
b.AppendFormat("<tr><td width='60%'>{0}<br/>{1}</td>", item.ProductName, item.ActivationKey);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='10%' align='left'>{0}</td>", item.Quantity);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='30%' align='right'>{0}</td></tr>", (item.Amount * item.Quantity) - item.Discount);
totalAmount = totalAmount + (item.Amount * item.Quantity);
totalAmount = totalAmount - item.Discount;
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderDetailsList$", Convert.ToString(b));
if (taxes != null && taxes.Count > 0)
b = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in taxes)
b.AppendFormat("<tr><td width='80%' colspan='2'>{0} ({1}%)</td>", item.TaxName, item.Percentage);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='20%' align='right'>{0}</td></tr>", item.Amount);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderTaxDetailsList$", Convert.ToString(b));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderTaxDetailsList$", "");
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$netAmt$", totalAmount.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$rupees$", CommonFunctions.ConvertNumbertoWords(Convert.ToInt32((int)Math.Ceiling(totalAmount))));
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(fpath + fileName, FileMode.Create));
StringReader sr = new StringReader(pdfbody);
XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, document, sr);
I want to generate pdf i am using itextsharp.
but i am getting Index out of bound array at XMLWorkerHelper.
I am using itextsharp.xmlworker.dll, v5.4.5.0
when i try to update itextsharp.xmlworker.dll, v5.4.5.9
this code works fine..but all other modules of my project which use iTextsharp starts getting error.
if this is version problem, then how i add two different dll in bin folder and use it
or it is code related error?

EPPlus Array dimensions exceeded supported range. System.OutOfMemoryException

Ok so I am trying to load a CSVStream into an ExcelPackage (I am using EPPlus).
It always fails at line 221482, no matter what option I choose. I am running on x64 and I have in my app.config...
The error given is the one from the title :(
public ExcelPackage ExcelPackageFromCsvStream(Stream csvStream)
var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage();
var workSheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
var csvFormat = new ExcelTextFormat
Delimiter = ',',
TextQualifier = '"',
DataTypes = new[] { eDataTypes.String }
using (var sr = new StreamReader(csvStream))
int i = 1;
foreach (var line in sr.ReadLines("\r\n"))
workSheet.Cells["A" + i].LoadFromText(line, csvFormat);
return excelPackage;
Resolved it by creating multiple ExcelPackages and also I've read the stream in batches (e.g. 200k lines at once)
public List<ExcelPackage> ExcelPackagesFromCsvStream(Stream csvStream, int batchSize)
var excelPackages = new List<ExcelPackage>();
int currentPackage = -1; // so that first package will have the index 0
var csvFormat = new ExcelTextFormat
Delimiter = ',',
TextQualifier = '"',
DataTypes = new[] {eDataTypes.String}
using (var sr = new StreamReader(csvStream))
int index = 1;
foreach (var line in sr.ReadLines("\r\n"))
if ((index - 1) % batchSize == 0)
var excelPackage = new ExcelPackage();
index = 1;
excelPackages[currentPackage].Workbook.Worksheets.First().Cells["A" + index].LoadFromText(line, csvFormat);
return excelPackages;

How to set the next activity from the current automated activity?

I am trying to decide the next activity from the current activity (Automatic decision activity)The below is my code. How to set the next activity?
public void DebugUserCheck(string workitemid)
CoreServiceSession client = new CoreServiceSession();
SessionAwareCoreServiceClient csClient = client.GetClient();
var readoption = new ReadOptions();
WorkItemData workitem = (WorkItemData)csClient.Read(workitemid, readoption);
ActivityInstanceData currentactivity = (ActivityInstanceData)csClient.Read(workitem.Activity.IdRef, readoption);
TridionActivityDefinitionData activitydefinition = (TridionActivityDefinitionData)csClient.Read(currentactivity.ActivityDefinition.IdRef, readoption);
ProcessDefinitionData processdefinition = (ProcessDefinitionData)csClient.Read(activitydefinition.ProcessDefinition.IdRef, readoption);
IList<ActivityDefinitionData> activityDefinitions = new List<ActivityDefinitionData>(processdefinition.ActivityDefinitions);
string superuseractivitytitle = "";
string superuseractivityid = "";
string normaluseractivitytitle = "";
string normaluseractivityid = "";
foreach (var activity in activityDefinitions)
if (activity.Title == "Override")
superuseractivitytitle = activity.Title;
superuseractivityid = activity.Id;
if (activity.Title == "Author Decision")
normaluseractivitytitle = activity.Title;
normaluseractivityid = activity.Id;
UserData user = csClient.GetCurrentUser();
if (user.Id == "tcm:0-141-65552")
ActivityDefinitionData nextactivity = (ActivityDefinitionData)csClient.Read(superuseractivityid, readoption);
ActivityFinishData finishdata = new ActivityFinishData();
finishdata.Message = "Automatic decision activity finished";
csClient.FinishActivity(currentactivity.Id, finishdata, readoption);
ActivityDefinitionData nextactivity = (ActivityDefinitionData)csClient.Read(normaluseractivityid, readoption);
ActivityFinishData finishdata = new ActivityFinishData();
finishdata.Message = "Automatic decision activity finished";
csClient.FinishActivity(currentactivity.Id, finishdata, readoption);
Instead of ActivityFinishData use DecisionActivityFinishData
var decisionActivityFinishData = new DecisionActivityFinishData
NextActivity = new LinkToActivityDefinitionData{IdRef = "next activity ID"}
csClient.FinishActivity(currentactivity.Id, decisionActivityFinishData,

How to count duplicate items in XMLList and assign them into an ArrayCollection?

I've following XMLList ,
I would like eliminate blank node and to make an ArrayCollection like ( with count of individual party),
tArr = new ArrayCollection([ {Party:"A", Count:3},
{Party:"B", Count:2},
{Party:"C", Count:3},
{Party:"D", Count:2},
{Party:"E", Count:1},
Thanks in advance.
This is untested and may not be the most efficient, but should work:
var partyDict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
var parties:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var xml:XML = <root><party/><party/><party/><party>A</party><party>B</party><party>C</party><party>A</party><party>B</party><party>C</party><party>D</party><party>E</party><party>D</party><party>A</party><party/><party>C</party></root>;
for each (var p:XML in {
var val:String = p.toString();
if ((val != null) && StringUtil.trim(val).length > 0) {
if (partyDict[val] != null) {
partyDict[val] = (partyDict[val] as int) + 1; // may simply be able to do partyDict[val]++;
} else {
partyDict[val] = 1;
for (var key:Object in partyDict) {
var o:Object = new Object();
o.Party = key;
o.Count = partyDict[key];
If you have the list of possible parties it's just:
var partiesObjs:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var xml:XML = <root><party/><party/><party/><party>A</party><party>B</party><party>C</party><party>A</party><party>B</party><party>C</party><party>D</party><party>E</party><party>D</party><party>A</party><party/><party>C</party></root>;
var parties:Array = ["A","B","C","D"]
for each(var p:String in parties){
var count:int = == p).length()
partiesObjs.addItem( {Party:p, Count:count} )
