In the book Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, page 77, there is an example that shows:
The proof structure used in this example is for calculation reasoning. Then, the most recent equation right-hand side should be equal to the left-hand side of the current equation, as shown below:
Can you please explain what is going on in example 1?
I'm studying the Backpropagation algorithm and I want to derive it by myself. Therefore, I've constructed a very simple network with one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer. You can find the details in the graphic.
The network can be found here:
t is the true output, i is the input, z and w are the weights. Moreover I have the activation function ϕ(x).
I think that I have understood the algorithm more or less, so I've started with the following error function:
That function should be correct, isn't it? The next step is to calculate the partial derivative:
For me that seems to be correct, but is that right up to here (Especially the formal math aspects)? I'm asking, because i have so problems with the next steps (derivating to the z's...)
Thanks for helping!
I am reading this paper in an attempt to recreate the salient region detection and segmentation model employed. I have the following questions pertaining to section 3 of the paper and I would highly appreciate it if someone could provide clarity on them.
The word "scales" is used at multiple points in the section, for example, line 4 of the section states "saliency maps are created at different scales". I do not exactly understand what the authors mean by the word scales. Moreover, is there a mathematical way to think about it?
I understand that a saliency value is computed for each pixel at () using the equation
However, there is no mention of in the equation. Hence, I am confused as to what pixel the saliency value is being computed for. Is it ?
I did not understand what the authors meant by the term "bin" in section 3.2 line 5 where it is stated, "The hill-climbing algorithm can be seen as a search window being run across the space of the d-dimensional histogram to find the largest bin within that window."
Lastly, any other tips or clarifications are most welcome and much appreciated!
On enter I'm having a sequence of pairs (X_n, Y_n). Consider the following two graphics of two possible sequences.
in first case X_n can be modeled as f(Y_n) while in second case it obviously has no sense. The question is how can I determine if trying to represent X_n as f(Y_n) makes sense? Probable there is some criterium or something like that?
What can be done in multivariate situation (i.e. when we're trying to represent Y as f(X_1, X_2, ..., X_k))?
Please note that trying to fit points with something graphicaly (e.g. like on first graph) and seeing if it fits the data is not OK. I'm looking for numerical criterium.
Please feel free to propose variants in either matlab or R. A link on page with algorithm will be great too!
Nearly every game tends to use some of a game loop. Gafferongames has a great article on how to make a well designed game loop:
In his code, he uses integrate( state, t, deltaTime );, where I believe state contains position, velocity, and acceleration of the object. He uses RK4 to integrate it from t to t+deltaTime.
My question is, why use a numerical integration technique like RK4, when you can use kinematics equations (here) to find the exact value?
These equations work when acceleration is constant. It seems rare that you would have a changing acceleration within a timestep. It seems like RK4 is a lower performance, lower accuracy, more complex solution.
Edit: I think you could add a "jerk" value to objects and still find exact expressions for acceleration, velocity, and displacement, if you really wanted to.
Edit 2: Well, I did not read his "Integration Basics" article too carefully. I think he's modelling a damper and spring, which do cause non-constant acceleration within a timestep.
As soon as you add things that many game designers want, like (velocity dependent) drag, position dependent forces, etc. the equations are no longer solvable exactly.
So, if you're happy to limit your forces to those the kinematic equation can handle, then go with it. If you want something flexible, then numerical integration is the only way to go.
Note: If you treat the forces as constant over a time interval when they are not really constant - then you are actually using a form of numerical integration. And it is an inaccurate form of integration too. So why not use a tried and proven numerical method instead? RK4 is one of many such methods.
Approximating acceleration (derivatives, really) as constant within a time step is how numerical integration methods work. When the derivatives are not constant, you need to consider what sort of error you introduce by treating them as constant.
Imagine breaking a time range T up into N equal steps of width h=T/N. Now integrate the dynamical equations stepwise. With RK4, the local error per-step is O(h^5) giving a global error of O(h^4).
Using the kinematical equations as you propose, we can assess the error by considering the Taylor expansion of the position, keeping terms to second order. The position will have error of O(h^3) introduced at each step, corresponding to where you truncate the expansion. This gives local error O(h^3) and global error O(h^2).
Based on the asymptotic error, the error from RK4 goes to zero much more rapidly than does the kinematical equations. It's more accurate. RK4 obtains a very nice accuracy obtained for the number of function evaluations that need to be done.
In all of the simple algorithms for path tracing using lots of monte carlo samples the tracing the path part of the algorithm randomly chooses between returning with the emitted value for the current surface and continuing by tracing another ray from that surface's hemisphere (for example in the slides here). Like so:
TracePath(p, d) returns (r,g,b) [and calls itself recursively]:
Trace ray (p, d) to find nearest intersection p’
Select with probability (say) 50%:
return 2 * (Le_red, Le_green, Le_blue) // 2 = 1/(50%)
generate ray in random direction d’
return 2 * fr(d ->d’) * (n dot d’) * TracePath(p’, d’)
Is this just a way of using russian roulette to terminate a path while remaining unbiased? Surely it would make more sense to count the emissive and reflective properties for all ray paths together and use russian roulette just to decide whether to continue tracing or not.
And here's a follow up question: why do some of these algorithms I'm seeing (like in the book 'Physically Based Rendering Techniques') only compute emission once, instead of taking in to account all the emissive properties on an object? The rendering equation is basically
L_o = L_e + integral of (light exiting other surfaces in to the hemisphere of this surface)
which seems like it counts the emissive properties in both this L_o and the integral of all the other L_o's, so the algorithms should follow.
In reality, the single emission vs. reflection calculation is a bit too simplistic. To answer the first question, the coin-flip is used to terminate the ray but it leads to much greater biases. The second question is a bit more complex....
In the abstract of Shirley, Wang and Zimmerman TOG 94, the authors briefly summarize the benefits and complexities of Monte Carlo sampling:
In a distribution ray tracer, the crucial part of the direct lighting
calculation is the sampling strategy for shadow ray testing. Monte
Carlo integration with importance sampling is used to carry out this
calculation. Importance sampling involves the design of
integrand-specific probability density functions which are used to
generate sample points for the numerical quadrature. Probability
density functions are presented that aid in the direct lighting
calculation from luminaires of various simple shapes. A method for
defining a probability density function over a set of luminaires is
presented that allows the direct lighting calculation to be carried
out with one sample, regardless of the number of luminaires.
If we start dissecting that abstract, here are some of the important points:
Lights aren't points: in real life, we're almost never dealing with a point light source (e.g., a single LED).
Shadows are usually soft: this is a consequence of the non-point lights. It's very rare to see a truly hard-edged shadow in real life.
Noise (especially bright sampling artifacts) are disproportionately distracting: humans have a lot of intuition about how things should look. Look at slide 5 (the glass sphere on a table) in the OP's linked presentation. Note the bright specks in the shadow.
When rendering for more visual realism, both of the sets of reflected visibility rays and lighting calculation rays must be sampled and weighted according to the surface's bidirectional reflectance distribution function.
Note that this is a guided sampling method that's distinctly different from the original question's "generate ray in random direction" method in that it is both:
More accurate: the images in the linked PDF suffer a bit from the PDF process. Figure 10 is a reasonable representation of the original - note that lack of bright speckle artifacts that you will sometimes see (as in figure 5 of the original presentation).
Significantly faster: as the original presentation notes, unguided Monte Carlo sampling can take quite a while to converge. More sampling rays = much more computation = more time.
After reading the slides (thank you for posting), I'll amend my answer as best I can.
Is this just a way of using russian roulette to terminate a path
while remaining unbiased? Surely it would make more sense to count
the emissive and reflective properties for all ray paths together
and use russian roulette just to decide whether to continue tracing
or not.
Perhaps the emitted and reflected properties are treated differently because the reflected path depends on the incident path in a way that emitted paths do not (at least for a spectral surface). Does the algorithm take a Bayesian approach and use prior information about the incidence angle as a prior for predicting the reflective angle? Or is this a Feynman integration over all paths to come up with a probability? It's hard to tell without digging deeper into the details of the theory.
My earlier black body comment is quite incorrect. I see that the slides talk about (R, G, B) components; black body emissivities are integrated over all wavelengths.
And here's a follow up question: why do some of these algorithms I'm
seeing (like in the book 'Physically Based Rendering Techniques')
only compute emission once, instead of taking in to account all the
emissive properties on an object? The rendering equation is
L_o = L_e + integral of (light exiting other surfaces in to the
hemisphere of this surface)
A single emissivity for the surface would assume that there's no functional relationship on wavelength or direction. I don't know how significant it is for rendering photo-realistic images.
The ones that are posted are certainly impressive. I wonder how different they would look if the complexities that you have in mind were included?
Thank you for posting a nice question - I'm voting it up. It's been a long time since I've thought about this kind of problem. I wish I could be more helpful.
Yes that is a very basic implementation of Russian Roulette, though normally the probability of terminating would take into account the light intensity (i.e. less light means the value contributes less to the final summation so use a higher probability of terminating).