How to identify each file of origin when concatinating many netcdf files with ncrcat? - netcdf

I am concatenating 1000s of nc-files (outputs from simulations) to allow me to handle them more easily in Matlab. To do this I use ncrcat. The files have different sizes, and the time variable is not unique between files. The concatenate works well and allows me to read the data into Matlab much quicker than individually reading the files. However, I want to be able to identify the original nc-file from which each data point originates. Is it possible to, say, add the source filename as an extra variable so I can trace back the data?

Easiest way: Online indexing
Before we start, I would use an integer index rather than the filename to identify each run, as it is a lot easier to handle, both for writing and then for handling in the matlab programme. Rather than a simple monotonically increasing index, the identifier can have relevance for your run (or you can even write several separate indices if necessary (e.g. you might have a number for the resolution, the date, the model version etc).
So, the obvious way to do this that I can think of would be that each simulation writes an index to the file to identify itself. i.e. the first model run would write a variable
the second
and so on... then when you cat the files the data can be uniquely identified very easily using this index.
Note that if your spatial dimensions are not unique and the number of time steps also changes from run to run from what you write, your index will need to be a function of all the non-unique dimensions, e.g. myrun(x,y,t). If any of your dimensions are unique across all files then that dimension is redundant in the index and can be omitted.
Of course, the only issue with this solution is it means running the simulations again :-D and you might be talking about an expensive model to run or someone else's runs you can't repeat. If rerunning is out of the question you will need to try to add an index offline...
Offline indexing (easy if grids are same, more complex otherwise)
IF your space dimensions were the same across all files, then this is still an easy task as you can add an index offline very easily across all the time steps in each file using nco:
ncap2 -s 'myrun[$time]=array(X,0,$time)'
or if you are happy to overwrite the original file (be careful!)
ncap2 -O -s 'myrun[$time]=array(X,0,$time)'
where X is the run number. This will add a variable, with a new variable myrun which is a function of time and then puts X at each step. When you merge you can see which data slice was from which specific run.
By the way, the second zero is the increment, as this is set to zero the number X will be written for all timesteps in a given file (otherwise if it were 1, the index would increase by one each timestep - this could be useful in some cases. For example, you might use two indices, one with increment of zero to identify the run, and the second with an increment of unity to easily tell you which step of the Xth run the data slice belongs to).
If your files are for different domains too, then you might want to put them on a common grid before you do that... I think for that
cdo enlarge
might be of help, see this post :

I agree that an index will be simpler than a filename. I would just add to the above answer that the command to add a unique index X with a time dimension to each input file can be simplified to
ncap2 -s 'myrun[$time]=X'


Weka Apriori No Large Itemset and Rules Found

I am trying to do apriori association mining with WEKA (i use 3.7) using given database table
So, i exported two columns (orderLineNumber and productCode) and load it into weka, as far as i go, i haven't got any success attempt, always ended with "No large itemsets and rules found!"
Again, i tried to convert the csv into ARFF file first using ARFF Converter and still get the same message;
I also tried using database loader in WEKA, the data loaded just fine but still give the same result;
The filter i've applied in preprocessing is only numericToNominal filter;
What have i wrongly done here, i suspiciously think it was my ARFF format though, thank you
After further trial, i found out that i exported wrong column and i lack 1 filter process, which is "denormalized", i installed the plugin via packet manager and denormalized my data after converting it to nominal first;
I then compared the results with "Supermarket" sample's result; The only difference are my output came with 'f' instead of 't' (like shown below) and the confidence value seems like always 100%;
First of all, OrderLine is the wrong column.
Obviously, the position on the printed bill is not very important.
Secondly, the file format is not appropriate.
You want one line for every order, one column for every possible item in the #data section. To save memory, it may be helpful to use sparse formats (do not forget to set flags appropriately)
Other tools like ELKI can process input formats like this, that may be easier to use (it also was a lot faster than Weka):
apple banana
milk diapers beer
but last I checked, ELKI would "only" find frequent itemsets (the harder part) not compute association rules. I then used a tiny python script to produce actual association rules as desired.

Which functions should I use to work with an XDF file on HDFS?

I have an .xdf file on an HDFS cluster which is around 10 GB having nearly 70 columns. I want to read it into a R object so that I could perform some transformation and manipulation. I tried to Google about it and come around with two functions:
Could any one tell me the preferred function for this as I want to read data & perform the transformation in parallel on each node of the cluster?
Also if I read and perform transformation in chunks, do I have to merge the output of each chunks?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Note that rxReadXdf and rxXdfToDataFrame have different arguments and do slightly different things:
rxReadXdf has a numRows argument, so use this if you want to read the top 1000 (say) rows of the dataset
rxXdfToDataFrame supports rxTransforms, so use this if you want to manipulate your data in addition to reading it
rxXdfToDataFrame also has the maxRowsByCols argument, which is another way of capping the size of the input
So in your case, you want to use rxXdfToDataFrame since you're transforming the data in addition to reading it. rxReadXdf is a bit faster in the local compute context if you just want to read the data (no transforms). This is probably also true for HDFS, but I haven’t checked this.
However, are you sure that you want to read the data into a data frame? You can use rxDataStep to run (almost) arbitrary R code on an xdf file, while still leaving your data in that format. See the linked documentation page for how to use the transforms arguments.

Missing Time Series data in Hadoop

I have a big text file (in TBs), every line has a timestamp and some other data, like this:
This file is ordered by timestamp but there might be gaps between consecutive timestamps. I need to fill those gaps and write the new file.
Can this be done in Hadoop Map Reduce? The reason for asking this question,to interpolate the missing lines I need the previous and next lines too. For Eg. To interpolate timestamp6, I need the values in timestamp5 and timestamp7. So what if, starting from timestamp7 sits in another data block in which case I will not be able to calculate timestamp6 at all..
Any other algorithm/solution? Maybe this can not be done with mapreduce? Can we do this in RHADOOP?
(Pig/Hive solutions are also valid)
Though my suggestion is a bit tedious and may impact a little bit performance also. You can implement your own RecordReader and at the end of all lines in the current split, get the first line of next split using its block location. I am suggesting this because, hadoop itself do this if last line of any mapper is incomplete. Hope this helps!!

arcmap network analyst iteration over multiple files using model builder

I have 10+ files that I want to add to ArcMap then do some spatial analysis in an automated fashion. The files are in csv format which are located in one folder and named in order as "TTS11_path_points_1" to "TTS11_path_points_13". The steps are as follows:
Make XY event layer
Export the XY table to a point shapefile using the feature class to feature class tool
Project the shapefiles
Snap the points to another line shapfile
Make a Route layer - network analyst
Add locations to stops using the output of step 4
Solve to get routes between points based on a RouteName field
I tried to attach a snapshot of the model builder to show the steps visually but I don't have enough points to do so.
I have two problems:
How do I iterate this procedure over the number of files that I have?
How to make sure that every time the output has a different name so it doesn't overwrite the one form the previous iteration?
Your help is much appreciated.
Once you're satisfied with the way the model works on a single input CSV, you can batch the operation 10+ times, manually adjusting the input/output files. This easily addresses your second problem, since you're controlling the output name.
You can use an iterator in your ModelBuilder model -- specifically, Iterate Files. The iterator would be the first input to the model, and has two outputs: File (which you link to other tools), and Name. The latter is a variable which you can use in other tools to control their output -- for example, you can set the final output to C:\temp\out%Name% instead of just C:\temp\output. This can be a little trickier, but once it's in place it tends to work well.
For future reference, is likely to get you a faster response.

How, in R, do I access numbered data sets with the loop variable?

Can someone please tell me how, in R, I can access numbered data sets with the loop variable?
So, if I have a long list of files in each of which I need to find all the places where a particular value is in the second column and take the corresponding value in the same row in the third column and list these all in one file, how might I do this? The files are named by the title of the folder, date, and time, respectively, in this fashion, "name_0619_0123". There are the same number of files per each day, and they are at the times every day. Therefore if there is a command that can somehow let me access a file in such a way that I can have a variable (dependent on the loop counting variable) in the string that I give for the file name in the command, I can access a different file per each loop iterations.
Any and all ideas please
Also, if there is a more appropriate place for me to ask this question, please let me know.
There are probably lots of ways to do this in R:
You can use a command line script (see the R documentation).
R CMD BATCH "--args arg1 arg2" foo.R &
Where foo.R is your R script and the args can be the loop varaibles you are interested in.
Another way to do this is to use regular expressions to parse out information from your file names.
If you provide a more concrete example I'll be able to show you some more specific code.
Here are some guidelines if you can glob those files you need to process either with a pattern or picking up all of them.
You may generate a list of files with list.files, read them in one shot with lapply, read.csv, and fetch what you need into a data.frame with a single row. Then, using, rbind, and your list of data.frames, you can combine everything into a single data.frame without even writing for explicitly.
