I'm trying to create a shiny app where user is able to add text comment to a table.
I created a dataframe with 3 columns: num, id and val. I want my shiny app to do the following:
select an value from id column (selectInput).
add text comment in a text box (textInput)
click on an action button
A new column called comment is created in the data table, text comments are added to the comment column in the row where id equals the value selected.
My shiny app code is below. When I select an value from selectinput, add some comment in the text box and click on `add comment' button, my shiny app window shut down by itself.
Does anyone know why that happens?
Thanks a lot in advance!
df = data.frame(num=1:10, id=LETTERS[1:10], val=rnorm(10))
ui = fluidPage(
column(2, selectInput(inputId = 'selectID',
label = 'Select ID2',
choices = LETTERS[1:10],
column(6, textInput(inputId = 'comment',
label ='Please add comment in the text box:',
value = "", width = NULL,
placeholder = NULL)),
column(2, actionButton(inputId = "button",
label = "Add Comment"))
fluidRow (
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput('data') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$button, {
df[id==input$selectID, 'Comment']=input$comment
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5))
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
The column id is not recognized as a column of the data.frame df in df[id == input$selectId, "Comment], replacing id by df$id fixes the error.
In order to rerender the datatable after updating df, df should be a reactive object.
To handle multiple selected id's in the selectInput selectId, you might want to replace df$id == input$selectId by df$id %in% input$selectId
This updated server function should help you with these issues:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## make df reactive
df_current <- reactiveVal(df)
observeEvent(input$button, {
## update df by adding comments
df_new <- df_current()
df_new[df_current()$id %in% input$selectID, "Comment"] <- input$comment
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5))
I am trying to build an interactive data table that changes the displayed columns based on filters chosen by the user. The aim is to have a user select the columns they want to see via a dropdown, which will then cause the datatable to display those columns only.
ui <-
box(width = 4,
pickerInput(inputId = "index_picker",
label = "Select index/indices",
choices = c("RPI", "RPIX", "CPI", "GDP Deflator"),
selected = "RPI",
multiple = T
box(DT::dataTableOutput("index_table"), title = "Historic Inflation Indices", width = 12,
solidHeader = T, status = "primary")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df_filt <- reactive({
input$index_picker == "RPI" &
df_index %>%
select(Period, RPI.YOY, RPI.INDEX)
else if({
input$index_picker == "RPIX"
df_index %>%
select(Period, RPIX.YOY, RPIX.INDEX)
output$index_table <- renderDataTable({
options =
list(dom = "itB",
fixedHeader = T
rownames = F
I have similar code to the above that filters based on the row instead, and this works just fine, however, for this column filtering I am getting this error:
Warning in if ({ : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I understand that I'm passing a vector to the if statement, but not sure how to recode - would anyone be able to help?
I have a data coming from a server. Now I want to add a free text column ( editable) to add comments to my R shiny application. Once that is done , I want to save it in SQLLite and bring it back once it is refreshed. Please help me with the pointers.
library(ggplot2) # for the diamonds dataset
ui <- fluidPage(
title = "Examples of DataTables",
'input.dataset === "diamonds"'
id = 'dataset',
tabPanel("diamonds", DT::dataTableOutput("mytable1"))
server <- function(input, output) {
# choose columns to display
diamonds2 = diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]
diamonds2$test <- ifelse(diamonds2$x > diamonds2$y,TRUE,FALSE)
output$mytable1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(diamonds2[, drop = FALSE],extensions = 'FixedColumns',options = list(
dom = 't',
scrollX = TRUE,
fixedColumns = list(leftColumns =10)
)) %>%
'x', 'test',
backgroundColor = styleEqual(c(TRUE, FALSE), c('gray', 'yellow'))
Please guide how can I add free text in the end of the table and save it.
Thanks in advance.
Here is a solution based on DTs editable option. (See this for more information)
Each time the user edits a cell in the "comment" column it is saved to a sqlite database and loaded again after restarting the app:
library(ggplot2) # diamonds dataset
# choose columns to display
diamonds2 = diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000),]
diamonds2$test <- ifelse(diamonds2$x > diamonds2$y, TRUE, FALSE)
diamonds2$id <- seq_len(nrow(diamonds2))
diamonds2$comment <- NA_character_
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "diamonds.db")
if(!"diamonds" %in% dbListTables(con)){
dbWriteTable(con, "diamonds", diamonds2)
ui <- fluidPage(title = "Examples of DataTables",
conditionalPanel('input.dataset === "diamonds"')
id = 'dataset',
tabPanel("diamonds", DT::dataTableOutput("mytable1"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# use sqlInterpolate() for production app
# https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/sql-injections.html
dbDiamonds <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM diamonds;")
output$mytable1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
# extensions = 'FixedColumns',
options = list(
dom = 't',
scrollX = TRUE
# , fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 10)
editable = TRUE,
# editable = list(target = "column", disable = list(columns = which(names(diamonds2) %in% setdiff(names(diamonds2), "comment"))))
) %>% formatStyle('x', 'test', backgroundColor = styleEqual(c(TRUE, FALSE), c('gray', 'yellow')))
observeEvent(input$mytable1_cell_edit, {
if(input$mytable1_cell_edit$col == which(names(dbDiamonds) == "comment")){
dbExecute(con, sprintf("UPDATE diamonds SET comment = '%s' WHERE id = %s", input$mytable1_cell_edit$value, input$mytable1_cell_edit$row))
shinyApp(ui, server, onStart = function() {
onStop(function() {
dbDisconnect(con) # close connection on app stop
Initially I wanted to disable editing for all columns except "comment", however, it seems I've found a bug.
The following example adds a <input type="text"> element to each row of the table, where you can add your free text. A simple JavaScript event listener reacts on changes to the text boxes and stores them in the Shiny variable free_text which you can then process on the shiny side according to your needs (in this toy example it is simply output to a verbatimTextOutput).
As for the storing: I would add a save button, which reads input$free_text and saves it back to the data base. To display the text then again in the text boxes is as easy as adding the value in the mutate statement like this mutate(free_text = sprintf("<input type=\"text\" class = \"free-text\" value = \"%s\" />", free_text_field_name))
ui <- fluidPage(
"$(function() {
// input event fires for every change, consider maybe a debounce
// or the 'change' event (then it is only triggered if the text box
// loses focus)
$('#tab').on('input', function() {
const inputs = $(this).find('.free-text').map(function() {
return this.value;
Shiny.setInputValue('free_text', inputs.get());
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$tab <- renderDataTable({
my_dat <- mtcars %>%
mutate(free_text =
sprintf("<input type=\"text\" class = \"free-text\" value = \"\" />"))
datatable(my_dat, escape = FALSE,
options = list(dom = "t", pageLength = nrow(mtcars)))
output$out <- renderPrint(input$free_text)
shinyApp(ui, server)
You may want to have a look at the handsontable package, which allows editing of (columns of) datatable outputs. In your case, you can create a character column and allow editing through the handsontable.
On the topic of persisting data: you table would need either a separate column with comments, or a separate table that maps observations to comment, which is joined. The best solution depends on the volume of comments you expect: if you expect comment to appears sporadically, a separate table may be the best solution. If you expect comments for nearly every row, direct integration into the table may be more favourable. It then becomes a matter of writing to and loading from an SQL database based on user events.
I am building a shiny app with a selectize input.
The choices in the input are dependent upon the ids in the underlying data.
In my real app, the data updates with a call to an API.
I would like the selected id choice in the selectize input to hold constant when I hit the "update data" button.
I was able to do this prior to using shiny modules. However, when I tried to transform my code to use a shiny module, it fails to hold the selected id value, and resets the selectize input each time I update the underlying data.
The following example was helpful without the module, but when I use the module it doesn't seem to work...link here
Below is a reprex. Thanks for any help.
# module UI
mymod_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
# module server
mymod_server <- function(input, output, session, data, actionb){
ns <-session$ns
ids <- reactive(
data() %>%
filter(!is.na(first_name) & !is.na(last_name) & !is.na(ages)) %>%
mutate(ids = paste(first_name, last_name, sep = " ")) %>%
output$ids_lookup <- renderUI({
label = "Enter id:",
choices = c("Type here ...", ids()), multiple = FALSE)
# here is where I would like to hold on to the selected ids when updating the table
# when I click the "reload_data" button I don't want the name to change
# I pass the button from the main server section into the module
current_id_selection <- reactiveVal("NULL")
observeEvent(actionb(), {
inputId = ns("lookup"),
choices = ids(),
selected = current_id_selection())
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Test module app"),
# this button reloads the data
inputId = "reload_data",
label = "Reload data"
# have a look at the data
h4("Raw data"),
# now select a single id for further analysis in a much larger app
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df <- eventReactive(input$reload_data, {
# in reality, df is a dataframe which is updated from an API call everytime you press the action button
df <- tibble(
first_name = c("john", "james", "jenny", "steph"),
last_name = c("x", "y", "z", NA),
ages = runif(4, 30, 60)
output$mytable <- renderTable({
# make the reload data button a reactive val that can be passed to the module for the selectize Input
mybutton <- reactive(input$reload_data)
callModule(mymod_server, "mymod", data = df, actionb = mybutton)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Just using inputId = "lookup" instead of inputId = ns("lookup") in updateSelectizeInput() will do it. Also, you had another typo in there. Try this
# module UI
mymod_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
# module server
mymod_server <- function(input, output, session, data, actionb){
ns <-session$ns
ids <- reactive(
data() %>%
filter(!is.na(first_name) & !is.na(last_name) & !is.na(ages)) %>%
mutate(ids = paste(first_name, last_name, sep = " ")) %>%
output$ids_lookup <- renderUI({
label = "Enter id:",
choices = c("Type here ...", ids()), multiple = FALSE)
# here is where I would like to hold on to the selected ids when updating the table
# when I click the "reload_data" button I don't want the name to change
# I pass the button from the main server section into the module
current_id_selection <- reactiveValues(v=NULL)
observeEvent(actionb(), {
current_id_selection$v <- input$lookup
output$t1 <- renderPrint(paste0("Current select is ",current_id_selection$v))
inputId = "lookup",
choices = ids(),
selected = current_id_selection$v )
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Test module app"),
# this button reloads the data
actionButton(inputId = "reload_data", label = "Reload data"
# have a look at the data
h4("Raw data"),
# now select a single id for further analysis in a much larger app
server <- function(input, output, session) {
df <- eventReactive(input$reload_data, {
# in reality, df is a dataframe which is updated from an API call everytime you press the action button
df <- tibble(
first_name = c("john", "james", "jenny", "steph"),
last_name = c("x", "y", "z", NA),
ages = runif(4, 30, 60)
output$mytable <- renderTable({
# make the reload data button a reactive val that can be passed to the module for the selectize Input
mybutton <- reactive(input$reload_data)
callModule(mymod_server, "mymod", data = df, actionb = mybutton)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I have been trying to create ActionButtons to allow a user to 'Select all rows in view' in a reactive, filtering datatable.
Currently the button does this using tableid_rows_current; however, I also want to add in a table proxy so that it doesn't reset to the first page of results if you're on another page, but I can't figure out the syntax after much googling (see attempts commented out in code). Also if you manually select some rows, it no longer works.
Another ActionButton that allows a user to 'add all rows in view to selection'. That is to add all current rows in view to your previous selection. This one I'm not even sure where to start, so any ideas are appreciated.
(Not included here, but I do have functioning 'clear selection' and 'clear filter' buttons already, if anyone is interested)
Minimum reproducible code below. The app is meant to display the images for the selected rows, but not a big deal here that you won't have actual images displaying.
dat <- data.frame(
type = c("car", "truck", "scooter", "bike"),
frontimage = c("carf.jpg", "truckf.jpg", "scooterf.jpg", "bikef")
# ----UI----
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Buttons 'select all' and 'add to select'"),
actionButton("select_all_current", "Select All Rows in View"),
actionButton("add_to_selection", "Add All Rows in View to Selection"),
# ----Server----
server = function(input, output, session){
# Action button to select all rows in current view
var <- reactiveValues()
tableProxy <- dataTableProxy('table')
observeEvent(input$select_all_current, {
# tableProxy %>% selectRows(1:nrow(input$table_rows_current))
# var$selected <- tableProxy %>% input$table_rows_current
tableProxy <- #I want the table proxy to be whatever the current selection and filters are and the current page view to stay the same after selecting
var$selected <- input$table_rows_current
# Action button to add all rows in current view to previous selection
observeEvent(input$add_to_selection, {
# Data table with filtering
output$table = DT::renderDT({
datatable(dat, filter = list(position = "top", clear = FALSE),
selection = list(target = 'row', selected = var$selected),
options = list(
autowidth = TRUE,
pageLength = 2,
lengthMenu = c(2, 4)
# Reactive call that only renders images for selected rows
df <- reactive({
dat[input[["table_rows_selected"]], ]
# Front image output
output$img1 = renderUI({
imgfr <- lapply(df()$frontimage, function(file){
tags$img(src=file, width="100%", height="100%")
do.call(tagList, imgfr)
# ----APP----
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui, server)
Does this do what you're looking for?
dat <- data.frame(
type = c("car", "truck", "scooter", "bike"),
frontimage = c("carf.jpg", "truckf.jpg", "scooterf.jpg", "bikef")
# ----UI----
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Buttons 'select all' and 'add to select'"),
actionButton("select_all_current", "Select All Rows in View"),
actionButton("add_to_selection", "Add All Rows in View to Selection"),
# ----Server----
server = function(input, output, session){
# Action button to select all rows in current view
var <- reactiveValues()
tableProxy <- dataTableProxy('table')
observeEvent(input$select_all_current, {
# tableProxy %>% selectRows(1:nrow(input$table_rows_current))
# var$selected <- tableProxy %>% input$table_rows_current
# tableProxy <- #I want the table proxy to be whatever the current selection and filters are and the current page view to stay the same after selecting
# var$selected <- input$table_rows_current
selectRows(proxy = tableProxy,
selected = input$table_rows_current)
# Action button to add all rows in current view to previous selection
observeEvent(input$add_to_selection, {
selectRows(proxy = tableProxy,
selected = c(input$table_rows_selected, input$table_rows_current))
# Data table with filtering
output$table = DT::renderDT({
datatable(dat, filter = list(position = "top", clear = FALSE),
selection = list(target = 'row'),#, selected = var$selected),
options = list(
autowidth = TRUE,
pageLength = 2,
lengthMenu = c(2, 4)
# Reactive call that only renders images for selected rows
df <- reactive({
dat[input[["table_rows_selected"]], ]
# Front image output
output$img1 = renderUI({
imgfr <- lapply(df()$frontimage, function(file){
tags$img(src=file, width="100%", height="100%")
do.call(tagList, imgfr)
# ----APP----
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui, server)
This question is an extension of the question I posted: this question
I created a dataframe with 3 columns: num, id and val. I want my shiny app to do the following:
a dataframe dat is filtered by num column
select an value from id column from dat (selectInput).
add text comment in a text box (textInput)
click on an action button
A new column called comment is created in the data table, text comments are added to the comment column in the row where id equals the value selected.
The code is below. I cannot figure out why it's not working.
Thank a lot in advance!
dat = data.frame(num=rep(1:2, each=5), id=rep(LETTERS[1:5],2), val=rnorm(10))
ui = fluidPage(
column(12, selectInput('selectNum', label='Select Num',
choices=1:10, selected='')),
column(2, selectInput(inputId = 'selectID',
label = 'Select ID2',
choices = LETTERS[1:10],
column(6, textInput(inputId = 'comment',
label ='Please add comment in the text box:',
value = "", width = NULL,
placeholder = NULL)),
column(2, actionButton(inputId = "button",
label = "Add Comment"))
fluidRow (
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput('data') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## make df reactive
df = reactive ({ dat %>% filter(num %in% input$selectNum) })
df_current <- reactiveVal(df())
observeEvent(input$button, {
## update df by adding comments
df_new <- df_current()
df_new[df_current()$id %in% input$selectID, "Comment"] <- input$comment
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5))
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
Instead of using a reactive/eventReactive statement for df, it might be more natural to keep track of previously inputted comments in the Comment column using a reactiveVal object for df. See also the responses to this question: R Shiny: reactiveValues vs reactive. If you prefer to use a reactive/eventReactive statement for df it is probably better to work with a separate object to store previous input comments (instead of incorporating it into the reactive statement for df).
dat = data.frame(num=1:10, id=LETTERS[1:10], val=rnorm(10))
ui = fluidPage(
column(12, selectInput('selectNum', label='Select Num',
column(2, selectInput(inputId = 'selectID',
label = 'Select ID2',
choices = LETTERS[1:10],
column(6, textInput(inputId = 'comment',
label ='Please add comment in the text box:',
value = "", width = NULL,
placeholder = NULL)),
column(2, actionButton(inputId = "button",
label = "Add Comment"))
fluidRow (
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput('data') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## make df reactive
df_current <- reactiveVal(dat)
observeEvent(input$button, {
req(df_current(), input$selectID %in% dat$id)
## update df by adding comments
df_new <- df_current()
df_new[df_current()$id %in% input$selectID, "Comment"] <- input$comment
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
## filter df_current by 'selectNum'
df_filtered <- df_current()[df_current()$num %in% input$selectNum, ]
## show comments if non-empty
showComments <- is.null(df_filtered$Comment) || !all(is.na(df_filtered$Comment))
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5,
columnDefs = list(
list(targets = ncol(df_filtered), visible = showComments)
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
Edit: below an edited server function that using df_current <- reactive({...}) instead of df_current <- reactiveVal({...}) and defining a separate reactiveVal object to keep track of the comments.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## initialize separate reactive object for comments
df_comments <- reactiveVal({
id = character(0),
Comment = character(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## reactive object df
df_current <- reactive({
## reactivity that df depends on
## currently df = dat does not change
df <- dat
## merge with current comments
if(nrow(df_comments()) > 0)
df <- merge(df, df_comments(), by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$button, {
## update df_comments by adding comments
df_comments_new <- rbind(df_comments(),
data.frame(id = input$selectID, Comment = input$comment)
## if duplicated id's keep only most recent rows
df_comments_new <- df_comments_new[!duplicated(df_comments_new$id, fromLast = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
## filter df_current by 'selectNum'
df_filtered <- df_current()[df_current()$num %in% input$selectNum, ]
## show comments if non-empty
showComments <- is.null(df_filtered$Comment) || !all(is.na(df_filtered$Comment))
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5,
columnDefs = list(
list(targets = ncol(df_filtered), visible = showComments)
There you have got a working example.
I think the thing is that you are trying to update a value through an observeEvent which is not good according to the documentation. ?observeEvent
Use observeEvent whenever you want to perform an action in response to an event. (Note that "recalculate a value" does not generally count as performing an action–see eventReactive for that.)
dat = data.frame(num=1:10, id=LETTERS[1:10], val=rnorm(10))
ui = fluidPage(
column(12, selectInput('selectNum', label='Select Num',
choices=1:10, selected='')),
column(2, selectInput(inputId = 'selectID',
label = 'Select ID2',
choices = LETTERS[1:10],
column(6, textInput(inputId = 'comment',
label ='Please add comment in the text box:',
value = "", width = NULL,
placeholder = NULL)),
column(2, actionButton(inputId = "button",
label = "Add Comment"))
fluidRow (
column(12, DT::dataTableOutput('data') )
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## make df reactive
df_current = reactive({
df = dat %>% filter(num %in% input$selectNum)
if(input$button != 0) {
df[df$id %in% input$selectID, "Comment"] <- isolate(input$comment)
output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
options = list(orderClasses = TRUE,
lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20), pageLength = 5))
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
So you can either go with your reactive value or using eventReactive as stated in the doc.