How to install JSHint - jshint

I get this popup in VSCode: Failed to load jshint library. Please install jshint in your workspace folder using 'npm install jshint' or globally using 'npm install -g jshint' and the press Retry
Tried using Command Prompt in Win10
Can I get a literal step by step process Please.
(Please Note I am absolutely New to all of this, Currently Learning HTML/CSS & the above is popped up)
Thanks in Advance

just follow the prompt given.
open Command Prompt in Win10.
and for all future work. do this.
npm install -g jshint
-g is for adding it globally.
For future reference - always try to copy and paste the error/prompt in Google first and you will be able to find answers yourself and will be able to find more and learn more stuff related to issues after seeing how many people get same thing in start and how they fixed it.
For future reference - BOOKMARK THIS - there's a lot for a beginner in simple words. hope this helped you.


Having an Npx issue while executing npx firestore-algolia-search

I want to sync my old firestore data of a collection to algolia. I have followed the documentation provided and face issues with npx. If anyone could help me would mean a lot.
Here's the output I get if I use a PowerShell terminal
/bin/bash: C:/Program Files/nodejs/npx: No such file or directory
I receive this error when using bash in wsl even when providing the full path to npx and the script file.
Any help would mean a lot
I have tried and tested all the solutions I could find on the internet from using git bash to execute the script to using wsl to execute the bash script without any luck
Use npx firestore-algolia-search#0.5.14. Something is broken in 0.5.15.
EDIT: I created a github ticket for this issue.

grpcui: command not found

I am new to grpcui. I've been trying to follow the installation. I did
go get
go install
I also added grpcui path to my $PATH. Even tried to pull down the repo and make install. But I keep getting grpcui: command not found. Anyone could help ?
After installation, your grpcui should be in /home/user/go/bin. If so, try and add that folder to your $PATH, as I did (and it worked).
To further Adam's answer, a critical step in updating the PATH is restarting the terminal.
On OSX this needs to be done via exec bash -l. Simply exiting and opening the terminal does not work.
path gist
terminal SO question

Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/npm

First and foremost I have looked into these previous post for answers: EACCES: permission denied, unlink
Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/npx'
Error while building or running ngx-bootstrap tests
I do not see the answers I seek in any of these posts, or maybe I am not knowledgable enough to decipher how to use those answers to fix my issue. I am still learning so please, if you are answering my post make sure you explain, so that I may fully grasp what is being done and why. I would appreciate it very much.
In VS Code I was trying to work on a project but needed to update the npm version. See example:
After researching the f***(pardon my language) out of this, I did the following:
after reading this article:
I did what he suggested and then tried to do the npm update.
I then did the following, to find who owns the directory
After this I am pretty much at lost of what to do next, why do I have three 'drwxr-xr-x'? what does that exactly mean, that I have three npm packages? can I combine them all into one? or would it be better to delete all and start from scratch, but would I run into the same issue?
I also read this:
To minimize the chance of permissions errors, you can configure npm to
use a different directory. In this example, you will create and use a
hidden directory in your home directory.
Back up your computer. On the command line, in your home directory,
create a directory for global installations: mkdir ~/.npm-global
Configure npm to use the new directory path: npm config set prefix
'~/.npm-global' In your preferred text editor, open or create a
~/.profile file and add this line: export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
On the command line, update your system variables: source ~/.profile
To test your new configuration, install a package globally without
using sudo
but will that work if I have to [unlink '/usr/local/bin/npm'], according to the terminal. In all honestly, I prefer not reconfigure as I would need to back up everything, does anyone have a solution or suggestion as to what to do?
Thank you all in advance. And again I would like to reiterate that I am still learning, so please be kind and elaborate on your answer.
See if you have another path setup
like **
or so and just run install like this below.
sudo npm install npm#latest -g

meteor-jsdoc is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying to set up meteor-jsdoc on an existing meteor project according to the steps here:
I am using windows and I run >npm install -g meteor-jsdoc , it is successfully
However when I try to run > meteor-jsdoc, it gives the error as in title.
I tried running the npm install both inside and outside the folder.
Anyone had the experience before? I am really stuck here.
Found the solution, re-installed git bash with unix tools option selected.

How do you use csslint from the command line?

I'm new to Ubuntu, I'll be the first to admit that, but I need to integrate csslint into a CI build script and I found the about page on the csslint site unhelpful. It gave me two options for installing csslint but they require either node or rhino:
sudo npm install -g csslint
java -jar rhino.jar csslint-rhino.js --rules= ~ /* suppressed for simplicity */
After googling for either of these in a format I know how to work with, on google groups I found someone asking a similar question. The answer was that rhino is not a ready made product you install and run but a library you work with.
All I need to do is:
pass CSS files to csslint through bash with csslint args
get the response back
evaluate whether or not the build should fail due to violations
Is there anywhere I can find step-by-step instructions that include dependencies such as node or rhino?
Thanks everyone.
Found the answer myself and decided to put it here to help others.
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm install -g csslint
csslint pathtofile.css
have feelings hurt.
