Use sqlite3 to import ASCII text file to Firefox cookies.sqlite - sqlite

I would like to edit Firefox cookies using Bash on OS X. I can use the following to convert cookies.sqlite to an ASCII text file:
cd ~/Library/Firefox; sqlite3 cookies.sqlite .dump > test
However I have not yet found a way to convert an edited ASCII text file back to cookies.sqlite. I have tried both dump import and CSV import - sections 8 and 10 on
I suspect the main problem is the format of cookies.sqlite. The following is an example ASCII dump:
PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
CREATE TABLE moz_cookies (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, baseDomain TEXT, originAttributes TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', name TEXT, value TEXT, host TEXT, path TEXT, expiry INTEGER, lastAccessed INTEGER, creationTime INTEGER, isSecure INTEGER, isHttpOnly INTEGER, appId INTEGER DEFAULT 0, inBrowserElement INTEGER DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT moz_uniqueid UNIQUE (name, host, path, originAttributes));
INSERT INTO moz_cookies VALUES(33,'','','CONSENT','WP.27b523','','/',2145916800,1561389135468630,1561365552747342,0,0,0,0);
INSERT INTO moz_cookies VALUES(115,'','','_gat','1','','/',1561389104,1561389044656946,1561389044656946,0,0,0,0);
INSERT INTO moz_cookies VALUES(117,'','','usr','p=[2|6]','','/',1577200300,1561389100380300,1561389043655888,1,1,0,0);
INSERT INTO moz_cookies VALUES(120,'','','1P_JAR','2019-06-24-15','','/',1563981135,1561389135573521,1561365552746756,0,0,0,0);
CREATE INDEX moz_basedomain ON moz_cookies (baseDomain, originAttributes);
Any assistance would be appreciated.

Just redirect the file to sqlite3's standard input:
sqlite3 cookies.sqlite < test
You'll want to drop existing tables first to avoid all sorts of problems with duplicates though.
Another alternative is to use .read FILENAME from in the sqlite shell.


Why does SUM(mycolumn) display decimal point?

In an SQLite database, I created a table and imported CSV data into it.
The last column only contains integers:
I used the following commands:
.mode csv
.separator ';'
.import input.csv MyTable
sqlite> select SUM(AMOUNT) from MyTable;
Why is SQLite displaying SUM with a decimal?
Thank you.
Edit: Here's the infos:
sqlite> select typeof(AMOUNT) from MyTable LIMIT 10;
sqlite> select typeof(SUM(AMOUNT)) from MyTable;
Edit: Here's the top of input.csv as exported from LibreOffice Calc:
Maybe I didn't use the right commands to import data into SQLite.
#PetSerAl has it. Because you're importing into an existing table, every line is imported including the header. That string makes sum() return a floating point result.
I work around this case with:
.import '| tail -n +2 input.csv' mytable
which strips the first line.
If the first character of the filename is a |, it's treated as a shell command to run (Using the C popen() function) and its output is used as the data to import.

Create sql table for matrix and insert csv file into table

A little new to using sql, but am running into this problem.
I'm trying to create an sql table using sqlite3 for a matrix of months, then insert a csv file into my sql table.
My csv file looks like this with months as both the rows and the columns:
Run the SQLite shell program and create a new database:
sqlite3 monthdatabase.sqlite
In the shell program create a table for your month data:
CREATE TABLE monthdata (
row_id INTEGER,
col01 INTEGER,
col02 INTEGER,
col03 INTEGER,
col04 INTEGER,
col05 INTEGER,
col06 INTEGER,
col07 INTEGER,
col08 INTEGER,
col09 INTEGER,
col10 INTEGER,
col11 INTEGER,
col12 INTEGER,
Check that the (empty) table is there:
SELECT * FROM monthdata;
The SQLite command line shell has a CSV import mode. It roughly works like this:
.import path/to/file.csv tablename
The import mode works seamless if the CSV file structure is identical to the table structure.
Depending on the delimiter in your CSV file you have to adjust this first:
.separator ";"
.import path/to/monthdata.csv monthdata

showing "table" as an invalid syntax in Python 3.5 using sqlite3

Here's what I am trying to do:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute(CREATE table Movies(index integer, mvnm text, year integer, genere text))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It highlights table in red color.
There are few problems:
The SQL should be provided in quotes because the execute() method accepts a
string argument.
index is a reserved keyword in SQL, so you cannot use
that as the name of your column.
If you want to run this script
repeatedly, you should add IF NOT EXISTS clause. Otherwise
consequent runs will fail due to "table already exists"
So, after these changes the statement looks like below:
c.execute("CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS Movies(myindex integer, mvnm text, year integer, genere text)")
You can then verify the table creation by logging in to sqllite:
$> ~ $ sqlite3 example.db
SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables

SQLite: insert binary data from command line

I have this SQLite table:
create table mytable (
image BLOB
And I want to insert a binary file into the image field in this table. Is it possible to do it from the sqlite3 command line interface? If so, how? I'm using Ubuntu.
Thank you!
The sqlite3 command line interface adds the following two “application-defined” functions:
which typically is used as: INSERT INTO table(blob) VALUES (readfile('myimage.jpg'))
which writes a file with the contents of a database blob and returns the count of bytes written.
You may use a syntax like :
echo "insert into mytable values(1,1, \"`cat image`\")" | sqlite3 yourDb
i'm not sure for the " around blob's value. Note the backquotes around cat command, means the cat command will be executed before the echo.
Blob are stored as hexa digit with "X" prefix. You can use "hexdump" unix command to produce the hexa string, but it would be better to write a command line tool that read image and do the insert.
More details on this post :

Cannot import more than one line from csv file into sqlite database

I am having problems trying to import an entire csv file into a sqlite database. These were my terminal commands:
sqlite3 DB.sql
create table table1 (id integer primary key, question VARCHAR(500), Aanswer VARCHAR(255), Banswer VARCHAR(255), Canswer VARCHAR(255), Danswer VARCHAR(255));
.mode csv
.import db.csv table1
select * from table1
and the output:
7,"Who's head did Courtney Cox say was on her body in Scream 2?","Heather Graham",Oprah,"*Jennifer Aniston","Demi Moore"
You'll notice that it only puts the quotation marks around a few fields, which appear to be random... I don't know if this is why it won't move on to import the next line or not.
Here are the first few lines of my csv file:
1,What movie follows Cher and Dionne named after great singers of the past that now do infomercials?,10 Things I Hate About You,Cant Hardly Wait,*Clueless,Freeway
2,What 90s movie did critic Janet Maslin describe as : A gale-force movie with the energy to blow audiences right out of the theater?,Avalanche,Aftershocks,Armageddon,*Twister
3,What actress declined Neve Campbell's role in Scream?,*Drew Barrymore,Carla Hatley,Courteney Cox,Rose McGowan
If I put the quotation marks in myself, it spits out stuff like this:
"""What was the name of Milla Jovovich's character in the Fifth Element?""","""Billy""","""Fog""","""Mugger""","""*Leeloo"""
sqlite's .import command understands only LF (0xA) end-of line code, not CR (0xD). Check your input file in hex-editor.
You need to place quotes around the fields with spaces.
Like this
C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents>type test.csv
1,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
2,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
3,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
4,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents>sqlite3 test.dat
SQLite version 3.6.19
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table t1 (id integer primary key, q1, q2 );
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import test.csv t1
sqlite> select * from t1;
1,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
2,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
3,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
4,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
You will get 'extra' quotes around fields with spaces. Not a problem. The important thing is that the entire file is imported, right?
If you care about the extra quites, switch off the csv mode, like this
sqlite> .mode list
sqlite> .separator ,
sqlite> select * from t1;
1,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
2,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
3,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
4,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
Putting quotes around you data, gives
1,What movie follows Cher and Dionne named after great singers of the past that now do infomercials?,10 Things I Hate About You,Cant Hardly Wait,*Clueless,Freeway
2,What 90s movie did critic Janet Maslin describe as : A gale-force movie with the energy to blow audiences right out of the theater?,Avalanche,Aftershocks,Armageddon,*Twister
3,What actress declined Neve Campbell's role in Scream?,*Drew Barrymore,Carla Hatley,Courteney Cox,Rose McGowan
