Chaining Firebase Firestore documents/collections - firebase

So, I have a Firestore database group like so.
companies > acme-industries > items > []
collection > document > collection > document
Would it be better to just store all items inside a base collection and then add a string value to each item that defines what company it goes too? Then just query the items collection for all items linked to that company?
I am trying to retrieve the items and run them through a forEach in my firebase function. I have tried two different approaches and watched multiple videos and still am not getting results.
First Attempt Code Block
This resulted in a 500 Server Error with no explanation returned.
const itemQuerySnapshot = db.collection('companies').doc('items').get();
const items: any = [];
itemQuerySnapshot.forEach((doc:any) => {
Second Attempt Code Block
This resulted in the No Such Documents! being returned
const itemRef = db.collection('companies').doc('items');
itemRef.get().then((doc:any) => {
if(!doc.exists) {
response.send('No such documents!');
} else {
response.send('Document Data: '+;
}).catch((err:any) => {
I am expecting something like an array of all the items to be returned from this call. I'm completely new to Firebase Firestore, what am I missing here?
I replaced my code with a third attempt code block and I got success with the console.log( However, the items object still returns empty. Is this because it's returning before the for each is done? If so, how would you prevent that to ensure every item that should be returned is?
const items: any = [];
const userRef = db.collection("companies").doc(;
const itemsRef = userRef.collection("items");
.then((snapshot: any) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc: any) => {
.catch((err: any) => {
How would you add one more document into the mix? Say you want to get a single item. How would you do that? The following always results in Item does not exist being returned from my function.
const companyRef = db.collection('companies').doc(;
const itemRef = companyRef.collection('items');
const item = itemRef.where('number', '==', itemSku).get();
I must be doing something incredibly wrong here because all the videos are telling me it's incredibly easy to fetch data from Firestore. But I have yet to see that.

get returns a Promise , the callback of then function will be called once the data ready from firestore .
the line response.json(items); will be called before the items array collected correctly.
you need to move this line inside the then callback
checkout this :
.then((snapshot: any) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc: any) => {
response.json(items); //items ARRAY IS READY , YOU CAN SEND YOUR RESPONSE HERE


Firebase listener downloads data after leaving and getting back to screen

I implemented a chatscreen inside my app and the following code represents the important sample of the code and I noticed that something about the data usage is very odd. The code is a little bit longer code sample but I will explain it after that.
const CountryChat = props =>{
var chosenLanguage = useSelector(state => state.myLanguage.myLanguage);
const countryId = props.navigation.getParam("countryId");//already upper case so no worries about correct firestore adress
const countryName = props.navigation.getParam("countryName");
const userId = useSelector(state => state.auth.userId);
const [TItext, setTItext] = useState("");
const [chatmessages, setChatMessages] = useState(() => []);//dummydata so FlatList wont crash because messages are empty during first renderprocess
const [refreshFlatlist, setRefreshFlatList] = useState(false);
const [myProfilePic, setMyProfilePic] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
var loadnewmessages = firebase.firestore().collection("group_rooms").doc("group_rooms").collection(`${countryId}`).orderBy("timestamp").limit(30).onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
var newmessages = [];
var deletedmesssages = [];
snapshot.docChanges().forEach((change) => {
if(change.type === "added"){
displayedTime: new Date(,
if(change.type === "removed"){
displayedTime: new Date(,
if(newmessages.length > 0){
setChatMessages(chatmessages => {
return chatmessages.concat(newmessages)
if(deletedmesssages.length > 0){
setChatMessages(chatmessages => {
var modifythisarray = chatmessages;
let index = => e.timestamp).indexOf(`${deletedmesssages[0].timestamp}`);
let pasttime = - parseInt(modifythisarray[index].timestamp);
modifythisarray.splice(index, 1);
if(pasttime > 300000){
return chatmessages
return modifythisarray
setRefreshFlatList(refreshFlatlist => {
//console.log("Aktueller Status von refresher: ", refreshFlatlist);
return !refreshFlatlist
newmessages = [];
deletedmesssages = [];
return () => { //for removing listeners
}, []);
const pushMessagetoDB = async (filter, imageName) => {
//sending message to the chatroom in Firestore
if(filter == 1){
await firebase.firestore().collection("group_rooms").doc("group_rooms").collection(`${countryId}`).add({
"counter": 1,
"sender": userId,
"value": TItext,
"displayedTime": (new Date()).toISOString(),
"senderProfilePic": myProfilePic
.then(() => {
console.log("Chat written in DB!");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error writing Chat into DB: ", error);
await firebase.firestore().collection("group_rooms").doc("group_rooms").collection(`${countryId}`).add({
"counter": 2,
"sender": userId,
"senderProfilePic": myProfilePic,
"value": await`countrychatimages/${countryId}/${imageName}`).getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
return url
}).catch((error) => { //incase something bad happened
.then(() => {
console.log("Image passed to DB!");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error passing Image to DB: ", error);
What you can see here is my listener loadnewmessages which is beeing called inside my useEffect. This listener downloads the recent 30 messages in the chat and stores them in a state. The chat works perfect and I can even send a message (store a document on the firestore inside a collection which represents the chat). After I leave the screen the return in the useEffect is fired and my listener is getting canceled.
My problem is: I went back and forth around 4 times and I had 6 messages in my collection. After I did that I closed my app and checked my usage in "Usage and billing" in firebase and saw that suddenly I had around 25 reads. I was expecting that my listener will only download the collection with the documents once and will maintain in on the phone even if I leave the screen, not that I redownload it always when I check the screen, that is what I assume is happening after I saw my usage in my firebase console. If I launch my app and I receive 100 or more users, my billings will explode this way.
I know that I detach my listener and relaunch it but I expected firebase to maintain the already loaded data on the phone so I (if no new files will be written) I only get 1 read because the query run without loading any new data.
Can somebody pls explain to me what I did wrong or how I could improve my code to shrink down the reads? How can I change my code so it stays efficient and does not download already loaded data? Its really important for me to maintain the reads on a low level, I have big problems getting this under control and my money is very limited.
That is the intended behavior. When you switch your pages/activities the listener is closed. A listener will fetch all the matching documents specified in query when it's reconnected (just like being connected for first time) as mentioned in the docs:
An initial call using the callback you provide creates a document snapshot immediately with the current contents of the single document. Then, each time the contents change, another call updates the document snapshot.
You can try:
Enabling offline persistence which caches a copy of the Cloud Firestore data that your app is actively using, so your app can access the data when the device is offline. If the documents are fetched from the cache then you won't be charged reads. However I am not sure if this will be the best option for your use case.
Storing messages fetched so far in local storage of that platform and then query messages sent after message using the listener. You would have to remove messages from local storage if any message is deleted.
const messagesRef = db..collection("group_rooms").doc("group_rooms").collection(`${countryId}`);
return messagesRef.doc("last_local_msg_id").get().then((doc) => {
// Get all messages sent after last local msg
const newMessagesQuery = messagesRef
Using for example async storage suits good, even increasing the size of the memory of async storage is not a problem so that its possible to store more data and therefore more chats as showed here.

How to access all documents, my all documents only have sub collection in firestore

I have create document like this in react native, I am using rnfirebase library
CustomerName: values.customerName,
CansOut: values.cansOut,
JarsOut: values.jarsOut,
EmptyCansIn: values.emptyCansIn,
JarsIn: values.jarsIn,
Bottles: values.bottles,
.then(() => {
console.log('Entry added!!!!!!!!!');
When I try to retrieve EntryDate from WaterCanData Coellection I am not able to fetch it(Document name appears in italic font), So how should I retrive this document which contains a subcollection, Below I have attached my ss of data structure
Data structure
Data structuree
The reason your document appears in italics is because it doesn't currently exist. In Cloud Firestore, subcollections can exist without requiring their parent document to also exist.
Non-existant documents will not appear in queries or snapshots in the client SDKs as stated in the Firebase Console.
This document does not exist, it will not appear in queries or snapshots
If you want to be able to get your entry dates, you need to create the document (which can be empty).
.set({}); // an empty document
To create the document at the same time as an entry on it's subcollection, you can use a batched write like so:
const db = firebase.firestore();
const batch = db.batch();
// get references to the relevant locations
const entryDateRef = db
const customerRef = entryDateRef
// queue the data to write
batch.set(entryDateRef, {});
batch.set(customerRef, {
CustomerName: values.customerName,
CansOut: values.cansOut,
JarsOut: values.jarsOut,
EmptyCansIn: values.emptyCansIn,
JarsIn: values.jarsIn,
Bottles: values.bottles,
// make changes to database
.then(() => {
console.log('Entry added!!!!!!!!!');
This will then allow you to list all of the entry dates in your database using something like:
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
const entryDate =;
// const customerEntriesRef = doc.ref.collection('Entries');
console.log('Entry date found: ' + entryDate);
If (as an example) you wanted to also find how many entries were linked to a given date, you would need to also query each subcollection (here the code gets a little more confusing).
.then((querySnapshot) => {
const fetchSizePromises = [];
// for each entry date, get the size of it's "Entries" subcollection
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
const entryDate =;
const customerEntriesRef = doc.ref.collection('Entries');
// if this get() fails, just store the error rather than throw it.
const thisEntrySizePromise = customerEntriesRef.get()
(entriesQuerySnapshot) => {
return { date: entryDate, size: entriesQuerySnapshot.size }
(error) => {
return { date: entryDate, size: -1, error }
// add this promise to the queue
// wait for all fetch operations and return their results
return Promise.all(fetchSizePromises);
.then((entryInfoResults) => {
// for each entry, log the result
entryInfoResults.forEach((entryInfo) => {
if (entryInfo.error) {
// this entry failed
console.log(`${} has an unknown number of customers in its Entries subcollection due to an error`, entryInfo.error);
} else {
// got size successfully
console.log(`${} has ${entryInfo.size} customers in its Entries subcollection`);
Using below code you can console every document id inside waterCanData collection. In your database you have only one document, then it will console your document id. (10042021)
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

How can I wait for data from firebase database when using Object.keys(x).map() in react native?

I am trying to display information about users in a group in a list. I want to gather additional information about each member which is stored under users/ in my database.
My code manages to gather information but only for the first member. To get the others members data to load, I need to navigate back to a different screen then go back.
Here is what I tried so far:
//members object from group/id/members is passed to this function
//e.g. [{"uid":"abc","type":"admin"},{"uid":"def","type":"member"},{"uid":"ghi","type":"member"}]
getMembersData(members) {
const membersData = {};
Object.keys(members).map((key, i) => {
const member = members[key];
firebase.database().ref(`users/${member.uid}`).on('value', snap => {
membersData[member.uid] = {
'uid': member.uid,
'username': snap.child('username').val(),
'imageUrl': snap.child('imageUrl').val(),
'type': member.type,
this.setState({ membersData });
In other words, when I navigate to the members screen, only the information for the first member is rendered when I map this.state.membersData in a View, until I back out from the screen and go back to it.
The code works fine if I cut out the firebase content. How can I fix this issue so that everything loads when I navigate to the screen?
I think you'll want to call setState inside the database callback since the callback is asynchronous and won't be invoked until the data is finally available.
firebase.database().ref(`users/${member.uid}`).on('value', snap => {
membersData[member.uid] = {
'uid': member.uid,
'username': snap.child('username').val(),
'imageUrl': snap.child('imageUrl').val(),
'type': member.type,
There is no guarantee how long it will take to get the data, so your code should be ready to deal with the fact that it might take a while to arrive (or possibly never at all if there is no internet connection).
You want to call this.setState once all of your database calls have finished. If you only need to download the data once, you can make use of chaining Promises.
Because you are using .map(), you can achieve this by returning the Promise from database requests that use .once('value'). In the code below, the variable named transformPromises is the array of Promises produced by .map() and .once('value'). Once you have this array of promises, you can use Promise.all(promiseArray).then(() => {...} to wait for them all to resolve. In the code below, this is where we then call this.setState() to update the user interface.
Before calling getMembersData() it may be useful to show a throbber while loading the data.
getMembersData(members) {
const membersData = {};
let transformPromises = Object.keys(members).map((key, i) => {
const member = members[key];
return firebase.database().ref(`users/${member.uid}`).once('value')
.then(snap => {
membersData[member.uid] = {
'uid': member.uid,
'username': snap.child('username').val(),
'imageUrl': snap.child('imageUrl').val(),
'type': member.type,
.then(() => {
// all data was downloaded & added successfully.
this.setState({ membersData });
.catch((err) => {
// handle error
Note: Based on the shape of members, you could also iterate them using the following code:
let transformPromises = => {
return firebase.database().ref(`users/${member.uid}`).once('value')
.then(snap => {
membersData[member.uid] = {
'uid': member.uid,
'username': snap.child('username').val(),
'imageUrl': snap.child('imageUrl').val(),
'type': member.type,

Query firestore to get all tokens from userid's

In my cloud function i have an array that contains all userId's that need to get a cloud-message(notification)
const aNotify = [{id: 'id001', text: 'specialTextFor001'}, {id: 'id002', text: 'specialTextFor002'};
This is how the devices collection looks like. the Document ID is the token ID but to find them i need to query on the userId
Is it possible to do it through the DB like with a where clause or do I need to do this by getting all devices and in cloud method do a foreach... ?
In order to find a device document corresponding to a userId, you have to use a simple query like:
const db = admin.firestore();
db.collection('devices').where("userId", "==",;
see the corresponding doc here.
Since you need to make a query for each element of the aNotify array, you need to use Promise.all(), since get() returns a Promise.
Something like the following will work. You have to adapt it in order to correctly return the promises in your Cloud Function (since you didn't share your Cloud Function code it is difficult to give more guidance on this point).
const db = admin.firestore();
var aNotify = [{ id: 'id001', text: 'specialTextFor001' }, { id: 'id002', text: 'specialTextFor002' }];
var promises = []
aNotify.forEach(function (element) {
promises.push(db.collection('devices').where("userId", "==",;
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(results => {
results.forEach(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(function (doc) {
console.log(, " => ",;
//here, either send a notification for each user of populate an array, or....
//e.g. return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(, ....);
Note that the results array has exactly the same order than the promises array. So it is not complicated to get the text property of the corresponding object of the aNotify array when you send the notifications.

How to get documents with array containing a specific string in Firestore with React-Native

I am just getting started with Firebase and am trying to determine how to best structure my Firestore database.
What I want is to find all documents from an 'events' collection where 'participants' (which is an array field on each event document which contains objects with keys 'displayName' and 'uid') contains at least one matching uid. The list of uids I am comparing against will be the users' friends.
So in more semantic terms, I want to find all events where at least one of the participants of that event is a 'friend', using the uid of the event participants and of the users friends.
Hope I haven't lost you. Maybe this screenshot will help.
Here is how I've designed the 'events' collection right now
Would a deep query like this doable with Firestore? Or would I need to do the filtering on client side?
EDIT - added code
// TODO: filter events to only those containing friends
// first get current users friend list
.then(doc => {
.then(friends => { // 'friends' is array of uid's here
// query events from firestore where participants contains first friend
// note: I plan on changing this design so that it checks participants array for ALL friends rather than just first index.
// but this is just a test to get it working...
firebase.firestore().collection("events").where("participants", "array-contains", friends[0])
.then(events => {
// this is giving me ALL events rather than
// filtering by friend uid which is what I'd expect
// update state with updateEvents()
I am using React-Native-Firebase
"react-native": "^0.55.0",
"react-native-firebase": "^4.3.8",
Was able to figure this out by doing what #Neelavar said and then changing my code so that it chains then() within the first level collection query.
// first get current users' friend list
.then(doc => {
// then search the participants sub collection of the event
.then(friends => {
.then(eventsSnapshot => {
eventsSnapshot.forEach(doc => {
const { type, date, event_author, comment } =;
let event = {
participants: [],
.then(participantsSnapshot => {
for(let i=0; i<participantsSnapshot.size;i++) {
if([i].exists) {
// if participant uid is in friends array, add event to events array
if(friends.includes([i].data().uid)) {
// add participant to event
let { displayName, uid } =[i].data();
let participant = { displayName, uid }
.then(() => {
.catch(e => {console.error(e)})
.catch(e => {console.error(e)})
