Can I import variables into R from a global file? - r

I am integrating an R script to produce some graphics into a larger project that is pulled together with a Makefile. In this larger project, I have a file called that contains global variables used by many other scripts in the project. For example, the number of simulations I want to run is a global that I want to use in this R script. Can I "import" this as a variable, or is it necessary to manually define every variable within the R script?
Edit: here is a sample of the globals that I would need to read in.
num = 100
path = ./here/is/a/path
file = $(path)/file.csv
And I would like the R script to set the variables num as 100 (or "100"), path as "./here/is/a/path" and file as "./here/is/a/path/file.csv".

If it is ok to replace the parentheses with brace brackets then readRenviron will read in such files and perform the substitutions returning the contents as environmental variables.
# write out test file which uses brace brackets
Lines <- "num = 100
path = ./here/is/a/path
file = ${path}/file.csv"
cat(Lines, file = "")
## [1] "100"
## [1] "./here/is/a/path"
## [1] "./here/is/a/path/file.csv"
If it is important to use parentheses rather than brace brackets, read in, replace the parentheses with brace brackets and then write the file out again.
# write out test file - this one uses parentheses as in question
Lines <- "num = 100
path = ./here/is/a/path
file = $(path)/file.csv"
cat(Lines, file = "")
# read, perform () to {} substitutions, write out and then re-read
tmp <- tempfile()
L <- readLines("")
cat(paste(chartr("()", "{}", L), collapse = "\n"), file = tmp)

If the .mk file has anything other than direct variable expansion (such as more complex make-rules/tricks/functions), it might be better to trust make to do the expansion for you, and then read it in. There's a post here that I found that dumps all variable contents (after processing).
expand_mkvars <- function(path, aslist = FALSE) {
stopifnot(file.exists(mk <- Sys.which("make")))
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".mk")
# needed on my windows system
tf <- normalizePath(tf, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) # tempfile should suffice
on.exit(suppressWarnings(file.remove(tf)), add = TRUE)
writeLines(c(".PHONY: printvars",
"\t#$(foreach V,$(sort $(.VARIABLES)), \\",
"\t $(if $(filter-out environment% default automatic, \\",
"\t $(origin $V)),$(warning $V=$($V))))"), con = tf)
out <- system2(mk, c("-f", shQuote(path), "-f", shQuote(tf), "-n", "printvars"),
stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
out <- out[grepl(paste0("^", tf), out)]
out <- gsub(paste0("^", tf, ":[0-9]+:\\s*"), "", out)
out <- out[!grepl(paste0("^(", paste(known_noneed, collapse = "|"), ")="), out)]
if (aslist) {
spl <- strsplit(out, "=")
nms <- sapply(spl, `[[`, 1)
rest <- lapply(spl, function(a) paste(a[-1], collapse = "="))
setNames(rest, nms)
} else out
In action:
# [1] "file=./here/is/a/path/file.csv" "num=100"
# [3] "path=./here/is/a/path"
expand_mkvars("~/StackOverflow/", aslist = TRUE)
# $file
# [1] "./here/is/a/path/file.csv"
# $num
# [1] "100"
# $path
# [1] "./here/is/a/path"
I have not tested on other systems, so you might need to adjust known_noneed to add extra variables that popup. Depending on your needs, you might be able to filter more-intelligently (e.g., none of your variables lead with a capital letter), but for this example I kept it to the known-not-wanted variables that make is giving us.
The blog post suggests using a phony target of
.PHONY: printvars
#$(foreach V,$(sort $(.VARIABLES)), \
$(if $(filter-out environment% default automatic, \
$(origin $V)),$(warning $V=$($V))))
(some are tabs, not all spaces, very important for make)
Unfortunately, it produces more output than you technically need:
$ /c/Rtools/bin/make.exe -f ~/StackOverflow/ printvars
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ .DEFAULT_GOAL=all
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ CURDIR=/Users/r2/Projects/Ford/shiny/shinyobjects/inst
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ GNUMAKEFLAGS=
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ MAKEFILE_LIST= C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ MAKEFLAGS=
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ SHELL=sh
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ file=./here/is/a/path/file.csv
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ num=100
C:/Users/r2/StackOverflow/ path=./here/is/a/path
make: Nothing to be done for 'printvars'.
so we need a little filtering, ergo the majority of code in the function.
Edit: it the readRenviron-to-envvar is the best way for you, it would not be difficult to redirect the output of this make call to another file, parse out the relevant lines, and then do readRenviron on that new file. It seems more indirect due to the use of two temp files, but they're cleaned up so that should be nothing to worry about.


How to apply rma() normalization to a unique CEL file?

I have implemented a R script that performs batch correction on a gene expression dataset. To do the batch correction, I first need to normalize the data in each CEL file through the Affy rma() function of Bioconductor.
If I run it on the GSE59867 dataset obtained from GEO, everything works.
I define a batch as the data collection date: I put all the CEL files having the same date into a specific folder, and then consider that date/folder as a specific batch.
On the GSE59867 dataset, a batch/folder contains only 1 CEL file. Nonetheless, the rma() function works on it perfectly.
But, instead, if I try to run my script on another dataset (GSE36809), I have some troubles: if I try to apply the rma() function to a batch/folder containing only 1 file, I get the following error:
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz") :
attempt to set 'colnames' on an object with less than two dimensions
Here's my specific R code, to let you understand.
You first have to download the file GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz:
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fileURL <- ""
fileDownloadCommand <- paste("wget ", fileURL, " ", sep="")
Library installation:
list.of.packages <- c("easypackages")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
listOfBiocPackages <- c("oligo", "affyio","BiocParallel")
bioCpackagesNotInstalled <- which( !listOfBiocPackages %in% rownames(installed.packages()) )
cat("package missing listOfBiocPackages[", bioCpackagesNotInstalled, "]: ", listOfBiocPackages[bioCpackagesNotInstalled], "\n", sep="")
if( length(bioCpackagesNotInstalled) ) {
Application of rma()
thisFileDate <- "GSM901376_c23583161.CEL.gz"
thisDateRawData <- read.celfiles(thisDateCelFiles)
thisDateNormData <- rma(thisDateRawData)
After the call to rma(), I get the error.
How can I solve this problem?
I also tried to skip this normalization, by saving the thisDateRawData object directly. But then I have the problem that I cannot combine together this thisDateRawData (that is a ExpressionFeatureSet) with the outputs of rma() (that are ExpressionSet objects).
(EDIT: I extensively edited the question, and added a piece of R code you should be able to run on your pc.)
Hmm. This is a puzzling problem. the oligo::rma() function might be buggy for class GeneFeatureSet with single samples. I got it to work with a single sample by using lower-level functions, but it means I also had to create the expression set from scratch by specifying the slots:
# source("")
# biocLite("GEOquery")
# biocLite("")
# biocLite("")
# # Instead of using .gz files, I extracted the actual CELs.
# # This is just to illustrate how I read in the files; your usage will differ.
# projectDir <- "" # Path to .tar files here
# setwd(projectDir)
# untar("GSE36809_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE36809")
# untar("GSE59867_RAW.tar", exdir = "GSE59867")
# setwd("GSE36809"); gse3_cels <- dir()
# sapply(paste(gse3_cels, sep = "/"), gunzip); setwd(projectDir)
# setwd("GSE59867"); gse5_cels <- dir()
# sapply(paste(gse5_cels, sep = "/"), gunzip); setwd(projectDir)
# Read in CEL
# setwd("GSE36809"); gse3_cels <- dir()
# gse3_efs <- read.celfiles(gse3_cels[1])
# # Assuming you've read in the CEL files as a GeneFeatureSet or
# # ExpressionFeatureSet object (i.e. gse3_efs in this example),
# # you can now fit the RMA and create an ExpressionSet object with it:
exprsData <- basicRMA(exprs(gse3_efs), pnVec = featureNames(gse3_efs))
gse3_expset <- new("ExpressionSet")
slot(gse3_expset, "assayData") <- assayDataNew(exprs = exprsData)
slot(gse3_expset, "phenoData") <- phenoData(gse3_efs)
slot(gse3_expset, "featureData") <- annotatedDataFrameFrom(attr(gse3_expset,
'assayData'), byrow = TRUE)
slot(gse3_expset, "protocolData") <- protocolData(gse3_efs)
slot(gse3_expset, "annotation") <- slot(gse3_efs, "annotation")
Hopefully the above approach will work in your code.

efficiently read in fasta file and calculate nucleotide frequencies in R

How can I read in a fasta file (~4 Gb) and calculate nucleotide frequencies in a window of 4 bps in length?
it takes too long to read in the fasta file using
I have tried to index it using (and there are many of them)
fa = FaFile('myfile.fa')
however I do not know how to access the file in this format
I would guess that 'slow' to read in a file that size would be a minute; longer than that and something other than software is the problem. Maybe it's appropriate to ask where your file comes from, your operating system, and whether you have manipulated the files (e.g., trying to open them in a text editor) before processing.
If 'too slow' is because you are running out of memory, then reading in chunks might help. With Rsamtools
fa = "my.fasta"
## indexFa(fa) if the index does not already exist
idx = scanFaIndex(fa)
create chunks of index, e.g., into n=10 chunks
chunks = snow::splitIndices(length(idx), 10)
and then process the file
res = lapply(chunks, function(chunk, fa, idx) {
dna = scanFa(fa, idx[chunk])
## ...
}, fa, idx)
Use, res) or similar to concatenate the final result, or perhaps use a for loop if you're accumulating a single value. Indexing the fasta file is via a call to the samtools library; using samtools on the command line is also an option, on non-Windows.
An alternative is to use Biostrings::fasta.index() to index the file, then chunk through with that
idx = fasta.index(fa, seqtype="DNA")
chunks = snow::splitIndices(nrow(fai), 10)
res = lapply(chunks, function(chunk) {
dna = readDNAStringSet(idx[chunk, ])
## ...
}, idx)
If each record consists of a single line of DNA sequence, then reading the records in to R, in (even-numbered) chunks via readLines() and processing from there is relatively easy
con = file(fa)
chunkSize = 10000000
while (TRUE) {
lines = readLines(fa, chunkSize)
if (length(lines) == 0)
dna = DNAStringSet(lines[c(FALSE, TRUE)])
## ...
Load the Biostrings Package and then use the readDNAStringSet() method
From example("readDNAStringSet"), slightly modified:
# example("readDNAStringSet") #optional
filepath1 <- system.file("extdata", "someORF.fa", package="Biostrings")
head(fasta.seqlengths(filepath1, seqtype="DNA")) #
x1 <- readDNAStringSet(filepath1)

Rscript: How to inject options for an R script [duplicate]

I've got a R script for which I'd like to be able to supply several command-line parameters (rather than hardcode parameter values in the code itself). The script runs on Windows.
I can't find info on how to read parameters supplied on the command-line into my R script. I'd be surprised if it can't be done, so maybe I'm just not using the best keywords in my Google search...
Any pointers or recommendations?
Dirk's answer here is everything you need. Here's a minimal reproducible example.
I made two files: exmpl.bat and exmpl.R.
set R_Script="C:\Program Files\R-3.0.2\bin\RScript.exe"
%R_Script% exmpl.R 2010-01-28 example 100 > exmpl.batch 2>&1
Alternatively, using Rterm.exe:
set R_TERM="C:\Program Files\R-3.0.2\bin\i386\Rterm.exe"
%R_TERM% --no-restore --no-save --args 2010-01-28 example 100 < exmpl.R > exmpl.batch 2>&1
options(echo=TRUE) # if you want see commands in output file
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
# trailingOnly=TRUE means that only your arguments are returned, check:
# print(commandArgs(trailingOnly=FALSE))
start_date <- as.Date(args[1])
name <- args[2]
n <- as.integer(args[3])
# Some computations:
x <- rnorm(n)
plot(start_date+(1L:n), x)
Save both files in the same directory and start exmpl.bat. In the result you'll get:
example.png with some plot
exmpl.batch with all that was done
You could also add an environment variable %R_Script%:
"C:\Program Files\R-3.0.2\bin\RScript.exe"
and use it in your batch scripts as %R_Script% <filename.r> <arguments>
Differences between RScript and Rterm:
Rscript has simpler syntax
Rscript automatically chooses architecture on x64 (see R Installation and Administration, 2.6 Sub-architectures for details)
Rscript needs options(echo=TRUE) in the .R file if you want to write the commands to the output file
A few points:
Command-line parameters are
accessible via commandArgs(), so
see help(commandArgs) for an
You can use Rscript.exe on all platforms, including Windows. It will support commandArgs(). littler could be ported to Windows but lives right now only on OS X and Linux.
There are two add-on packages on CRAN -- getopt and optparse -- which were both written for command-line parsing.
Edit in Nov 2015: New alternatives have appeared and I wholeheartedly recommend docopt.
Add this to the top of your script:
Then you can refer to the arguments passed as args[1], args[2] etc.
Then run
Rscript myscript.R arg1 arg2 arg3
If your args are strings with spaces in them, enclose within double quotes.
Try library(getopt) ... if you want things to be nicer. For example:
spec <- matrix(c(
'in' , 'i', 1, "character", "file from fastq-stats -x (required)",
'gc' , 'g', 1, "character", "input gc content file (optional)",
'out' , 'o', 1, "character", "output filename (optional)",
'help' , 'h', 0, "logical", "this help"
opt = getopt(spec);
if (!is.null(opt$help) || is.null(opt$in)) {
cat(paste(getopt(spec, usage=T),"\n"));
Since optparse has been mentioned a couple of times in the answers, and it provides a comprehensive kit for command line processing, here's a short simplified example of how you can use it, assuming the input file exists:
option_list <- list(
make_option(c("-n", "--count_lines"), action="store_true", default=FALSE,
help="Count the line numbers [default]"),
make_option(c("-f", "--factor"), type="integer", default=3,
help="Multiply output by this number [default %default]")
parser <- OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list)
args <- parse_args(parser, positional_arguments = 1)
opt <- args$options
file <- args$args
if(opt$count_lines) {
print(paste(length(readLines(file)) * opt$factor))
Given an arbitrary file blah.txt with 23 lines.
On the command line:
Rscript script.R -h outputs
Usage: script.R [options] file
-n, --count_lines
Count the line numbers [default]
-f FACTOR, --factor=FACTOR
Multiply output by this number [default 3]
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
Rscript script.R -n blah.txt outputs [1] "69"
Rscript script.R -n -f 5 blah.txt outputs [1] "115"
you need littler (pronounced 'little r')
Dirk will be by in about 15 minutes to elaborate ;)
In bash, you can construct a command line like the following:
$ z=10
$ echo $z
$ Rscript -e "args<-commandArgs(TRUE);x=args[1]:args[2];x;mean(x);sd(x)" 1 $z
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 5.5
[1] 3.027650
You can see that the variable $z is substituted by bash shell with "10" and this value is picked up by commandArgs and fed into args[2], and the range command x=1:10 executed by R successfully, etc etc.
FYI: there is a function args(), which retrieves the arguments of R functions, not to be confused with a vector of arguments named args
If you need to specify options with flags, (like -h, --help, --number=42, etc) you can use the R package optparse (inspired from Python):
At least this how I understand your question, because I found this post when looking for an equivalent of the bash getopt, or perl Getopt, or python argparse and optparse.
I just put together a nice data structure and chain of processing to generate this switching behaviour, no libraries needed. I'm sure it will have been implemented numerous times over, and came across this thread looking for examples - thought I'd chip in.
I didn't even particularly need flags (the only flag here is a debug mode, creating a variable which I check for as a condition of starting a downstream function if (!exists(debug.mode)) {...} else {print(variables)}). The flag checking lapply statements below produce the same as:
if ("--debug" %in% args) debug.mode <- T
if ("-h" %in% args || "--help" %in% args)
where args is the variable read in from command line arguments (a character vector, equivalent to c('--debug','--help') when you supply these on for instance)
It's reusable for any other flag and you avoid all the repetition, and no libraries so no dependencies:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
flag.details <- list(
"debug" = list(
def = "Print variables rather than executing function XYZ...",
flag = "--debug",
output = "debug.mode <- T"),
"help" = list(
def = "Display flag definitions",
flag = c("-h","--help"),
output = "cat(help.prompt)") )
flag.conditions <- lapply(flag.details, function(x) {
paste0(paste0('"',x$flag,'"'), sep = " %in% args", collapse = " || ")
flag.truth.table <- unlist(lapply(flag.conditions, function(x) {
if (eval(parse(text = x))) {
} else return(F)
help.prompts <- lapply(names(flag.truth.table), function(x){
# joins 2-space-separatated flags with a tab-space to the flag description
paste0(c(paste0(flag.details[x][[1]][['flag']], collapse=" "),
flag.details[x][[1]][['def']]), collapse="\t")
} )
help.prompt <- paste(c(unlist(help.prompts),''),collapse="\n\n")
# The following lines handle the flags, running the corresponding 'output' entry in flag.details for any supplied
flag.output <- unlist(lapply(names(flag.truth.table), function(x){
if (flag.truth.table[x]) return(flag.details[x][[1]][['output']])
eval(parse(text = flag.output))
Note that in flag.details here the commands are stored as strings, then evaluated with eval(parse(text = '...')). Optparse is obviously desirable for any serious script, but minimal-functionality code is good too sometimes.
Sample output:
$ Rscript check_mail.Rscript --help
--debug Print variables rather than executing function XYZ...
-h --help Display flag definitions

Importing data into R (rdata) from Github

I want to put some R code plus the associated data file (RData) on Github.
So far, everything works okay. But when people clone the repository, I want them to be able to run the code immediately. At the moment, this isn't possible because they will have to change their work directory (setwd) to directory that the RData file was cloned (i.e. downloaded) to.
Therefore, I thought it might be easier, if I changed the R code such that it linked to the RData file on github. But I cannot get this to work using the following snippet. I think perhaps there is some issue text / binary issue.
x <- RCurl::getURL("")
y <- load(x)
Any help would be appreciated.
This works for me:
githubURL <- ""
# X Y Z
# 1 16602794 -4183983 94.92019
# 2 16602814 -4183983 91.15794
# 3 16602834 -4183983 87.44995
# 4 16602854 -4183983 83.79617
# 5 16602874 -4183983 80.19643
# 6 16602894 -4183983 76.65052
EDIT Response to OP comment.
From the documentation:
Note that the https:// URL scheme is not supported except on Windows.
So you could try this:
which works for me as well, but this will clutter your working directory. If that doesn't work, try setting method="curl" in the call to download.file(...).
I've had trouble with this before as well, and the solution I've found to be the most reliable is to use a tiny modification of source_url from the fantastic [devtools][1] package. This works for me (on a Mac).
load_url <- function (url, ..., sha1 = NULL) {
# based very closely on code for devtools::source_url
stopifnot(is.character(url), length(url) == 1)
temp_file <- tempfile()
request <- httr::GET(url)
writeBin(httr::content(request, type = "raw"), temp_file)
file_sha1 <- digest::digest(file = temp_file, algo = "sha1")
if (is.null(sha1)) {
message("SHA-1 hash of file is ", file_sha1)
else {
if (nchar(sha1) < 6) {
stop("Supplied SHA-1 hash is too short (must be at least 6 characters)")
file_sha1 <- substr(file_sha1, 1, nchar(sha1))
if (!identical(file_sha1, sha1)) {
stop("SHA-1 hash of downloaded file (", file_sha1,
")\n does not match expected value (", sha1,
")", call. = FALSE)
load(temp_file, envir = .GlobalEnv)
I use a very similar modification to get text files from github using read.table, etc. Note that you need to use the "raw" version of the github URL (which you included in your question).
load takes a filename.
x <- RCurl::getURL("")
writeLines(x, tmp <- tempfile())
y <- load(tmp)

Get function's title from documentation

I would like to get the title of a base function (e.g.: rnorm) in one of my scripts. That is included in the documentation, but I have no idea how to "grab" it.
I mean the line given in the RD files as \title{} or the top line in documentation.
Is there any simple way to do this without calling Rd_db function from tools and parse all RD files -- as having a very big overhead for this simple stuff? Other thing: I tried with parse_Rd too, but:
I do not know which Rd file holds my function,
I have no Rd files on my system (just rdb, rdx and rds).
So a function to parse the (offline) documentation would be the best :)
POC demo:
> get.title("rnorm")
[1] "The Normal Distribution"
If you look at the code for help, you see that the function seems to be what is pulling in the location of the help files, and that the default for the associated find.packages() function is NULL. Turns out tha tthere is neither a help fo that function nor is exposed, so I tested the usual suspects for which package it was in (base, tools, utils), and ended up with "utils:"+", find.package())
#[1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/base/help/Arithmetic"
ghelp <-"+", find.package())
gsub("^.+/", "", ghelp)
#[1] "Arithmetic"
ghelp <-"rnorm", find.package())
gsub("^.+/", "", ghelp)
#[1] "Normal"
What you are asking for is \title{Title}, but here I have shown you how to find the specific Rd file to parse and is sounds as though you already know how to do that.
EDIT: #Hadley has provided a method for getting all of the help text, once you know the package name, so applying that to the value above:
target <- gsub("^.+/library/(.+)/help.+$", "\\1","rnorm",
doc.txt <- pkg_topic(target, "rnorm") # assuming both of Hadley's functions are here
#[1] "The Normal Distribution"
It's not completely obvious what you want, but the code below will get the Rd data structure corresponding to the the topic you're interested in - you can then manipulate that to extract whatever you want.
There may be simpler ways, but unfortunately very little of the needed coded is exported and documented. I really wish there was a base help package.
pkg_topic <- function(package, topic, file = NULL) {
# Find "file" name given topic name/alias
if (is.null(file)) {
topics <- pkg_topics_index(package)
topic_page <- subset(topics, alias == topic, select = file)$file
if(length(topic_page) < 1)
topic_page <- subset(topics, file == topic, select = file)$file
stopifnot(length(topic_page) >= 1)
file <- topic_page[1]
rdb_path <- file.path(system.file("help", package = package), package)
tools:::fetchRdDB(rdb_path, file)
pkg_topics_index <- function(package) {
help_path <- system.file("help", package = package)
file_path <- file.path(help_path, "AnIndex")
if (length(readLines(file_path, n = 1)) < 1) {
topics <- read.table(file_path, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char = "", quote = "", header = FALSE)
names(topics) <- c("alias", "file")
topics[complete.cases(topics), ]
