Is it possible to have dimensions without hierarchies in icCube? - iccube

Is it possible to have dimension attributes without hierarchies in icCube? In SSAS it is possible.

In icCube a dimension must contain at least one hierarchy (www).


Ancestor index or global index?

I have an entity that represents a relationship between two entity groups but the entity belongs to one of the groups. However, my queries for this data are going to be mostly with the other entity group. To support the queries I see I have two choices a) Create a global index that has the other entity group key as prefix b) Move the entity into the other entity group and create ancestor index.
I saw a presentation which mentioned that ancestor indexes map internally to a separate table per entity group while there is a single table for the global index. That makes me feel that ancestors are better than using global indexes which includes the ancestor keys as prefix for this specific use case where I will always be querying in the context of some ancestor key.
Looking for guidance on this in terms of performance, storage characteristics, transaction latency and any other architectural considerations to make the final call.
From what I was able to found I would say it depends on the of the type of work you'll be doing. looked at this docs and it suggest you Avoid writing to an entity group more than once per second. Also indexing a property could result in increased latency. Also it states that If you need strong consistency for your queries, use an ancestor query, in that docs there are many advice's on how to avoid latency and other issues. it should help you on taking a call.
I ended up using a 3rd option which is to have another entity denormalized into the other entity group and have ancestor queries on it. This allows me to efficiently query data for either of the entity groups. Since I was using transactions already, denormalizing wouldn't cause any inconsistencies and everything seems to work well.

How can I check whether a Freebase MID is a schema in freebase or not?

I want to filter out all the triples which has a schema in its head or tail. So I want to check check a mid is a schema or not. But can somebody teach me how to do this?
Thank you so much..
Objects or nodes in the graph which are part of the type system have a /type/object/type of /type/type. Other schema components such as domains (groups of types) and properties also have their own types (/type/domain and /type/property, respectively).
If what you really want is all entities however, you're probably better off looking objects which have the type /common/topic. This will exclude not only components of the schema, but also mediator nodes (aka CVTs) like which are used to describe complex relationships.
Whether an inclusive or exclusive filtering strategy would work best really depends on what you're trying to accomplish, which I'm not sure I fully understand.

Microstrategy intelligent cube data aggragation

I created a cube that contain five attributes and a metric and I want to create a document from this cube with different visualisations for each attribute. the problem is that data in the cube are aggregated based on all attributes in the cube, so when you add a grid with one attribute and the metric the numbers will not be correct.
Is there any way to make the metric dynamically aggragate depending on the attribute in use?
This depends what kind of metric you have in the cube. The best way to achieve aggregation across all attributes is obviously to have the most granular, least aggregated data in the cube, but understandably this is not always possible.
If your metric is a simple SUM metric then you can set your dynamic aggregation settings on the metric to just do SUM and it should perform SUM's appropriately regardless of the attributes you are placing on your document/report? Unless your attribute relationships are not set up correctly or there are some many-to-many relationships taking place between some of those attributes.
If you metric is a distinct count metric, then the approach is slightly different and has been covered previously in a few places. Here is one, on an older version of Microstrategy but the logic can still be applied to newer versions.:

Do the unused properties consume size in gae datastore?

In my design I have to store a lot of properties(say a 20 properties) in a same datastore table.
But usually most of the entities will occupy a minimum of only 5 properties.
Is this design a resource consuming idea? Will the unused properties consume any memory or performance?
If I understand your question correctly, you are envisioning a system where you have: A Kind in your Datastore where the Entities for that Kind can have differing subsets of a common property-key space W. Entity 1's property set might be {W[0], W[1]}, and Entity 2's property set might be {W[1], W[2], W[5]}. You want to know whether this polymorphism (or "schemalessness") will cost you space, and whether each Entity, as in some naive MySQL implementations
The short answer is no - due to the schemaless nature of Datastore, having polymorphic entities in a kind (the entities have all different names and combinations of properties) will not consume extra space. The only way to have these "unused" properties consume extra space is if you actually did set them on the entity but set them to "null". If you are using the low-level API, you are manually adding the properties to the entity before saving it. Think of these as properties on a JSON object. If they aren't there, they aren't there.
In MySQL, having a table with many NULL-able columns can be a bad idea, depending on the engine, indexes, etc... but take a look at this talk if you want to learn more about how the Datastore actually stores it's data using BigTable. It's a different storage implementation underneath, and so there are different best practices or possibilities.

Neo4j Design: Property vs "Node & Relationship"

I have a node type that has a string property that will have the same value really often. Etc. Millions of nodes with only 5 options of that string value. I will be doing searches by that property.
My question would be what is better in terms of performance and memory:
a) Implement it as a node property and have lots of duplicates (and search using WHERE).
b) Implement it as 5 additional nodes, where all original nodes reference one of them (and search using additional MATCH).
Without knowing further details it's hard to give a general purpose answer.
From a performance perspective it's better to limit the search as early as possible. Even more beneficial if you do not have to look into properties for a traversal.
Given that I assume it's better to move the lookup property into a seperate node and use the value as relationship type.
Use labels; this blog post is a good intro to this new Neo4j 2.0 feature:
Labels and Schema Indexes in Neo4j
I've thought about this problem a little as well. In my case, I had to represent state:
Overall the Node + Relationship approach looks more appealing in that only a single relationship reference needs to be maintained each time rather than a property string and you don't need to scan an extra additional index which has to be maintained on the property (memory and performance would intuitively be in favor of this approach).
Another advantage is that it easily supports the ability of a node being linked to multiple "special nodes". If you foresee a situation where this should be possible in your model, this is better than having to use a property array (and searching using "in").
In practice I found that the problem then became, how do you access these special nodes each time. Either you maintain some sort of constants reference where you have the node ID of these special nodes where you can jump right into them in your START statement (this is what we do) or you need to do a search against property of the special node each time (name, perhaps) and then traverse down it's relationships. This doesn't make for the prettiest of cypher queries.
