Drupal 8 : How can I override module file in my custome theme - overriding

How can I override below file in my custom theme
Anyone any idea ?

Try copy commerce-checkout-form--with-sidebar.html.twig from your contrib module and place it in templates folder in your custom theme.


Override plugin file in sage wordpress

I am trying to override plugin file located in path/filename.html.php by sage theme ,
I have moved the file under themedirectory/path/filename.html.php but that did not show anything
The sage version used is 10
DO anyone has an idea about that?
Use the Wp File Manager plugin and find your plugin file and then replace your file...

Overriding MemberPress Template Files in Oxygen Builder via Plugin?

I want to override the MemberPress plugin's templates by following
But the problem is that I'm using Oxygen Builder which disables the WordPress themes so I can't copy the template folder to my child theme.
Is there a filter to change the MemberPress plugin template override path so I can override the templates from within a custom functionality plugin?
I have created a custom WordPress plugin to solve this problem.
This plugin is made for Oxygen Builder users where the theme is completely disabled. Simply add your customized MemberPress template files inside the [mepr_templates] directory in this plugin.
You can find the plugin here

how to change the templates for the generic django cms plugins?

I want to change the output template or extend the template of the Text and Video plugins that are some of the generic Django CMS plugins.
how to do it?
Plugins use the Django template engine, this allows you to override any template at the project level.
So if the text plugin looks for a template in cms/plugins/text.html, you can override this template by adding cms/plugins/text.html in a folder that is on your TEMPLATES directory.

Edit wordpress Shopp plugin to enable promo-code input

I want to enable a promo-code input box for the Shopp plugin on wordpress.
The documentation says that to get the promo box to show up I need to add the following PHP to the template file:
<?php shopp('cart','promo-code'); ?>
I am new to the wordpress CMS and do not know which template file this this should be added to / where to look. If anyone has done this I would really appreciate the details of where to add this PHP to enable the feature. All the tutorials focus on creating the promotions in the cpanel but do not cover turning on the promo input box with PHP.
Thank you.
This is a Theme API tag that is usually added to the shopping cart template file. When custom templates are setup in your theme the file is located somewheres around wp-content/themes/yourtheme/shopp/cart.php. Note that yourtheme represents the directory name of your active WordPress theme files.
Shopp has starter templates built in that you can copy to your theme files. Editing the template files in the Shopp plugin is not recommended because you will lose your changes with each upgrade.
You can copy the files from Shopp to your theme yourself, or you can use the built-in system for copying them. More information about these templates and how to install them into your theme for customization can be found in the Shopp User Guide documentation in the Theme Templates article.

Overriding/customizing Drupal modules

I would like to override custom user template in my Drupal 7 installation. The question is - should I edit the template file in the main module or copy the module to my theme's folder and edit it there? In case of the second option, how can I do it?
You should definitely create a subtheme to customize the look and feel. Otherwise, every time you upgrade core you will have to reapply your changes. You can subtheme the default Drupal 7 theme (Bartik) by following these steps.
Once you have done that, copy the user-profile.tpl.php file into your subtheme directory (/sites/all/themes/mytheme).
Finally, make the changes you want to make to user-profile.tpl.php
