Using styled-components with imported CSS files from a node_module - css

I am using styled-components in a React project. So far it has been working fine, but now I want to use the react-datepicker package, which requires its styles to be imported the following way:
import "react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.css";
However, importing the file causes an error that says "You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type". I know I could fix this by creating a handler for .css files, but I thought I could avoid that by using Styled Components.
My question is, is there a way to handle these type of imports with styled components? I've been loooking online for hours and can't seem to find a way.

I ended up just forking the project and changing it to use styled-components instead of needing to import the styles.


Is there a way to use CSS modules without adding .module. extension in NextJS?

I am trying to configure a NextJS project. I want to use CSS modules. However, I don't want to add *.module.* extension to file names and thus adding it to import paths, since it seems to me as excessive.
I found in css modules documentation that they didn't use module extension.
I tried to customize webpack configuration with loaders within next.config. Without any luck.
So, I am wondering if there is any way to be able to use just someName.css in NextJS. Then I could import it to my component just like this: import style from './someName.css'

Same css is working for all components without importing it

I am learning react in which I am making components and making css file for each component but if I make a className lets say "temporary" then if I make another component and while I am not importing the previous component's css file but then also if i give the class "temporary" to any other element of this component then also it take the css styling. Why is this happening I don't know.
You create multiple CSS files and several components in your React project and connect them if needed.
But this is what you see, not what happens.
React actually converts all your CSS code into a file and then outputs it.
This is also true for components.
You create dozens of CSS and JS files, but React creates two files for you.
In Recycling, we only create a few files to write more readable code.
If you have a problem with this, you can research the module.css in React and use it to prevent this from happening to you.
Again, if you have any questions about this, I am at your service.

Prevent React from importing CSS files that are not being used yet

Concerning page loading speed, It seems strange to me that React is importing CSS files that are imported in components that are not even being used on the homepage. My react app seems to be importing every css file in my entire project, i'm sure this is affecting my page speed. How can i prevent react from importing css files (which are being imported by components) that are not even being imported/exist on a certain page?
For example my homepage may have Comp1.js, comp2.js and comp3.js and each of these files import their own css files. But i see css files from other pages being loaded in the html head tag...(see screenshot below)
const comp1 = await import('path');
I was having a similar issue, which led me to discover this question. Here's what worked for me:
Instead of importing the CSS files at the head of the component's source, you can import the file using import(<path>); in the render() function in case of class-based components, or before the return() statement in case of stateless functional components.
That way React won't be able to load the files at app's startup because their imports have been abstracted away by not being there in the top level structure of any component.
I'm just beginning to learn React so if anyone has a clearer explanation of how this works, I'll be more than happy to know.

How to distribute CSS via NPM

I'm trying to break up my monolithic React app into reusable parts that can be shared with other projects.
I want to extract some generic components (e.g. Button, Header, Dropdown, etc.) into my own little UI library. The problem I'm running into is how to manage the CSS. Right now, my app just has a single stylesheet that takes care of everything.
These are the solutions I have seen:
Embed the CSS styles for each component in the JS for the component itself (CSS in JS).
import or require the CSS files in the JS for the component and use webpack to bundle the CSS file for you.
I really don't love either option. I understand the appeal of co-locating the styles with the component, but I feel like: a) it clutters the component definition, and b) it fights with how CSS works (no more taking advantage of cascading styles since everything is so tightly scoped to the individual component).
And, I can't bring myself to import a CSS file. That just feels so wrong. We're not even writing javascript anymore at that point.
I realize that these aren't exactly popular opinions, but is there a 3rd option that I'm missing for getting a good old fashioned CSS file from an NPM module that I can just drop in my HTML and use? Ideally one that doesn't involve copy/pasting it from node_modules. :)
Thanks to the tip from #EmileBergeron I found the PostCSS import plugin. It can find and inline stylesheets in node_modules and in your own code.
So, my workflow will be:
npm install my-ui-library
Import the React components you want to use into your JS files import { Button } from 'my-ui-library'
Import the corresponding stylesheets into your CSS files #import 'my-ui-library/Button.css'
That way I'm importing CSS into CSS and JS into JS which feels a lot more natural to me. It might also make sense to just have one stylesheet for all components instead of breaking it up per-component, but that's a detail I can figure out later.
Then, I just need to add PostCSS into my build system to inline everything which has been pretty simple in testing.

Why can't I import CSS files for my React server side rendering app?

The general error: SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token, referencing line 1 of index.css.
This is the result of encountering CSS syntax in a CSS file that I'm trying to import for styling.
Attempted fixes and experiments:
Deleted everything out of the CSS file and exported an empty JS module. This works, verifying that the import is treating it as a JS file, not CSS.
Removing the #import statement from line 1 of the CSS file. Of course, this fails to make a difference because the remaining CSS syntax throws the same error.
Paired down the Webpack config file to eliminate the surface area of the problem. Rendering should be handled by Webpack, so the issue may reside there. Config was very basic and set to handle CSS, SASS, JS, and JSX.
Tried importing the CSS file from other file locations, including the server's app.js file.
Tried making use of ExtractTextPlugin as an bundling alternative.
Tried making use of Isomorphic Style Loader.
All in all, given the attempted fixes and tests listed above, the issue seems unrelated to Webpack per se. It's as if the server side rendering is attempting to import the CSS file before Weback gets involved.
The fix, it turns out, was to use the ignore-styles package in our server app.js file:
The description as listed on the repo:
A babel/register style hook to ignore style imports when running in Node. This is for projects that use something like Webpack to enable CSS imports in JavaScript.
