I am going to use a very simple example to explain my problem (the real problem concerns a very complex univariate function). Consider the following univariate function
f <- function(x, p){ 10 - (x - p)^2 }
where p belongs to {-500, -499,..., -1, 0, 1,..., 499, 500}.
I would like to find the value of x that maximizes f, for each value of p. This translates into 1001 values of x.
I know that one can do that in R-software with i) a for-loop, ii) a while-loop, iii) the function apply, and iv) the function foreach (doParallel package). However, I was wondering if you could tell me whether there is a more efficient way to solve the above optimization problem in R-software, please.
I know the above optimization problem is trivial to solve. However, the question focuses on an efficient procedure to solve several optimization problems simultaneously in R.
Thank you very much for your help.
The function optimize() can be used to get the maximum value of a function.
Then, you can lapply over the values of the parameters as following:
fn <- function(param,p,...){return( 10 - (param - p)^2) }
ll <- lapply(pp,function(i)
optimize(f= fn,
par =c(-1000),
interval = c(-100000000,1000000000),
maximum = TRUE))
I am trying to approximate the following integral, using numerical integration in R:
where the function mu is defined by this formula:
To do this, I have implemented the Composite Simpson's rule as a function in R, which takes as parameters a function (integrand), the integration interval ([a,b]) and the number of subintervals desired (n).
I have tested my code on various different mathematical functions, and it seems to be working just fine. However, when I try to approximate the integral shown in the picture, the approximation becomes to large.
My method has been to first define the inner integral in terms of its Composite Simpson approximation as a function of t in R. Then, use the Composite Simpson's rule again, in order to calculate the outer integral by viewing the inner approximation as the function to be integrated.
When doing this, the inner approximation is correct when calculated by itself, as expected, but the approximation of the entire expression becomes too large, and I can't seem to figure out why.
I am comparing the approximations to those given by Maple; the inner expression calculated by itself, using t=20, should give 0.8157191, and the entire expression should be 12.837. R correctly calculates 0.8157191, but gives 32.9285 for the entire expression.
I have tried simplifying using numerous different mathematical functions, and making the functions independent of t in R, but all seems to result in the same error. So, to sum things up, my question is, why is only the outer integral being approximated wrongly?
I would be greatly appreciative of any hints or pointers - I have included my code illustrating the problem here:
compositesimpson <- function(integrand, a, b, n) {
xi<- seq.int(a, b, length.out = n+1) #DIVIDES THE DEFINITE INTERVAL INTO THE
xi<- xi[-length(xi)] #EXCLUDING a AND b
approks<- (h/3)*(integrand(a) + 2*sum(integrand(xi[seq.int(2, length(xi), 2)])) +
4*sum(integrand(xi[seq.int(1, length(xi), 2)])) + integrand(b))
ftest<- function(x) {
compositesimpson(ftest, -4, 4, 100000)
mu.01.kvinde<- function(x){ 0.000500 + 10^(5.728 + 0.038*(x+48) -10)}
indreintegrale.person1<- function(t){
indre<- exp(-compositesimpson(mu.01.kvinde, 0, t, 100000))
indreintegrale.person1(20) #YIELDS 0.8157191, WHICH IS CORRECT
compositesimpson(indreintegrale.person1, 20, 72, 100000) #YIELDS 32.9285,
This is something to do with trying to use vectorisation at two levels of recursion and it's not doing what you want it to. E.g. compare
#> [1] 0.8157191
indreintegrale.person1(c(20, 72))
#> [1] 0.8157191 0.4801160
#> [1] 2.336346e-10
I think the middle answer is wrong, but the other two are right.
Quickest fix, make this replacement:
indreintegrale.person1 <- function(t){
sapply(t, function(t2) exp(-compositesimpson(mu.01.kvinde, 0, t2, 100000)))
and it now gives the answer you expect (but takes a bit longer to calculate!).
This is my first question here, so I will try to make it as well written as possible. Please be overbearing should I make a silly mistake.
Briefly, I am trying to do a maximum likelihood estimation where I need to estimate 5 parameters. The general form of the problem I want to solve is as follows: A weighted average of three copulas, each with one parameter to be estimated, where the weights are nonnegative and sum to 1 and also need to be estimated.
There are packages in R for doing MLE on single copulas or on a weighted average of copulas with fixed weights. However, to the best of my knowledge, no packages exist to directly solve the problem I outlined above. Therefore I am trying to code the problem myself. There is one particular type of error I am having trouble tracing to its source. Below I have tried to give a minimal reproducible example where only one parameter needs to be estimated.
x <- rCopula(100, claytonCopula(250))
# Copula density
clayton_density <- function(x, theta){
dCopula(x, claytonCopula(theta))
# Negative log-likelihood function
nll.clayton <- function(theta){
theta_trans <- -1 + exp(theta) # admissible theta values for Clayton copula
nll <- -sum(log(clayton_density(x, theta_trans)))
# Initial guess for optimization
guess <- function(x){
init <- rep(NA, 1)
tau.n <- cor(x[,1], x[,2], method = "kendall")
# Guess using method of moments
itau <- iTau(claytonCopula(), tau = tau.n)
# In case itau is negative, we need a conditional statement
# Use log because it is (almost) inverse of theta transformation above
if (itau <= 0) {
init[1] <- log(0.1) # Ensures positive initial guess
else {
init[1] <- log(itau)
estimate <- nlminb(guess(x), nll.clayton)
(parameter <- -1 + exp(estimate$par)) # Retrieve estimated parameter
fitCopula(claytonCopula(), x) # Compare with fitCopula function
This works great when simulating data with small values of the copula parameter, and gives almost exactly the same answer as fitCopula() every time.
For large values of the copula parameter, such as 250, the following error shows up when I run the line with nlminb():"Error in .local(u, copula, log, ...) : parameter is NA
Called from: .local(u, copula, log, ...)
Error during wrapup: unimplemented type (29) in 'eval'"
When I run fitCopula(), the optimization is finished, but this message pops up: "Warning message:
In dlogcdtheta(copula, u) :
dlogcdtheta() returned NaN in column(s) 1 for this explicit copula; falling back to numeric derivative for those columns"
I have been able to find out using debug() that somewhere in the optimization process of nlminb, the parameter of interest is assigned the value NaN, which then yields this error when dCopula() is called. However, I do not know at which iteration it happens, and what nlminb() is doing when it happens. I suspect that perhaps at some iteration, the objective function is evaluated at Inf/-Inf, but I do not know what nlminb() does next. Also, something similar seems to happen with fitCopula(), but the optimization is still carried out to the end, only with the abovementioned warning.
I would really appreciate any help in understanding what is going on, how I might debug it myself and/or how I can deal with the problem. As might be evident from the question, I do not have a strong background in coding. Thank you so much in advance to anyone that takes the time to consider this problem.
When I run dCopula(x, claytonCopula(-1+exp(guess(x)))) or equivalently clayton_density(x, -1+exp(guess(x))), it becomes apparent that the density evaluates to 0 at several datapoints. Unfortunately, creating pseudobservations by using x <- pobs(x) does not solve the problem, which can be see by repeating dCopula(x, claytonCopula(-1+exp(guess(x)))). The result is that when applying the logarithm function, we get several -Inf evaluations, which of course implies that the whole negative log-likelihood function evaluates to Inf, as can be seen by running nll.clayton(guess(x)). Hence, in addition to the above queries, any tips on handling log(0) when doing MLE numerically is welcome and appreciated.
Second update
Editing the second line in nll.clayton as follows seems to work okay:
nll <- -sum(log(clayton_density(x, theta_trans) + 1e-8))
However, I do not know if this is a "good" way to circumvent the problem, in the sense that it does not introduce potential for large errors (though it would surprise me if it did).
I have multiple ODE problems that I am solving. where I need the solutions (u) and derivative of the solutions (du). For smaller ODEs it is practical for me to do the following
using DifferentialEquations
function SB(du,u,p,t)
du[1]=#. u[2]
du[2]=#. ((-0.5*u[2]^2)*(3-u[2]/(p[4]))+(1+(1-3*p[7])*u[2]/p[4])*((p[6]-p[5])/p[2]+2*p[1]/(p[2]*p[9]))*(p[9]/u[1])^(3*p[7])-2*p[1]/(p[2]*u[1])-4*p[3]*u[2]/(p[2]*u[1])-(1+u[2]/p[4])*(p[6]-p[5]+p[10]*sin(2*pi*p[8]*t))/p[2]-p[10]*u[1]*cos(2*pi*p[8]*t)*2*pi*p[8]/(p[2]*p[4]))/((1-u[2]/p[4])*u[1]+4*p[3]/(p[2]*p[4]))
u0=([R0 0])
p=[0.0725, 998, 1e-3,1481, 0, 1.01e5,7/5,f, R0, ps]
prob = ODEProblem(SB,u0,tspan,p)
#time u = solve(prob,Tsit5(),alg_hints=[:stiff],saveat=0.01/f,reltol=1e-8,abstol=1e-8)
u2=#. ((-0.5*u[2,:]^2)*(3-u[2,:]/(p[4]))+(1+(1-3*p[7])*u[2,:]/p[4])*((p[6]-p[5])/p[2]+2*p[1]/(p[2]*p[9]))*(p[9]/u[1,:])^(3*p[7])-2*p[1]/(p[2]*u[1,:])-4*p[3]*u[2,:]/(p[2]*u[1,:])-(1+u[2,:]/p[4])*(p[6]-p[5]+p[10]*sin(2*pi*p[8]*t))/p[2]-p[10]*u[1,:]*cos(2*pi*p[8]*t)*2*pi*p[8]/(p[2]*p[4]))/((1-u[2,:]/p[4])*u[1,:]+4*p[3]/(p[2]*p[4]))
where u2 is bascially du[2] in the SB function. This quickly becomes impractical as the size of my ODEs grow (>500 coupled ODEs with >500X500 matrices). Is there way to ask DifferentialEquations.jl package (or any other way) to export du[i]s as it is solving the ODEs? I learned that DiffEqSensitivity.jl package is able to provide du/dps to check the sensitivity of the model to p. is there something similar to extract du/dts?
I would use two different components together. First, as you get to really large ODEs, you'll want to only save specific pieces of the solution, or reduced pieces. For this, the SavingCallback is very helpful.
For example, the following solves an ODE and only saves the trace and the norm of the solution at each step:
using DiffEqCallbacks, OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearAlgebra
prob = ODEProblem((du,u,p,t) -> du .= u, rand(4,4), (0.0,1.0))
saved_values = SavedValues(Float64, Tuple{Float64,Float64})
cb = SavingCallback((u,t,integrator)->(tr(u),norm(u)), saved_values)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), callback=cb)
Now you can use that to save what you need. The second piece is to use the integrator to get the derivatives. You can see that get_du! can be used to extract the current (already computed) derivative:
Additionally, you can make use of the interpolation on the integrator. integrator(t,Val{1}) will give the first derivative of the solution at the current t.
I do need every time step that I am defining the solver to solve.
get_du!(out,integrator) gives me an array where all the points have the same value.
am I making a
mistake somewhere?
prob = ODEProblem(SB,u0,tspan,p)
u = init(prob,SSPRK22(),dt=1e-9,reltol=1e-8,abstol=1e-8)
basically derivative of the second output (du[2]) has to be equal to u2 defined in my previous post.`
So I want to ask whether there's any way to define and solve a system of differential equations in R using matrix notation.
I know usually you do something like
lotka-volterra <- function(t,a,b,c,d,x,y){
dx <- ax + bxy
dy <- dxy - cy
But I want to do
lotka-volterra <- function(t,M,v,x){
dx <- x * M%*% x + v * x
where x is a vector of length 2, M is a 2*2 matrix and v is a vector of length 2. I.e. I want to define the system of differential equations using matrix/vector notation.
This is important because my system is significantly more complex, and I don't want to define 11 different differential equations with 100+ parameters rather than 1 differential equation with 1 matrix of interaction parameters and 1 vector of growth parameters.
I can define the function as above, but when it comes to using ode function from deSolve, there is an expectation of parms which should be passed as a named vector of parameters, which of course does not accept non-scalar values.
Is this at all possible in R with deSolve, or another package? If not I'll look into perhaps using MATLAB or Python, though I don't know how it's done in either of those languages either at present.
Many thanks,
With my low reputation (points), I apologize for posting this as an answer which supposedly should be just a comment. Going back, have you tried this link? In addition, in an attempt to find an alternative solution to your problem, have you tried MANOPT, a toolbox of MATLAB? It's actually open source just like R. I encountered MANOPT on a paper whose problem boils down to solving a system of ODEs involving purely matrices.
I have been trying to compute a bigger function and one part of it is a while loop with 2 conditions. Foreach value of k, in a certain range of values (x_min and x_max are computed within the whole function), i am trying to compute a matrix with values from a distribution in which the k itself is a part. The while loop assesses that the necessary conditions for the distribution are met, while the foreach- function should compute the while loop for every element of k. Since i do not know the exact amount of elements in k, i thought the problem might be the predetermination of I. The best i could derive was an endless computation within the loops (or simple crashes of R). I am thankful for any suggestion!
k<-x[x_min < x & x < x_max]
foreach(k) %do% {
for(i in 1:100){
I<-replicate(n=100,rbinom(n= 250, size=1, prob = k/250))
if(sum(I[,i])==k) check=1
Changing the order unfortunatly did not work.
It seems to still have problems. I tried to extract the matrix, but it is reporting "NULL".
n is 250, x_min and x_max are defined from a formula (around 2-8), k is defined within the formula given above, x are values between 0 and around 10 (also computed within the formula). I would provide you with the whole formula, but it is big and i could narrow down the problems to these parts, so i wanted to keep the problem as simple as possible. Thank you for your help and comments!