Unable to start server when I use Eureka and actuator - spring-boot-actuator

I am using Spring boot version 2.2.0.M4. When I am adding dependencies
while starting server it fails to start with below mentioned error
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:

The correct way of working with Spring Cloud projects versioning is using the dependencyManagement plugin and release trains versions rather than passing versions of separate artifacts manually.
You can get a correct pom generated automatically (with all the correct versions) at start.spring.io.
On the date that question was posted, a version of Spring Cloud supporting Spring Boot 2.2.x has not been released yet. The latest Spring Cloud release version available is Greenwich.SR2, that supports Spring Boot 2.1.6.RELEASE.
UPDATE: Spring Cloud Hoxton.M1 that supports Spring Boot 2.2.0.M4 was released on 3rd July 2019. You can now use it and also generate correct build files with this version from start.spring.io.

For the following dependency:
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
The Following spring cloud version worked for me.


Embedded Kafka test cases are error after adding jsonschema2pojo-core

I have an application that created with Spring boot and Spring kafka libraries. Now I added jsonschema2pojo-core library to my pom file. After adding this jar file my test cases are failing with below error
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'embeddedKafka': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/runtime/java8/JFunction0$mcZ$sp
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/runtime/java8/JFunction0$mcZ$sp
<relativePath />
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
It's probably similar to this https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/docs/2.5.11.RELEASE/reference/html/#jacksonscala-incompatibility
with the library pulling in an incompatible scala library.
Yes, adding
fixed it for me; but I can't guarantee that jsonschema2pojo will work with that version.
The scala folks are notorious for breaking API changes in patch releases.

Adding Spring Kafka Maven dependency version 2.2.1.RELEASE encountered ClassNotFoundException

I wanna use Kafka client in Spring boot.
After reading the offical documentaion,
I added the maven dependency.
Then I tried to start Spring Boot. It throws
This class is 'org.springframework.kafka.listener.RecordInterceptor '
Could anyone can solve this problem?
When using Spring Boot, you should let boot manage the version, for Boot 2.2.1, the proper version is 2.3.3.
But, when using Boot, you can omit the version and Boot will automatically use the right version.

Spring MVC with boot and NEO4j

I am building an application where Rest endpoints uses, boot bindings to send Neo4j Entitites to Neo4j Repo, and thats the pattern we repeated few times across jpa backed repositories. In current configuration;
JPA repositories and neo4j repositories works ok, until i add;
Erros i am facing are;
Constructor in org.springframework.data.neo4j.repository.config.Neo4jOgmEntityInstantiatorConfigurationBean required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- mvcConversionService: defined by method 'mvcConversionService' in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/web/servlet/WebMvcAutoConfiguration$EnableWebMvcConfiguration.class]
- integrationConversionService: defined in null
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.0.M2)
:: Java 8
Updating project dependencies to
has fixed the issue as per #meistermeier suggestion.

class file for javax.servlet.ServletException not found [duplicate]

I'm trying to include Spring Security to my web project, i'm following this tutorial http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/guides/html5//helloworld.html
I've done everything in the tutorial with the given maven project and works fine. But when i'm trying to include it to my project a compilation error appear. Specifically when i extends from AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer appear the given error
Multiple markers at this line
The type javax.servlet.ServletContext cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
The type javax.servlet.ServletException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
The POM.xml
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- JSF 2.2 core and implementation -->
<!-- Prime Faces -->
<!-- Spring security -->
Thanks for the help!
Using mvn clean install -U
Just add the javax.servlet API to the compile time dependencies. You don't need to include it in the build, it's already provided by the target servlet container.
Your current pom suggests that you're deploying to a barebones servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc) instead of a full fledged Java EE application server (WildFly, TomEE, GlassFish, Liberty, etc), otherwise you'd have run into classloading-related trouble by providing JSF along with the webapp instead of using the container-provided one.
In that case, adding the below dependency should do for a Servlet 3.1 container like Tomcat 8:
Or if you're actually targeting an older Servlet 3.0 container like Tomcat 7, change the <version> to 3.0.1 (note: there's no 3.0 due to a mistake on their side).
If you happen to actually deploy to a Java EE 7 application server like WildFly 8, use the below dependency instead. It covers the entire Java EE API, including javax.servlet (and javax.faces, so you'd then remove those individual JSF API/impl dependencies):
Also here, if you're targeting an older Java EE 6 application server like JBoss AS 7, change the <version> to 6.0.
See also:
How to properly configure Jakarta EE libraries in Maven pom.xml for Tomcat?
This worked for me: if above supplied solution doesnt work
Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add library from library tab > Choose server runtime > Next > choose Apache Tomcat v 7.0> Finish > Ok
another way if you working on eclipse ide please open the project folder select Properties and click maven shows the view 'Active Maven Profiles(comma separated)'please input "dev"..after refresh problem solved
try setting the updated parent, like this:
this solved for me.
What helped for me was deleting the repository in directory .m2
and after deleting run maven: package

Magnolia could not be started java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I am running an magnolia Application using magnolia-blossom.
I have added this dependency jar below :
I am getting the error :
Oops, Magnolia could not be started java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:info/magnolia/dam/provider/AssetProviderNotFoundException
for which Tomcat server is unable to start.
Can anyone suggest me that how can i resolve this Error.
You're missing Magnolia DAM, use this dependency snippet:
I found the version used by STK 2.7 by looking at its POM here https://nexus.magnolia-cms.com/content/repositories/magnolia.public.releases/info/magnolia/standard-templating-kit-parent/2.7/standard-templating-kit-parent-2.7.pom
