Firestore/Angularfire get collection of docs and subcollection of those docs - firebase

Is there a way with Firebase or Angularfire2 to get all the docs in a collection, as well as, one or all of the immediate subcollections.
For example, if I have a collection of categories where each category has a name, as well as a subcollection of subcategories, is there a way to get all the categories with their subcategory collection?
In my head, I'd want to do something like this:
Another idea I was thinking of that would work but isn't possible, would be to use a wildcard in the path like this:
I know neither of these are possible, just wanted to see if there was a way to do what I am showing.
At the moment, I store the subcategories in an array on the category document, but documents have a maximum size, a category could theoretically have an unlimited number of subcategories.

Read operations in Firestore are always shallow, and only return document(s) from a single collection. To read documents from multiple collections, you'll need multiple read operations.
The only exception to this is when the collections you want to query have the same name, in which case you can use a collection group query.
I honestly doubt if storing the categories in a subcollection is worth the hassle. While a document has a maximum size, it's 1MB. I'd highly recommend doing the path on how many categories you can store in that, and whether that is a reasonable limit for your app.


Exclude list from another list of documents in Firestore - Swift

I have 2 collections in Firestore:
In the first I have the "alreadyLoaded" user ids,
In the second I have all userIDs,
How can I exclude the fist elements from the second elements making a query in Firestore?
the goal is to get only users that I haven't already loaded (optionally paginating the results).
Is there an easy way to achieve this using Firestore?
The number of documents I'm talking about will eventually become huge
This is not possible using a single query at scale. The only way to solve this situation as you've described is to fully query both collections, then write code in the client to remove the documents from the first set of results using the documents in the second set of results.
In fact, it's not possible to involve two collections in the same query at the same time. There are no joins. The only way to exclude documents from a query is to use a filter on the contents of the documents in the single collection.
Firestore might not be the best database for this kind of requirement if the collections are large and you're not able to precompute or cache the results.

Firestore how to do a multiple where clause

I have a question about querying with Firestore.
Indeed, I am developing a mobile application of the social network type with a feed of publications from its subscribers.
However, I can't find any solution using Firestore to view posts from all my subscriptions.
Currently, I have a collection "Users" (which contains a uid and my user information), "Publications" (which lists all the publications of the application) and a document with my list of uid to who I am subscriber.
I was thinking of doing a query like "Show all publications in the collection 'Publications' where uid = one of the uid in my array of uid and order by date.
However, I haven't found a solution to do it because the solution I found is to use the IN operator which is limited to 10 items, while I can have thousands of subscriptions.
ref.orderBy('date', 'desc').where('uid', 'in', arrayOfUid).get();
Do you have an idea ?
You can't exceed the limits of the "in" query. If you need more, you will have to perform multiple queries, and merge their results in the app. There are no workarounds to this.

Firestore: Is there a way to get all collection documents with their sub collection documents [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Firestore: Does querying a collection also includes their sub collection?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have collection users which have a sub collection called "notes about". "Notes about" have security rules that only users with role - "manager" can access them. Now everything works nice and so on, but my problem starts when manager decides to update his name, surname or imageUrl.
Since all notes have also property called "addedBy" which contains user name, surname, id and imageUrl, I need to go through all users and all their notes about sub collection documents, so I can check each document and update it with cloud function.
So far looks like I will have to refactor my db and store "notes about" in a separate collection. But maybe there is a way to get all collection documents with all their sub collection documents in another (reasonable) way.
I would prefer not to refactor my DB but maybe that's the only solution at the moment.
What are your thoughts?
DB model:
But maybe there is a way to get all collection documents with all their sub collection documents in another (reasonable) way.
Unfortunately there isn't. Queries in Firestore are shallow, they only get items from the collection that the query is run against. There is no way to get documents from a top-level collection and other subcollections in a single query. Firestore doesn't support queries across different collections in one go. A single query may only use properties of documents in a single collection. IMO, you can go ahead by querying the database multiple times to get the desired values. Is not so slow as might think.
Another possible solution in your case might be to use collection group query. In order to use this new feature, all the subcollections shoould have the same name.
Now it's up to you to decide if you'll use more than one query to get the data, or use collection group query or even refactor the database to fit your needs.

Firestore Billing for Collection Group Queries

Are collection group query prices the same as a single collection query? Or is there a minimum of one document read per collection even if the query for that collection returns no documents? Is there anything I should watch out for when it comes to billing?
Collections group queries are billed exactly like normal collection queries, as described in the documentation. It stands to reason that if a normal query that returns no documents incurs at least one read, then collection group queries would behave the same way.
There is a minimum of one document-read per query. So if you query across a group of collections and no documents are returned, that will be charged as a single document read.
The easiest way I find to remember this is to think of the read as a change for reading the index. Since a collection group query works from a single index, it is (at least) a single document read for reading that index.

How to query Firestore collection for documents with field whose value is contained in a list

I have two Firestore collections, Users and Posts. Below are simplified examples of what the typical document in each contains.
*Note that the document IDs in the friends subcollection are equal to the document ID of the corresponding user documents. Optionally, I could also add a uid field to the friends documents and/or the Users documents. Also, there is a reason not relevant to this question that we have friends as a subcollection to each user, but if need-be we change it into a unified root-level Friends collection.
This setup makes it very easy to query for posts, sorted chronologically, by any given user by simply looking for Posts documents whose owner field is equal to the document reference of that user.
I achieve this in iOS/Swift with the following, though we are building this app for iOS, Android, and web.
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
print("No UID")
let firestoreUserRef = firestore.collection("Users").document(uid)
firestorePostsQuery = firestore.collection("Posts").whereField("owner", isEqualTo: firestoreUserRef).order(by: "timestamp", descending: true).limit(to: 25)
My question is how to query Posts documents that have owner values contained in the user's friends subcollection, sorted chronologically. In other words, how to get the posts belonging to the user's friends, sorted chronologically.
For a real-world example, consider Twitter, where a given user's feed is populated by all tweets that have an owner property whose value is contained in the user's following list, sorted chronologically.
Now, I know from the documentation that Firestore does not support logical OR queries, so I can't just chain all of the friends together. Even if I could, that doesn't really seem like an optimal approach for anyone with more than a small handful of friends.
The only option I can think of is to create a separate query for each friend. There are several problems with this, however. The first being the challenges presenting (in a smooth manner) the results from many asynchronous fetches. The second being that I can't merge the data into chronological order without re-sorting the set manually on the client every time one of the query snapshots is updated (i.e., real-time update).
Is it possible to build the query I am describing, or am I going to have to go this less-than optimal approach? This seems like a fairly common query use-case, so I'll be surprised if there is not a way to do this.
The sort chronologically is easy provided you are using a Unix timestamp, e.g. 1547608677790 using the .orderBy method. However, that leaves you with a potential mountain of queries to iterate through (one per friend).
So, I think you want to re-think the data store schema.
Take advantage of Cloud Functions for Firebase Triggers. When a new post is written, have a cloud function calculate who all should see it. Each user could have an array-type property containing all unread-posts, read-posts, etc.
Something like that would be fast and least taxing.
