I use kohttp to send requests to my service, but I got stuck.
Lets imagine that we have a function, that creates a request with some parameters that are represented as Map, and also append to them one or more additional param.
override fun request(urlString: String, params: Map<String, Any>?): Response {
val response = httpGet {
url = urlString
param {
"someName" to someValue
// also add 'params' map to request parameters
return response;
How can we do so?
I guess this should work:
param {
"someName" to someValue
params?.forEach { key, value ->
key to value
I have dotnet WebAPI and I'm trying to get a specific behaviour but am constantly getting 415 responses.
I have reproduced this by starting a new webapi project using dotnet new webapi on the command line. From there, I added two things: a new controller, and a model class. In my real project the model class is obviously a bit more complex, with inheritance and methods etc...
Here they are:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetModel(BodyParams input)
var response = new { Message = "Hello", value = input.valueOne };
return Ok(response);
public class BodyParams {
public bool valueOne { get; set; } = true;
My goal is that the user can call https://localhost:7222/data with no headers or body needed at all, and will get the response - BodyParams will be used with the default value of true. Currently, from postman, or from the browser, I get a 415 response.
I've worked through several suggestions on stack and git but nothing seems to be working for me. Specifically, I have tried:
Adding [FromBody(EmptyBodyBehavior = EmptyBodyBehavior.Allow)] into the controller, but this makes no difference unless I provide an empty {} json object in the body. This is not what I want.
Making BodyParams nullable - again, no change.
Adding .AddControllers(opt => opt.AllowEmptyInputInBodyModelBinding = true)... again, no change.
I Implemented the solution suggested here using the attribute modification in the comment by #HappyGoLucky. Again, this did not give the desired outcome, but it did change the response to : 400 - "The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true."
I tried modifying the solution in (4) to manually set context.HttpContext.Request.Body to an empty json object... but I can't figure out the syntax for this because it need to be a byte array and at that point I feel like I am way over complicating this.
How can I get the controller to use BodyParams with default values in the case that the user provides no body and no headers at all?
You can achieve that using a Minimal API.
async (HttpRequest httpRequest) =>
var value = true;
if (Equals(httpRequest.GetTypedHeaders().ContentType, MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json")))
var bodyParams = await httpRequest.ReadFromJsonAsync<BodyParams>();
if (bodyParams is not null) value = bodyParams.ValueOne;
var response = new {Message = "Hello", value};
return Results.Ok(response);
So, as there doesn't seem to be a more straightforward answer, I have currently gone with the approach number 5) from the OP, and just tweaking the code from there very slightly.
All this does is act as an action which checks the if the user has passed in any body json. If not, then it adds in an empty anonymous type. The behaviour then is to use the default True value from the BodyParams class.
The full code for the action class is:
internal class AllowMissingContentTypeForEmptyBodyConvention : Attribute, IActionModelConvention
public void Apply(ActionModel action)
action.Filters.Add(new AllowMissingContentTypeForEmptyBodyFilter());
private class AllowMissingContentTypeForEmptyBodyFilter : IResourceFilter
public void OnResourceExecuting(ResourceExecutingContext context)
if (!context.HttpContext.Request.HasJsonContentType()
&& (context.HttpContext.Request.ContentLength == default
|| context.HttpContext.Request.ContentLength == 0))
context.HttpContext.Request.ContentType = "application/json";
var str = new { };
//convert string to jsontype
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(str);
//modified stream
var requestData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
context.HttpContext.Request.Body = new MemoryStream(requestData);
public void OnResourceExecuted(ResourceExecutedContext context)
// Do nothing
Then you can add this to any of your controllers using [AllowMissingContentTypeForEmptyBodyConvention]
Goal: retrieve the single value "test" in Angular.
Problem: I get an error message
Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token e in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse ()
What syntax am I missing?
// https://localhost:44353/api/Jobadvertisement/VVValidate/4
public ActionResult<String> VVValidate(int id)
return "test";
const url = environment.url
let asdfasdf2 = url + 'api/Jobadvertisement/VVValidate/' + "4";
var dsfsdssf = this.http.get(asdfasdf2).subscribe(data => {
Can you please try using httpOptions in Angular with something like this:
const url = environment.url;
let asdfasdf2 = url + 'api/Jobadvertisement/VVValidate/' + "4";
var dsfsdssf = this.http.get(asdfasdf2, { responseType: 'text' }).subscribe(data => { console.log(data); });
You need to change ActionResult to string:
public string VVValidate(int id)
return "test";
Angular's HttpClient expects JSON data per default, which is why you get a JSON deserialization error upon returning plain text from your API.
You need to pass responseType: 'text' as option to the get method, in order to prevent HttpClient from treating your data as JSON:
httpClient.get("url", { responseType: 'text' });
You can find more information regarding this in Angular's Documentation.
Even though your API code works as it is, I'd like to point out two things:
You can unwrap your String and remove the ActionResult, as it is not needed.
I would encourage you to use the string type instead of System.String. For a detailed explanation, please refer to this.
Your code would look like this after applying these changes:
public string VVValidate(int id)
return "test";
So I'm trying to integrate Firebase performance for Http requests and add them manually as they show here (step 9).
I'm using Retrofit 2 and RxJava 2, so I had the idea of doing a custom operator, check code below:
Retrofit 2 Client
fun getBranch(#Path("environment") environment: String, #Query("location") location: String, #Query("fulfilment_type") fulfilmentType: String): Single<Response<GetBranchResponse>>
RxJava Call to the Retrofit Client
private val client: BranchClient = clientFactory.create(urlProvider.apiUrl)
override fun getBranch(postCode: String, fulfilmentType: FulfilmentType): Single<GetBranchResponse> {
return client
.getBranch(environment, postCode.toUpperCase(), fulfilmentType.toString())
.lift(RxHttpPerformanceSingleOperator(URL?, METHOD?))
.map { it.body() }
.subscribeIO() //custom Kotlin extension
.observeMain() //custom Kotlin extension
RxJava 2 Custom Operator via lift:
class RxHttpPerformanceSingleOperator<T>(private val url: String, private val method: String) : SingleOperator<Response<T>, Response<T>> {
private lateinit var metric: HttpMetric
override fun apply(observer: SingleObserver<in Response<T>>): SingleObserver<in Response<T>> {
return object : SingleObserver<Response<T>> {
override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {
metric = FirebasePerformance.getInstance().newHttpMetric(url,
override fun onSuccess(t: Response<T>) {
//More info: https://firebase.google.com/docs/perf-mon/get-started-android
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
So currently I'm not sure how it the proper way to get the URL and METHOD of the request (marked as URL? and METHOD? ) to send to the operator,
I need them on onSubscribe to start the metric.. and there I don't have the response with it...
Currently UGLYYYYYYYY my way to do it is:
Add to the Retrofit Client:
fun getBranchURL(#Path("environment") environment: String, #Query("location") location: String, #Query("fulfilment_type") fulfilmentType: String): Call<JsonObject>
Add add the parameters as:
val request = client.getBranchURL(environment, postCode.toUpperCase(), fulfilmentType.toString()).request()
url = request.url().toString()
method = request.method()
This makes me have 2 entries on the Client for each request... which makes no sense.
Some helpful clues along the way:
- How to get the request url in retrofit 2.0 with rxjava?
Add a Retrofit Interceptor to your HttpClient.Builder with the FirebaseInstance and generate your HttpMetrics there:
class FirebasePerformanceInterceptor(val performanceInstance: FirebasePerformance) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val request = chain.request()
//Get request values
val url = request.url().url()
val requestPayloadSize = request.body()?.contentLength() ?: 0L
val httpMethod = request.method()
//Initialize http trace
val trace = performanceInstance.newHttpMetric(url, httpMethod)
val response = chain.proceed(chain.request())
//Get response values
val responseCode = response.code()
val responsePayloadSize = response.body()?.contentLength() ?: 0L
//Add response values to trace and close it
return response
You can directly copy and paste this code and it will work.
What I'm going to suggest doesn't necessarily goes to your approach, it's just a different way of thinking about what you're trying to accomplished.
I would suggest 2 different approaches:
Create your own observer (So create a class that extends Observer) that receives a Retrofit Call object and do your firebase logic in the subscribeActual method.
Use Aspectj to define an annotation that will be processed when the Retrofit call is about to be executed and you can do the firebase logic inside the Aspect. (I'm not sure how Aspectj and kotlin works tho)
My code:
public string GetUserId(IRequest request) {
var token = request.QueryString.Get("token");
// what is it? request.User.Identity.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) {
return token;
else {
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new UserAbility().GetUserByToken(token));
I need to map the connection with the user using a different identifier.
So i want to get the custom token from the QueryString in this method, but GetUserId doesn't trigger in every reqeust.
And i always get the request.User.Identity.Name is string empty?
This article explains what you need to do.
I want to modify HTTP request URI and HTTP request method using a CXF interceptor in a HTTP client.
I have developed something like this:
public class MyInterceptor extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
public MyInterceptor() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
// this returns me correct path and method
// String path = (String) message.getExchange().getOutMessage().get(Message.REQUEST_URI);
// String method = (String) message.getExchange().getOutMessage().get(Message.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD);
// this does not work as expected
String path = (String) message.get(Message.REQUEST_URI);
String method = (String) message.get(Message.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD);
// do things here
Why do need I to use exchange/OutMessage to obtain data about current message and I can not use message directly?
How can I edit both values? I tried using message.put(<key>, <value>) and the same with exchange/OutMessage, but nothing is modified.
Coming to the path, you'd always get that value as null, I believe.
You can try following code, to get the actual value of your uri:
String requestURI = (String) message.get(Message.class.getName() + ".REQUEST_URI");