R - Print specific country names in a map using rworldmap - r

I am creating a heatmap using the map of Europe in rworldmap package in R (since I don't know how to do this with ggmap or ggplot2).
I need to plot the country names of the countries that are present in my dataframe only, not all european countries. How can I do this?
My code:
#getting colours
colourPalette <- brewer.pal(5,'RdPu')
europe <- data.frame(
"country" = c("Greece",
"x" = c(2.5, 3, 2.2, 1.8,2.32, 1.99, 2.01, 2.34, 1.88, 2.45))
matched <- joinCountryData2Map(europe, joinCode="NAME", nameJoinColumn="country")
mapParams <- mapCountryData(matched,
mapTitle="my Titley",
oceanCol="#404040", missingCountryCol="#A0A0A0")
#adding legend
,legendMar = 2))
Using labelCountries() prints all country names and it's not readable.

With a little bit help of this previously answer:
# get the coordinates for each country
# label the countries
country = c("Greece",
#filter your wanted countrys
country_coord = country_coord[country,]
#insert your labels in plot
you can add the country labels with text but you must extract the coordinates before from your matched coordinates.
You might play a bit with col = "color" in text, since some country can barely been read. Or maybe change the color scale in your map


Converting latitude and longidue into multipolygon

I have been trying to convert the latitude and longitude into multipolygon object so that that I can use tmap library to plot it, but I am not able to that. Converting useing st_as_sf is not wroking, can some help me? I am attaching sample data set.
coor<-structure(list(Type = c("Registry", "Registry", "Registry", "Registry", "Platform", "Registry"),`Location of coordinating center` = c("USA","USA", "USA", "USA", "United Kingdom", "United Kingdom"),`3ISO code` = c("USA", "USA", "USA", "USA", "GBR", "GBR"), `WHO region code` = c("AMR","AMR", "AMR", "AMR", "EUR", "EUR"), city = c("Philadelphia","Chicago", "Washington", "Alexandria", "London", "Manchester"), lat = c(32.7761, 41.8373, 38.9047, 38.8185, 51.50853, 53.4794), lng = c(-89.1221, -87.6862, -77.0163, -77.0861, -0.12574, -2.2453)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
Two comments to this:
you are unlikely to convert your data to multiopolygon object, since you have only a single coordinate pair for each city / that spells points to me, not polygons
you were on a right track with sf::st_as_sf()
What you need to do in your st_as_sf call to make it work properly is
specify columns in your data frame that have coordinate information and
give a meaning to the figures (are they degrees? meters? or has an American been feeling patriotic and encoded the data in feet?) you use a coordinate reference system (crs) for that.
For long lat data EPSG:4326 is usually a good default.
sf_coords <- coor %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("lng", "lat"), crs = 4326)
tm_shape(sf_coords) +
tm_bubbles(size = 5, col = "red", id = "city") +

How do I get plotly choropleth map locations to focus on Europe or certain European counties?

I am following the code from this website and trying to plot some data on an interactive map using ploty. Difference is I only have data for 6 euro pean countries. Currently the map is plotting for the entire world. How do I adjust the code to zoom in on either all of Europe or just the 6 European countries in the data. See sample code below. The country codes are from this link.
# Libraries
# Data
countries <- c("Germany", "Belgium", "Framce", "Italy", "Spain", "Poland")
codes <- c("DEU", "BEL", "FRA", "ITA", "ESP", "POL")
values <- c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600)
df <- tibble(countries, codes, values)
# Maps
plot_geo(locations = df$codes) %>%
z = ~values,
locations = ~codes,
color = ~values

Highcharter Sankey

I am trying to create a sankey diagram using the following data frame and code:
UKvisits <- data.frame(origin=as.character(c(
"France", "Germany", "USA",
"Irish Republic", "Netherlands",
"Spain", "Italy", "Poland",
"Belgium", "Australia",
"Other countries", rep("UK", 5))),
rep("UK", 11), "Scotland",
"Wales", "Northern Ireland",
"England", "London")),
Highcharter line:
hchart(UKvisits, "sankey", hcaes(from = origin, to = visit, weight = weights))
This example has been copied from here: https://github.com/jbkunst/highcharter/blob/master/dev/highcharts-v6.R
For some reason whenever I run this, the plot screen remains white and nothing is being plotted.
I am trying this on R Studio version 1.1.423 (R Version: 4.3)
Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?
I had this same issue. First I got the javascript console error:
a is undefined
I wasn't using the correct function highchartOutput() in ui.R, then I got this in the javascript console:
Highcharts Error #17 The requested series type does not exist...
I found this post and a comment suggested installing the dev version of highcharter via:
And that fixed the issue for me, using the simple code from that post:
highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = 'sankey') %>%
data = list(
list(from = 'AT', to = 'DE', weight = 10),
list(from = 'DE', to = 'CH', weight = 5),
list(from = 'DE', to = 'FI', weight = 5))
And I was able to work from there. Seems like you must use the dev version if you want to do a Sankey chart.

Add 3d column values in hoverinfo when using ggplot2 object in ggplotly

my data frame:
structure(list(CNT = c("Albania", "Algeria", "Argentina (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos)",
"Australia", "Austria", "B-S-J-G (China)", "Belgium", "Brazil",
"Bulgaria", "Canada"), Female = c(417.75, 363.07, 446.03, 490.99,
483.13, 528.19, 499.74, 369.55, 442.16, 511.14), Male = c(408.55,
356.5, 467.31, 496.76, 510.1, 534.01, 514, 385.04, 440.32, 520.17
)), .Names = c("CNT", "Female", "Male"), row.names = c(NA, 10L
), class = "data.frame")
I want to plot the data using a ggplot2 object and not plot_ly so that on hovering the values of all three variables are shown.
If I do the way I want only Male and Female appears on hovering:
p<-ggplot(df, aes(Female, Male)) +
I want the country name to appear as well. Looking on the web I figure it out how to do in plot_ly:
plot_ly( df, x=df$Female , y=df$Male, text=df$CNT,
I want to achieve the same result but using a ggplot2 object as in the example above when using object p.
I think you are looking for this:
ggplot(df, aes(x = Female, y = Male, text = paste("CNT:", CNT))) + geom_point()

How to create a world map in R with specific countries filled in?

I would like to use R to generate a very basic world map with a specific set of countries filled with a red colour to indicate that they are malaria endemic countries.
I have a list of these countries in a data frame but am struggling to overlay them on a world map.
I have tried using the wrld_simpl object and also the joinCountryData2Map method in the rworldmap package.
I would comment on this answer to prevent addition of a possibly redundant question but I do not have enough reputation at the moment, apologies for this.
I am having difficulty understanding the arguments given to the plot() command - I wondered if there was just an easy way to tell R to plot all of the country NAMEs in my list on the wrld_simpl map instead of using grepl() etc. etc.
col = c(gray(.80), "red")[grepl("^U", wrld_simpl#data$NAME) + 1])
Using the rworldmap package, you could use the following:
theCountries <- c("DEU", "COD", "BFA")
# These are the ISO3 names of the countries you'd like to plot in red
malDF <- data.frame(country = c("DEU", "COD", "BFA"),
malaria = c(1, 1, 1))
# malDF is a data.frame with the ISO3 country names plus a variable to
# merge to the map data
malMap <- joinCountryData2Map(malDF, joinCode = "ISO3",
nameJoinColumn = "country")
# This will join your malDF data.frame to the country map data
mapCountryData(malMap, nameColumnToPlot="malaria", catMethod = "categorical",
missingCountryCol = gray(.8))
# And this will plot it, with the trick that the color palette's first
# color is red
EDIT: Add other colors and include picture
## Create multiple color codes, with Burkina Faso in its own group
malDF <- data.frame(country = c("DEU", "COD", "BFA"),
malaria = c(1, 1, 2))
## Re-merge
malMap <- joinCountryData2Map(malDF, joinCode = "ISO3",
nameJoinColumn = "country")
## Specify the colourPalette argument
mapCountryData(malMap, nameColumnToPlot="malaria", catMethod = "categorical",
missingCountryCol = gray(.8), colourPalette = c("red", "blue"))
Try using googleVis package and use gvisGeoMap Functions
G1 <- gvisGeoMap(Exports,locationvar='Country',numvar='Profit',options=list(dataMode='regions'))
myCountries = wrld_simpl#data$NAME %in% c("Australia", "United Kingdom", "Germany", "United States", "Sweden", "Netherlands", "New Zealand")
plot(wrld_simpl, col = c(gray(.80), "red")[myCountries+1])
