How to count number of occurence in a large dataset [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Find frequency of each column in data.frame
(2 answers)
calculating the frequency of occurrences in every column
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm trying to count the number of occurence of each "scenarios" that I have (0 to 9) in a data frame over 25 years.
Basically, I have 10000 simulations of scenarios named 0 to 9, each scenario having a probability of occurence.
My dataframe is too big to paste in here but here's a preview:,sample(c(0:9),size=25,replace=TRUE,prob=prob)))
Note** prob is a vector with the probability to observe each scenario
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 ... v25
1 0 0 4 0 2 0 9
2 1 0 0 2 3 0 6
3 0 4 6 2 0 0 0
This is what I have tried so far:
for (i in c(1:25)){
for (j in c(0:9)){
If I omit the "for (i in c(1:25))", this returns me the right first column of the output desired. Now I am trying to replicate this over 25 years. When I put the second 'for' I do not get the output desired.
The output should look like this :
(Year) 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 25
0 649
1 239
9 11
649 being the number of times 'scenario 0' is observed the first year over my 10 000 simulations.
Thanks for your help

We can use table
sapply(simulation2, table)
# V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 .....
#0 1023 1050 994 1016 1022 .....
#1 1050 968 950 1001 981 .....
#2 997 969 1004 999 949 .....
#3 1031 977 1001 993 1009 .....
#4 1017 1054 1020 1003 985 .....
If there are certain values missing in a column we can convert the numbers to factor including all levels
sapply(simulation2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = 0:9)))

The base R answer from Ronak works well, but I think he meant to use simulation instead of simulation2.
sapply(simulation, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = 0:9)))
I tried to do the same thing using dplyr, since I find the tidyverse code more readable.
simulation %>%
rownames_to_column("i") %>%
gather(year, scenario, -i) %>%
count(year, scenario) %>%
spread(year, n, fill = 0)
However do note that this last option is a bit slower than the base-R code (about twice slower on my machine using your 10 000 row example)


Calculation within a pipe between different rows of a data frame

I have a tibble with a column of different numbers. I wish to calculate for every one of them how many others before them are within a certain range.
For example, let's say that range is 200 ; in the tibble below the result for the 5th number would be 2, that is the cardinality of the list {816, 705} whose numbers are above 872-1-200 = 671 but below 872.
I have thought of something along the lines of :
for every theRow of the tibble, do calculate the vector theTibble$number_list between(X,Y) ;
summing the boolean returned vector.
I have been told that using loops is less efficient.
Is there a clean way to do this within a pipe without using loops?
Not the way you asked for it, but you can use a bit of linear algebra. Should be more efficient and more simple than a loop.
number_list <- c(248,650,705,816,872,991,1156,1157,1180,1277)
m <- matrix(number_list, nrow = length(number_list), ncol = length(number_list))
d <- (t(m) - number_list)
cutoff <- 200
# I used setNames to name the result, but you do not need to
# We count inclusive of 0 in case of ties
setNames(colSums(d >= 0 & d < cutoff) - 1, number_list)
Which gives you the following named vector.
248 650 705 816 872 991 1156 1157 1180 1277
0 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3
Here is another way that is pipe-able using rollapply().
cutoff <- 200
df %>%
mutate(count = rollapply(number_list,
width = seq_along(number_list),
function(x) sum((tail(x, 1) - head(x, -1)) <= cutoff),
align = "right"))
Which gives you another column.
# A tibble: 10 x 2
number_list count
<int> <int>
1 248 0
2 650 0
3 705 1
4 816 2
5 872 2
6 991 2
7 1156 1
8 1157 2
9 1180 3
10 1277 3

Add Elements of Data Frame to Another Data Frame Based on Condition R

I have two data frames that showcase results of an analysis from one month and then the subsequent month.
Here is a smaller version of the data:
Group Count
1 589 191
2 630 84
3 523 77
4 581 73
5 689 57
Group Count
1 589 100
2 630 90
3 523 50
4 478 6
5 602 0
Jan19 only has counts >0. Dec18 is the dataset with results from the previous month. Dec18 has counts >=0 for each group. I have been referencing the full Dec18 dataset for counts =0 and manually entering them in to the full Jan18 dataset. I want to rid myself of the manual part of this exercise and just be able to append the groups with counts = 0 to the end of the Jan19 dataset.
That lead me to the following code to perform what I described above:
While this code resulted in the correction dimensions, it does not choose the correct duplicate to remove. Among the appended dataset, it treats the Jan19 results>0 as the duplicate and removes that. This is the result:
Group Count
1 589 191
2 630 84
3 523 77
4 581 73
5 689 57
9 478 6
10 602 0
Essentially, I wanted that 6 to show up as a 0. So, that lead me to the following line of code where I wanted to set a condition, if the new appended data (Dec18) has a duplicate Group to the newer data (Jan19), then that corresponding Count should=0. Otherwise, the value of count from the Jan19 dataset should hold.
Gdata=ifelse(Dec18$Group %in% Jan19$Group==FALSE, Gdata$Count==0,Jan19$Count)
This is resulting in errors and I'm not sure how to modify it to achieve my desired result. Any help would be appreciated!
Your rbind/deduplication approach is a good one, you just need the Dec18 data you rbind on to have have the Count column as 0:
Gdata = rbind(Jan19, transform(Dec18, Count = 0))
Gdata[!duplicated(Gdata$Group), ]
# Group Count
# 1 589 191
# 2 630 84
# 3 523 77
# 4 581 73
# 5 689 57
# 9 478 0
# 10 602 0
While this code resulted in the correction dimensions, it does not choose the correct duplicate to remove. Among the appended dataset, it treats the Jan19 results>0 as the duplicate and removes that. This is the result:
This is incorrect. !duplicated() will keep the first occurrence and remove later occurrences. None of the Jan19 data is removed---we can see that the first 5 rows of Gdata are exactly the 5 rows of Jan19. The only issue was that the non-duplicated rows from Dec18 were not all 0 counts. We fix this with the transform().
There are plenty of other ways to do this, with a join using the merge function, we could only rbind on the non-duplicated groups as d.b suggests, rbind(Jan19, transform(Dec18, Count = 0)[!Dec18$Group %in% Jan19$Group,]), and there are others too. We could make your ifelse approach work like this:
Gdata = rbind(Jan19, Dec18)
Gdata$Count = ifelse(!Dec18$Group %in% Jan19$Group, 0, Gdata$Count)
# an alternative to ifelse, a little cleaner
Gdata = rbind(Jan19, Dec18)
Gdata$Count[!Gdata$Group %in% Jan19$Group] = 0
Use whatever makes the most sense to you.

Find a function to return value based on condition using R

I have a table with values
KId sales_month quantity_sold
100 1 0
100 2 0
100 3 0
496 2 6
511 2 10
846 1 4
846 2 6
846 3 1
338 1 6
338 2 0
now i require output as
KId sales_month quantity_sold result
100 1 0 1
100 2 0 1
100 3 0 1
496 2 6 1
511 2 10 1
846 1 4 1
846 2 6 1
846 3 1 0
338 1 6 1
338 2 0 1
Here, the calculation has to go as such if quantity sold for the month of march(3) is less than 60% of two months January(1) and February(2) quantity sold then the result should be 1 or else it should display 0. Require solution to perform this.
Thanks in advance.
If I understand well, your requirement is to compare sold quantity in month t with the sum of quantity sold in months t-1 and t-2. If so, I can suggest using dplyr package that offer the nice feature of grouping rows and mutating columns in your data frame.
resultData <- group_by(data, KId) %>%
arrange(sales_month) %>%
mutate(monthMinus1Qty = lag(quantity_sold,1), monthMinus2Qty = lag(quantity_sold, 2)) %>%
group_by(KId, sales_month) %>%
mutate(previous2MonthsQty = sum(monthMinus1Qty, monthMinus2Qty, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(result = ifelse(quantity_sold/previous2MonthsQty >= 0.6,0,1)) %>%
select(KId,sales_month, quantity_sold, result)
The result is as below:
select(KId,sales_month, quantity_sold, result)
at the end let us display only columns we care about (and not all these intermediate steps).
I believe this should satisfy your requirement. NA is the result column are due to 0/0 division or no data at all for the previous months.
Should you need to expand your calculation beyond one calendar year, you can add year column and adjust group_by() arguments appropriately.
For more information on dplyr package, follow this link

Row Differences in Dataframe by Group

My problem has to do with finding row differences in a data frame by group. I've tried to do this a few ways. Here's an example. The real data set is several million rows long.
df = data.frame("group_id"=rep(c(1,2,3),3),
df = df[order(df$group_id,df$date),]
I ordered it by group_id and date so that the diff function can find the sequential differences, which results in time ordered differences of the logical, integer, and float variables. I could easily do some sort of apply(df,2,diff), but I need it by group_id. Hence, doing apply(df,2,diff) results in extra unneeded results.
group_id date logical_value integer float
1 1 1974-05-13 FALSE 4 0.03472876
4 1 1979-12-02 TRUE 45 0.24493995
7 1 1980-08-18 TRUE 2 0.46662253
5 2 1978-12-08 TRUE 56 0.60039164
2 2 1981-12-26 TRUE 34 0.20081799
8 2 1986-05-19 FALSE 60 0.43928929
6 3 1983-05-22 FALSE 25 0.01792820
9 3 1994-04-20 FALSE 34 0.10905326
3 3 2003-11-04 TRUE 63 0.58365922
So I thought I could break up my data frame into chunks by group_id, and pass each chunk into a user defined function:
create_differences = function(data_group){
apply(data_group, 2, diff)
But I get errors using the code:
diff_df = lapply(split(df,df$group_id),create_differences)
Error in r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Error in r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1L)] : non-numeric argument to binary operator
As a side note, the data is nice, no NAs, nulls, blanks, and every group_id has at least 2 rows associated with it.
Edit 1: User alexis_laz correctly pointed out that my function needs to be sapply(data_group, diff).
Using this edit, I get a list of data frames (one list entry per group).
Edit 2:
The expected output would be a combined data frame of differences. Ideally, I would like to keep the group_id, but if not, it's not a big deal. Here is what the sample output should be like:
group_id date logical_value integer float
[1,] 1 2029 1 41 0.2102112
[2,] 1 260 0 -43 0.2216826
[1,] 2 1114 0 -22 -0.3995737
[2,] 2 1605 -1 26 0.2384713
[1,] 3 3986 0 9 0.09112507
[2,] 3 3485 1 29 0.47460596
I think regarding the fact that you have millions of rows you can move to the data.table suitable for by group actions.
DT <-
## this will order per group and per day
## for all column apply diff
# group_id date logical_value integer float
# 1: 1 2029 days 1 41 0.21021119
# 2: 1 260 days 0 -43 0.22168257
# 3: 2 1114 days 0 -22 -0.39957366
# 4: 2 1604 days -1 26 0.23847130
# 5: 3 3987 days 0 9 0.09112507
# 6: 3 3485 days 1 29 0.47460596
It certainly won't be as quick compared to data.table but below is an only slightly ugly base solution using aggregate:
result <- aggregate(. ~ group_id, data=df, FUN=diff)
result <- cbind(result[1],lapply(result[-1], as.vector))
# group_id date logical_value integer float
#1 1 2029 1 41 0.21021119
#4 1 260 0 -43 0.22168257
#2 2 1114 0 -22 -0.39957366
#5 2 1604 -1 26 0.23847130
#3 3 3987 0 9 0.09112507
#6 3 3485 1 29 0.47460596

plyr to calculate relative aggregration

I have a data.frame that looks like this:
> head(activity_data)
ev_id cust_id active previous_active start_date
1 1141880 201 1 0 2008-08-17
2 4927803 201 1 0 2013-03-17
3 1141880 244 1 0 2008-08-17
4 2391524 244 1 0 2011-02-05
5 1141868 325 1 0 2008-08-16
6 1141872 325 1 0 2008-08-16
for each cust_id
for each ev_id
create a new variable $recent_active (= sum $active across all rows with this cust_id where $start_date > [this_row]$start_date - 10)
I am struggling to do this using ddply, as my split grouping was .(cust_id) and I wanted to return rows with cust_id and ev_id
Here is what I tried
ddply(activity_data, .(cust_id), function(x) recent_active=sum(x[this_row,]$active))
If ddply is not an option what other effieicent ways do you recommend. My dataset has ~200mn rows and I need to do this about 10-15 times per row.
sample data is here
You actually need to use two step approach here (and also need to convert date into date format before using the following code)
ddply(activity_date, .(cust_id), transform, recent_active=your function) #Not clear what you are asking regarding the function
ddply(activity_date, .(cust_id,ev_id), summarize,recent_active=sum(recent_active))
