mutate_at with two sets of variables - r

I just asked a question about generating multiple columns at once with dplyr, and I'm a bonehead and oversimplified the problem and have another question. I'd like to find a dplyr method for dynamically generating columns based on other columns.
cols <- c("x", "y")
foo <- c("a", "b")
bar <- c("c", "d")
df <- data.frame(a = 1, b = 2, c = 10, d = 20)
df[cols] <- df[foo] * df[bar]
In my first iteration of the question, I included only one set of previously defined columns, so the following worked:
df %>%
mutate_at(vars(foo), list(new = ~ . * 5)) %>%
rename_at(vars(matches('new')), ~ c('x', 'y'))
However, as the first few lines of code suggest, I would like to instead multiply two existing columns together, and am unable to figure out how to do this. I have tried:
df %>%
mutate_at(c(vars(foo), vars(bar)),
function(x,y) {x * y})
which returns the error:
Error in (function (x, y) : argument "y" is missing, with no default
Is it possible to reference multiple sets of columns to be used on each other with mutate_at?

Well as you want to work with two columns, I think purrr::map2 is the function to work with:
map2(foo, bar, ~ df[[.x]] * df[[.y]]) %>%
set_names(cols) %>%
bind_cols(df, .)
#> a b c d x y
#> 1 1 2 10 20 10 40


R 4.1.2: Dynamically check values for a cumulative pattern. Null following values if that pattern occurs at any time across values

This relates to another problem I posted, but I did not quite ask the right question. If anyone can help with this, it would really be appreciated.
I have a DF with several players' answers to 100 questions in a quiz (example data frame below with 10 questions and 10 players-not the real data, which is not really from a quiz, but the principle is the same).
My goal is to create a function that will check when a player has answered 3 questions incorrectly cumulatively at any point during their answers, and then change their following answers to the string "disc". I would like to be able to change the parameters also, so it could be 4 or 5 questions incorrect etc. In the df: 1=correct, 0=incorrect, and 2=unanswered. Unanswered is considered incorrect, but I do not want to recode it as 0.
for(i in 1:10){
So, in this DF, for example, playerID=3,8 and 9 should have their answers="disc" from q4 onwards, whereas playerid5 should have “disc” from 8 onwards. So anytime there are 3 consecutive incorrect answers (including values of 2), the following answers should change to “disc”.
I presume the syntax would be a for loop with an if statement inside using mutate or similar.
One possible solution using mutate and across:
df %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Mutate across all question columns
function(col) {
# Get previous columns
col_i <- which(names(cur_data())==cur_column())
previous_cols <- 2:(col_i-1)
# Get results for previous questions as string (i.e. zero, or 2)
previous_qs <- select(cur_data(), all_of(previous_cols)) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~as.numeric(.x %in% c(0,2)))) %>%
tidyr::unite("str", sep = "") %>%
# Check for three successive incorrect answers at some previous point
results <- grepl(pattern = "111", previous_qs)
# For those with three successive incorrect answers at some previous point, overwrite value with 'disc'
col[results] <- "disc"
Are you looking for something like this?
n <- 100
f <- function(v, cap, new_value){
df <-
data.frame(v = v) |>
b = cumsum(v),
v_new = ifelse(b > cap, new_value, v)
# apply function to vector
v <- runif(n)
v_new <- f(v, 5, "disc")
# apply function in a dataframe with mutate
df <-
data.frame(a = runif(n))
df |>
b = f(a, 5, "disc")

Creating a loop in R for a function

I would like to create for loop to repeat the same function for 150 variables. I am new to R and I am a bit stuck.
To give you an example of some commands I need to repeat:
N <- table(df$ var1 ==0)["TRUE"]
n <- table(df$ var1 ==1)["TRUE"]
PREV95 <- (svyciprop(~ var1 ==1, level=0.95, design= design, deff= "replace")*100)
I need to run the same functions for 150 columns. I know that I need to put all my cols in one vector = x but then I don't know how to write the loop to repeat the same command for all my variables.
Can anyone help me to write a loop?
A word in advance: loops in R can in most cases be replaced with a faster, R-ish way (various flavours of apply, maping, walking ...)
applying a function to the columns of dataframe df:
with base R, example dataset cars
my_function <- function(xs) max(xs)
lapply(cars, my_function)
cars %>%
An anecdotal example: I came across an R-script which took about half an hour to complete and made abundant use of for-loops. Replacing the loops with vectorized functions and members of the apply family cut the execution time down to about 3 minutes. So while for-loops and related constructs might be more familiar when coming from another language, they might soon get in your way with R.
This chapter of Hadley Wickham's R for data science gives an introduction into iterating "the R-way".
Here is an approach that doesn't use loops. I've created a data set called df with three factor variables to represent your dataset as you described it. I created a function eval() that does all the work. First, it filters out just the factors. Then it converts your factors to numeric variables so that the numbers can be summed as 0 and 1 otherwise if we sum the factors it would be based on 1 and 2. Within the function I create another function neg() to give you the number of negative values by subtracting the sum of the 1s from the total length of the vector. Then create the dataframes "n" (sum of the positives), "N" (sum of the negatives), and PREV95. I used pivot_longer to get the data in a long format so that each stat you are looking for will be in its own column when merged together. Note I had to leave PREV95 out because I do not have a 'design' object to use as a parameter to run the function. I hashed it out but you can remove the hash to add back in. I then used left_join to combine these dataframes and return "results". Again, I've hashed out the version that you'd use to include PREV95. The function eval() takes your original dataframe as input. I think the logic for PREV95 should work, but I cannot check it without a 'design' parameter. It returns a dataframe, not a list, which you'll likely find easier to work with.
df <- data.frame(Var1 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)),
Var2 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)),
Var3 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)))
eval <- function(df){
df1 <- df %>%
select_if(is.factor) %>%
mutate_all(function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
neg <- function(x){
length(x) - sum(x)
n<- df1 %>%
summarize(across(where(is.numeric), sum)) %>%
pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Var", values_to = "n")
N <- df1 %>%
summarize(across(where(is.numeric), function(x) neg(x))) %>%
pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Var", values_to = "N")
#PREV95 <- df1 %>%
# summarize(across(where(is.numeric), function(x) survey::svyciprop(~x == 1, design = design, level = 0.95, deff = "replace")*100)) %>%
# pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "Var", values_to = "PREV95")
results <- n %>%
left_join(N, by = "Var")
#results <- n %>%
# left_join(N, by = "Var") %>%
# left_join(PREV95, by = "Var")
Var n N
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Var1 2 8
2 Var2 5 5
3 Var3 4 6
If you really wanted to use a for loop, here is how to make it work. Again, I've left out the survey function due to a lack of info on the parameters to make it work.
df <- data.frame(Var1 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)),
Var2 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)),
Var3 = factor(sample(c(0,1), 10, TRUE)))
VarList <- names(df %>% select_if(is.factor))
results <- list()
for (var in VarList){
results[[var]][["n"]] <- sum(df[[var]] == 1)
results[[var]][["N"]] <- sum(df[[var]] == 0)
Var1.n Var1.N Var2.n Var2.N Var3.n Var3.N
2 8 5 5 4 6

Data cleaning in R: grouping by number and then by name

A small sample of my dataset looks something like this:
x <- c(1,2,3,4,1,7,1)
y <- c("A","b","a","F","A",".A.","B")
data <- cbind(x,y)
My goal is to first group data that have the same number together and then followed by the same name together (A,a,.A. are considered as the same name for my case).
In other words, the final output should look something like this:
xnew <- c(1,1,3,7,1,2,4)
ynew <- c("A","A","a",".A.","B","b","F")
datanew <- cbind(xnew,ynew)
Currently, I am only able to group by number in the column labelled x. I am unable to group by name yet. I would appreciate any help given.
Note: I need an automated solution as my raw dataset contains over 10,000 lines for the x and y columns.
Assuming what you have is a dataframe data <- data.frame(x,y) and not a matrix which is being generated with cbind you could combine different values into one using fct_collapse and then arrange the data by this new column (z) and x value.
data %>%
mutate(z = fct_collapse(y,
"A" = c('A', '.A.', 'a'),
"B" = c('B', 'b'))) %>%
arrange(z, x) %>%
select(-z) -> result
# x y
#1 1 A
#2 1 A
#3 3 a
#4 7 .A.
#5 1 B
#6 2 b
#7 4 F
Or you can remove all the punctuations from y column, make them into upper or lower case and then arrange.
data %>%
mutate(z = toupper(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", y))) %>%
arrange(z, x) %>%
select(-z) -> result
data %>% %>%
group_by(x, y) %>%
summarise(records = n()) %>%
arrange(x, y)
According to your question it's just a matter of ordering data.
result <- data[order(data$x, data$y),]
or considering that you wan to collate A a .A.
result <- data[order(data$x, toupper(gsub("[^A-Za-z]","",data$y))),]

Apply dplyr functions on a single column across a list using piping

I'm tring to filter something across a list of dataframes for a specific column. Typically across a single dataframe using dplyr I would use:
#creating dataframe
df <- data.frame(a = 0:10, d = 10:20)
# filtering column a for rows greater than 7
df %>% filter(a > 7)
I've tried doing this across a list using the following:
# creating list
x <- list(data.frame(a = 0:10, b = 10:20),
data.frame(c = 11:20, d = 21:30),
data.frame(e = 15:25, f = 35:45))
# selecting the appropriate column and trying to filter
# this is not working
x[1][[1]][1] %>% lapply(. %>% {filter(. > 2)})
# however, if I use the min() function it works
x[1][[1]][1] %>% lapply(. %>% {min(.)})
I find the %>% syntax quite easy to understand and carry out. However, in this case, selecting a specific column and doing something quite simple like filtering is not working. I'm guessing map could be equally useful. Any help is appreciated.
You can use filter_at to refer column by position.
purrr::map(x, ~.x %>% filter_at(1, any_vars(. > 7)))
In filter, you can subset the column and use it
purrr::map(x, ~.x %>% filter(.[[1]] > 7))
In base R, that would be :
lapply(x, function(y) y[y[[1]] > 7, ])
It seems you are interested in checking the condition on the first column of each dataframe in your list.
One solution using dplyr would be
lapply(x, function(df) {df %>% filter_at(1, ~. > 7)})
The 1 in filter_at indicates that I want to check the condition on the first column (1 is a positional index) of each dataframe in the list.
After the discussion in the comments, I propose the following solution
lapply(x, function(df) {df %>% filter(a > 7) %>% select(a) %>% slice(1)})
Input data
x <- list(data.frame(a = 0:10, b = 10:20),
data.frame(a = 11:20, b = 21:30),
data.frame(a = 15:25, b = 35:45))
1 8
1 11
1 15
Using filter with across
map(x, ~ .x %>%
filter(across(names(.)[1], ~ .> 7)))

R: Check if all values of one column match uniquely all values of another column

I have a data set with a lot of values. The majority of x matches a value in y uniquely. However some of x match multiple ys. Is there an easy way to find which values of y map to multiple xs?
mydata <- data.frame(x = c(letters,letters), y=c(LETTERS,LETTERS))
mydata$y[c(3,5)] <- "A"
mydata$y[c(10,15)] <- "Z"
mydata %>% foo
[1] "A" "Z"
I apologize if I am missing some obvious command here.
Using dplyr, you can do:
mydata <- data.frame(x = letters, y=LETTERS, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mydata$y[c(3,5)] <- "A"
mydata$y[c(10,15)] <- "Z"
mydata %>% group_by(y) %>% filter(n() > 1)
If you want to extract just the y values, you can store that to a data frame like this and find unique y values:
df <- mydata %>% group_by(y) %>% filter(n() > 1)
Another alternative format to get the same output into is as follows. This returns a single column data frame instead of a vector as above.
mydata %>% group_by(y) %>% filter(n() > 1) %>% select(y) %>% distinct()
use data.table
mydata[,list(n=length(unique(x))), by=y][n>2,]
# y n
# 1: A 3
# 2: Z 3
If we need the corresponding unique values in 'x'
setDT(mydata)[,if(.N >2) toString(unique(.SD[[1L]])) , y]
# y V1
#1: A a, c, e
#2: Z j, o, z
