How to create command by consuming message from kafka topic rather than through Rest API - axon

I'm using Axon version (3.3) which seamlessly supports Kafka with annotation in the SpringBoot Main class using
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = KafkaAutoConfiguration.class)
In our use case, the command side microservice need to pick message from kafka topic rather than we expose it as Rest api. It will store the event in event store and then move it to another kafka topic for query side microservice to consume.
Since KafkaAutoCOnfiguration is disabled, I cannot use spring-kafka configuration to write a consumer. How can I consume a normal message in Axon?
I tried writing a normal Kafka spring Consumer but since Kafka Auto COnfiguration is disabled, initial trigger for the command is not picked up from the Kafka topic

I think I can help you out with this.
The Axon Kafka Extension is solely meant for Events.
Thus, it is not intended to dispatch Commands or Queries from one node to another.
This is very intentionally, as Event messages have different routing needs apposed to Command and Query messages.
Axon views Kafka a fine fit as an Event Bus and as such this is supported through the framework.
It is however not ideal for Command messages (should be routed to a single handler, always) or Query messages (can be routed to a single handler, several handlers or have a subscription model).
Thus, I you'd want to "abuse" Kafka for different types of messages in conjunction with Axon, you will have to write your own component/service for it.
I would however stick to the messaging paradigm and separate these concerns.
For far increasing simplicity when routing messages between Axon applications, I'd highly recommend trying out Axon Server.
Additionally, here you can hear/see Allard Buijze point out the different routing needs per message type (thus the reason why Axon's Kafka Extension only deals with Event messages).


Publish Axon Events onto a Kafka Topic

I want to publish an event through one of my aggregate event handlers to the axon Kafka topic as I am using kafka as my event bus. What is the correct way to do that? Should I directly push the message to the topic or can I use AggregateLifecycle#apply(event) in this case?
I have multiple events getting published from my aggregate, through one of the event handlers I want to publish another event. I am using axon 4.2
Easiest would be to start using the Kafka Extension Axon provides. The shared repository contains all the necessary code to create a publishing end and a consuming end of Axon Event from and to a Kafka topic. For configuration convenience, there is a Spring Boot Starter present in that project too
Added, the repository has a (Kotlin) sample project showing how to configure it, which you can find here. Lastly, for a full description of how to set everything up, I strongly recommend to give Axon's Reference Guide a read, especially the Kafka page here.
I'd like to recommend you thought that this extension is perfectly suited to communicate between Axon and non-Axon applications, making Kafka a form of "Enterprise Service Bus". Using it as the EventBus replacement within Axon Framework is doable, but requires a bunch of fine tuning on you rend. It would be wiser to use Axon Server instead in those scenarios, or if you really must, share the data source containing your events directly between the applications.

How a kafka consumer with #KafkaListener annotation handles max.poll.records

I'm using spring boot 2.1.7.RELEASE and spring-kafka 2.2.7.RELEASE.And I'm using #KafkaListener annotation to create a consumer and I'm using all default settings for the consumer.
As per the apache kafka documentation, the default value for 'max.poll.records' is 500.
Here I'm trying to understand, how spring is handling the records processing. Now my question is, If we have already published 500 messages onto a Topic A and have a consumer (using #KafkaListener) subscribed to this topic ,
Does this spring listener would get all those 500 records and then is doing some kind of caching before passing one by one record to the method annotated with #KafkaListener or would it pull only one record at once and pass that to the method with #KafkaListener annotation
The #KafkaListener is based on the KafkaMessageListenerContainer and, in turn, is fully based on the ConsumerRecords<K, V> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.Consumer.poll(Duration timeout) API.
The option you mention has nothing to do with Spring for Apache Kafka. You would deal with the same behavior even without Spring.
See that returned ConsumerRecords for more info how records are fetched from Kafka.
With Kafka t really doesn't matter how we fetch records. Only an offset commit matters.
But that's different story. You need to understand for yourself that Spring for Apache Kafka is just a wrapper around standard Kafka Client. It doesn't make an opinion how to poll records from topics.

Axon4 - Re-queue failed messages

In below scenario, what would be the bahavior of Axon -
Command Bus recieved the command
It creates an event
However messaging infra is down (say kafka)
Does Axon has re-queing capability for event or any other alternative to handle this scenario.
If you're using Axon, you know it differentiates between Command, Event and Query messages. I'd suggest to be specific in your question which message type you want to retry.
However, I am going to make the assumption it's about events, as your stating Kafka.
If this is the case, I'd highly recommend reading the reference guide on the matter, as it states how you can uncouple Kafka publication from actual event storage in Axon.
Simply put, use a TrackingEventProcessor as the means to publish events on Kafka, as this will ensure a dedicate thread is used for publication instead of the same thread storing the event. Added, the TrackingEventProcessor can be replayed, thus "re-process" events.

Rebus priority on message

Is it possible using Rebus to set priority on messages?
The scenario is that we have a queueworker singing documents, for different services, some of them witch the user awaits the result, and some that the signed document is just stored for later use.
It would then be nice to prioritize the messages of the users that awaits a response. Is this possible ?
We are using Rebus2 with Azure ServiceBus
Unfortunately, since Azure Service Bus does not natively support message prioritization, and implementing it with the priority queue pattern would be cumbersome, it cannot readily be done by setting a priority on a message.
A simple approach that works in the general case is to have separate Rebus instances for different priorities, where one particular instance could then be used to "fast-track" messages that need to overtake all the other messages.
The instances could have the exact same configuration, except they use different input queues. This way, the routing configuration (endpoint mappings) get to determine which priority a message gets.

Biztalk client defined subscription items

I am designing a Biztalk solution which requires client applications to subscribe and receive only a certain subset of event messages depending on their user permissions. Subscription will be done through topic or content based routing. The client will subscribe once and receive many messages until they choose to unsubscribe.
Client applications will number in the 100s and subscribed topics could change on a regular basis, so defining an individual send port from Biztalk for each reciever isn't a viable solution.
I have thought I could build an additional message broker service which holds the individual client subscriptions and distributes messages sent from a biztalk port.
I have also seen that a recipient list pattern can be build using orchestrations. This appears to me to still follow a request-response pattern though and I am after 1 way subscribe message to many returned event messages.
My message broker solution seems to me to be doubling up on what Biztalk should be good at so I imagine I am missing some important functionality somewhere. Has anyone tried such an application before and can give some pointers? Should I be investingating the ESB toolkit as a solution? I have had a look on the net but nothing makes it very clear for this type of topic-subscription model.
Do take a look at the ESB Toolkit. You can use the itinerary functionality that it adds to BizTalk, either with one of the built-in resolvers (e.g., UDDI) or with your own custom resolver. This allows you to route messages based on configuration (stored in Business Rules or elsewhere).
You will find a developer-oriented overview video of the ESB Toolkit on MSDN, which is a decent introduction to the design process and tooling. There are several other helpful videos there as well.
Your specific scenario can accomplished with a single itinerary, as described here. Use a receive pipeline with the ESB Dispatch Disassembler component, configure multiple resolvers, and for each resolver a new message is produced.
There are also two samples to look at:
The Itinerary On-Ramp Sample - builds a set of SOAP headers that contain the itinerary that you create in the test client, loads the specific message file from disk, appends the itinerary headers to the message, and submits it to the ESB through an Itinerary on-ramp for processing.
The Scatter-Gather Sample - Also appends SOAP headers containing the itinerary to the message, which is submitted to the ESB through an on-ramp for processing. A Broker orchestration analyzes the settings for its itinerary step, retrieves a collection of resolvers associated with the itinerary step, and for each of those resolvers resolves the service endpoint. After that, the orchestration activates the proper ServiceDispatcher orchestration instances to dispatch the outbound request messages.
You should also look at "How to: Route a Single Message to Multiple Recipients Using an Itinerary Routing Slip" or perhaps look into creating a custom itinerary message service (documentation is here).
