Access to the latest state from redux-observable epic after api response - redux

I have read this Accessing the state from within a redux-observable epic, but it doesn't helps me finding the answer.
I am using redux-observable in my react-redux app, I have an epic will trigger an API invoke, code as below:
const streamEpicGet = (action$: Observable<Action>, state$) => action$
mergeMap(([action, state]) => {
return observableRequest(
failureObservable: error => {
const actions = []
return actions
settings: {
body: queryParams, // I can access to the state data here to organize the query params I need for calling the API
url: '/path/to/api',
successObservable: result => {
const { pushQueue } = state
// here I want to access to the latest state data after API response
In the above code, I use withLatestFrom(state$) so I can access to the latest data when executing the mergeMap operator code, that is to say I can access to the state data here to organize the query params for API.
However, during the time after API request sends out and before it responses, there are other actions happening, which are changing the state's pushQueue, so after the API response, I want to read the latest state pushQueue in my successObservable callback.
My problem is I always get the same state data as when preparing the query param, i.e.: I cannot get the latest state data after API response in successObservable callback.
Let me know if you need more info, thanks.

const streamEpicGet = (action$: Observable<Action>, state$) => action$
mergeMap(([action, state]) => {
return observableRequest(
failureObservable: error => {
const actions = []
return actions
settings: {
body: queryParams, // I can access to the state data here to organize the query params I need for calling the API
url: '/path/to/api',
successObservable: result => {
const { pushQueue } = state$.value // Use state$.value to always access to the latest state
// here I want to access to the latest state data after API response
So the answer is to use state$.value.
I get this by reading Accessing state in redux-observable Migration document


Testing a component with two fetch calls?

I'm using next js 13 along with Jest and react-testing-library for testing. I have a page with a form that i'm trying to test. I'm using react-hook-form.
export default function FormPage() {
const [isSuccess, setIsSuccess] = useState()
const submitForm: SubmitHandler<T> = async (data) => {
// call an api route here to send data to db
if (response.status == 200) setIsSuccess(true)
else setIsSuccess(false)
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submitForm)}>
// inputs here
{isSuccess ? <SuccessAlert /> : <Error />}
I want to check if the success alert appears after the form is successfully submitted. I could mock the global.fetch but my problem is that there are two fetch happening in this page. A location input is also making fetch calls to give location suggestions to the user as they type. So when I mock global.fetch for the location input, it appears that it's also replacing the fetch call inside the submitForm function, hence, submitting the form doesn't really do anything.
Here's how I mocked the global.fetch for the location input:
describe("Form" , () => {
beforeEach(() => {
global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
status: () => 200,
json: () =>
data: { suggestions: SAMPLE_LOCATION_SUGGESTIONS },
) as jest.Mock;
it("should show success alert after successfully submitting form", async () => {
await act(() => // fill up the form)
Running screen.debug() just before the assertion shows that there are no errors appearing upon submission so the form is already valid. But it appears that calling the api for form submission does not happen at all. I'm guessing it's because of my initial mocking of fetch in beforeEach(). But i'm not sure how should should I mock 2 fetch inside a component.

How to clear RTK Query cache in tests between requests when using MSW and Jest?

I'm using Redux Toolkit and RTK Query with MSW for mocking, but I seem to be getting back the same data when trying to return an error in tests. I suspect this is an issue with RTK Querys caching behavior, and have tried to disable it with these options to the toolkit createApi method, but they don't seem to address the issue:
keepUnusedDataFor: 0,
refetchOnMountOrArgChange: true,
refetchOnFocus: true,
refetchOnReconnect: true,
In the MSW documentation it gives examples of how to solve this when using other libraries:
// react-query example
import { QueryCache } from 'react-query'
const queryCache = new QueryCache()
afterEach(() => {
// swr example
import { cache } from 'swr'
beforeEach(() => {
How could I achieve the same when using Redux Toolkit and RTK Query?
I can recommend giving the RTK Query tests a read:
This is what we do:
const refObj = {
store: initialStore,
wrapper: withProvider(initialStore),
let cleanupListeners: () => void
beforeEach(() => {
const store = getStore() as StoreType = store
refObj.wrapper = withProvider(store)
if (!withoutListeners) {
cleanupListeners = setupListeners(store.dispatch)
afterEach(() => {
if (!withoutListeners) {
So you are looking for dispatch(api.util.resetApiState())
Building on the above answer, this is what I did in my app:
beforeEach(() => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useAppDispatch(), { wrapper });
const dispatch = result.current;
wrapper here is the providers for Redux and other context.
SOLUTION: This will immediately remove all existing cache entries, and all queries will be considered 'uninitialized'. So just put the below code into onClick or according to your scenario so when you hit an enter request will go and cache would also be clear. below here api is your name of an api which you would set in your rtk query in store.
For more info please have a look in documentation

Get values from SvelteKit's $app/stores outside of the lifecycle of a component

My Svelte components import readable stores like this:
import { classes, locations, schedule } from 'stores.ts'
In stores.ts, I want to build the URL for fetch dynamically using from $app/stores.
// Note: this is not a Svelte component; it's stores.ts
import { readable } from 'svelte/store'
import { getStores } from '$app/stores'
const { page } = getStores()
let FQDN
page.subscribe(({ host }) => {
FQDN = host
const getArray = async (url) => {
const response: Response = await fetch(url)
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Bad response trying to retrieve from ${url}.`)
return await response.json()
const getReadableStore = (url: string) => readable([], set => {
.catch(err => console.error('Failed API call:', err))
return () => {}
export const classes = getReadableStore('/api/class/public.json')
export const locations = getReadableStore('/api/location/public.json')
export const schedule = getReadableStore('/api/schedule/public.json')
The sixth line throws this error...
Error: Function called outside component initialization
at get_current_component (/Users/nates/dev/shy-svelte/node_modules/svelte/internal/index.js:652:15)
at Proxy.getContext (/Users/nates/dev/shy-svelte/node_modules/svelte/internal/index.js:685:12)
at Module.getStores (/.svelte-kit/dev/runtime/app/stores.js:17:26)
at eval (/src/stores.ts:6:38)
at instantiateModule (/Users/nates/dev/shy-svelte/node_modules/#sveltejs/kit/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-e9a16784.js:68197:166)
Two questions...
What is the correct way to get page values from $app/stores outside of the context of a component? Is this possible? Answer from below: No, this is not possible outside the context of a component.
If I'm accessing a SvelteKit site, let's say http://localhost:3000/something or and a Svelte component loads a readable store from stores.ts, is there a way in stores.ts to determine whether the original page request that loaded the component (which loaded from stores.ts) was http or https? Answer from below: No, this is not possible in stores.ts - only from a component.
UPDATE: Based on the feedback, I'm going to set a value in my .env called VITE_WEB_URL=http://localhost:3000 and change it for the production system. This cuts down on the number of lines of code and may be a better practice (comments welcome)...
// revised stores.ts
import { readable } from 'svelte/store'
const { VITE_WEB_URL } = import.meta.env
const getArray = async (url) => {
const response: Response = await fetch(url)
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`Bad response trying to retrieve from ${url}.`)
return await response.json()
const getReadableStore = (url: string) => readable([], set => {
.catch(err => console.error('Failed API call:', err))
return () => {}
export const classes = getReadableStore('/api/class/public.json')
export const locations = getReadableStore('/api/location/public.json')
export const schedule = getReadableStore('/api/schedule/public.json')
Extract from$app-stores
Because of that, the stores are not free-floating objects: they must be accessed during component initialisation, like anything else that would be accessed with getContext.
Therefore, since the readable store is bound to the context of a svelte component, I suggest you subscribe either way ($ or .subscribe) inside the component of the SvelteKit website and then send the protocol value (http or https) as parameter when it updates so that stores.ts stores it in a variable.
However, it looks like SvelteKit does not provide the protocol value, so parse the client side window.location.href in the page subscription and then send it.
Referencing a svelte store can be done everywhere.
Using the $: shorthand syntax, however, only works within a component.
$: BASE = `http://${$}`
SvelteKit appears to delegate this to fetch indeed

Decrease response time in Firebase Vue app when liking a post

I have an app with different 'procedures' (think posts or pages), which one can like. Currently the process works: Tap like => run method "likeProcedure" => run dispatch action "likeProcedure" => update UI. It usually happens almost immediately, but sometimes there's a lag that gives this a "non-native" feel. Is there some sort of way that I could return feedback immediately, while stile holding single origin of truth on the firebase database?
Thank you!
Page Code:
v-if="!userProfile.likedProcedures || !userProfile.likedProcedures[]"
color="grey lighten-1"
#click="likeProcedure({ id: })"
computed: {
procedures() {
return this.$store.getters.getFilteredProcedures();
Vuex code:
async likeProcedure({ dispatch }, postId) {
const userId = fb.auth.currentUser.uid;
// update user object
await fb.usersCollection.doc(userId).update({
[`likedProcedures.${}`]: true,
dispatch("fetchUserProfile", { uid: userId });
Side note: I'm trying to remove the dispatch("fetchUserProfile") command, but this doesn't work, because then I'm calling dispatch without using it. And I cannot remove dispatch because then the object calling it is empty. And I cannot remove the object, because then the argument ('postId') isn't working. So if anyone knows how to deal with that, that would be extremely helpful.
Thank you :)
So this is the best solution I've come up yet. It kind of destroys the idea of a single source of truth, but at least it provides an immediate UI update:
async likeProcedure({ dispatch, state }, postId) {
const userId = fb.auth.currentUser.uid;
// line below provides immediate update to state and hence to the UI
state.userProfile.likedProcedures[] = true;
// line below updates Firebase database
await fb.usersCollection.doc(userId).update({
[`likedProcedures.${}`]: state.userProfile.likedProcedures[
// line below then fetches the updated profile from Firebase and updates
// the profile in state. Kind of useless, but ensures that client and
// Firebase are in-sync
dispatch("fetchUserProfile", { uid: userId });
async fetchUserProfile({ commit }, user) {
// fetch user profile
const userProfile = await fb.usersCollection.doc(user.uid).get();
// set user profile in state
// change route to dashboard
if (router.currentRoute.path === "/login") {

#ngrx Action called Infinitely with Effects

Please forgive me if this is an easy answer. I have a complicated login logic that requires a few calls before a user has a complete profile. If a step fails, it shouldn't break the app -- the user just doesn't get some supplemental information.
The flow I'm looking to achieve is this:
Call Revalidate.
Revalidate calls RevalidateSuccess as well as ProfileGet (supplemental fetch to enhance the user's state).
To save tons of code, the actions exist (it's a giant file).
The app kicks off the action: this._store.dispatch(new Revalidate())
From there, we have the following effects:
public Revalidate: Observable<any> = this._actions.pipe(
map((action: Revalidate) => action),
// This promise sets 'this._profile.currentProfile' (an Observable)
flatMap(() => Observable.fromPromise(this._auth.revalidate())),
// Settings are retrieved as a promise
flatMap(() => Observable.fromPromise(this._settings.get())),
switchMap(settings =>
// Using map to get the current instance of `this._profile.currentProfile` => {
const onboarded = _.attempt(() => settings[SettingsKeys.Tutorials.Onboarded], false);
return new RevalidateSuccess({ profile: profile, onboarded: onboarded });
//Since I couldn't get it working using concatMap, trying NOT to call two actions at once
public RevalidateSuccess: Observable<any> = this._actions.pipe(
mapTo(new ProfileGet)
public ProfileGet: Observable<any> = this._actions.pipe(
// We need to retrieve an auth key from storage
flatMap(() => Observable.fromPromise(this._auth.getAuthorizationToken(Environment.ApiKey))),
// Now call the service that gets the addt. user data.
flatMap(key => this._profile.getCurrentProfile(`${Environment.Endpoints.Users}`, key)),
// Send it to the success action.
map(profile => {
return new ProfileGetSuccess({});
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: Actions): State
switch (action.type) {
case AuthActionTypes.REVALIDATE_SUCCESS:
return {
isAuthenticated: true,
profile: action.payload.profile,
onboarded: action.payload.onboarded
case AuthActionTypes.PROFILE_GET_SUCCESS:
return { ...state, profile: action.payload.profile };
case AuthActionTypes.INVALIDATE_SUCCESS:
return { ...state, isAuthenticated: false, profile: undefined };
return state;
As the title mentions, dispatching the action runs infinitely. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The answer lies here: needed to be this._profile.currentProfile.take(1).map. The issue wasn't the fact that all my actions were being called, but because I was running an action on an observable, I suppose it was re-running the action every time someone was touching the observable, which happened to be infinite times.
Moreso, I was able to refactor my action store so that I can get rid of my other actions to call to get the rest of the user's data, instead subscribing to this._profile.currentProfile and calling a non-effect based action, ProfileSet, when the observable's value changed. This let me remove 6 actions (since they were async calls and needed success/fail companion actions) so it was a pretty big win.
