Rename file name based on upload date -

I write the below code to copy the file and rename file name but the problem that i have now that i need to pick the last file (based on upload date) then rename the file , the below code change all files placed in the folder regardless the upload date , also if there is a simple code to upload file check if file is exist then show message (successful upload , failed upload (duplicate file))
Dim directory = Server.MapPath("App_Data/text/")
For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim fName As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(filename)
If fName.ToString Like "*Cust*" Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(Server.MapPath("App_Data\text\" & fName), Server.MapPath("App_Data\test\" & fName))
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(Server.MapPath("App_Data\test\" & fName), "Customer.txt")

you can use below code and find creation date and last modified date of a file:
Dim creation as DateTime = File.GetCreationTime(#"C:\test.txt")
Dim modification as DateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(#"C:\test.txt")
or by Importing System.IO and using this code:
Dim fi as FileInfo = new FileInfo("path")
Dim created = fi.CreationTime
Dim lastmodified = fi.LastWriteTime
i think the second one is better because you can put them in a collection easily and then sort them or compare them.


Get only part of file name and delete from server folder in vb

I'm trying get get only the last part of a file name in a server folder between the "_" and ".pdf" in order to delete specific files only.
The files in the invoices folder are like this: Invoice_12345.pdf, Invoice_2345.pdf, Invoice_5555.pdf, etc. I need to extract the "12345", "2345", and "5555", then I need to delete the file if it is not contained in a database query.
With the following code, I wish to extract the digits from the files in the folder, so how do I get the number between "_" and ".pdf"?
Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("/Contents/Invoices/"))
For Each file As String In files
Then I need to delete the file from the server if the extracted number is not contained in a dataset I query from the database, but maybe that is a question for a different post.
For example, for Invoice "5555"
If PaidFull = True
End If
Of course, I would have to then get the full file name to delete if from the server at that point.
This is a way to get only the numbers :
For Each file As String In files
Dim the_number As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)
the_number = the_number.Substring(the_number.LastIndexOf("_") + 1, the_number.Length - the_number.LastIndexOf("_") - 1)
list.Add(the_number )
Or with Regex (ty to Jimi) :
dim the_number = Regex.Match(file, "_(\d+)\.").Groups(1).Value
You really don't need to mess with parsing the file name if you are sure the number won't pop up somewhere in the directory path.
'Dim list = Directory.GetFiles("C:\SomeDirectory").ToList
Dim myTestList As New List(Of String) From {"Invoice_12345.pdf", "Invoice_2345.pdf", "Invoice_5555.pdf"}
For Each fileName In myTestList
If fileName.Contains("5555") Then
Debug.Print(fileName) 'Or do what you need to do
End If

HttpPostedFile and SaveAs not saving a part of the path

I'm trying to save a file that is uploaded using an HttpPostedFile control.
The main issue I'm running into, is that it won't create a new folder for the file.
In the code below, "file" is an HttpPostedFile.
So I have my base path that I define like this:
Dim basePath = "D:\\game\\world\\map\\MediaFiles\\"
Then I get the file name like this:
Dim fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)
Now I want to create a new path like this using the gameId (guid):
Dim newFolderAndFile As String = gameId + fileName
And then combine the path with the base path and save:
Dim saveAsPath = Path.Combine(basePath, newFolderAndFile)
But when I try that, I always get an error like this:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the
So it looks like the saveAsPath is being constructed correctly, however SaveAs isn't saving it.
How can I get SaveAs to create the path and file?
As the_lotus explained, you need to create the directory first before saving the file
Dim basePath = "D:\game\world\map\MediaFiles\"
Dim fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)
' make new folder & gameid)
Dim saveAsPath = (basePath & gameid & "\" & filename)
I'm not sure about the double slashes, I think that's not needed...

Open XML SDK Open and Save not working

I am having trouble with the Open XML SDK opening and saving word documents.
I am using the following code (VB.Net):
'Set Path
Dim openPath As String = "../Documents/" & worddoc
Dim savePath As String = "\\web-dev-1\HR_Documents\" & worddoc
Using doc As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open("/Documents/" & worddoc, True)
'Employee Name Insert
'Find first table in document
Dim tbl1 As Table = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements(Of Table).First()
'First Row in tbl
Dim row As TableRow = tbl1.Elements(Of TableRow)().ElementAt(0)
'Find first cell in row
Dim cell As TableCell = row.Elements(Of TableCell)().ElementAt(0)
'Insert selected Employee Name
Dim p As Paragraph = cell.Elements(Of Paragraph)().First()
Dim r As Run = p.Elements(Of Run)().First()
Dim txt As Text = r.Elements(Of Text)().First()
txt.Text = ddlEmployeeList.SelectedItem.Text
'Save File
'Supervisor Name Insert
'Find second table in document
Dim tbl2 As Table = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements(Of Table).First()
'First Row in tbl
Dim row2 As TableRow = tbl2.Elements(Of TableRow)().ElementAt(0)
'Find first cell in row
Dim cell2 As TableCell = row2.Elements(Of TableCell)().ElementAt(0)
'Insert selected Employee Name
Dim p2 As Paragraph = cell2.Elements(Of Paragraph)().First()
Dim r2 As Run = p2.Elements(Of Run)().First()
Dim txt2 As Text = r2.Elements(Of Text)().First()
txt2.Text = ddlSupervisorList.SelectedItem.Text
End Using
Return 1
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
The trouble starts on the first using statement. It throws the following error:
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Documents\Hourly_Employee_Performance_Review .docx
I have placed the word documents in a folder of the ASP.NET site called Documents. I also have created a public share on the dev server to see if maybe that would help.
The problem is that it doesn't use the supplied path variable. I have gone through the documentation for OPEN XMl SDK but all it talks about is the Using Statement and its need and use for it.
Can anyone tell me, show me, or point to a site that has examples of how to set both the open path and save path?
You need a path to the file which is based on the filesytem, not a URL. You can do that with
Dim openPath As String = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Documents"), worddoc)
And then to open the file:
Using doc As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(openPath, True)
It appears that you will need to do the same for the location to save to, but you didn't say if "\\web-dev-1" is a different server; if it were that would need other considerations.
(Not tested, some typos may exist. You will need an Imports System.IO.)

save excel using EPPlus

could someone help me with this error??
I tried to save excel file using EPPlus
[IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\Julian\Downloads\EmployeeMaster.xls' because it is being used by another process.]
here is my code :
Dim conn As New ConnectionVB
Dim newfile As FileInfo = NewFileInfo("C:\\Users\\Julian\\Downloads\\EmployeeMaster.xls")
Using p As ExcelPackage = New ExcelPackage(newfile)
Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = CreateSheet(p, "EmnployeeMaster")
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim connString As String
connString = "Select * from EmployeeMaster"
dt = conn.openDataTable(connString)
Dim rowIndex As Integer
rowIndex = 2
CreateHeader(ws, rowIndex, dt)
CreateData(ws, rowIndex, dt)
Dim bin As Byte()
bin = p.GetAsByteArray()
Dim path As String
path = "C:\\Users\\Julian\\Downloads\\EmployeeMaster.xls"
Dim stream As Stream = File.Create(path)
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bin) <- I got the error here
End Using
Appriciate all help/advice with this error
Regards Siekh
As from your Error shows: EmployeeMaster.xls file is being used by another process.
Your code DryRun:
In your EmployeeMaster.xls file you make another new sheet name as EmnployeeMaster and then you create Header, and Data in this sheet.
problem arise when you write to file. you have to just save WorkSheet by doing .
because just open your .xls file with the help of EPPlusPackage and then by code Add your custom sheet in .xls file and just save.
p.Save(); // you need to save this temporary sheet.
Problems may be:
EPPLUS cannot open xls files, only xlsx files.
Why you delete File.
solution: you can rename and then move.
EPPlus hold your file when you instantiate object for ExcelPackage(with the same Path)
Two Problems:
EPPlus does not support xls files.
For debugging why the file is used, I recommend using SysInternal's "process explorer", you can find it here.

Display a pdf file size value in a gridview in

My sql query is returning records from the database that contains a filename. I will be appending the filepath (from the web.config file) to allow the user to download the complete file. However, another colum in the grid, has to be the file size.
How can I obtain the filesize, given that the name is being returned from the database, and the filepath is from the web.config file?
One way to do it is to store the size of the pdf file upon your upload of the file to the server and then just retrieve it along with the file name.
Using System.IO you can get the filesize
Dim f As New FileInfo("thefullfilepath")
Dim i As Integer = f.Length
EDIT: Use Import System.IO for VB
string MyFile = "~/files/my.pdf";
FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath(MyFile));
long FileInBytes = finfo.Length;
long FileInKB = finfo.Length / 1024;
Use the FileInfo class:
' Build the string fileName from path stored in Web.Config and the filename
' returned from the database
Dim fileName As String = "your path and filename"
Dim fInfo As FileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName)
Dim fileSize As Long = fInfo.Length
You will probably need to do this in the RowDataBound event, assuming your binding your GridView to a datasource (like your SQL query).
