Do boolean attributes require quotes in ASP.NET? -

In ASP.NET markup do boolean attributes require quotes?
<asp:tag name="myTagName" IsEnabled=true />
<asp:tag name="myTagName" IsEnabled="true" />

It is most common to use quotes, although the ASP.NET page parser doesn't require nor enforce this.
All 3 buttons below will be disabled, using double quotes, single quotes and no quotes to set the value of the Enabled property.
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Button1" Enabled="false" />
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Button2" Enabled='false' />
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Button3" Enabled=false />
Only when an invalid mixed format is being used like here below,
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Button4" Enabled="false' />
being a combination of double and single quotes, Visual Studio shows a warning/error feedback, mentioning that the quotation marks must match in case they are being applied.
The message doesn't state that quotation marks must be used.
Validation (ASP.Net): If this attribute value is enclosed in quotation marks, the quotation marks must match.
At runtime the page will then fail with the error below.
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific
parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed.

Yes Because these tags are in XML format and passing data should be in quotes,
XML Syntax
In IBM Website they have this example:
<?xml version= “1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1”?>
<note date=05/05/05>
<?xml version= “1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1”?>
<note date=”05/05/05”>


Trying to pass a parameter in ASP.NET ! Parsing error

I am trying to pass a parameter from a page to another. I am getting parsing errors (Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. )
This is the code :
<a runat="server" href="~/ProductDetails.aspx?IDProduct=<%# Eval("IDProduct") %>">
<asp:Label Font-Size="16px" ForeColor="Red" runat="server">get specifications</asp:Label>
I am getting errors at IDProduct=<%# Eval("IDProduct") %>!
How should i write it ?
The proper way to handle such cases is to make the whole attribute value generated inside <%# %>. Also note the updated quoting pattern - single quotes around attribute value, and double quotes inside <%# %>.
href='<%# "~/ProductDetails.aspx?IDProduct=" + Eval("IDProduct") %>'
Try to do this
<a runat="server" href="~/ProductDetails.aspx?IDProduct="<%# Eval("IDProduct") %>>

Print a Resources.resx file value within ASP.NET tags

I'm required to print a value of a string which within a resource files (.resx) within tags
i used the following approaches
for example :
<ext:ComboBox ID="cmbProgram" runat="server" FieldLabel="<%= Resource.StringName %>"
<ext:ComboBox ID="cmbProgram" runat="server" FieldLabel="<%= Response.Write(Resource.StringName) %>"
But both approaches didin't provide the value of the string, but provides the ID. How to get the values within the ASP.NET tags?
Assuming you have Control.ascx:
<ext:Tag runat="server" meta:resourcekey="fooBar" />
Then put Controls.ascx.resx in App_LocalResources containing appropriate strings:
fooBar.PropetyName = "x"

how to validate a filename using regular expression validator

i have the following code to validate my file name entered using regular expression validator
but even after enter correct file name format, its hitting error saying enter valid filename
<asp:TextBox ID="TxtFileName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="FileNameRegularExpressionValidator" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Enter valid FileName"
At the moment, your regex requires the filename to start with a backslash. Also, your filenames may only contain the lowercase form of letters. Is that intentional?
Also, you're repeating your repeated group, a surefire recipe to bring your server down to its knees with catastrophic backtracking once someone enters an invalid filename that's more than a few characters long.
would be more suitable?

Why can't I validate values with the $ symbol in it?

I am using a CompareValidator to check user input on one of my forms but for some reason it will not allow me to enter a dollar sign.
According to MSDN the currency data type in the compare validator allows:
A decimal data type that can contain
currency symbols.
I am using the control below to validate:
<asp:CompareValidator ID="vld_Cash" runat="server" ControlToValidate="CashTextBox" Type="Currency" Operator="DataTypeCheck" ValidationGroup="vld_Update" ErrorMessage="The value entered for 'Cash' must be in a number format. Do NOT include dollar signs. Examples: 500 or 500.00" />
I also added the following to my web.config just to be sure:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US"/>
But it still says any input with a $ in it is invalid. Am I missing something here?
The last comment in this thread shows why and gives you some ideas:
Currency Validator
An article dedicated to this:
ASP.Net: Validating a TextBox with a Dollar Sign (suggests using a RegularExpressionValidator).

File Upload Validator always show error message

I add file upload control as follows:
<asp:FileUpload ID="filesFileUpload" runat="server" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator3" runat="server" ErrorMessage="file types not supported"
ValidationExpression="\.(zip|rar|jpg|gif|png|eps|ai|psd|pdf)$" ControlToValidate="filesFileUpload"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
And always when I upload file that match the reg expression it show the error. How can I resolve this?
Your regular expression checks for a single dot, followed by one of the extensions, all the way to the end of the string. You need to match the rest of the the filename (.+ matches one or more characters , ^ mean start of string):
See this handy cheat sheet.
