I want do same things to create different data frames, can I use lapply achieve?
I tried to did it but not succeed
lapply(xx, function(x){
I hope I can get two data frames ,like
An option that assigns to the .Globalenv. This as pointed out is less efficient but was provided to answer the OP's question as is:
lapply(xx, function(x) assign(x,data.frame(A=c(1,2,3,4),
You can then call each data frame with their names.
a1, b1.
You could try using sapply over the xx vector of names to populate a list with the data frames:
lst <- list()
xx <- c("a1", "b1")
sapply(xx, function(x) {
lst[[x]] <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4), "1")
Then, you may access each data frame using the list, e.g. lst$a1.
I want to create a ranked variable that will appear in multiple data frames.
I'm having trouble getting the ranked variable into the data frames.
Simple code. Can't make it happen.
dfList <- list(df1,df2,df3)
for (df in dfList){
rAchievement <- rank(df["Achievement"])
The result I want is for df1, df2 and df3 to each gain a new variable called rAchievement.
I'm struggling!! And my apologies. I know there are similar questions out there. I have reviewed them all. None seem to work and accepted answers are rare.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you!
We can use lapply with transform in a single line
dfList <- lapply(dfList, transform, rAchievement = rank(Achievement))
If we need to update the objects 'df1', 'df2', 'df3', set the names of the 'dfList' with the object names and use list2env (not recommended though)
names(dfList) <- paste0('df", 1:3)
list2env(dfList, .GlobalEnv)
Or using the for loop, we loop over the sequence of the list, extract the list element assign a new column based on the rank of the 'Achievement'
for(i in seq_along(dfList)) {
dfList[[i]][['rAchievement']] <- rank(dfList[[i]]$Achievement)
I have a list of titles that I would like to iterate over and create/save data frames to. I have tried the using the paste() function (as seen below) but that does not work for me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
samples <- list("A","B","C")
for (i in samples){
paste(i,sumT,sep="_") <- data.frame(col1=NA,col1=NA)
My desired output is three empty data frames named: A_sumT, B_sumT and C_sumT
Here's an answer with purrr.
samples <- list("A", "B", "C")
samples %>%
purrr::map(~ data.frame()) %>%
purrr::set_names(~ paste(samples, "sumT", sep="_"))
Consider creating a list of dataframes and avoid many separate objects flooding global environment as this example can extend to hundreds and not just three. Plus with this approach, you will maintain one container capable of running bulk operations across all dataframes.
By using sapply below on a character vector, you create a named list:
samples <- c("A","B","C") # OR unlist(list("A","B","C"))
df_list <- sapply(samples, function(x) data.frame(col1=NA,col2=NA), simplify=FALSE)
stacked_df <- do.call(rbind, df_list)
stacked_df <- do.call(cbind, df_list)
merged_df <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge(x,y,by="col1"), df_list)
Or if you need to rename list
df_list <- setNames(df_list, paste0(samples, "_sumT"))
Quick question for you. I have the following:
a <- c(1,5,2,3,4,5,3,2,1,3)
b <- c("a","a","f","d","f","c","a","r","a","c")
c <- c(.2,.6,.4,.545,.98,.312,.112,.4,.9,.5)
df <- data.frame(a,b,c)
What i am looking to do is utilize a for loop to create multiple data frames from rows based on the column contents of column B (i.e. a df for the "a," the "d," and so on).
At the same time, I would also like to name the data frame based on the corresponding value from column B (df will be named "a" for the data frame created from the "a."
I tried making it work based off the answers provided here Using a loop to create multiple data frames in R but i had no luck.
If it helps, I have variables created with levels() and nlevels() to use in the loop to keep it scalable based on how my data changes. Any help would be much appreciated.
This should do:
df$b <- as.character(df$b)
col.filters <- unique(df$b)
lapply(seq_along(col.filters), function(x) {
filter(df, b == col.filters[x])
) -> list
names(list) <- col.filters
list2env(list, .GlobalEnv)
Naturally, you don't need dplyr to do this. You can just use base syntax:
df$b <- as.character(df$b)
col.filters <- unique(df$b)
lapply(seq_along(col.filters), function(x) {
df[df[, "b"] == col.filters[x], ]
) -> list
names(list) <- col.filters
list2env(list, .GlobalEnv)
But I find dplyrmuch more intuitive.
In R, I have several datasets, and I want to use a loop to create new variables (columns) within each of them:
All dataframes have the same name structure, so that is what I am using to loop through them. Here is some pseudo-code with what I want to do
Name = Dataframe_1 #Assume the for-loop goes from Dataframe_1 to _10 (loop not shown)
eval(as.name(Name))$NewVariable <- c("SomeString") #This is what I would like to do, but I get an error ("could not find function eval<-")
As a result, I should have the same dataframe with one extra column (NewVariable), where all rows have the value "SomeString".
If I use eval(as.name(Name)) I can call up the dataframe Name with no problem, but none of the usual data frame operators seem to work with that particular call (not <- assignment, or $ or [[]])
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
We can place the datasets in a list and create a new column by looping over the list with lapply. If needed, the original dataframe objects can be updated with list2env.
lst <- mget(paste0('Dataframe_', 1:10))
lst1 <- lapply(lst, transform, NewVariable = "SomeString")
list2env(lst1, envir = .GlobalEnv())
Or another option is with assign
nm1 <- ls(pattern = "^Dataframe_\\d+")
nm2 <- rep("NewVariable", length(nm1))
for(j in seq_along(nm1)){
assign(nm1[j], `[<-`(get(nm1[j]), nm2[j], value = "SomeString"))
I am using the ExtremeBounds package which provides as a result a multi level list with (amongst others) dataframes at the lowest level. I run this package over several specifications and I would like to collect some columns of selected dataframes in these results. These should be collected by specification (spec1 and spec2 in the example below) and arranged in a list of dataframes. This list of dataframes can then be used for all kind of things, for example to export the results of different specifications into different Excel Sheets.
Here is some code which creates the problematic object (just run this code blindly, my problem only concerns how to deal with the kind of list it creates: eba_results):
Data <- data.frame(var1=rbinom(30,1,0.2),var2=rbinom(30,2,0.2),
spec1 <- list(y=c("var1"),
spec2 <- list(y=c("var1"),
indicators <- c("spec1","spec2")
ebaFun <- function(x){
eba <- eba(data=Data, y=x$y,
reg.fun=glm, k=1, vif=7, draws=50, weights = "lri", family = binomial(logit))}
eba_results <- lapply(mget(indicators),ebaFun) #eba_results is the object in question
Manually I know how to access each element, for example:
eba_results$spec1$bounds$type #look at str(eba_results) to see the different levels
So "bounds" is a dataframe with identical column names for both spec1 and spec2. I would like to collect the following 5 columns from "bounds":
type, cdf.mu.normal, cdf.above.mu.normal, cdf.mu.generic, cdf.above.mu.generic
into one dataframe per spec. Manually this is simple but ugly:
collectedManually <-list(
manual_spec1 = data.frame(
manual_spec2= data.frame(
But I have more than 2 specifications and I think this should be possible with lapply functions in a prettier way. Any help would be appreciated!
p.s.: A generic example to which hrbrmstr's answer applies but which turned out to be too simplistic:
exampleList = list(a=list(aa=data.frame(A=rnorm(10),B=rnorm(10)),bb=data.frame(A=rnorm(10),B=rnorm(10))),
and I want to have an object which collects, for example, all the A and B vectors into two data frames (each with its respective A and B) which are then a list of data frames. Manually this would look like:
dfa <- data.frame(A=exampleList$a$aa$A,B=exampleList$a$aa$B)
dfb <- data.frame(A=exampleList$a$aa$A,B=exampleList$a$aa$B)
collectedResults <- list(a=dfa, b=dfb)
There's probably a less brute-force way to do this.
If you want lists of individual columns this is one way:
get_col <- function(my_list, col_name) {
unlist(lapply(my_list, function(x) {
lapply(x, function(y) { y[, col_name] })
}), recursive=FALSE)
get_col(exampleList, "A")
get_col(exampleList, "B")
If you want a consolidated data.frame of indicator columns this is one way:
collect_indicators <- function(my_list, indicators) {
lapply(my_list, function(x) {
do.call(rbind, c(lapply(x, function(y) { y[, indicators] }), make.row.names=FALSE))
collect_indicators(exampleList, c("A", "B"))
If you just want to bring the individual data.frames up a level to make it easier to iterate over to write to a file:
unlist(exampleList, recursive=FALSE)
Much assumption about the true output format is being made (the question was a bit vague).
There is a brute force way which works but is dependent on several named objects:
collectEBA <- function(x){
df <- paste0("eba_results$",x,"$bounds")
df <- eval(parse(text=df))[,c("type",
df[is.na(df)] <- "NA"
eba_export <- lapply(indicators,collectEBA)
names(eba_export) <- indicators