compile qt 5.12.4 with open ssl static fail - qt

I am trying to compile qt with open ssl statically
I could compile openssl using vs2017 after install perl and configuring it
i used nmake and it worked with -no-shared smoothly.
Then i open the openssl folder and have the following
header files
lib ->libcrypto.lib
- engines-1_1 -> capi.dll
Then i opened VS command line
and opened Qt 5.12.4 coder
configure -static -openssl-linked -opengl dynamic -nomake tests -nomake examples -I "T:\openssl\dll\x64\release\include" -L "T:\openssl\dll\x64\release\lib" OPENSSL_LIBS="-lUser32 -lAdvapi32 -lGdi32 -lCrypt32"
I get the following:
error feature 'openssl-linked' was enabled but the pre-condition !features.securetransport && libs.openssl' failed


Compiling QT 6.4.2 without SSL

I have a system running redhat 7.9 which I am not allowed to do system changes to. The system does not have openssl installed.
I am trying to configure QT with:
./configure -release -no-ssl -no-openssl
This gives me this error message which I cant seem to resolve:
+ mkdir -p qtbase
+ cd qtbase
+ exec /home/osfas/osmiv/projects/qt/qt-everywhere-src-6.4.2/qtbase/configure -top-level -release -no-ssl -no-openssl
cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am trying to understand how the configuration work but I am struggling.
It took me a while to figure out that the error. ldd cmake revailed a dependency til
So the error has nothing to do with QT configure

Qt Quick emulation layer crashed when QtQuick.Controls is imported in QML

My ssd died and I had to reinstall Qt, Im using the same version as before (5.15.2, Qt Creator 6.0.2 and MSVC2019). Described problems appears only while using Static build.
This type (ApplicationWindow) is not supported as a root (Im not 100% sure if it was fine before reinstall)
Invalid property name "title, maximumHeight, maximumWidth, minimumHeight, minimumWidth".
And finally after resolving (Changed from ApplicationWindow to Window, and commented Invalid Properties) these two errors I got: Line 1: Qt Quick emulation layer crashed. I attached a debugger to Qt Creator and it's 0xC0000005 on Editor, Preview and Render.
I tested it in both ways, with latest Qt Creator (installed before making Static kit because it will wipe my Qt directory) and with Qt Creator 6.0.2 (installed after making Static kit).
To compile Static Kit I used this script, but after some problems (jom and jom install did not create any files in QtInstallDir) I just run configure.bat by myself, and then jom and jom install and files were in their place.
The solution can be:
Designing using diffrent kit with Window and then on release change Kit to static, change Window to ApplicationWindow (Im using onClosing from ApplicationWindow).
but it's dirty and I personally do not like it. Is there any other solution?
EDIT: non-static versions are fine (self-compiled and one from MaintenanceTool).
Static configure.bat:
configure.bat -prefix %QTINSTALLDIR% -platform %PLATFORM% -opensource -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opengl dynamic -mp -static -static-runtime -no-shared -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -no-compile-examples -nomake examples -no-icu -optimize-size -qt-sqlite -openssl-linked OPENSSL_PREFIX=%SSLINSTALLDIR%
Non-static configure.bat:
configure.bat -prefix %QTINSTALLDIR% -platform %PLATFORM% -opensource -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opengl dynamic -mp -no-compile-examples -nomake examples -optimize-size -qt-sqlite
-static -static-runtime -no-shared -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -openssl-linked OPENSSL_PREFIX=<location>
Okay, I fixed the Invalid property name .., I dont know what really fixed it but:
I had wrong versions of requirements. I was on latest of Ruby, Python etc.
I installed Submodules one more time using script linked in main post and then installed them one by one by my own hands using qmake then jom clean all then jom install.
Also I found that the Line 1: Qt Quick emulation layer crashed. error appear only when I have QtQuick.Controls <any_version> in imports. Im still trying to fix this.
Fixed. I did this by doing those steps:
In maintenance tool I downloaded Mingw64 and Mingw64 for 5.15.2 and for "Tools".
I did an static mingw build using this powershell script:
I saw that the script is changing qmake.conf files in mkspecs folder. I ran this MSVC script to make MSVC Static build and after unzipping QtBase I modified qmake.conf in mkspecs/winrt-x64-msvc2019 and in mkspecs/win32-msvc.
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static
Then the qt setup and qt build command, when build is finished I modified the (THIS TIME IN PREFIX LOCATION / LOCATION WHERE QT STATIC IS INSTALLED) qmake.conf in mkspecs/winrt-x64-msvc2019 and in mkspecs/win32-msvc
CONFIG += static
Run Qt Creator and the Designer is fine.

Qt -sysroot, -prefix, -extprefix and -hostprefix options

What is the correct way to use -prefix -extprefix and -hostprefix options to cross compile Qt5?
I have sysroot dir for my arm board. And I have no problems with cross compiling Qt for ARM except one - I can't figure out how to specify installation path to directory on my host machine (not whitin sysroot). Every combination of -[..]prefix flags trying to install Qt on board. There is not much disk space on board, so I want install Qt locally.
It's my current config:
./configure -opengl es2 -nomake tests -no-libjpeg -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples -no-xcb -device linux-jetson-tk1-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- -sysroot /mnt/jetson_tk1_sysroot -hostprefix /home/alan/work/qt/qt_5.5.1_arm_cross_compiled -make libs -debug -v
I'm already read this SO topic, Qt docs and google a lot.
I'm running Ubuntu on both host and target if it's matter.
Install step targets the directory specified by extprefix which is optional and defaults to sysroot/prefix. Defining extprefix to point some directory in the host should prevent you from polluting your sysroot. hostprefix allows separating host tools like qmake from target binaries. When given, such tools will be installed under the specified directory instead of extprefix.
Using these prefix flags keeps your sysroot clean and separates device binaries and host tools:
export INSTALLPATH=/home/alan/work/qt/qt_5.5.1_arm_cross_compiled
./configure ... -extprefix $INSTALLPATH/binaries -hostprefix $INSTALLPATH/tools

Build Qt (static linking) for Visual Studio 2017 32bits

On my Windows 7 SP1 machine I would like to use Qt in Visual Studio and compile Qt projects with Visual Studip with static linking,to be able to share my projects in a single .exe file.
Since there are no precompiled libraries for Visual Studio 2017 32bits (although they exists for x64),i'm going to compile Qt from sources.
Following Qt's documentation,I started by installing Python 2.7.13 and Active-Perl,and adding their installation path to the PATH variable,along with the gnuwin32/bin folder
Then i created a qt5vars.cmd file under C:\Qt,here's his content :
REM Set up \Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, where <arch> is \c amd64, \c x86, etc.
CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
SET _ROOT=C:\Qt\5.9.1
SET PATH=%_ROOT%\qtbase\bin;%_ROOT%\gnuwin32\bin;%PATH%
REM Uncomment the below line when using a git checkout of the source repository
#REM SET PATH=%_ROOT%\qtrepotools\bin;%PATH%
And finally I unzipped Qt sources (downloaded from here to C:\Qt\5.9.1,and jom under C:\Qt\jom
I'm planning to use these commands (after executing qt5vars.cmd) to compile and install Qt :
configure -debug-and-release -opensource -platform win32-msvc2017 -static -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix C:\Qt-5.9.1
jom -j 2
jom install
I already installed Qt vs tools in VS2017.
Is the procedure correct,or should I change something ? (particularly in the configure command)
Looks good. My only remarks would be:
To remove gnuwin32 path as I don't see a reason why would you need it.
And consider making a shadow build to keep Qt sources unpolluted.
set _SHADOW_DIR="C:\build_static"
set _SOURCE_DIR="C:\SrcQt5.9.1"
call %_SOURCE_DIR%\configure ...
Run: "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017"
Or from console
%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"
Go to your Qt source dir "qt-everywhere-src-5.14.0/"
configure -static -debug-and-release -prefix "f:\Qt\Static\build\5.14\build" -platform win32-msvc -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -opengl desktop -qt-sqlite -sql-odbc -no-openssl -opensource -confirm-license -make libs -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtwebengine
After some hours run
Wait some hours again and run
nmake install
A lot of post about qtwebengine,ssl i simply disable this.
Hope this post help you save your expensive time.

Compiling static Qt for Windows can't open include file

I've been trying to get a static build of Qt 5.7 together so I can start compiling an application statically on Windows, but it's been a bit of a slog. I've got most of the process working - except it is complaining about not being able to include a file now that I can't see any reason for it to complain about.
I have to use MSVC (2015 is what is installed) and nmake because we're including webkit (which is possible with MinGW - and so we can't cross-compile from Linux either).
I've worked through and adapted the following sites (amongst others):
How do you compile OpenSSL for x64?
My configure command:
configure -debug-and-release -commercial -static -ltcg -accessibility \
-platform win32-msvc2015 -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-sqlite2 \
-plugin-manifests -no-audio-backend -openssl -no-dbus \
-incredibuild-xge -sse2 -qt-style-windows -qt-style-fusion \
-no-native-gestures -qmake \
-I C:\devel\source\openssl\inc64
And right now it's complaining that it can't load "openssl\ssl.h" - except that this is available in C:\devel\source\openssl\inc64\openssl\ssl.h
